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How Can I Convert a Number to Text in Microsoft Word 2003?
I am using Quickbooks Point of Sale 7.0 and one of the functions that it has is to create templates with Microsoft Word to write letters to customers, etc using different variables from Quickbooks. For example, in the header of a refund check to a customer that I am making, on the template it displays «CompanyName» and «CompanyAddress». When the letter is written, Quickbooks fills in those variables with the correct information. To get the dollar amount for the check, I am subtracting «AccountLimit» and «AccountBalance» by nesting these two in a formula field, which can be done with the Alt + F9 toggle.
It looks like this:
{ = { MERGEFIELD AccountLimit } - { MERGEFIELD AccountBalance } }
That works fine and it gives me a number (i.e. $23.46).
Now starts my question: How can I convert that number to text format like you write in a check (i.e. twenty three dollars and forty six cents) using Microsoft Word 2003?
It looks like this:
{ = { MERGEFIELD AccountLimit } - { MERGEFIELD AccountBalance } }
That works fine and it gives me a number (i.e. $23.46).
Now starts my question: How can I convert that number to text format like you write in a check (i.e. twenty three dollars and forty six cents) using Microsoft Word 2003?
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Oops this was for Excel. Maybe not so good for Word?
Thanks, that is just what I was looking for.
Too late but here is a macro that will convert a selected numerical value to text with Dollar and Cents in the end. This macro is a modification of the macro found at
Open MSword
Click file>close (no more open documents)
Click tools>macros>Visual basic editor
On the left hand side tree-view, expand 'normal'>'Microsoft word objects' to see 'ThisDocument'
Double click on 'ThisDocument'
A white (probably blank) window will appear on the
right hand side, where you should paste the following code
Close all the windows. Installation is complete!
Now when you are typing a document,
if want to use the converter,
Select the number which you want to convert.
Press Alt+F8.
Press Enter. (check for 'RSconvert' in 'Macro name' text field)
This will replace the selected number with its
word equivalent
Open MSword
Click file>close (no more open documents)
Click tools>macros>Visual basic editor
On the left hand side tree-view, expand 'normal'>'Microsoft word objects' to see 'ThisDocument'
Double click on 'ThisDocument'
A white (probably blank) window will appear on the
right hand side, where you should paste the following code
Close all the windows. Installation is complete!
Now when you are typing a document,
if want to use the converter,
Select the number which you want to convert.
Press Alt+F8.
Press Enter. (check for 'RSconvert' in 'Macro name' text field)
This will replace the selected number with its
word equivalent
Dim arrSingleDigit
Dim arrTeen
Dim arrTwoDigits
Sub RSconvert()
On Error Resume Next
arrSingleDigit = Array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten")
arrTeen = Array("eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty")
arrTwoDigits = Array("10", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ", "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ", "ninety ", "Hundred")
valdig = Trim("" + Selection.Text)
If valdig = "" Or IsNumeric(valdig) = False Then Exit Sub
valInDigits = valdig
cents = Int(valInDigits * 100 - Int(valInDigits) * 100)
valInDigits = Int(valInDigits)
If valInDigits > 0 Then
If valInDigits > 999999999 Then
MsgBox "Beyond Limit"
msgtmp = convert(valInDigits) + " Dollars"
If cents <> 0 Then msgtmp = msgtmp + " and " + convert(cents) + " Cents"
msgtmp = UCase(Left(msgtmp, 1)) + Right(msgtmp, Len(msgtmp) - 1)
Selection.Text = msgtmp
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function convert(valInDigits)
If valInDigits > 0 And valInDigits < 10 Then
converted = arrSingleDigit(valInDigits - 1)
ElseIf valInDigits = 10 Then
converted = "ten"
ElseIf ((valInDigits > 10) And (valInDigits < 20)) Then
converted = arrTeen(valInDigits Mod 10 - 1)
ElseIf ((valInDigits >= 20) And (valInDigits <= 99)) Then
MSB = valInDigits \ 10
converted = arrTwoDigits(MSB - 1)
LSB = valInDigits Mod 10
If LSB > 0 Then
converted = converted + convert(LSB)
End If
ElseIf ((valInDigits >= 100) And (valInDigits <= 999)) Then
MSB = valInDigits \ 100
converted = convert(MSB) + " " + "hundred"
LSB = valInDigits Mod 100
If LSB > 0 Then
converted = converted + " " + convert(LSB)
End If
ElseIf ((valInDigits >= 999) And (valInDigits <= 99999)) Then
MSB = valInDigits \ 1000
converted = convert(MSB) + " " + "thousand"
LSB = valInDigits Mod 1000
If LSB > 0 Then
converted = converted + " " + convert(LSB)
End If
ElseIf ((valInDigits >= 99999) And (valInDigits <= 999999)) Then
MSB = valInDigits \ 100000
converted = convert(MSB) + " " + "hundred"
LSB = valInDigits Mod 100000
If LSB > 0 Then
converted = converted + " " + convert(LSB)
End If
ElseIf ((valInDigits >= 999999) And (valInDigits <= 999999999)) Then
MSB = valInDigits \ 1000000
converted = convert(MSB) + " " + "million"
LSB = valInDigits Mod 1000000
If LSB > 0 Then
converted = converted + " " + convert(LSB)
End If
'ElseIf ((valInDigits >= 999999999) And (valInDigits <= 999999999999#)) Then
'MSB = valInDigits \ 1000000000
'converted = convert(MSB) + " " + "billion"
'LSB = valInDigits Mod 1000000000
'If LSB > 0 Then
'converted = converted + " " + convert(LSB)
'End If
End If
convert = converted
End Function
Put the code in the code snippet in a module
Enter ConvertCurrencyToEnglish(A
Open in new window