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How can I extend the background color on the left side bar to match the height of the main content area?


I have a two column page, each with a white background. The side column's (left) background color only extends as far as the contnet. How can I extend the color to be the same as the main content (right).  I tried putting the color attribute in a container div that included both columns, but then there was no background color.

Any ideas?

Here's a draft link: 

I'll paste the code below. There is a lot of text in the HTML, sorry.

Thank you!!
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<title>New England Enviromental Educators Alliance 2008 Conference</title>
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<p>Saturday Workshops</p>
<ul id="navigation">
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 <li id="home" title="link to homepage"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
 <li id="glance" title="link to At A Glance"><a href="#">At A Glance</a></li>
 <li id="work" title="link to Schedule"><a href="#">Workshops and Activities</a>
 	<ul class="selected" >
		<li id="schedule" title="link to Schedule"><a href="#">Schedule</a></li>
		<li id="saturday" title="link to Saturday workshops"><a href="#">Saturday Workshops</a></li>
		<li id="sunday" title="link to Sunday Workshops"><a href="#">Sunday Workshops</a></li>
		<li id="field" title="link to field trips"><a href="#">Field Trips</a></li>
		<li id="entertainment" title="link to Entertainment"><a href="#">Entertainment</a></li>
  <li id="speakers" title="link to keynote speakers"><a href="#">Keynote Speakers</a></li>
 <li id="details" title="link to details page"><a href="#">Details</a></li>
 <li id="register" title="link to register page"><a href="#">Register</a></li>
 <li id="contact" title="link to conference info"><a href="/#">Contact</a></li>
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<div id="content">
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<div id="picSat">Picture from last year's conference</div>
<p>Quick Links for Saturday</p>
<div id="linkbox">
<a href="#a">Session A, Sat, 8:30 - 10:00 am</a><br/>
<a href="#b">Session B, Sat, 1:30 - 3:00 pm </a><br/>
<a href="#c">Session C, Sat, 3:30 - 5:00 pm</a><br/>
<a href="#bc">Session BC, Sat, 1:30 - 4:30 pm</a><br/>
<br />
<a href="#">Download Printable Schedule</a>
<a href="#">View Sunday's Schedule</a>
<div id="main">
<div id="mainContent">
<h1>Session A  Saturday, 8:30-10:00 am</h1><a name="a" id="a"></a>
<br />
<h2>Ecological Consequences of Population Growth</h2>
<h3>Henry Barbaro, Board Member, New England Coalition for Sustainable Population</h3>
<p>This workshop connects environmental issues to their root causes.  Five classroom lessons, which focus on the ecological consequences of population growth, will be presented.  Sustainable solutions intended to preserve the quality of life for present and future generations (e.g. prudent land use strategies) will be discussed.  (grades 6-12)</p>
<br />
<h2>Mystery Migratory Birds   </h2>   
<h3>Mary Ann McGarry, Professor of Science Education, Plymouth State University </h3>
<p>Jackie Wilson, Director of Education, Hubbard Brook Research Foundation
Participate in engaging activities to learn about unique characteristics, habitats, migration routes, and conservation concerns of four diverse migratory bird species that visit New England forests.  Well look at monitoring trends from 40 years of data collected in New Hampshire and explore scientific equipment and processes used in the field.  (middle school level)</p>
<br />
<h2>STEM Polar Connections     </h2>    
<h3>Marie Silver, Program Manager, STEM ED Institute, UMass</h3>
<p>An understanding of Climate Change starts with an understanding of the science research taking place in the polar regions.  Teachers who have participated in the NSF funded STEM Polar Connections
Nation-Wide Summer Institute at UMass will share their experiences, activities and resources with participants.  (middle/high school level)</p>
<br />
<h2>No Child Left Inside: Reconnecting Children with Nature </h2>
<h3>Ryder Scott, Program Director, Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center</h3>
<p>Many of us are familiar with Richard Louvs book Last Child in the Woods.  This workshop introduces participants to important research on the subject of children and nature, and will include resources and ideas on how to create, fund and promote No Child Left Inside initiatives at local and regional levels.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Sustainability as an Integrating Theme for 21st Century Learning</h2>   
