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MS SQL 2005 :: WorkGroup connection

Dear Experts,

I am trying to publish my software on a customers network with a workgroup configuration.
Using Delphi 7 and SQL 2005.

I have set the SQL Server to Mixed Mode Authentication and have also change it to allow remote connection.

My application will not connect to the server unless I right click on it and select the "Run As" administrator options. Where is the problem? I have change settings on SQL but no success.
I am wondering if the security issues is not on Windows itself.

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SQL Server communicates on port 1433 through TCP/IP using sockets.  Check to see if the port is being blocked by a firewall or something similar.
Avatar of Salim Fayad
Try to create a Sql user and use it to connect to the Sql server. I guess it is a security problem.
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But I am using the sa user and it has all the rights and access to the db.
What else can I check for?

Ports is open and all firewalls been disabled, server & client.
I have couple of questions:
1. Are you impersonating your application to one user?
2. Are you using the "sa" user in your connection string to the database, or are you setting "SSPI = true"?
I am using the sa user in connection string.
Did originally tried Windows Authentication but when it failed I tried "sa" login.
I have create several "Logins" with full rights, did not work.
I have create several "Users" on the relevant db with full rights, did not work.

I have checked the port 1433 is open.
I can connect with SQL Studio Express from the Client to Server with both options:
1. WIndows Authentication
2. Mixed Mode, using any of all the different users and logins I've created.

But interesting, given all the above. I can not connect with telnet to the server on port 1433 but I then used Arez Port Scanner software and it only reported 1 port as closed, port 192.

How can this possible be right?

Can someone please give me the connection string using the following values:
ServerName = "nvsp"
UserID = "sa"
Password = "12345"

as I am thinking that I am going mad and maybe have the connection string totally wrong.
NB: I won't use Windows Authentication.

Pleeeeeeeeassssse Help. :)
 I think the server name is your issue.  If they are not on your domain then they will not get DNS lookup for a server name.  You may need to set up a VPN as this would make them part of your network then, instead using the IP address of your server instad of it's name (removing the need for DNS).  A good test for this is to see if you can ping your database server by name or IP address.
Here is the connection string: (where is your DB?)
Data Source=nvsp; Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;uid=sa;pwd=12345;

Open in new window

My database is on the server, NVSP.
BTW: It is on a workgroup not domain.
But with SQL Management Studio Express I can connect to server db from client using Windows or Mixed mode. Why can;t my application do that?
I need to know the following:
- Server Name
- Connection String
Server Name: NVSP
Database Name: NVS

ConnectionString :=

Persist Security Info=True;
User ID=sa;
Initial Catalog=NvS;
Data Source=NVSP
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Salim Fayad
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I have tried that as well, except for the "SQLOLEDB".
Only used "SQLOLEDB.1".

What is the difference?