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Displaying an XML value in a Label

I've been struggling with this for a long time now.

I have an xml file that only contains the markup below.

I'm looking for the simplest way to take the 10 value and present it in a Label in Flex.

Thanks for your help

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how are you getting that xml information into flex?  is it hardcoded? or are you pulling it in from a HTTPService?

if it's an HTTPService, it would be something like this:

// MXML Based Method with AS3 Injected
<mx:HTTPService creationComplete="xmlList.send();" id="xmlList" url="http://yourxmlfile" />
<mx:Label id="labelName" text="{xmlList.lastResult.donations.amount}" />
// or, for a purely AS3 way of doing it:
public function popLabel():void {
   labelName.text = xmlList.lastResult.donations.amount;

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This is one way ~
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
	<!-- Declare the data model in MXML
		Optionally, to declare an external source   
		<mx:Model id="data" source="fileName" />
	<mx:Model id="data">
	<mx:Label id="DonationAmount" text="{data.donations.amount}" />

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Thanks guys,

But I can't get either to work.

I get this error with your code
Can not resolve a multiname reference unambiguously. mx.rpc.http.mxml:HTTPService (from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.0.0\frameworks\libs\rpc.swc(mx/rpc/http/mxml/HTTPService)) and mx.rpc.http:HTTPService (from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.0.0\frameworks\libs\rpc.swc(mx/rpc/http/HTTPService)) are available.

I get this error with your code
Problem parsing external XML: http://localhost//Build/upload/ssf.xml - http://localhost/Build/upload/ssf.xml
are you running it in Flex Builder? or just the SDK?

if it's just the SDK you might have to add the httpservice to your program....  but I'm really not sure, I only ever use flex builder.

try adding this to the top of your flex mxml...
<mx:Script >
			import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;

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oh, and you probably need this if you don't have it:

added to your mx:Application tag as an option

so like:

<mx:Application  xmlns:mx=""  (other options go here) >

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For my method, your xml needs to have a <root> element. Assure your xml has some sort of root element other than <donations>.
the xmlns:mx parameter is in there. I'm using Flex Builder 3, I'm getting the same error even with your import script.

Literally added <root></root> on the outsides of my xml but it didn't make a difference.
Your external xml should look like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>

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"Can not resolve a multiname reference unambiguously"

that means that you have two or more items named "HTTPService"

did you give anything an ID of HTTPService?

Are you loading any other APIs with an HTTPService in them?  (any number of flash APIs would do the trick.)

Try doing this.  This tells it exactly what API you're trying to use.

<mx:Script >
                        import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
                               var xmlList:HTTPService = new mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
<mx:Label id="labelName" text="{xmlList.lastResult.donations.amount}" />

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Oh, and if that doesn't work, try changing the var line to this:

var xmlList:mx.rpc.http.HTTPService = new mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
My XML is the same as yours, same error.

I get a new error with that script (the same with both versions of the var.) on the last two lines inside the CDATA.
"Access of undefined property xmlList"

I just noticed you are using an external xml file, but it is not located where the Flex application is.

Either call the file with the previous source with a local path:
     <mx:Model id="data" source="test/data.xml" />

Or use the following snippet to retrieve the XML file from a remote location (eg http://localhost/Build/upload/ssf.xml).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
			import mx.controls.Alert;
			private function creationCompleteHandler():void
			private function errorHandler(err:FaultEvent):void
			{, "Error");
			private function resultHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void
				DonationAmount.text = evt.result.donations.amount;
	<mx:HTTPService id="AppDataService" fault="errorHandler(event)" showBusyCursor="true" 
		url="http://localhost/Build/upload/ssf.xml" result="resultHandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x" /> 
	<mx:Label id="DonationAmount" />