<h3>Matt Dubel, Project Coordinator, Sustainable Schools Project </h3> 
<p>Shelburne Farms Sustainable Schools Project works with schools to use sustainability as an integrating theme, linking curriculum, campus stewardship, and community engagement.  Explore the possibilities for using sustainability as a theme to connect curricula, build common ground among community partners, and engage students as citizens working toward a desirable future.  (grades K-8)</p>
<br />
<h2>Using the New Hampshire Carbon Challenge to Strengthen Communities    </h2>
<h3>Julia Dundorf / Denise Blaha, Co-Directors, New Hampshire Carbon Challenge</h3>
<p>This workshop will give an overview of the New Hampshire Carbon Challenge and the tools, resources, and support offered by the NHCC to address energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reductions at the household level.  It will highlight research-proven behavioral change strategies for overcoming barriers to climate change inaction.  (grades 6 and up)</p>
<br />
<h2>Ecological Design in the Built Environment </h2>
<h3>Steve Whitman, Planner, Jeffrey H. Taylor & Associates and Adjunct Faculty Member, Plymouth State University</h3>
<p>Beginning with an overview of ecological footprinting and permaculture principles, participants will go on a visual tour of projects from a variety of locations in the US and abroad, highlighting approaches which reduce human impact.  A discussion on how to implement ecological design processes in New England will conclude the session.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Using GPS and GIS to Help Understand Your Community</h2> 
<h3>Lara Sharp, PASCO Scientific </h3>
<p>Participants will learn how to collect simultaneous GPS and environmental data that can be plotted into GIS software.  This data can help track climate change and other local environmental changes.  GIS software is a valuable tool for comparing environmental, geologic, and geographical information.  (all audiences) </p>
<br />
<h2>Cultivating Communities of Compassion: Emerging Partnerships on Behalf of the Planet</h2>  
<h3>Rev. Dr. Mary E. Westfall, Senior Minister, Durham Community Church</h3>
<p>What would a community look like that combines reason and intuition, critical thinking and deep caring, objective and subjective knowing to create a more sustainable and holistic future?  This workshop will look at dynamic partnerships and collaborative endeavors undertaken by educators and faith communities joining to promote a healthier planet.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Geowalking: Getting to Know the Earth and Its History in Your Town</h2>    
<h3>Steve Winters, Board Member, Friends of the Great Falls Discovery Center</h3>
<p>Learn how to design accessible walks that give people three-dimensional, up close and personal introductions to the geological wonders surrounding them.  Well look at an immensely popular geowalk designed for the village of Turners Falls, Massachusetts.  (all audiences)</p><a name="b" id="b"></a>
<br />
<h1>Session B  Saturday, 1:30-3:00 pm</h1>
<br />
<h2>Whats In Your 3d Quadrat?</h2>         						
<h3>Zach Smith, Program Coordinator, Wright Center for Science Education, Tufts University</h3>
<p>This workshop will provide a very simple framework and conceptual understanding of how all systems (physical, chemical, biological) interrelate and coexist, from your backyard to polar research.  This 
concept can be reproduced for $10 and forms the basis of a deeper understanding of earth system science which can include collecting and analyzing real data.  (grades 4 and up)</p>
<br />
<h2>Creating a Small-scale Ecovillage</h2>         					
<h3>Coleen OConnell, Faculty, Ecological Teaching and Learning MS Program </h3>
<h3>Lily Fessenden, Coordinator, Ecological Teaching and Learning MS Program</h3>
<h3>Audubon Expedition Institute at Lesley University</h3>
<p>The Ravenwood Collective is an evolving example of a small Maine ecovillage striving to be a model for ecological living.  Learn the story of the unfolding commitment to land preservation, living simply, growing food, appropriate technology, community building, and making other arrangements in the time of crumbling oil infrastructure and global climate crisis.  (all audiences) </p>
<br />
