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Spry text field validation - alphanumeric characters only with no set length
I have a 'job name' text field on a form which I need to ensure doesn't have any special characters in it. So I have the following code which accepts case insensitive alphanumeric characters. I have a whole bunch of different spry elements in the page and the code below works as it should. What I couldnt find on the documentation page ( was how to enable it to have any number of characters but still validate. For example the code below requires 3 characters exactly to validate. I want to have it so that 3 characters is the minimum but they can enter up to 255 characters. Additionally they should be able to enter a space.
I have a 'job name' text field on a form which I need to ensure doesn't have any special characters in it. So I have the following code which accepts case insensitive alphanumeric characters. I have a whole bunch of different spry elements in the page and the code below works as it should. What I couldnt find on the documentation page ( was how to enable it to have any number of characters but still validate. For example the code below requires 3 characters exactly to validate. I want to have it so that 3 characters is the minimum but they can enter up to 255 characters. Additionally they should be able to enter a space.
var sprytextfield2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield2", "custom", {validateOn:["blur", "change"], pattern:"YYY", useCharacterMasking:true});
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Slight change to the code you posted, {3,255} wasnt needed and just set the minChars to 3 and now its working perfectly.
Thank you very much
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