Amanda Watson
asked on
After I edit a record the page goes blank
I have come across a problem and posted in a forum where the thread led to a dead end, and I am sure there has to be a way to fix the problem.
Rather than writing everything again I have posted the thread here
If someone really clever can help me fix this I would be so greatful
I have come across a problem and posted in a forum where the thread led to a dead end, and I am sure there has to be a way to fix the problem.
Rather than writing everything again I have posted the thread here
If someone really clever can help me fix this I would be so greatful
How do I find where to write that though..........
This is the page it gets redirected to which is blank....
Its using a bunch of functions written in index.php so where can I add that javascript?
This is the page it gets redirected to which is blank....
Its using a bunch of functions written in index.php so where can I add that javascript?
on index.php there will be a check for $_GET variables.
without being able to see it i am guessing it would say
without being able to see it i am guessing it would say
if($_GET['function'] == 'update')
//do lots of stuff
//add this line
header("Location: index.php");
This is the file...
Can you see where to add the line in there?
Can you see where to add the line in there?
DaDaBIK (DaDaBIK is a DataBase Interfaces Kreator)
Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Eugenio Tacchini
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
If you want to contact me by e-mail, this is my address:
include ("./include/config.php");
/* 4.0 */
// hack for oracle, all field names fetched in lower case
if ($dbms_type === 'oci8po') {
define('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE', 0);
} // end if
if (isset($mail_feature) and $mail_feature == 1){
// include mail classes
include ("./include/mail_classes/");
include ("./include/mail_classes/");
} // and if
include ("./include/languages/".$language.".php");
include ("./include/functions.php");
include ("./include/common_start.php");
include ("./include/check_installation.php");
include ("./include/check_login.php");
include ("./include/check_table.php");
include ("./include/header.php");
// HTTP Variables:
/***************** GET ***************************
// link export_to_csv, set to 1
if (isset($_GET["export_to_csv"])){
$export_to_csv = $_GET["export_to_csv"];
} // end if
// I keep in session where_clause, page, order and order_by in order to save a results view, even if a change table
// contains the where clause, without limit and order e.g. "field = 'value'" (all url encoded)
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv, show_all link, check existing mail
// why strepslashes? The first time $where_clause is calculated from build_where_clause, and it's ok because all the field contents come from POST with slashes, so when I pass it through links new slashes are added and I have to strip them
if (isset($_GET["where_clause"])){
$where_clause = stripslashes($_GET["where_clause"]);
$_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name] = $where_clause;
} // end if
elseif (isset($_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name])){
$where_clause = $_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// the current page in records results (0......n)
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv, show_all link
if (isset($_GET["page"])){
$page = $_GET["page"];
$_SESSION['page_'.$table_name] = $page;
} // end if
elseif (isset($_SESSION['page_'.$table_name])){
$page = $_SESSION['page_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// the field used to order the results
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv
// why strepslashes? The first time $order is calculated in the code, so when I pass it through links new slashes are added if the field name contains quotes and I have to strip them
if (isset($_GET["order"])){
$order = stripslashes($_GET["order"]);
$_SESSION['order_'.$table_name] = $order;
} // end
elseif (isset($_SESSION['order_'.$table_name])){
$order = $_SESSION['order_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// the order type ('ASC'|'DESC')
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv
if (isset($_GET["order_type"])){
$order_type = $_GET["order_type"];
$_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name] = $order_type;
} // end
elseif (isset($_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name])){
$order_type = $_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// set to 1 when the user click on "show all"
// show_all link (footer.php)
// why isset()? All variables should be set because if empty_search_variables the user comes from a show results page, but could ben unset if the session has expired
if (isset($_GET['empty_search_variables']) && (int)$_GET['empty_search_variables'] === 1) {
if (isset($where_clause)) {
} // end if
if (isset($page)) {
} // end if
if (isset($order)) {
} // end if
if (isset($order_type)) {
} // end if
} // end if
// the function of this page I wanto to execute ('edit'|'delete'|'search'....)