<h2>Motivate, Integrate, Educate: Energy Education for Grades K  12</h2>	
<h3>Carol Wilson, President, Wilson Educational Services</h3>	
<p>This workshop will inform participants about highly effective energy education programs which teach students to use age-appropriate academic skills to address real energy problems in their schools.  These programs are interdisciplinary and have positive results academically, as well as saving energy and money for their schools.</p>
<br />
<h2>Developing Agents of Change through Service-Learning  </h2>   		
<h3>Barbara Fiore, Education Consultant, KIDS Consortium</h3>
<p>Learn how to use service-learning as a teaching strategy to engage your students in identifying and researching environmental problems in your community.  By building partnerships with community members working on local needs, students explore solutions and learn how to effect positive change in the world.  (grades K-12)</p>
<br />
<h2>Coastal Ocean Acidification    </h2>            
<h3>Erin B. Hobbs, Lead Interpreter, Seacoast Science Center</h3>
<p>Participants will be introduced to current research on coastal ocean acidification and will participate in classroom activities dealing with the carbon cycle, climate change, acidification, and human impact.  Discussion of the challenges that educators face in bringing current science into the classroom will conclude the session.  (middle/high school level) </p>
<br />
<h2>World Wide Waldens</h2>
<h3>Susan Frey, Director of Education, The Walden Woods Project</h3>
<p>World Wide Waldens empowers students around the globe to find their Walden  a place that needs care and protection - in their own community.  Inspired by the life and writings of Thoreau, students put Thoreaus words into action and connect to other young people who share the same concerns and convictions.  (middle/high school level) </p>
<br />
<h2>Building Teams, Building Communities	</h2>
<h3>Lisa Purcell, Director, Four Winds Nature Institute</h3>
<p>Rob Sanford, Professor of Environmental Science & Policy, University of Southern Maine
Addressing the environmental challenges we face in the 21st century will require creativity and teamwork.  By improving communication and creating shared experiences, team building exercises can create learning communities where members recognize and value each others strengths. This workshop will incorporate activities appropriate for a variety of audiences and settings.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Whats Your Eco-Footprint?</h2>
<h3>Tracy Truzansky, Director of Education </h3>
<h3>Becca Rimmel, Volunteer Coordinator ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center</h3>
<p>Inspiring others to look at their ecological impact can require asking tough questions.  ECHO takes you through our thirty minute, high tech experience using a Personal Response System, and then leads a discussion and extension activities on how this experience can expand ecological meaning to those you serve.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Outside Our Window</h2>
<h3>Janet Altobello, School Program Coordinator, Harris Center for Conservation Education</h3>
<h3>Jan Yardley, 2nd-4th Grade Teacher, Harris Elementary School</h3>
<p>Jan and Janet will share the story of a joint project called Outside Our Window.  Jans second graders teamed up with 7 and 8 year olds in Brazil, Italy, and New York through e-Pals to study and compare their discoveries on the patch of land outside their classroom window.  (grades 2-8)</p>
<br />
<h2>Working Toward a Sustainable Model of Business</h2>
<h3>Patti Carrier, Facilities and Environmental Manager, New Hampshire Ball Bearing </h3>
<p>Do your students think of environmental concerns when they think beyond life sciences?  This workshop will take educators outside their box to consider the business world that their students may enter.  Learn how a local forward-thinking company is working to reduce its carbon footprint and demonstrate the positive role that business can take.  (all audiences)</p>  <a name="c" id="c"></a>
<br />
<h1>Session C  Saturday, 3:30-5:00 pm</h1>
<br />
<h2>Building Place Based Memories   </h2>           	
<h3>Micky Johnson, M.Ed, First Grade Teacher, Antrim Elementary School</h3>
<h3>Fabiola Woods, Fourth Grade Teacher, Antrim Elementary School</h3>
<p>Would you like to find a way to bring the magic of the forest to your school?  We may have just the answer.  Reverence of Place is a standards based initiative that encourages stewardship by bringing whole learning communities outside & and increases test scores!  Find out how we did it.  (elementary level)</p>
