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Visual Interdev does not Start

Operating System  MS W2k3.
Whenever i click on  Microsoft Visual Interdev Link in Startmenu, the splash screen comes and disapears without any error message and Interdev does not start.

I have tried reinstalling it with many combinations but with no success.

I am unable to proceed with my work
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The main reason may be all required fiels are not installed properly..

You can do one thing, Check in system log for the error which is getting while opening Visual Interdev

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Errorlog states only
devenv.exe fails to load memory address ...........
i tried uninstalling visual studio.
physically removing from Program files directory and removing from registry where ever visual studio was found. Still upon reloading the same error.

Front page extentions 2002 are loaded, I reinstalled IIS also.
Still no solution
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