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Avatar of MIchael Kinnear
MIchael KinnearFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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XP Service Pack 3 Upgrade Printer Issues

I have recently upgraded approximately 60 PC's from XP SP2 to Service Pack 3.  I had previously (approx 2 weeks ago) run the update on 3 or 4 PC's to ensure nothing impacted on our software.  What I have found since the upgrade is that (primarily with HP Printers but on closer examination not uniquely) printing has become very slow and trying to get into the printer properties even slower.  I am about to try re-installing the printer drivers on a couple of PCs, but wondered if anyone else had encountered this problem.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Kinnear
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Thanks.  As it transpired, the problem only occurred on PC's with a listing to an old network printer that doesn't exist any more. Thanks for your assitance.