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Calling Livecycle ES with mx.rpc.soap.WebService using ActionScript

I have Livecycle ES installed on an application server (not the machine I'm calling from).  I have Flex 3 installed on my machine.  I'm coding up a custom-built Form Guide.  I'm trying to call a process on the Livecycle ES machine with mx.rpc.soap.WebService using ActionScript.  I was able to get it working with just one parameter, but now that I have many parameters it's puking on me.  I have tested the process by invoking from Workspace and it behaves as expected.  When I try it from the formguide/Flex AS I get an IO error.  Here's the pertinent code snippet:

      import mx.controls.Alert;
      import mx.rpc.soap.LoadEvent;
      import mx.rpc.soap.Operation;
      import mx.rpc.soap.WebService;
      import xfamx.scripting.Xfa;
      import xfamx.utils.XMLUtils;
      private var stateService:WebService;
      private var _webServiceLoaded:Boolean = false; // flag noting when wsdl has been loaded
      private function initWebService():void {
            if (!stateService) {
                  stateService = new WebService();
                  stateService.wsdl = ""; // replace this url
                  stateService.addEventListener(LoadEvent.LOAD, load_listener);
                  stateService.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, fault_listener);
        'Initializing WSDL', 'Message');
      private function saveState():void {
            initWebService(); // init webservice
            if (_webServiceLoaded) { // is wsdl is loaded
                  //stateService.setRemoteCredentials("user", "password"); -- This doesn't seem to work anyway.
                  var xmlModel:XML = new XML(Xfa.instance.datasets.saveXML());
        'State Sent!', 'Message');  // Comment this out later.
            } else { // else
                  callLater(saveState); // wait a frame and try again
      public function fault_listener(event:FaultEvent):void {
, 'Message');
, 'Root Cause toString');
, 'fault toString');
      public function load_listener(event:LoadEvent):void {
            _webServiceLoaded = true; // mark wsdl as loaded so we know we can use the web service
  'Initialized', 'Message');

Generates the following error:

Fault toString:
[RPC Fault faultString="HTTP request error" faultCode="Server.Error.Request" faultDetail="Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"]. URL:"]

Root Cause toString:
[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"]

When I watch the transaction with Wireshark (PKA ethereal) I see the data send up base64 encoded, and then a 500 error coming back from the server.  So, I assume that I'm not sending the parameters correctly.  But I can't find anything about the correct formatting for sending multiple parameters to a LC ES Process using Flex 2 and ActionScript.  I don't want the mxml equivalent, I want the actionscript method.

I've already read the Adobe docs:  to no avail.

If there is a Flex expert out there, please help.  TYIA
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Gary Benade
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Does it work if you if you test by sending a blank string in place of

Also, have a quick read through the comments here:
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It is expecting an xml object so sending a string actually doesn't work.  I have read and re-read that post and the comments on it prior to posting this question.  Any other ideas?
Sending a string is just a way to narrow down the problem to the xml. SOAP sends data as XML so I'm wondering if the problem is caused by having another xml structure embedded. If it is the xml breaking things you could try JSON encoding it first and then decoding serverside, or perhaps simply urlEncoding it would work.
JSON is native in php and an actionscript lib can be found here
"When I watch the transaction with Wireshark (PKA ethereal) I see the data send up base64 encoded, and then a 500 error coming back from the server."

When flex makes the call it's taking the entire contents of the SOAP envelope and Base-64 encoding them for transmission to avoid any issues.  I know for sure that xml is not the issue as my original service, which worked great receives one input parameter - XML.  Now that I've added parameters beyond XML that's where I run into issues.

Thanks for taking the time to help me try and figure this one out.  Any other thoughts?
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