// navigation bar, order, edit, detail, delete and delete all links, export to csv, bottom links, insert/edit/search form, insert_duplication form
if (isset($_GET["function"])){ // from the homepage
$function = $_GET["function"];
} // end
$function = "search";
} // end else
// the number of result records to be displayed in a page
// records_per_page listbox
if (isset($_GET["records_per_page"])){ // the user set a new value from the listbox
$records_per_page = (int)$_GET["records_per_page"];
$_SESSION['records_per_page_'.$table_name] = $records_per_page;
} // end
elseif (isset($_SESSION['records_per_page_'.$table_name])){ // otherwise use the value saved for this table
$records_per_page = $_SESSION['records_per_page_'.$table_name];
} // end if
else{ // otherwise (first time the table is accessed or session expired) use the first value of the listbox
$records_per_page = $records_per_page_ar[0];
} // end else
// the function ('edit'|'delete') from which the user click on previous/next buttons
// previous/next links
if (isset($_GET["from_function"])){
$from_function = $_GET["from_function"];
} // end
// the field used to identify a single record in edit, delete and detail functions
// edit, delete, detail links, edit form
if (isset($_GET["where_field"])){
$where_field = $_GET["where_field"];
} // end if
// the value (of where_field) used to identify a single record in edit, delete and detail functions
// edit, delete, detail links, edit form
if (isset($_GET["where_value"])){
$where_value = $_GET["where_value"];
} // end if
// set to 1 when a research has been just executed
// from the search form
if (isset($_GET["execute_search"])){
$execute_search = $_GET["execute_search"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after an update
// redirect after update
if (isset($_GET["just_updated"])){
$just_updated = $_GET["just_updated"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after an update with no authorization
// update case
if (isset($_GET["just_updated_no_authorization"])){
$just_updated_no_authorization = $_GET["just_updated_no_authorization"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a delete with no authorization
// delete case
if (isset($_GET["just_delete_no_authorization"])){
$just_delete_no_authorization = $_GET["just_delete_no_authorization"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after an insert
// redirect after insert
if (isset($_GET["just_inserted"])){
$just_inserted = $_GET["just_inserted"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a delete multiple with authentication enabled
// redirect after delete_all
if (isset($_GET["just_delete_all_authorizated"])){
$just_delete_all_authorizated = $_GET["just_delete_all_authorizated"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a next record on the last one
// redirect after choose_next_record
if (isset($_GET["just_next_record_on_last_one"])){
$just_next_record_on_last_one = (int)$_GET["just_next_record_on_last_one"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a previous record on the first one
// redirect after choose_previous_record
if (isset($_GET["just_previous_record_on_first_one"])){
$just_previous_record_on_first_one = (int)$_GET["just_previous_record_on_first_one"];
} // end if
// from index.php: when the user want to check an existing mailing, set 0 because I don't want to show the add to mailing form below the results table. Otherwise I set it to 1
if (isset($_GET['show_add_to_mailing_form'])) {
$show_add_to_mailing_form = (int)$_GET['show_add_to_mailing_form'];
} // end if
else {
$show_add_to_mailing_form = 1;
} // end else
// insert_duplication_form, set to 1 if the user want to insert anyway
if (isset($_GET["insert_duplication"])){
$insert_duplication = $_GET["insert_duplication"];
} // end if
/***************** POST ***************************
All the field contents come from POST, and I use them directly ($_POST)
$action = $dadabik_main_file;
$show_record_numbers_change_table = 1;
// get the array containg label ant other information about the fields
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
case "insert":
if ($enable_insert == "1") {
// if (!isset($insert_duplication) || $insert_duplication != '1'){ // otherwise would be checked for two times
// check values
$check = 0;
//$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $_FILES, $fields_labels_ar, $function);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["required_fields_missed"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // required fields are ok
// check field lengths
$check = 0;
$check = check_length_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["fields_max_length"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // fields length are ok
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = "";
$check = check_fields_types($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $content_error_type);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["{$content_error_type}_not_valid"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // type field are ok
$check = 0;
$check = write_temp_uploaded_files($_FILES, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
//Need to add the reason why the upload failed: file too large, improper filename (such as a .php file), or the file couldn't be found.
txt_out($error_messages_ar["upload_error"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // uploaded files are ok
if (!isset($insert_duplication) || $insert_duplication != '1'){
// check for duplicated insert in the database
$sql = build_select_duplicated_query($_POST, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar, $string1_similar_ar, $string2_similar_ar);
if ($sql != ""){ // if there are some duplication
$check = 0;
if ($display_is_similar == 1){
for ($i=0; $i<count($string1_similar_ar); $i++){
} // end for
} // end if ($display_is_similar == 1)
// execute the select query
//$res_records = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$res_records = execute_db_limit($sql, $conn, $number_duplicated_records, 0);
$results_type = "possible_duplication";
$where_clause = ""; // I don't need it here, I've just a fixed number of results.
