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Gridview Hyperlink value. Need to pass to another page but not using QueryString.

On btnSearch_Click event I bind the gridview. First column "Name" is the hyperlink and the second column "UserID" value I need to pass to another page but NOT using Request.QueryString.
Here is the visual of bind datagrid:
Full Name........................User ID....................Header title.................
Joe, Doe ........................123456...................other cell values ..........
Jane, Doe........................78910.....................other cell values..........

The grid might contain a single row or hundreds of rows.
Based on the code below I'm getting hyperlink href="nextpage.aspx?id=y&userid=12345" and so on. However, I need the following:
a. Hide the userid value so the user just sees "nextpage.aspx?id=y"
b. Pass userid value to the next page when user clicks on the link.

Should I use session variable,  hidden fields or what? But how? Example please.
<asp:gridview ID="gvGetUser" AutoGenerateColumns="false"..../>
<asp:hyperlinkfield DataTextField="Name" HeaderText="Full Name" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="left" ControlStyle-CssClass="lnk" 
 DataNavigateUrlFields="UserID" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="nextpage.aspx?id=y&userid={0}"  />
<asp:boundfield DataField="UserID" HeaderText="User ID" />

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Avatar of ajitha75
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When you say you want to hide the user id, do you mean the user should never be able to find out the user id value in second page.  if that is the case, you should not use hidden variable. you can go for session values.
or you should encrypt the url and decrypt it in the next page.
Avatar of vbnetdev


Yes, the user should NOT see the user id when mouse over the link (1st page) along with when the next page loads. And if using session variable, how would I set an individual user id into session or encrypt the value if datagrid might contrain more then 1 row. The user would click only one (user id) at the time and I need an example how to set the value into session since I don't know which link the user clicks. This userid value I need to pass to the next page and run another stored procedure as a passed parameter.

Hope it's clear.
Maybe i should set a button with CommandName="Select" first. That way I will know which row the user selected. Then when the row is selected, grab "UserID" value, set into session variable and redirect to the next page.

Anybody else? Surprised just 1 person responded.
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Thanks but it complained about (Containter.DataItem, "userid") under CommandArgument.

I decided to give a different approach.
User clicks search button to get the grid fill with hyperlink as one of the columns.

a. On button_Click event I create a hashtable, bind the grid and add hastable into Session variable.
b. Under _RowDataBound grid event I create a NewGuid, add NewGuid  as a key with "userid" value.
c. Then  programmatically create a hyperlink with .NavigateUrl set to "nextpage.aspx?guid=" + guid.toString
d. I keep UI hyperlink column just with DataTextField, HeaderText and  ControlStyle-CssClass
e. Nextpage.aspx page will read Session varialble and grabs assigned UserID value based on matched guid received through QueryString.