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Avatar of millerthegorilla

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How do I write a regular expression to trim a complex path name

I have a string with a path name eg. 'c:\microsoft\windows\shared'.  I want to pass this string to a reg exp and get the string 'c:\microsoft\windows' back from it.  How do I do this?

I got a good answer for this already.  However the regexp that I was given doesn't work on the type of path that name that I'm using.  The answer I got was :
            String sourcestring = @"c:\microsoft\windows\shared";
          String matchpattern = @"(.*)\\.*";
          String replacementpattern = @"$1";
          string bob = Regex.Replace(sourcestring, matchpattern, replacementpattern);
which does in fact return c:\microsoft\windows to bob.
however, the path I'm using is something like the following:  c:\.....\siteview\
I need to trim the final folder of the path using a reg exp.
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Please show what result you want and what result you get from the provided code.  Thanks.
Avatar of millerthegorilla


I want back 'c:\....\siteview'

the provide code just returns the same string.
Show the C# code you are using with your source string included so that I can test here.  In  the truncated example I don't see the issue:

Raw Match Pattern:
Raw Replace Pattern:
C#.NET Code Example:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace myapp
  class Class1
      static void Main(string[] args)
          String sourcestring = "source string to match with pattern";
          String matchpattern = @"(.*)\\.*";
          String replacementpattern = @"$1";
          Console.WriteLine( Regex.Replace(sourcestring,matchpattern,replacementpattern));
$sourcestring after replacement:

Open in new window

here you go.  the variable location contains:

imageName is 'image1' etc
        private string getImageLocation(string imageName)
            String matchpattern = @"(.*)\\.*";
            String replacementpattern = @"$1";
            string directory = @"images/";
            string rval = Regex.Replace(location, matchpattern, replacementpattern) + directory + imageName;
            return rval;

Open in new window

If the source contains a trailing slash such as:

Please show what you want as the result text.
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