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Router or Firewall

Situation: Web application, all HTTPS/SSL traffic. Multiple Site-to-Site IPSEc VPN connections. Need redundancy.

Would you suggest an ASA or 2800? Our hardware vendor is recommending the ASA 5510. I don't exactly think that will do the job of a router/firewall very well. We are on a budget. Would you just set up 2x2811 or do 2xASA-5510.

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Doesn't the 2800 have higher limits? It just has slower throughput.
Well the ASA can handle through-put of up to 300 Mbps

I believe a 2811 is more like 61 Mbps (correct me if im wrong) through put. The 2811 is a T1 router and is not ment for high throughput speeds but it is versatile in the sence that you can connect it to any type of internet connection ( T1, ADSL, Ethernet) but for performance and reliability and security, the ASA is your choice.