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Gordon Tin

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Exchange2003 OWA upload file very slow 1M/min

exchange2003 OWA. When i try to upload a attachment 5M. It takes about 4-5mins. This is a global case happen to all users i believe.
Attachment download is very quick. What exchange2003 settings can in check?
Any other further suggest for me.
Avatar of tigermatt
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I assume these users are people accessing your Exchange server over the Internet, as opposed to locally. If this is the case, then I would expect the upload of megabytes of data to be rather slow. Consumer internet connections usually have very fast download speeds FROM the Internet, but when you send data TO the Internet, the upload speed is a tiny fraction of the download speed, and this limits how much data you can send to the Internet in a certain time frame.

There isn't really much you can do about this. You just have to accept that uploading large attachments to Exchange is going to be slow.

What is the speed of your Internet connection?
If they are accessing your server from offsite what is the speed of their Internet connection?
Avatar of Gordon Tin
Gordon Tin


Home Internet Connection is ADSL.
download: 6M
upload: 256K

I would like to know whether 1M/min upload is reasonable for exchange2003 OWA.
I have problem with my settings in exchange2003.

Is it possible that i can tune up this upload speed for OWA over internet.

Avatar of tigermatt
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