<br />
<h2>Not-The-Usual Suspects: Creating Dynamic Relationships with Unlikely Partners	</h2>
<h3>Kelly Stettner, Director, Black River Action Team</h3>
<p>Shake up your paradigm!  Explore ways of thinking outside the box to seek out and draw in partners you would either never think of, or think about in negative ways.  Reach beyond what you expect of yourself and your fellow volunteers.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Carbon Footprint: Teaching Strategies and Resources for Educators</h2>
<h3>Stefany Arsenault, Assistant Director, Maine Energy Education Program</h3>
 Beth Otto, Carbon Footprint Educator, Maine Conservation Corps
<p>Participants will learn about the impacts of climate change in New England and how to calculate their carbon footprint.  Suggestions for student activities include an energy efficiency journaling exercise that can feed into a public outreach campaign and a school energy efficiency audit. (middle school-college level)</p>
<br />
<h2>Fostering Practical Idealism among College Students	</h2>
<h3>Jessica Leahy, Assistant Professor, Recreation & Tourism Program, University of Maine</h3>
<p>A professor, student and community partners will share ideas about how to instill in EE college students a sense of ethical responsibility, how practical idealism applies to nature deficit disorder, and how community-university partnerships can enable college students to effect change and tangibly improve youth-nature connections.  (college level)</p>
<br />
<h2>STEM RAYS: Authentic Student Science Research on Sustainability </h2>    
<h3>Marie Silver, Project Manager, STEM RAYS Project, Greenfield Community College</h3>
<p>STEM RAYS allows students in upper elementary and middle schools to engage in authentic science research linked to colleges in an after school setting.  Come see what the kids are working on and learn how to engage your students in authentic research.  (elementary/middle school level)</p>
<br />
<h2>Using Local Examples of Human-Accelerated Environmental Change </h2>
<h3>Cornelia Harris, Changing Hudson Project Coordinator, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies</h3>
<p>Its not all about global warming!  Other human impacts, such as biodiversity loss, land use change and pollution interact with global warming.  During this workshop participants will be encouraged to think critically about these changes using a jigsaw format that can be adapted for different classrooms and regions.  (middle/high school level) </p>
<br />
<h2>Exploring Transfer of Learning Approaches in Environmental Education 	</h2>
<h3>Deb Sugerman, Consultant, Experiential Concepts</h3>
<p>Good teaching involves helping students realize lessons learned and discover ways to apply that learning elsewhere.  In this workshop participants will gain knowledge of the theories behind transfer of learning and will experience techniques designed to facilitate the transfer of learning.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Collecting Stories and Connecting Communities </h2>     			
<h3>John Harris, Executive Director, Monadnock Institute of Nature, Place and Culture</h3>
<h3>Katherine Morgan, Director, NH Heritage Project and Coordinator, North Country Collecting Stories Project</h3>
<p>Designed for teachers and community members interested in regional heritage, this workshop will engage participants in the use of place-centered essays, oral history techniques, and print and electronic anthologies, and will describe our efforts to collect local memories and celebrate communal connections in the North Country region of New Hampshire.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Healthy Neighborhoods/Healthy Kids          </h2>				
<h3>Matt Dubel, Project Coordinator, Sustainable Schools Project, Shelburne Farms</h3>
<p>How do we engage students in neighborhood development that improves quality of life?  Join us in answering this question as we explore the Healthy Neighborhoods/Healthy Kids activities and tools.  Learn how students become actively engaged in community planning, decision-making and service-learning while evaluating and addressing their neighborhoods quality of life.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Creating a Teen Community in Environmental Education	</h2>
<h3>Henry Burke, Camp Director, Seacoast Science Center</h3>