$results_table = build_results_table($fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $res_records, $results_type, "", "", $action, $where_clause, "", "", "");
txt_out ($normal_messages_ar["similar_records"]);
$insert_duplication_form = build_insert_duplication_form($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name);
echo $insert_duplication_form;
echo $results_table;
} // end if
} // end if
if ($check === 1){
// insert a new record
insert_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name);
if ($enable_insert_notice_email_sending === 1) {
$unique_field_name = get_unique_field_db($table_name);
$last_inserted_ID = get_last_ID_db();
if (isset($unique_field_name) && $unique_field_name !== '' && isset($last_inserted_ID) && $last_inserted_ID !== false) {
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.".".$quote.$unique_field_name.$quote." = '".$last_inserted_ID."'";
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// build the insert notice message
$insert_notice_email = build_insert_update_notice_email_record_details($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
$to_addresses = '';
$cc_addresses = '';
$bcc_addresses = '';
foreach ($insert_notice_email_to_recipients_ar as $insert_notice_email_to_recipient){
$to_addresses .= $insert_notice_email_to_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$to_addresses = substr($to_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($insert_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar as $insert_notice_email_cc_recipient){
$cc_addresses .= $insert_notice_email_cc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$cc_addresses = substr($cc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($insert_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar as $insert_notice_email_bcc_recipient){
$bcc_addresses .= $insert_notice_email_bcc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$bcc_addresses = substr($bcc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
$additional_headers = '';
if ($cc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Cc:".$cc_addresses."\n";
} // end if
if ($bcc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Bcc:".$bcc_addresses;
} // end if
mail($to_addresses, $db_name.' - '.$table_name.' - '.$normal_messages_ar['new_insert_executed'], $insert_notice_email, $additional_headers);
} // end if
} // end if
if ($insert_again_after_insert == 1) {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
// re-get the array containg label ant other information about the fields, could be changed in the insert (other choices......)
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
$unique_field_name = get_unique_field_db($table_name);
if ($unique_field_name != '') {
$location_url .= '&order='.$unique_field_name.'&order_type=desc';
} // end if
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end else
} // end if
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
if ($check === 0) {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 1;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 1;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
// } // end if (!isset($insert_duplication) || $insert_duplication != '1')
else{ // $insert_duplication == "1"
// insert a new record
insert_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name);
if ($insert_again_after_insert == 1) {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
// re-get the array containg label ant other information about the fields, could be changed in the insert (other choices......)
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "");
echo $form;
} // end if
$unique_field_name = get_unique_field($table_name);
if ($unique_field_name != '') {
$location_url .= '&order='.$unique_field_name.'&order_type=desc';
} // end if
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end else
} // end else
} // end if
case "search":
// $page if index.php is called without parameters (the first time DaDaBIK is launched)
if (!isset($page)) {
$page = 0;
$_SESSION['page_'.$table_name] = $page;
} // end if
// build the select query
if (isset($execute_search) && $execute_search === '1'){ // it's a search result, the user has just filled the search form, so we have to build the select query
//if (!isset($where_clause)){ // it's a search result, the user has just filled the search form, so we have to build the select query
$where_clause = build_where_clause($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$page = 0;
$_SESSION['page_'.$table_name] = $page;
} // end if
elseif (!isset($where_clause)) { // when I call index for the first time
$where_clause = '';
} // end else
// save the where_clause without the user part to pass
$where_clause_to_pass = $where_clause;
$_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name] = $where_clause;
if ($enable_authentication === 1 && $enable_browse_authorization === 1) { // $ID_user_field_name = '$current_user' where clause part in order to select only the records the current user owns
$ID_user_field_name = get_ID_user_field_name($fields_labels_ar);
if ($ID_user_field_name !== false) { // no ID_user fields available, don't use authorization
if ($where_clause === '') {
$where_clause = $quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($current_user)."'";
} // end if
else {
//$where_clause .= " AND ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($current_user)."'";
