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HueydudeFlag for Germany

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Help with programming project

I am writing a project for school and am at an impasse. I can't seem to get the data from my input file into my array. My values seem to be returning the default values only.

The problem is as follows

# Write a class Name that stores a person's first, middle, and last names and provides the following methods:

    * public Name(String first, String middle, String last) -- constructor. The name should be stored in the case given; don't convert to all upper or lower case.
    * public String getFirst() -- returns the first name
    * public String getMiddle() -- returns the middle name
    * public String getLast() -- returns the last name
    * public String firstMiddleLast() -- returns a string containing the person's full name in order, e.g., "Mary Jane Smith".
    * public String lastFirstMiddle() -- returns a string containing the person's full name with the last name first followed by a comma, e.g., "Smith, Mary Jane".
    * public String initials() -- returns the person's initials (a 3-character string). The initials should be all in upper case, regardless of what case the name was entered in. (Hint: Instead of using charAt, use the substring method of String to get a string containing only the first letter -- then you can upcase this one-letter string. See  in the text for a description of the substring method.)

# Now write a program that reads in ten names from an input file (you'll need first, middle, and last for each), creates a Name object for each, and uses the methods of the Name class to do the following:

    * displays the person's full name and initials on the screen(a 3-character string). The initials should be all in upper case, regardless of what case the name was entered.  For example:

      Mary Jane Smith MJS
      john donald doe JDD

    * writes the last-first-middle version (e.g., "Smith, Mary Jane"  )of each name in the input file to an output file.

I am not too concerned about the writing to a file yet. I can figure that out I think. My biggest problem is trying to find out why my input does not go into the array (or if it is why I can't access it)

public class Name
      private String first;//First name
      private String middle;//Middle name
      private String last;//Last name
      private String initials;//Three character initials                   
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
   //   Default constructor - to initialize the variables
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
         first = "Tom";
         middle = "Jim";
         last = "Bob";             
         initials = "jjb";
      private String newFirst , newMiddle, newLast ; // Name parts
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
   // Another constructor - with three parameters - if you know the first and middle and last name
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
       Name(String first, String middle, String last){
         first = newFirst;
         middle = newMiddle;
         last = newLast;   
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
   //   Accessor methods
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
       public String getFirst(){
         return first;
       public String getMiddle(){
         return middle;
       public String getLast(){
         return last;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
   //   Mutator methods
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
       public void setFirst(String newFirst){
         first = newFirst;
       public void setMiddle(String newMiddle){
         middle = newMiddle;
       public void setLast(String newLast){
         last = newLast;
       public String firstMiddleLast(){
         return first + " " + middle + " " + last;
   // ---------------------------------------------------------
   // Return the Initials
   // ---------------------------------------------------------
       public String initials(){
         return first.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+
   }// End Class
import java.util.Arrays;                
    public class TestName{
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
       public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      // Create a File instance file = new"names.txt");
        // Name[]nameArray;
       //  nameArray = createNameArray();
        //Print Name Array
       //  printNameArray(nameArray);
      // Create a Scanner for the file
         java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(file);
      // Read data from a file
         while (input.hasNext()) {
            String first =;
            String middle =;
            String last =;
            nameArray = createNameArray();
          //System.out.println(first + " " + middle + " " + last + " " + "nameArray[i].initials()");
      // Close the file
      public static Name[] createNameArray() {
         Name[]nameArray = new Name[10];//create an object
         int j = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < nameArray.length; i++, j++) {
            nameArray[j] = new Name();
         return nameArray; //Return Name Array
       public static void printNameArray
       (Name[] nameArray){
         int j = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < nameArray.length; i++, j++) {
           //nameArray = java.util.Arrays.toString(nameArray[j]);
            System.out.println(nameArray[j] + nameArray[j].initials());
           //  System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(nameArray[j]));

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1. You should not create nameArray inside while loop
2. after you read one name from file you should create Name object store it in nameArray an corresponding index -> you need some counter variable in while loop
You can't create your array within the loop.  And since the length of the array in unknown, a Vector would be better.  Here I have rewritten  the main method and a new method called printNameVector().
No more need for the createArray method.  Remeber that when readong the Name objects from the Vector they will have to be cast to Name.  I.E.
Name nameObject = (Name)nameVector.get(index);

Let me know if you don't understand
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create a File instance file = new"names.txt");
    java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(file);
    java.util.Vector nameVector;
      // Read data from a file
    while (input.hasNext()) {
        String first =;
        String middle =;
        String last =;
        Name name = new Name(first, middle, last);
    // Close the file
public static void printNameVector(Name[] nameVector) {
    Name name;
    String first;
    String middle;
    String last;
    for (int i = 0; i < nameVector.size; i++) {
        name = (Name)nameVector.get(i);
        first = name.getFirst();
        middle = name.getMiddle();
        last = name.getLast();
        System.out.println(first + " " + middle + "  " + last + "\n");

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oh... and this is in the wrong zone... that's not javascript :)
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Thanks for the response. I had the "create Array" outside the loop but it wasn't doing any better. The whole vector thing is beyond my level. I appreciate it but it's too advanced for what I am doing. I need to keep this at the array level. The length of the Array would be 10 as there are ten names in the input text.

Even when I had the Create Array outside the loop I couldn't seem to get the information into the array.
The create arrays are in the original file but commented out. Putting it back just gives me the same result

Name@3e25a5 hi TJB
Name@19821f hi TJB
Name@addbf1 hi TJB
Name@42e816 hi TJB
Name@9304b1 hi TJB
Name@190d11 hi TJB
Name@a90653 hi TJB
Name@de6ced hi TJB
Name@c17164 hi TJB
Name@1fb8ee3 hi TJB

This looks like it points to the location, not the name and the initials are from the constructor. I put the "hi" in there just to ensure I knew what was printing.
>>I need to keep this at the array level

Because that is the homework requirement, eh?
Ok... fair enough.  I rewrote it using arrays

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create a File instance file = new"names.txt");
    java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(file);
    Name[] nameArray = new nameArray[10];
      // Read data from a file
    int index = 0;
    while (input.hasNext()) {
        String first =;
        String middle =;
        String last =;
        Name name = new Name(first, middle, last);
        nameArray[index++] = name;
    // Close the file
public static void printNameArray(Name[] nameArray) {
    Name name;
    String first;
    String middle;
    String last;
    for (int i = 0; i < nameArray.length; i++) {
        name = nameArray[i];
        first = name.getFirst();
        middle = name.getMiddle();
        last = name.getLast();
        System.out.println(last + ", " + first + "  " + middle + "\n");

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Thanks for the help. I am getting closer but no cigar.
I am getting an error on the following line
 Name[] nameArray = new nameArray[10];   ----  ( cannot find symbol on "nameArrayl")

I changed it to Name[] nameArray = new Name[10]; and it would compile but the output was all null. I couldn't get it to change to anything else (that I could think of) that would compile.
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Thanks very much. I appreciate the help. I am still learning here and while I have some work to do to finish this project you have set me back on course. Thanks again!!!