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Problem with ' Character and TextDelimiters with OLE as a Datasource

I have an issue with a OLE Text file that I am reading into a table then building sql statements from...
the problem is that any field that contains a ' character is getting messed up...

Here is my connection string:
mODBCcn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + config.AppSettings.Settings["ImportLoc"].Value.ToString() + ";Extended Properties=\"text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited\"");

now, I build a schema file that looks like ths:



ODBCda = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from " + msrcFile, mODBCcn);
    mODBCdt.TableName = "import";
    mODBCdt.DefaultView.AllowNew = false;

any row that has a field with ' in it..gets other words if the columns are:
mfgr model descr list cost
and ' is in the description, the rest of the row has null values.

Thanks for the help.
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Anthony Perkins
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You need to escape the apostrophe.  The way you do that is replace any single quote with two single quotes.
Avatar of mitsic


Yes, however I am reading the tab delimited file as a datasource,
ODBCda = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from " + msrcFile, mODBCcn);
and then filling a datatable which is a datasource for a grid, so I have no real chance to change the ' with two....
Have you tried enclosing all fields in square brackets?
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Do you mean in the .txt file before I load it?
I am really trying to avoid having the user do anything extra. I don't understand why it won't read into the grid correctly..if it did then I can hanlde the escape processing as I build the sql updates/inserts. Is there something I can put in the schema so that the OLEDB provider will process the ' character?
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Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3]
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All right, So I took out the line
So, I suppose if the file is delimeted with ', then I will turn on that line, otherwise I will leave it out...does that sound right?
it all depends on the file data.