$where_clause = "(".$where_clause.") AND ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($current_user)."'";
} // end else
} // end if
} // end if
//$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$quote.$table_name.$quote;
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
if ($where_clause != ""){
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where_clause;
} // end if
// execute the select without limit query to get the number of results
$res_records_without_limit = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$select_without_limit = $sql; // I save it because I need it to pass it to build_add_to_mailing_form
$results_number = get_num_rows_db($res_records_without_limit); // get the number of results
if ($results_number > 0){ // at least one record found
$pages_number = get_pages_number($results_number, $records_per_page); // get the total number of pages
if(isset($export_to_csv) && $export_to_csv == 1 && $export_to_csv_feature == 1) {
if (isset($csv_creation_time_limt)) {
} // end if
$csv = build_csv($res_records_without_limit, $fields_labels_ar);
//header('Content-Type: application/');
header("Content-Type: text/x-csv");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$table_name.'.csv"');
//header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
echo $csv;
} // end if
if (!isset($order)){
$order = '';
if ($fields_labels_ar[0]["primary_key_field_field"] !== ''){
$linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$i]['separator_field'], $fields_labels_ar[0]['linked_fields_field']);
foreach ($linked_fields_ar as $linked_field){
$order .= $fields_labels_ar[0]['primary_key_table_field'].'.'.$linked_field.'~';
} //end foreach
$order = substr($order, 0, -1); // deleter the last '~'
} // end if
$order .= $table_name.'.'.$fields_labels_ar[0]["name_field"];
} // end else
// get the first field present in the results form as order
$count_temp = 0;
$fields_labels_ar_count = count($fields_labels_ar);
while (!isset($order) && $count_temp < $fields_labels_ar_count) {
if ($fields_labels_ar[$count_temp]["present_results_search_field"] === '1') {
$order = $fields_labels_ar[$count_temp]["name_field"];
} // end if
} // end while
if (!isset($order)) { // if no fields are present in the results form, just use the first field as order, the form wiil be empty, this is just to prevent error messages when composing the sql query
$order = $fields_labels_ar[0]["name_field"];
} // end if
} // end if
$_SESSION['order_'.$table_name] = $order;
if (!isset($order_type)){
$order_type = "ASC";
$_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name] = $order_type;
} // end if
if ($page > ($pages_number-1)) {
$page = $pages_number-1;
} // end if
$sql .= " ORDER BY ";
// get the index of $fields_labels_ar corresponding to a field
$count_temp = 0;
foreach ($fields_labels_ar as $field){
if ($field['name_field'] === $order){
$field_index = $count_temp;
} // end if
} // end foreach
if ($fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["primary_key_field_field"] !== '' && $fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["primary_key_field_field"] !== NULL){
$linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['separator_field'], $fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['linked_fields_field']);
$is_first = 1;
foreach ($linked_fields_ar as $linked_field){
//$sql .= $quote.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['primary_key_table_field'].$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote.'.'.$quote.$linked_field.$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote;
////*$sql .= $quote.$linked_field.$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote;
$sql .= $quote.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['primary_key_table_field'].$alias_prefix.$linked_field.$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote;
if ($is_first === 1){ // add the order type just to the first field e.g. order by field_1 DESC, field_2, field_3
$sql .= ' '.$order_type;
$is_first = 0;
} // end if
$sql .= ', ';
} //end foreach
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2); // deleter the last ', '
} // end if
//$sql .= $table_name.'.'.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["name_field"];
$sql .= $quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["name_field"].$quote;
$sql .= ' '.$order_type;
} // end else
// add limit clause
/* 4.0 */
//$sql .= " LIMIT ".$page*$records_per_page." , ".$records_per_page;
// execute the select query
/* 4.0 */
//$res_records = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$res_records = execute_db_limit($sql, $conn, $records_per_page, $page*$records_per_page);
if (isset($just_inserted) && $just_inserted == "1") {
} // end if
if (isset($just_delete_all_authorizated) && $just_delete_all_authorizated == "1" && $enable_browse_authorization === 0) {
} // end if
if (isset($just_delete_no_authorization) && $just_delete_no_authorization == "1") {
} // end if
txt_out("<br>".$results_number." ".$normal_messages_ar["records_found"], "n_results_found");
// get the number of records in the current table
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$quote.$table_name.$quote;
if ($enable_authentication === 1 && $enable_browse_authorization === 1) { // $ID_user_field_name = '$_SESSION['logged_user_infos_ar']['username_user']' where clause part in order to select only the records the current user owns
$ID_user_field_name = get_ID_user_field_name($fields_labels_ar);
