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Looking for Ajax "Attach a file" / "Upload a file" Code to be used as part of contact form
So basically, instead of seeing the traditional field and the browse files button, you will only see
Attach a File: add file
And if you click on "add file" it allows you to pick a desktop file the usual way and the name of the file will appear and the page will show like this (without page refresh):
Attach a File: filename.doc | remove |
Attach a File: add file
just trying to avoid the usual boring browse file button and the text field to the left.
Attach a File: add file
And if you click on "add file" it allows you to pick a desktop file the usual way and the name of the file will appear and the page will show like this (without page refresh):
Attach a File: filename.doc | remove |
Attach a File: add file
just trying to avoid the usual boring browse file button and the text field to the left.
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Thanks for the points but don't forget to thank Harald(digitarald) for the great script