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AndyKeenFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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WWW Addres Displays Router Page instead of SBS2003 Page (Within Firewall)

Hi All.

We have needed to install a new modem router into one of our small size customers.

When within the firewall i.e. on the local network - when they type in ( is not their real web address) into IE it now displays their router config page.

The previous setup (i.e. with the old router) showed their SBS2003 entry page - which is what they want to happen now.

Just to confirm - SBS is configured correctly and works find outside of the firewall - i.e. when they type in their SBS page is displayed as it should.

From inside the firewall if they type the ip address of the server - insted of the www address - into IE then it shows the correct SBS page.

Can any one please help me as to why this is happening and how we can correct what the customer sees as a problem in that from within the firewall they want to be able to type their www address into IE and have it show the SBS2003 default web page.

Thank you and Regards

Avatar of Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
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Actually, having the SBS Welcome Page open to the Internet isn't really a good idea.  But that's not what you're asking here...

Please post a COMPLETE ipconfig /all from the SBS so we can help you straighten out what's going on.

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Hi Jeff.

Not sure what happened - I posed earlier this morning...!!!

Quite agree about the SBS welcome screen - I do not practice this myself however this client insisted thats how he wanted it.

Anyhow - please see below posted ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration
   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : main-server
   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . : JoineryDirect.local
   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : JoineryDirect.local

Ethernet adapter Server Local Area Connection:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1F-C6-06-BD-4B
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
   IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :

Hope this help and thank you.

Sorry, I should have also asked you the make/model of the new router.

Hi Jeff.

Its a Belkin_G_Plus_MIMO_D74A43

Is this a DNS issue - and can I resolve it this way?
No, its not really a DNS issue per se.  What I suspect has happened is that perhaps the Local Domain Name was entered into the Lan Settings on the router as "" when it should have been left blank.  Furthermore, in the System Settings, Remote Management has been enabled which I believe can only be set to use port 80.  Try disabling this and see if that resolves your problem.


FYI, you should be able to get to the default web page from within the LAN by going to http://main-server

Give that a try to make sure.

Hi Jeff.

Thanks for the feedback. Have checked both items - on the router - and the local domain name is set to Belkin - I have tried removing it but will not allow a null entry and the remote management has not been enabled - it is disabled.

Also - yes - if you type http://main-server into a browser then the SBS screen is displayed.

Any other ideas please?

Okay, if the router settings are as you say (Belkin is fine in the domain name field), then it's gotta be either an entry in the HOSTS file (C:\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS) that is pointing the domain name to, or a DNS entry that's doing the same thing.

About the quickest way to check would be to just do the following at a CMD prompt:


If you get a response back that says its, then it's your DNS.  You shouldn't have any DNS forward lookup zone configured for because your internal zone is .local.  So delete that zone if it's there.  If it's not there, it could be your reverse lookup cache.  Clear that and see if it solves the problem.

Hi Jeff.

I think all looks OK. Ran the nslookup and got the following:

Server:  main-server.joinerydirect.local

Non-Authoritive answer:
Address:  xx.xx.71.205

The non-authoritive answer looks fine - the correct domain name and fixed Ip address is correct?

I have noticed that when I type in the www address into IE within the firewall then only a partial image of the router screen is shown - i have attached a jpg to show what I get.

This is quite strange.

So, you are saying that if you type into your browser you get the router control panel normally (without the missing parts)?

If that's true, then your MTU settings are most likely to blame.  I suggest that you use DrTCP to fix that:

Hi Jeff.

Thanks for the info - have just run the speed test and DrTCP - will let you know.

Just curious - how does this issue affect the problem I have with typing in the www address within the firewall and not getting the SBS welcome screen.

Could you elabourate?

Thank you.
Hi Jeff.

OK so that solved that problem - when typing in into a web browser (From withint he firewall)  I now get the full router page...

Does this help the original issue?
Avatar of Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
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Hi Jeff.

Will try that.

What you say has some meaning. Just this weekend we were installing a small server with the router being at x.x.x.4 and the server at x.x.x.2 and we could not get HTTP internet access no matter what we tried. We could VPN out we could VPN and http in but locally no http out.

It transpired that the particualr BT business hub we were suppled has a particular issue where it does not see IP addresses below the one it has itself - even though it is a fixed Ip and DHCP is off...

Totally wierd....

Let me try that - My customer is some way- so I will be there in then next day or so and I will get back

Thanks for your help Jeff.
Yeah, that is common that routers can't see IP's below their own, which is why you always give the router an IP of .1

Hi Jeff.

Spot on - Thank you.

Great!  Glad you got it working!