if ($ID_user_field_name !== false) { // no ID_user fields available, don't use authorization
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($_SESSION['logged_user_infos_ar']['username_user'])."'";
} // end if
} // end if
// execute the select query
$res_count = execute_db($sql, $conn);
while ($count_row = fetch_row_db($res_count)){
$records_number = $count_row[0];
} // end while
txt_out(' ('.$normal_messages_ar["total_records"].':'.$records_number.')', 'total_records');
if ($enable_delete == "1" && $enable_delete_all_feature === 1) {
echo " <a class=\"onlyscreen\" onclick=\"if (!confirm('".$normal_messages_ar['confirm_delete?']."')){ return false;}else if (!confirm('".$normal_messages_ar['really?']."')){ return false;}\" href=\"".$action."?table_name=". urlencode($table_name)."&function=delete_all&where_clause=".urlencode($where_clause_to_pass)."&page=".$page."&order=".urlencode($order)."&order_type=".$order_type."\">".$normal_messages_ar['delete_all']."</a>";
} // end if
if ($results_number > $records_per_page){ // display the navigation bar
txt_out ("<br><font class=\"page_n_of_m\">".$normal_messages_ar["page"].($page+1).$normal_messages_ar["of"].$pages_number."</font>"); // "Page n of x" statement
// build the navigation tool
$navigation_tool = build_navigation_tool($where_clause_to_pass, $pages_number, $page, $action, "", $order, $order_type);
// display the navigation tool
echo " ".$navigation_tool."<br><br>";
} // end if ($results_number > $records_per_page)
$change_table_form = build_change_table_form();
$records_per_page_form = build_records_per_page_form($records_per_page, $table_name);
if ($change_table_form != ""){ // if there is more than one table to manage
} // end if
else {
} // end else
$results_type = "search";
// build the HTML results table
$results_table = build_results_table($fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $res_records, $results_type, "", "", $action, $where_clause_to_pass, $page, $order, $order_type);
echo $results_table;
if ( $export_to_csv_feature == 1) {
echo "<a href=\"".$action."?table_name=". urlencode($table_name)."&function=".$function."&where_clause=".urlencode($where_clause_to_pass)."&page=".$page."&order=".urlencode($order)."&order_type=".$order_type."&export_to_csv=1\">";
txt_out ($normal_messages_ar["export_to_csv"]."</a>", "export_to_csv");
echo "</a>";
if (isset($mail_feature) && $mail_feature == 1 && $show_add_to_mailing_form === 1){ // e-mail feature activated & show_add_to_mailing_form enabled
$sql = "select name_mailing from mailing_tab where sent_mailing = '0' order by date_created_mailing desc";
// execute the query
$res_mailing = execute_db($sql, $conn);
if (get_num_rows_db($res_mailing) > 0){ // at least one mailing created
$add_to_mailing_form = build_add_to_mailing_form($res_mailing, $select_without_limit, $results_number);
txt_out("<br><table><tr><td>".$add_to_mailing_form."</td><td valign=\"top\">".$normal_messages_ar["all_records_found"]."</td></tr></table>");
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
$change_table_form = build_change_table_form();
$records_per_page_form = build_records_per_page_form($records_per_page, $table_name);
if ($change_table_form != ""){ // if there is more than one table to manage
} // end if
else {
} // end else
} // end else
case "details":
if ($enable_details == "1" && ($enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_browse_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar))){
// build the details select query
//$sql = "select * from ".$quote.$table_name.$quote." where ".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
//$sql .= " where ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."' LIMIT 1";
$sql .= " where ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
if (isset($just_next_record_on_last_one) && $just_next_record_on_last_one === 1) {
} // end if
if (isset($just_previous_record_on_first_one) && $just_previous_record_on_first_one === 1) {
} // end if
txt_out('<p><a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_previous_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'"><< '.$normal_messages_ar['previous'].'</a> <a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_next_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'">'.$normal_messages_ar['next'].' >></a></p>');
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db("$sql", $conn);
// build the HTML details table
$details_table = build_details_table($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
// display the HTML details table
echo $details_table;
} // end if
else {
} // end else
case "edit":
if ($enable_edit == "1" && ($enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_browse_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar))){
if (isset($just_updated) && $just_updated == "1") {
if (isset($just_updated_no_authorization) && $just_updated_no_authorization == "1") {
if (isset($just_next_record_on_last_one) && $just_next_record_on_last_one === 1) {
} // end if
if (isset($just_previous_record_on_first_one) && $just_previous_record_on_first_one === 1) {
} // end if
// build the details select query
$sql = "select * from ".$quote.$table_name.$quote." where ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
