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Grant_OlieFlag for South Africa

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Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8.0 Error Ocurred During Current Opertaion - Two Errors

I have deleted the deleted the aviplug.dll and the error continues.  Is this a Vista problem, I have downloaded and installed the lastest version of Saony Vegas Movie Studio 8.0 which is Vista compliant.  Please give me a solution?
Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8.0
Version 8.0c (Build 142)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x0 IP:0x33BB6C93
In Module 'mcplug.dll' at Address 0x33BB0000 + 0x6C93
Thread: GUI ID=0xC78 Stack=0x12D000-0x130000
 EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=33bb6c93 EFLGS=00210246
 EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=0012d7dc EBP=00000000
 ECX=00000001 DS=0023 ESI=0012d838 FS=003b
 EDX=00000000 ES=0023 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
 33BB6C93: 8B 03 8B 40 6C 8D 4E 04 ...@l.N.
 33BB6C9B: 51 8B 4E FC 52 51 8B 4E Q.N.RQ.N
Stack Dump:
 0012D7DC: 00000000 
 0012D7E0: 0DC30E10  0D720000 + 510E10 
 0012D7E4: 00000003 
 0012D7E8: 58469370  575E0000 + E89370 
 0012D7EC: 00000000 
 0012D7F0: 00000002 
 0012D7F4: 00730E8B  00400000 + 330E8B (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
 0012D7F8: 0DC1CE38  0D720000 + 4FCE38 
 0012D7FC: 0012D824  00030000 + FD824 
 0012D800: 00000000 
 0012D804: 00000001 
 0012D808: 00000000 
 0012D80C: 0DC30E10  0D720000 + 510E10 
 0012D810: 00000000 
 0012D814: 00000000 
 0012D818: 00000000 
> 0012D868: 75CA51BA  75C40000 + 651BA (USER32.dll)
> 0012D874: 75C5F7AB  75C40000 + 1F7AB (USER32.dll)
> 0012D878: 75C70CCF  75C40000 + 30CCF (USER32.dll)
> 0012D880: 004237E0  00400000 + 237E0 (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
  0012D884: 000404F4  00030000 + 104F4 
  0012D888: 00000021 
  0012D88C: 000504EC  00030000 + 204EC 
  0012D890: 02010001  01FA0000 + 70001 
> 0012D8E0: 33BB6BCC  33BB0000 + 6BCC (mcplug.dll)
> 0012D8E8: 007320FC  00400000 + 3320FC (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
  0012D8EC: 0DC1CE38  0D720000 + 4FCE38 
> 0012D8F0: 0073211B  00400000 + 33211B (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
  0012D8F4: 0DC30E10  0D720000 + 510E10 
  0012D8F8: 00000001 
  0012D8FC: 0DC31068  0D720000 + 511068 
> 0012D900: 75C604B4  75C40000 + 204B4 (USER32.dll)
> 0012D908: 004237E0  00400000 + 237E0 (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
  0012D90C: 000504EC  00030000 + 204EC 
  0012D910: 00000000 
  0012D914: 00000000 
  0012D918: 00000002 
> 0012D91C: 75CA9B20  75C40000 + 69B20 (USER32.dll)
> 0012D920: 75C5F7AB  75C40000 + 1F7AB (USER32.dll)
> 0012D928: 771D5B87  77170000 + 65B87 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012D92C: 77269741  77170000 + F9741 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012D940: 771D9C05  77170000 + 69C05 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012D95C: 771D8FB2  77170000 + 68FB2 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012D960: 771DA28A  77170000 + 6A28A (ntdll.dll)
> 0012D964: 77269721  77170000 + F9721 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012D988: 00580056  00400000 + 180056 (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
- - -
 0012FFF0: 00000000 
 0012FFF4: 0093A2EB  00400000 + 53A2EB (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
 0012FFF8: 7FFD7000  7FFD7000 + 0 
 0012FFFC: 00000000 
Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8.0
Version 8.0c (Build 142)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x1FEA7 IP:0x1FEA7
Thread: GUI ID=0xC78 Stack=0x122000-0x130000
 EAX=0d82ea00 CS=001b EIP=0001fea7 EFLGS=00210206
 EBX=138893f0 SS=0023 ESP=00122df4 EBP=00000000
 ECX=73b2ffff DS=0023 ESI=138893f0 FS=003b
 EDX=0001fea7 ES=0023 EDI=11297ce0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
 0001FEA7: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
 0001FEAF: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
Stack Dump:
 00122DF4: 00454DCD  00400000 + 54DCD (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
 00122DF8: 0D82EA00  0D720000 + 10EA00 
 00122DFC: 5846FE40  575E0000 + E8FE40 
 00122E00: 006E3162  00400000 + 2E3162 (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
 00122E04: 138893F0  13090000 + 7F93F0 
 00122E08: 138893F0  13090000 + 7F93F0 
 00122E0C: 5846FE40  575E0000 + E8FE40 
 00122E10: 00000000 
 00122E14: 00000000 
 00122E18: 0D88D008  0D720000 + 16D008 
 00122E1C: 000002D0 
 00122E20: 00000240 
 00122E24: 00300032  00290000 + 70032 
 00122E28: 00370030  00370000 + 30 
 00122E2C: 00360030  00360000 + 30 
 00122E30: 00340032  00290000 + B0032 
> 00122E40: 006D0000  00400000 + 2D0000 (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
> 00122E44: 00670070  00400000 + 270070 (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
  00122E48: 00000000 
  00122E4C: 00000000 
  00122E50: 00000000 
  00122E54: 00000000 
> 00123030: 0044753D  00400000 + 4753D (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
  00123034: 5846FE40  575E0000 + E8FE40 
  00123038: 0D828468  0D720000 + 108468 
  0012303C: 0D88D008  0D720000 + 16D008 
  00123040: 0D88D71C  0D720000 + 16D71C 
> 00123060: 0044AF16  00400000 + 4AF16 (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
- - -
 0012FFF0: 00000000 
 0012FFF4: 0093A2EB  00400000 + 53A2EB (VegasMovieStudio80.exe)
 0012FFF8: 7FFD7000  7FFD7000 + 0 
 0012FFFC: 00000000

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