asked on
Deleting folder and files with fso
Hello all,
The code below works fine for deleting files but how can I, it at all possible, get it to delete folders as well? Also is there any way to get the message box to show the number of files/folders deleted?
The code below works fine for deleting files but how can I, it at all possible, get it to delete folders as well? Also is there any way to get the message box to show the number of files/folders deleted?
Private Sub cmdYesD_Click()
Dim File1 As File
Dim FileCollection As Folder
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim strRegion2 As String
Dim intDays2 As Integer
strRegion2 = Me.txtRegionConf.Text
intDays2 = Me.txtInputDays.Text
'Deletes Files
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
MsgBox "Operation Complete"
'Reload combobox on main form
'Load Regions From File
Dim the_file As String
the_file = "C:\Documents and Settings\hbc1636\Desktop\regions.txt"
'open the file
Open the_file For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
'read in a line
Line Input #1, temp
'add that line to the combobox
If Len(temp) <> 0 Then Main.cboSelectRegion.AddItem temp
'close the file
Close #1
'Hide current form and show main
'MsgBox "No files fit range"
End If
MsgBox "Error: Region not Found"
End If
End Sub
OK thanks, I'll give it a try. where do I input "fso.deletefolder(folder1, True)"? after the "fso.DeleteFile (File1)" or before? Or does it even matter?
If the folder you want to delete is the one you are getting the filecollection from then this should suffice:
iDeleted = 0
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
iDeleted = iDeleted + 1
End If
Set FileCollection = nothing
fso.deletefolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output", True)
End If
MsgBox "Operation Complete. Deleted " & iDeleted & " files."
iDeleted = 0
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
iDeleted = iDeleted + 1
End If
Set FileCollection = nothing
fso.deletefolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output", True)
End If
MsgBox "Operation Complete. Deleted " & iDeleted & " files."
I wanted to basically use the same criteria as I used for the files. The path leads to a collection of files and folders.
What criteria did you want to use for deleting the folder? Most times the modified date on the folder won't match up with the one on the file.
I want the criteria to be not older than "intDays2" old for example: I want the program to delete all files and folders at least intDays2 old
intDays2 = 80
intDays2 = 80
So there are subfolders in the Output folder? Or do you want to delete the Output folder itself?
There are subfolders. I want to delete those and not the actual Output folder.
iDeleted = 0
iDeletedFolder = 0
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
iDeleted = iDeleted + 1
End If
For Each Folder1 in FileCollection.SubFolders
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(Folder1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder(Folder1, True)
iDeletedFolder = iDeletedFolder + 1
End If
Set FileCollection = nothing
End If
MsgBox "Operation Complete. Deleted: " & vbcrlf & iDeleted & " files and " & vbcrlf & iDeletedFolders & " Folders"
iDeletedFolder = 0
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
iDeleted = iDeleted + 1
End If
For Each Folder1 in FileCollection.SubFolders
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(Folder1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder(Folder1, True)
iDeletedFolder = iDeletedFolder + 1
End If
Set FileCollection = nothing
End If
MsgBox "Operation Complete. Deleted: " & vbcrlf & iDeleted & " files and " & vbcrlf & iDeletedFolders & " Folders"
I get error " sub or function not defined when I run:
For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FolderDateTime(Folder1, True), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
intDelete = intDelete + 1
End If
and the section -FolderDateTime- is highlighted
For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FolderDateTime(Folder1, True), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
intDelete = intDelete + 1
End If
and the section -FolderDateTime- is highlighted
I get error " sub or function not defined when I run the code you gave as well and the section FolderDateTime
is highlighted
is highlighted
Ah. That function FolderDateTime doesn't exist. Ok try using the object DateCreated property as below:
iDeleted = 0
iDeletedFolder = 0
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
iDeleted = iDeleted + 1
End If
For Each Folder1 in FileCollection.SubFolders
If DateDiff("d", Folder1.DateCreated, Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder(Folder1, True)
iDeletedFolder = iDeletedFolder + 1
End If
Set FileCollection = nothing
End If
MsgBox "Operation Complete. Deleted: " & vbcrlf & iDeleted & " files and " & vbcrlf & iDeletedFolders & " Folders"
iDeleted = 0
iDeletedFolder = 0
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
iDeleted = iDeleted + 1
End If
For Each Folder1 in FileCollection.SubFolders
If DateDiff("d", Folder1.DateCreated, Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder(Folder1, True)
iDeletedFolder = iDeletedFolder + 1
End If
Set FileCollection = nothing
End If
MsgBox "Operation Complete. Deleted: " & vbcrlf & iDeleted & " files and " & vbcrlf & iDeletedFolders & " Folders"
ok we (you) got that fixed but now it has a problem with the last
it says
compile error: next with out for
it says
compile error: next with out for
Can you check to make sure there isn't an extra next in there somewhere? Maybe try pasting that Sub back up again.
