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newbie27Flag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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xml split

Hello Folks,
I have set of records being returned as  Ajax response, I am unable to split it by records and display one after the other, it is currently getting displayed all in one line.
Can someone please help me here.
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ASP script

x = GetXML(rUrl)
            x = GetXML(rUrl)
                  parts = Split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", true), "|")
                  For each p in parts           
                   xmlAuthorName = "<a href='#'>" & XMLField(x, "fv_ctitle", False) & "</a><br>"
                   response.write xmlAuthorName                          
x = xml file below
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<search_terms>Robert B Miller</search_terms>
 contains (26846))]]></querystring>
<resultfields id="1">
&Q=(uk_dcode contains (26846))&ST_01=Robert B Miller&SF_01=CAUTHOR]]></titleurl>
<fv_author id="1">Robert B. Miller</fv_author>
<fv_author id="2">Gary A. Williams</fv_author><fv_barcode>9780446695909</fv_barcode>
<fv_contributor id="1">Robert B. Miller (author)</fv_contributor>
<fv_contributor id="2">Gary A. Williams (author)</fv_contributor><fv_ctitle>The 5 Paths to Persuasion
<fv_edition>New edition</fv_edition>
<fv_format_simple_code id="1">P</fv_format_simple_code>
<fv_format_simple_code id="2">BP</fv_format_simple_code><fv_imprint>Time Warner International</fv_imprint
<fv_page_size>229 x 152 x 18</fv_page_size>
<fv_sub_title>The Art of Selling Your Message</fv_sub_title>
<fv_uk_avail>Not available</fv_uk_avail>
<fv_uk_pubdate>25 Nov 2005</fv_uk_pubdate>
<fv_vx_first_name>Miller, Robert B.</fv_vx_first_name>
<resultfields id="2">
&Q=(uk_dcode contains (26846))&ST_01=Robert B Miller&SF_01=CAUTHOR]]></titleurl>
<fv_author id="1">Robert B. Miller</fv_author>
<fv_author id="2">Gary A. Williams</fv_author><fv_barcode>9780446532396</fv_barcode>
<fv_contributor id="1">Robert B. Miller (author)</fv_contributor>
<fv_contributor id="2">Gary A. Williams (author)</fv_contributor><fv_ctitle>The 5 Paths to Persuasion
<fv_edition>New title</fv_edition>
<fv_format_simple_code id="1">H</fv_format_simple_code>
<fv_format_simple_code id="2">BH</fv_format_simple_code><fv_imprint>Time Warner International</fv_imprint
<fv_page_size>229 x 152 x 24</fv_page_size>
<fv_sub_title>The Art of Selling Your Message</fv_sub_title>
<fv_uk_avail>Not available</fv_uk_avail>
<fv_uk_pubdate>01 Jul 2005</fv_uk_pubdate>
<fv_vx_first_name>Miller, Robert B.</fv_vx_first_name>

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I am getting results like this

The 5 Paths to PersuasionThe 5 Paths to Persuasion

it should rather be like this ... please help..

The 5 Paths to Persuasion
The 5 Paths to Persuasion
hello dosth,
thanks for your comment, I am already doing that in my XMLField function but unable to figure how to break it soon I process the first record .....

please can someone help?


Function XMLField(ByVal XMLText, FieldName, ire)
' 2007-02-07: Completely revamped and revised. Should work version!
Dim fieldlist, fl
Dim CurrentText, FieldData
	CurrentText = XMLText
	FieldName = Replace(FieldName, "\", "/")	'"
	fieldlist = Split(FieldName, "/")
	For each fl in fieldlist
		FieldData = ExtractXMLField(CurrentText, fl, ire)
		CurrentText = FieldData
' Tidy; but not always a good idea!
	If ire = False then
		FieldData = Replace(FieldData, "<![CDATA[", "")
		FieldData = Replace(FieldData, "]]>", "")
	End If
	XMLField = FieldData
End Function
Function ExtractXMLField(ByVal XMLText, ElementName, ire)
' 2007-02-07'
Dim StartPointer,FieldDelimiter,FieldName,StartTag,EndTag,pos1,pos2,FieldData
Dim tmpTags, tmpAttr, tmpData
	StartPointer = 1
	FieldDelimiter = chr(28)
	FieldName = ElementName
	If Instr(1, XMLText, "<" & FieldName & " ", 1) > 0 Then
		' you know the Element has an attribute
		StartTag = "<" & FieldName & " "
		EndTag = "</" & Replace(FieldName, " ", "") & ">"
		' This should find short version elements eg <br /> without breaking the rest of the script. Hah!!
		If instr(1, XMLText, EndTag, 1) < 1 Then
			EndTag = ">"
		End If
		StartTag = "<" & FieldName & ">"
		EndTag = "</" & FieldName & ">"
	End If
	'msg("Tags: [" & StartTag & "] [" & EndTag & "]")
	pos1 = 0
	Do While (pos1 < Len(XMLText))
		pos1 = instr(StartPointer, XMLText, StartTag, 1)
		if pos1 = 0 Then exit Do
		pos2 = instr(pos1, XMLText, EndTag, 1)
		if pos1 > 0 AND pos1 < pos2 then
			' what we normally expect
			tmpTags = Mid(XMLText, pos1, (pos2 + Len(EndTag)) - Pos1)
			if Right(StartTag, 1) = " " Then
			 tmpAttr = Mid(tmpTags, len(StartTag)+1, Instr(tmpTags, ">")-len(StartTag))
			 if Right(tmpAttr, 1) = ">" Then tmpAttr = Trim(Left(tmpAttr, Len(tmpAttr)-1))
			 if Right(tmpAttr, 1) = "/" Then tmpAttr = Trim(Left(tmpAttr, Len(tmpAttr)-1))
			 Attr = Attr &  tmpAttr & FieldDelimiter
			End If
			tmpData = Replace(tmpTags, StartTag & tmpAttr, "",1 ,-1, 1)
			tmpData = Replace(tmpData, EndTag, "", 1, -1, 1)
			if left(tmpData, 1) = ">" Then tmpData = Trim(Right(tmpData, Len(tmpData)-1))
			if Right(tmpData, 1) = "/" Then tmpData = Trim(Left(tmpData, Len(tmpData)-1))
			If ire = true then
				FieldData  = FieldData & tmpTags & FieldDelimiter
				FieldData  = FieldData & tmpData & FieldDelimiter
			End If
			StartPointer = pos2 + Len(EndTag)
		ElseIf pos1 <= 0 Or pos2 <= 0 Then
			' The value is either empty or meaningless
			Exit Do
		End if
	If Right(FieldData, 1) = FieldDelimiter Then FieldData = Left(FieldData, Len(FieldData)-1)
	If Right(Attr, 1) = FieldDelimiter Then Attr = Left(Attr, Len(Attr)-1)
	ExtractXMLField = FieldData
End Function

