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Find space in SQL String and Change to Proper case
Hi Experts
I have a SQL table which contains all Upper Case data. I moving it from this table to another table where the Data is Proper case ( from PAUL to Paul ) I am not having any problem with the data when the field only contains one word but when it has two words such as City: NEW YORK I need to find the space with a substring or something to chang it from NEW YORK to New York. Does anyone have sample SQL code for this? Thanks
I have a SQL table which contains all Upper Case data. I moving it from this table to another table where the Data is Proper case ( from PAUL to Paul ) I am not having any problem with the data when the field only contains one word but when it has two words such as City: NEW YORK I need to find the space with a substring or something to chang it from NEW YORK to New York. Does anyone have sample SQL code for this? Thanks
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Can I get the points then? :o)
Sorry I thouht I had awarded the points