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Thanks bglodde. But I'm afraid that also gives me the "Can not resolve a multiname reference unambiguously"
Odd. I don't get that error in Flex builder when I fire up the above example.
Can you show the code that produces this error (in its entirety if possible) - there has to be something else wrong since there is nothing ambiguous about the above example.
No problem. is the standards MySQL functions code that Flex generates.
imageUpload and audioUpload handle file uploads.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" creationComplete="creationCompleteHandler; initApp(); initAudio(); initImage();" paddingTop="20" paddingRight="20" paddingLeft="20" paddingBottom="20" backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" backgroundGradientColors="[#000000, #686868]">
	<mx:Script source="" />
	<mx:Script source="" />
	<mx:Script source="" />
            import; import; import mx.controls.Alert;          
            private function creationCompleteHandler():void {AppDataService.send();} 
            private function errorHandler(err:FaultEvent):void {, "Error");}
            private function donResultHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void {DonationAmount.text = evt.result.donations.amount;}
    <mx:HTTPService id="AppDataService" fault="errorHandler(event)" showBusyCursor="true" url="http://localhost/Build/upload/ssf.xml" result="donResultHandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x" />
	<mx:ViewStack id="applicationScreens" width="800" height="500">
		<mx:Panel id="view" width="800" layout="vertical" title="Song Administration" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" color="#FFFFFF" height="500">
			<mx:HBox width="100%" color="#0B333C">
				<mx:Label text="Donations:"/>
				<mx:Label id="DonationAmount" text=""/>
			<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid"
				width="100%" color="#0B333C" height="100%">
						<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Song Name" dataField="songNameCol" />
						<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Album" dataField="albumNameCol" />
						<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Sort Order" width="100" dataField="sortOrderCol" />
			<mx:HBox width="100%">
				<mx:Button id="btnAddNew" click="goToUpdate()" icon="@Embed('icons/AddRecord.png')" toolTip="Add Record" x="10" bottom="10"/>
				<mx:Button id="btnDelete" click="deleteItem()" icon="@Embed('icons/DeleteRecord.png')" toolTip="Delete Record" x="58" bottom="10"/>
				<mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
				<mx:Label text="Search by Song Name" right="300" bottom="11" color="#0B333C"/>
				<mx:TextInput id="filterTxt" width="238" toolTip="Search by songName" enter="filterResults()" right="58" bottom="11" color="#0B333C"/>
				<mx:Button click="filterResults()" id="filterButton" icon="@Embed('icons/SearchRecord.png')" toolTip="Search by songName" right="10" bottom="10"/>
		<mx:Panel id="update" width="800" layout="vertical" title="Add New Song" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" color="#FFFFFF" height="500">
			<mx:Form width="100%" id="songsForm">
		        <mx:FormItem label="Song Name:" id="songName_form" color="#0B333C">
		            <mx:TextInput id="songNameCol" text=""/>
		        <mx:FormItem label="Album Name:" id="albumName_form" color="#0B333C">
		            <mx:TextInput id="albumNameCol" text=""/>
		        <mx:FormItem label="Sort Order:" id="sortOrder_form" color="#0B333C">
	          		<mx:TextInput id="sortOrderCol" text="0"/>
		        <mx:FormItem label="Mp3:" id="mp3Path_form" color="#0B333C">
		            <mx:HBox><mx:Button click="uploadAudio();" label="Browse"/><mx:Label text="" id="audioText"/></mx:HBox>
		        	<mx:Text id="mp3PathCol" text="" height="0" width="0"/>
		        <mx:FormItem label="Artwork:" id="thumbPath_form" color="#0B333C">
		            <mx:HBox><mx:Button click="uploadImage();" label="Browse"/><mx:Label text="" id="imageText"/></mx:HBox>
		            <mx:Text id="thumbPathCol" text="" height="0" width="0"/>
				<mx:Button label="Save" id="btnSubmit" click="insertItem()" right="81" bottom="10" color="#0B333C" enabled="false"/>
				<mx:Button label="Cancel" id="btnCancel" click="goToView()" right="10" bottom="10" color="#0B333C"/>

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It appears the error is coming from one of the three external .as files, likely due to using a different HTTPService object. You might consider adding additional mx:HTTPService tags in the MXML rather than programmatically creating HTTPService objects in the .as file - this would probably clear up the import collision.
Ok, You'll have to forgive my noviceness as I'm not sure where the problem is, below is is identical except it different variable names. is the one generated by Flex when choosing "Create application from database..." But I can post this if you like.

Thanks again for your help.
// ActionScript file
private var audioUrlRequest:URLRequest;
private var audioReferenceList:FileReferenceList;
private var audioScript:String = "http://localhost/Build/upload/uploadAudio.php";
private var audUp:int = 0;
private function initAudio():void {
	audioUrlRequest = new URLRequest(audioScript);
	audioReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
	audioReferenceList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, audioSelectedHandler);
private function uploadAudio():void {
private function audioSelectedHandler(event:Event):void {
	var audioReference:FileReference;
	var audioReferenceList:FileReferenceList = FileReferenceList(;
	var audioList:Array = audioReferenceList.fileList;
	// get the first file that the user chose
	audioReference = FileReference(audioList[0]);
	// upload the file to the server side script
	audioReference.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, audioCompleteHandler);
	// update the status text
	audioText.text = "Uploading...";
private function audioCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
	audioText.text = "File Uploaded: " +;
	var fileName:String =;
	var firstPart:Array = fileName.split(".");
	audUp = 1;
	if (imgUp == 1) {

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Yes please post the other two files and let's see if we can pinpoint & solve the issue.