<h3>Michele Wensman, Volunteer Coordinator, Seacoast Science Center</h3>
<p>The Seacoast Science Center has fostered a growing teen environmental education community through volunteer projects, fun science-based social events, and research projects.  With ideas and active participation from the teens themselves, we have created programs that benefit both teens and the Center.  (middle/high school level)</p><a name="bc" id="bc"></a>
<br />
<h1>Session BC  Saturday, 1:30-4:30 pm </h1> 
<br />
<h2>A Collaborative Approach to Social Change </h2>
<h3>Curtis Ogden / Gibrán X. Rivera, Senior Associates, Interaction Institute for Social Change </h3>	
<p>What does it mean to work for social change in an interconnected world?  In the face of complex social and environmental issues, we are called to tap the participation of others to create shared visions, strategies, and movement for more just and sustainable communities.  Explore new frameworks and develop collaborative tools for greater impact.  (all audiences)</p>
<br />
<h2>Carbon Storage in Your Local Forest         </h2>				
<h3>Sarah Silverberg, Project Coordinator, GLOBE Carbon Cycle Project, University of New Hampshire</h3>
<p>Do trees in your backyard store more or less carbon than is stored in the global human population?  How will carbon storage change if forested areas are converted to baseball fields, parking lots or houses? Come learn how field data collection can bring the global carbon cycle to a local level.  (middle/high school level)</p>
<br />
<h2>Changing Student Behaviors and Life Styles  </h2>        
<h3>Beth Woodbury, Ninth Grade Environmental Science Teacher, Lawrence Academy</h3>
<p>Participants will gain experience and receive activities/ labs to help engage kids and make learning connected to their lives.  The carbon cycle, energy conservation, carbon sequestration, an integrated project and using your schools used vegetable oil as a fuel source will be covered.  CDs with materials will be given out.  (grades 7-12)</p>
<br />
<h2>Friends of Forest Birds    </h2>                     
<h3>Kristen Sharpless, School Programs Coordinator, Green Mountain Audubon Center</h3>
<p>Curious about how the birds in your schoolyard can capture students interest in science and conservation?  Spend an activity-packed afternoon learning about Audubon Vermonts fun and successful Friends of Forest Birds elementary school program.  Take home ideas for lessons, teaching tricks, resources  and the forest bird itch!  (elementary level)</p>
<br />
<h2>Exploring Acid Rain      </h2>
<h3>Jacquelyn Wilson, Education Associate, Hubbard Brook Research Foundation</h3>
<h3>Mary Ann McGarry, Professor of Science Education, Plymouth State University</h3>
<p>The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation developed a teaching guide for secondary educators that includes slideshows, inquiry-oriented activities, and outdoor fieldwork.  Participants will receive copies of the guide, experience highlights and hands-on activities, and familiarize themselves with our blog site where teachers share implementation plans, science questions, and feedback.  (grades 7-12) </p>
<br />
<h2>Fractured Forests and Geographic Information Systems  </h2> 
<h3>Nancy Perkins, GIS Education Specialist, EcoScience Works</h3>
<h3>Kara Wooldrik, Environmental Education Director, Maine Audubon Society</h3>
<p>Fractured Forests and Model Maine Town are two units in EcoScience Works, the innovative ecology curriculum built upon Maines middle school laptop program.  Learn about habitat fragmentation using Maine EcoBeaker, a software program developed for Maine, and Model Maine Town which uses a classroom friendly GIS with local habitat data.  (middle school level)</p>
<br />
<h2>Exploring Environmental Issues in the Places We Live    </h2>  
<h3>Erin Hollingsworth, Education Coordinator, NH Project Learning Tree</h3>
<p>Strengthen your students sense of place using community investigations that focus on environmental, social and economic issues.  Try out strategies such as interpreting maps, aerial photographs, and exploring community character and change over time.  Complete module books will be available for an additional $10 and includes 8 great activities and supplemental materials.  (middle/high school level)  </p>
<br />
<p>Check out Sunday!  Sunday workshops were selected to be especially interactive and many involve local community field trips 
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