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See answer
x = <resultfields id="1">
&Q=(uk_dcode contains (26846))&ST_01=Robert B Miller&SF_01=CAUTHOR]]></titleurl>
</resultfields><resultfields id="2">
&Q=(uk_dcode contains (26846))&ST_01=Robert B Miller&SF_01=CAUTHOR]]></titleurl>

I am getting

p= 1 100 9780446695909  2 100 9780446532396

there is some white space between these 2 records

 x = GetXML(rUrl)
                  parts = Split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", true), "|")
                  For each p in parts          
                   k=split(XMLField(p, "resultfields", False), chr(28))  
  For each p in parts
                   xmlAuthorName = "<a href='#'>" & XMLField(x, "fv_ctitle", False) & "</a><br>"
                   response.write xmlAuthorName                          
please ignore the above, that has got posted accidentally...

there is some white space between these 2 records, i probably have to split it again by
split(XMLField(p, "resultfields", False), chr(28))  

can i use like this ?

 x = GetXML(rUrl)
                  parts = Split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", true), "|")
                  For each p in parts          
                   k=split(XMLField(p, "resultfields", False), chr(28))  ' can i use something like this here?
                  For each k in parts
                        xmlAuthorName = "<a href='#'>" & XMLField(x, "fv_ctitle", False) & "</a><br>"
                    response.write xmlAuthorName                          
this seems to have worked....
x = GetXML(rUrl)
                  'response.write(XMLField(x, "resultfields", true))
                  parts = Split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", true), "|")
                  parts = split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", False), chr(28))  ' can i use something like this here?
                  For each p in parts                           
                    response.write "p=" & p & "<br>"
                    xmlAuthorName = xmlAuthorName & "<a href='#'>" & XMLField(x, "fv_ctitle", False) & "</a>"
                  response.write xmlAuthorName
just try with trim

x = GetXML(rUrl)
                  parts = Split(trim(XMLField(x, "resultfields", true)), "|")
                  For each p in parts          
                   xmlAuthorName = "<a href='#'>" & XMLField(x, "fv_ctitle", False) & "</a><br>"
                   response.write xmlAuthorName                          
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hello neeraj,
thanks for your comment

could you please visit here
this still has not been resolved folks,

i am using

                  x = GetXML(rUrl)
                  parts = Split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", true), "|")
                  parts = split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", False), chr(28))  
                  For each p in parts                                          
                    xmlAuthorName = xmlAuthorName & "<a href=" & XMLField(x, "fv_barcode", False) & "&AUB=" & XMLField(x, "fv_vx_first_name", False) & ">" & XMLField(x, "fv_ctitle", False) & "</a>"
                  response.write xmlAuthorName
trim did not work either ...
because it has a space/or some character between the records which is why i was thinking to split by chr(28), it has worked in the past...

this is somehow working but very dirty way ...
can you please help me in cleaning the attached code a bit please...
			x = GetXML(rUrl)						
			parts = split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", False), chr(28))
			For each p in parts	 
			    st = split(XMLField(x, "fv_barcode", False),chr(28))
   		        nm = split(XMLField(x, "fv_vx_first_name", False),chr(28))
			    tit = split(XMLField(x, "fv_ctitle", False),chr(28))
				for each s in st
                    recId = s 				
				for each j in nm
                    recname = j 				
				for each t in tit
                    retitle = t 				
 				'response.write  "<a href=""" & s & 
                response.write  "<a href=""" & recId & "&AUB=" & recname & """>" & retitle & "</a><br>"			     

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I had to understand more about the XML functions I was using to make it right, I have learned it now and it was so simple in the first place really...
all sorted now...thanks for your help anyways !
  RemoteServer = ""
			rURL = RemoteServer & "/xmla/xml_results.asp?dbm=melia" & "&AUB=" & sName & "&"		
			x = GetXML(rUrl)			
			parts = split(XMLField(x, "resultfields", False), chr(28))			
			For each p in parts	 
 			 response.write "<a href=""" & XMLField(p, "fv_barcode", False) & "&AUB=" & XMLField(p, "fv_vx_first_name", False) & """>" & XMLField(p, "fv_ctitle", False) & "</a><br>"

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