// ActionScript file
private var imageUrlRequest:URLRequest;
private var imageReferenceList:FileReferenceList;
private var imageScript:String = "http://localhost/Build/upload/uploadImage.php";
private var imgUp:int = 0;
private function initImage():void {
	imageUrlRequest = new URLRequest(imageScript);
	imageReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
	imageReferenceList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, imageSelectedHandler);
private function uploadImage():void {
private function imageSelectedHandler(event:Event):void {
	var imageReference:FileReference;
	var imageReferenceList:FileReferenceList = FileReferenceList(;
	var imageList:Array = imageReferenceList.fileList;
	// get the first file that the user chose
	imageReference = FileReference(imageList[0]);
	// upload the file to the server side script
	imageReference.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageCompleteHandler);
	// update the status text
	imageText.text = "Uploading...";
private function imageCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
	imageText.text = "File Uploaded: " +;
	imgUp = 1;
	thumbPathCol.text =;
	if (audUp == 1) {

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 * ActionScript source file that defines the UI logic and some of the data access code.
 * This file is linked into the main application MXML file using the mx:Script tag.
 * Most of the functions in this file are called by event handlers defined in
 * the MXML.
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;
import mx.managers.CursorManager;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
//include the constant definition of the server endpoint URL
include "";
 * gateway : this is the communication layer with the server side php code
private var gateway:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
 * the array collection holds the rows that we use in the grid
public var dataArr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
 * column that we order by. This is updated each time the users clicks on the 
 * grid column header. 
 * see headerRelease="setOrder(event);" in the DataGrid instantiation in the 
 * mxml file
private var orderColumn:Number;
 * the list of fields in the database table
 * needed to parse the response into hashes
private var fields:Object = { 'id':Number, 'songName':String, 'albumName':String, 'mp3Path':String, 'thumbPath':String, 'sortOrder':Number};
 * Executes when the mxml is completed loaded. Initialize the Rest Gateway.
private function initApp():void 
     * initialize the gateway
     * - this will take care off server communication and simple xml protocol.
    gateway.url = ENDPOINT_URL;
    gateway.method = "POST";
    gateway.useProxy = false;
    gateway.resultFormat = "e4x";
     * set the event handler which prevents editing of the primary key
    dataGrid.addEventListener(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING, editCellHandler);
     * set the event handler which triggers the update actions - everytime an 
     * edit operation is finished
    dataGrid.addEventListener(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END, editCellEnd);
    gateway.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler);
    gateway.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler);
 * Disallow editing of the primary key column.
 * @param e DataGridEvent contains details about the row and column of the grid 
 * where the user clicked
private function editCellHandler(e:DataGridEvent):void
     * if the user clicked on the primary key column, stop editing
    if(e.dataField == "idCol")
 * Click handler for "Filter" button.
 * When setting another filter, refresh the collection, and load the new data
private function filterResults():void
 * Event handler triggered when the user finishes editing an entry
 * triggers an "update" server command
private function editCellEnd(e:DataGridEvent):void
    var dsRowIndex:int = e.rowIndex;
    var dsFieldName:String = e.dataField;
    var dsColumnIndex:Number = e.columnIndex;
    var vo:* = dataArr[dsRowIndex];
    var col:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[dsColumnIndex];
    var newvalue:String = dataGrid.itemEditorInstance[col.editorDataField];
    trace("a:" + dsRowIndex + ", " + dsFieldName + ", " + dsColumnIndex);
    var parameters:* =
        "id": vo.idCol,        "songName": vo.songNameCol,        "albumName": vo.albumNameCol,        "mp3Path": vo.mp3PathCol,        "thumbPath": vo.thumbPathCol,        "sortOrder": vo.sortOrderCol    }
	parameters[dsFieldName.substr(0,dsFieldName.length-3)] = newvalue;
	 * execute the server "update" command
    doRequest("Update", parameters, saveItemHandler);    
 * result handler for the "update" server command.
 * Just alert the error, or do nothing if it's ok - the data has already 
 * been updated in the grid
private function saveItemHandler(e:Object):void
    if (e.isError)
    {"Error: " +;
 * dragHeader handler for the datagrid. This handler is executed when the user 
 * clicks on a header column in the datagrid
 * updates the global orderColumn variable, refreshes the TableCollection
 * @param event DataGridEvent details about the column
private function setOrder(event:DataGridEvent):void 
    orderColumn = event.columnIndex;
    var col:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[orderColumn];
    col.sortDescending = !col.sortDescending;
 * Click handler for the "Save" button in the "Add" state
 * collects the information in the form and adds a new object to the collection
private function insertItem():void {
    var parameters:* =
        "method": "Insert",		"songName": songNameCol.text,		"albumName": albumNameCol.text,		"mp3Path": mp3PathCol.text,		"thumbPath": thumbPathCol.text,		"sortOrder": sortOrderCol.text   };
	 * execute the server "insert" command
    doRequest("Insert", parameters, insertItemHandler);
