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I have just loaded UBUNTU OS and I cannot get firefox to browse

I have loaded UBUNTU onto a PC. I am not in any way familar with linux. The OS is using firefow as a browser. I have attached the PC to a router which is running DCHP. The network within UBUNTU is picking up a correct IP address and dns. The router has an ip of, the PC has ip of with subnet
I can ping any url eg, or etc. I cannot browse to or any other url. I can however go to google home page by entering its ip address ( or, but cannot browse to using or any variation of Also if i search google for bbc it displays the search results but wont let me browse to these. This is true for all sites I have tried.
Avatar of noci

From your description i gather that your name resolution is not working.

You might need to setup your modem as a DNS client correctly or you still need to add the DNS to your ubuntu config.

The first depends on your modems configuration options & capabilities. (I assume that if it is setup correctly it will transport the data throught DHCP.)

If the data is not setup by DHCP, then you can configure the setup yourself:

1) Use the modem as DNS server ...

edit /etc/resolv.conf to contain:
domain yourprivate.domain       # or local

2) Setup the DNS
domain yourprivate.domain       # or local
search <dns.server1.addr.ess>
search <dns.server2.addr.ess>

Where <dns.serverX.addr.ess> is replaced with the IP address that your
provider issued.

If this doesn't work out, please provide the original content of these files.

You can check the workings of DNS resolution through the 'dig' tool.

dig          - should provide the dns answer & query data.
dig -x - should provide the backward translation.
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Hi Noci

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question. I have tried to take your advice - however the text editor tells me I do not have write permissions to alter the resolve.conf file. I have tried to change these permissions however the owner is set to 'root'. I have tried logging in as 'root' but dont know the UBUNTU default password for root.
Any ideas?
Just use the sudo command and your own password ie sudo gedit, when it asks for a password put in your own. Thats the way it works for root access in ubuntu.
Hi All,

The sudo command did the trick. However still cant browse. Will take me to using the ip but not the name. No other web site available by name. I can browse to the router address for maintnenance.

Contents of resolve.conf is:-
domain mccnet
search (these are ip of my ISP dns servers)
nameserver (my router IP)

The original contents of this file were as above but without the 'search' lines
I have attached the results of the dig command below.
Please note the name is: resolv.conf
NOT resolve.conf (it's a leftover from the time when names had to be short....)

Sorry, just a typo

Now that you have resolv.conf set up correctly - try running the dig tool again.


any luck?
Hi All,
see attached file of dig results. Also content of resolv.conf. (Both attached files are txt files showing contents). I can receive e-mail, but not sednd, I can ping but not browse, i can ping, but not browse, I can browse to googles ip adress and even search on it, but not browse to any resulting sites. I can use firefox to browse to my router and make changes to it. By the way the router also acts as my router on a separate windows sbs network and is fine.

Ok, so the dig command makes it look like DNS is working properly.

In Firefox 3 that's:

Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Network>Settings>Auto-detect Network Settings.

Let me know if you can't find the same settings in your version.
hi andylockran
It appears I have V1.5.0.5 of firefox.
Under edit - preferences-general-connection settings,
I have the following choices -
direct internet connection
auto-detect proxy settings for this network,
manual proxy settings.
I have tried the 1st two with no luck.
Which version of ubuntu are you running?  It would appear that you are quite far behind if you're still on version 1 (as version 3.0beta is the current version).

Perhaps it'd be better if you'd upgrade the whole system  - that may go some way to resolving your problem.

If you want help on doing this, feel free to contact me directly.
Hi andylockran

I'm using version 6.06lts which I downloaded about a week ago. should I look for a more recent version and if so what version number.

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Ok. I'm downloading V8.04 as we speak. How do I contact you again?. You get the points by way.
I'll close this when I get your contact info.

Willy McCourt.

I'll get back to you