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ilrosebud26Flag for United States of America

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Copy range of cells from one workbook to newly created workbook based on selection criterion

I have a spreadsheet with values that I need to copy to another based on a set of rules.  I started a macro but cannot figure out how to tell it to run for the number of rows in the spreadsheet. The only thing I do know is that somewhere in the loop I need to tell it the last row.  I have attached my spreadsheet and code for review.  Any help would be appreciated.
Sub CreateFile()
    Dim statuswb As Workbook
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim NS As Integer
    Dim LastRow As Integer
    I = 2 'Beginning point of the loop
    NS = 1 'Beginning point of load file for status
    LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Set statuswb = Workbooks.Add
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\my documents\Status" & CStr(Format(Now, "MMDDYYHHm")) & ".xls"
    Do While Cells(I, 10).Value <> "Y" And Cells(I, 11) <> "Not in System"
       If Cells(I, 1) = "Modify Status" Then
       Cells(I, 12).Select
       Cells(NS, 1).Select
       Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
       Cells(I, 10).Select
       ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Y"
       End If
    I = I + 1
    NS = NS + 1
End Sub

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The simplest way to end it is to test for a known value that will never happen for a data row.  For example, if you know all the rows in the sheet in a specific column has to contain data, you can check for no data, and then exit your loop.  If you might have empty cells in that column of data, you could check for a keyword like "end" that you enter into the test cell after the last row of data.

Here, I'm testing for the first column of a row to not be "end".  If it is, exit the loop.  Otherwise, test every row in the sheet for the two conditions to be met for processing.  I'm assuming you manually type in the word end into the last row's first cell.

    Do While lcase(Cells(I, 1)) <> "end"
    if Cells(I, 10).Value <> "Y" And Cells(I, 11) <> "Not in System"
       If Cells(I, 1) = "Modify Status" Then
       Cells(I, 12).Select
       Cells(NS, 1).Select
       Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
       Cells(I, 10).Select
       ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Y"
       End If
    I = I + 1
    NS = NS + 1
End Sub
In my opinion, the best way to process data tables like this is to use Excel's built-in function to return the last cell that contains data, as attached.
Sub CreateFile()
    Dim statuswb As Workbook
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim NS As Integer
    Dim LastRow As Integer
    I = 2 'Beginning point of the loop
    NS = 1 'Beginning point of load file for status
    LastRow = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
    Set statuswb = Workbooks.Add
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\my documents\Status" & CStr(Format(Now, "MMDDYYHHm")) & ".xls"
    Do While I <= LastRow
       If Cells(I, 1) = "Modify Status" Then
       Cells(I, 12).Copy
       Cells(NS, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
       Cells(I, 10).FormulaR1C1 = "Y"
       End If
      I = I + 1
      NS = NS + 1
End Sub

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You can also speed the routine up considerably if instead of activating each worksheet as you copy and paste, you set up variables and reference them directly.  You may not notice a huge speed increase on the small table you have in your spreadsheet, but on a large table there will be a huge difference.
Sub CreateFile()
    Dim statuswb As Workbook
    Dim createFileDevwb As Workbook
    Dim createFileDevWS As Worksheet
    Dim statusWS As Worksheet
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim NS As Integer
    Dim LastRow As Integer
    I = 2 'Beginning point of the loop
    NS = 1 'Beginning point of load file for status
    LastRow = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
    Set createFileDevwb = ActiveWorkbook ' Obtain a reference to this workbook (assumed active at macro start)
    Set createFileDevWS = ActiveSheet
    Set statuswb = Workbooks.Add
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\my documents\Status" & CStr(Format(Now, "MMDDYYHHm")) & ".xls"
    Set statusWS = ActiveSheet
   Do While I <= LastRow
      If createFileDevWS.Cells(I, 1) = "Modify Status" Then
         statusWS.Cells(NS, 1).Value = createFileDevWS.Cells(I, 12).Value
         createFileDevWS.Cells(I, 10).FormulaR1C1 = "Y"
      End If
      I = I + 1
      NS = NS + 1
End Sub

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    Thanks for you quick reply.  I will be able to try this out in the morning.  I had to change gears for the rest of the day.

   This worked great!  I just had the user through in another change.  On the copy paste comand they want to copy the values in columns L(12) and M(13) to columns A(1) and B(2) on the vewly created workbook.  Can you help me with that?  I have increased the point value to reflect the additional question.

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You have been a great help with this.  Thanks for your patience with a beginner!
After executing I realized that the new created sheet is not starting records in cell A1.  Why?  If I need to open an additional question....just let me know.

It will copy the data to the same row in the new sheet i.e. if the data is in row 3 on the source sheet, it will be in row 3 of the target sheet.  Also, if there is a gap (e.g. one line does not have a modify status set), then there will also be a gap on the results.

This can be amended, but probably does warrant another question.  Try and be as specific as you can about how you want the output presented.
I hope this is not out of protocol here, but I'll throw you the answer anyway.

First, remove this line.  It's not used.

Set statuswb = Workbooks.Add

Second, to do what you want, move the line
      NS = NS + 1
into the if statement.

That'll only increment the row count as it copies the row into the new workbook.
My last line wasn't clear.  Here's what the loop should look like:

   Do While I <= LastRow
      If createFileDevWS.Cells(I, 1) = "Modify Status" Then
         statusWS.Cells(NS, 1).Value = createFileDevWS.Cells(I, 12).Value
         statusWS.Cells(NS, 2).Value = createFileDevWS.Cells(I, 13).Value
         createFileDevWS.Cells(I, 10).FormulaR1C1 = "Y"
         NS = NS + 1
      End If
      I = I + 1
The line:
Set statuswb = Workbooks.Add
IS used, it's just the variable that isn't.  The line shouldn't be removed.  It could be changed to:
However, leaving it as it is means that there is a reference to the workbook in case it is needed for future modifications.
You're right purple.  I'm helping someone else with the same issue but working in the same workbook, so I got confused.
I want to thank everyone for there help.  This works now.  I will try to be clearer on what I need.