 * Result handler for the insert call.
 * Alert the error if it exists
 * if the call went through ok, return to the list, and refresh the data
private function insertItemHandler(e:Object):void
    if (e.isError)
    {"Error: " +;
 * general utility function for refreshing the data 
 * gets the filtering and ordering, then dispatches a new server call
private function fill():void 
     * find the order parameters
    var desc:Boolean = false;
    var orderField:String = '';
        var col:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[orderColumn];
        desc = col.sortDescending;
		//remove the 'Col' particle
        orderField = col.dataField.substr(0,col.dataField.length-3);
    dataGrid.enabled = false;
    var parameters:* =
        "orderField": orderField,
        "orderDirection": (desc) ? "DESC" : "ASC", 
        "filter": filterTxt.text
	 * execute the server "select" command
    doRequest("FindAll", parameters, fillHandler);
 * result handler for the fill call. 
 * if it is an error, show it to the user, else refill the arraycollection with the new data
private function fillHandler(e:Object):void
    if (e.isError)
    {"Error: " +;
        for each(var row:XML in 
            var temp:* = {};
            for (var key:String in fields) 
                temp[key + 'Col'] = row[key];
        dataGrid.enabled = true;
 * Click handler for the "delete" button in the list
 * confirms the action and launches the deleteClickHandler function
private function deleteItem():void {
    if (dataGrid.selectedItem)
    {"Are you sure you want to delete the selected record?",
        "Confirm Delete", 3, this, deleteClickHandler);
 * Event handler function for the Confirm dialog raises when the 
 * Delete button is pressed.
 * If the pressed button was Yes, then the product is deleted.
 * @param object event
 * @return nothing
private function deleteClickHandler(event:CloseEvent):void
    if (event.detail == Alert.YES) 
        var vo:* = dataGrid.selectedItem;
        var parameters:* =
            "id": vo.idCol
		 * execute the server "delete" command
        doRequest("Delete", parameters, deleteHandler);
        setTimeout( function():void
public function deleteHandler(e:*):void
    if (e.isError)
    {"Error: " +;
        var id:Number = parseInt(, 10);
        for (var index:Number = 0; index < dataArr.length; index++)
            if (dataArr[index].idCol == id)
 * deserializes the xml response
 * handles error cases
 * @param e ResultEvent the server response and details about the connection
public function deserialize(obj:*, e:*):*
    var toret:Object = {};
    toret.originalEvent = e;
    if ("error").length() > 0)
        toret.isError = true; =;
        toret.isError = false;
        toret.metadata = obj.metadata; =;
    return toret;
 * result handler for the gateway
 * deserializes the result, and then calls the REAL event handler
 * (set when making a request in the doRequest function)
 * @param e ResultEvent the server response and details about the connection
public function resultHandler(e:ResultEvent):void
    var topass:* = deserialize(e.result, e);, topass);
 * fault handler for this connection
 * @param e FaultEvent the error object
public function faultHandler(e:FaultEvent):void
	var errorMessage:String = "Connection error: " + e.fault.faultString; 
    if (e.fault.faultDetail) 
        errorMessage += "\n\nAdditional detail: " + e.fault.faultDetail; 
 * makes a request to the server using the gateway instance
 * @param method_name String the method name used in the server dispathcer
 * @param parameters Object name value pairs for sending in post
 * @param callback Function function to be called when the call completes
public function doRequest(method_name:String, parameters:Object, callback:Function):void
    // add the method to the parameters list
    parameters['method'] = method_name;
    gateway.request = parameters;
    var call:AsyncToken = gateway.send();
    call.request_params = gateway.request;
    call.handler = callback;
 * Click handler when the user click the "Create" button
 * Load the "Update" canvas.
public function goToUpdate():void
	applicationScreens.selectedChild = update;
 * Load the "View" canvas.
public function goToView():void
    applicationScreens.selectedChild = view;

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Flex is getting confused on which HTTPService to use - let's change the way you are using the service to pure actionscript and remove the HTTPService tag.
This should resolve the problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
	<mx:Script source="test/" />
	<mx:Script source="test/" />
	<mx:Script source="test/" />
			import mx.controls.Alert;
			private function creationCompleteHandler():void
				var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
				service.url = "http://localhost/Build/upload/ssf.xml";
				service.resultFormat = "e4x";
				service.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler);
				service.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, errorHandler);
			private function errorHandler(err:FaultEvent):void
			{, "Error");
			private function resultHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void
				DonationAmount.text = evt.result.donations.amount;
	<mx:Label id="DonationAmount" />

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Hi bglodde,

Sorry but there are now new errors.

test.mxml is the code you gave in your last post.

Ambiguous reference to resultHandler.	admin/src	line 76
Ambiguous reference to resultHandler.	admin/src	test.mxml	line 20
Duplicate function definition.	admin/src	test.mxml	line 30
Incompatible override.	admin/src	test.mxml	line 30

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Thank you, this works perfectly.
Awesome, thank you - glad I could help!
There is no proper solution for my search word,