this what I have. I'm checking through it now. I ran it with the last few lines commented out
FileCollection = Nothing
End If
it worked but the message box came up for every instance. If I find the error will it just come up at the end with total numbers?
FileCollection = Nothing
End If
it worked but the message box came up for every instance. If I find the error will it just come up at the end with total numbers?
Private Sub cmdYesD_Click()
Dim File1 As File
Dim Folder1 As Folder
Dim FileCollection As Folder
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim strRegion2 As String
Dim intDays2 As Integer
Dim intDelete As Integer
strRegion2 = Me.txtRegionConf.Text
intDays2 = Me.txtInputDays.Text
'Deletes Files
intDelete = 0
If fso.FolderExists("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output") Then
Set FileCollection = fso.GetFolder("Z:\" & strRegion2 & "\Customer\Output")
'search for and delete files
For Each File1 In FileCollection.Files
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
intDelete = intDelete + 1
End If
For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.SubFolders
intDeleteFolder = 0
If DateDiff("d", Folder1.DateCreated, Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
intDeleteFolder = intDeleteFolder + 1
FileCollection = Nothing
End If
MsgBox "Complete. Deleted: " & vbCrLf & intDelete & " files and " & vbCrLf & intDeleteFolders & " Folders"
'search for and delete folders
'For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.Files
'If DateDiff("d", FolderDateTime(Folder1, True), Now) >= intDays2 Then
'fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
'intDelete = intDelete + 1
Here's there is an If clause that is not closed before a Next. So this:
For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.SubFolders
intDeleteFolder = 0
If DateDiff("d", Folder1.DateCreated, Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
intDeleteFolder = intDeleteFolder + 1
FileCollection = Nothing
End If
should read:
intDeleteFolder = 0
For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.SubFolders
If DateDiff("d", Folder1.DateCreated, Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
intDeleteFolder = intDeleteFolder + 1
End If
FileCollection = Nothing
For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.SubFolders
intDeleteFolder = 0
If DateDiff("d", Folder1.DateCreated, Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
intDeleteFolder = intDeleteFolder + 1
FileCollection = Nothing
End If
should read:
intDeleteFolder = 0
For Each Folder1 In FileCollection.SubFolders
If DateDiff("d", Folder1.DateCreated, Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFolder (Folder1)
intDeleteFolder = intDeleteFolder + 1
End If
FileCollection = Nothing
Another approach...
Option Explicit
Private Const FO_DELETE As Long = &H3
Private Const FOF_SILENT As Long = &H4
Private Const FOF_NOCONFIRMATION As Long = &H10
hwnd As Long
wFunc As Long
pFrom As Long
pTo As Long
fFlags As Long
fAnyOperationsAborted As Long
hNameMappings As Long
lpszProgressTitle As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function SHFileOperationW Lib "shell32" (ByVal SHFILEOPSTRUCT As Long) As Long
Public Sub DeleteAll(ByVal strDir As String)
' Delete all files folders
Dim DoubleNull As String
DoubleNull = (vbNullChar & vbNullChar)
OPSTRUCT.pFrom = StrPtr(strDir & DoubleNull)
SHFileOperationW VarPtr(OPSTRUCT)
' DeleteAll "e:\test\*.*" 'Delete all but keep root folder
' DeleteAll "e:\test" 'Delete all even root folder
End Sub
now I'm getting
compile error:
invalid use of property
Filecollection= highlighted
compile error:
invalid use of property
Filecollection= highlighted
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got it...thanks
Thanks for everything. I appreciate you taking your time to help me.
should work to delete folders
as far as the msgbox you should increment a variable with each deletion. For example:
iDeleted = 0
For each file1 in subfolder
If DateDiff("d", FileDateTime(File1), Now) >= intDays2 Then
fso.DeleteFile (File1)
iDeleted = iDeleted + 1
End If
MsgBox "Operation Complete. Deleted " & iDeleted & " files."