txt_out('<p><a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_previous_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'"><< '.$normal_messages_ar['previous'].'</a> <a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_next_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'">'.$normal_messages_ar['next'].' >></a></p>');
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$form_type = "update";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, $where_field, $where_value, $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
else {
} // end else
case "update":
if ($enable_edit == "1"){
$check = 0;
//$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $_FILES, $fields_labels_ar, $function);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["required_fields_missed"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // required fields are ok
// check field lengths
$check = 0;
$check = check_length_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["fields_max_length"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // fields length are ok
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = "";
$check = check_fields_types($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $content_error_type);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["{$content_error_type}_not_valid"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // type field are ok
$check = 0;
$check = write_temp_uploaded_files($_FILES, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
//Need to add the reason why the upload failed: file too large, improper filename (such as a .php file), or the file couldn't be found.
txt_out($error_messages_ar["upload_error"], "error_messages_form");
else { // filed uploaded are ok
$update_type = "internal";
if( $enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_update_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar)){
// update the record
update_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name, $where_field, $where_value, $update_type);
if ($enable_update_notice_email_sending === 1) {
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.".".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// build the update notice message
$update_notice_email = build_insert_update_notice_email_record_details($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
$to_addresses = '';
$cc_addresses = '';
$bcc_addresses = '';
foreach ($update_notice_email_to_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_to_recipient){
$to_addresses .= $update_notice_email_to_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$to_addresses = substr($to_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_cc_recipient){
$cc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_cc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$cc_addresses = substr($cc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient){
$bcc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$bcc_addresses = substr($bcc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
$additional_headers = '';
if ($cc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Cc:".$cc_addresses."\n";
} // end if
if ($bcc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Bcc:".$bcc_addresses;
} // end if
mail($to_addresses, $db_name.' - '.$table_name.' - '.$normal_messages_ar['new_update_executed'], $update_notice_email, $additional_headers);
} // end if
} // end if
else {
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
if ($check === 0) {
$form_type = "update";
$res_details = '';
$show_insert_form_after_error = 1;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 1;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, $where_field, $where_value, $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
} // end if
case "delete":
if ($enable_delete == "1") {
$location_url = $site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.urlencode($table_name).'&function=search&where_clause='.urlencode($where_clause);
if(isset($page) && isset($order) && isset($order_type)) {
$location_url .= '&page='.$page.'&order='.urlencode($order).'&order_type='.$order_type;
$location_url .= '&page=0';
if( $enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_delete_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar)){
delete_record ($table_name, $where_field, $where_value);
} // end if
else {
$location_url .= '&just_delete_no_authorization=1';
} // end else
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end if
case "delete_all":
if ($enable_delete == "1" && $enable_delete_all_feature === 1) {
$ID_user_field_name = get_ID_user_field_name($fields_labels_ar);
delete_multiple_records ($table_name, $where_clause, $ID_user_field_name);
$location_url = $site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.urlencode($table_name)."&function=search&where_clause=&page=0";
if ($enable_browse_authorization === 0 && $ID_user_field_name !== false) { // if the user see just his owns records the message doesn't make sense
$location_url .= '&just_delete_all_authorizated=1';
} // end if
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end if
case "show_insert_form":
if ($enable_insert == "1") {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
case "show_search_form":
$form_type = "search";
$res_details = "";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
case "choose_next_record";
if (isset($where_clause) && isset($order) && isset($order_type)) { // could be not set if the session has expired
// rebuild the query for the current results
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
if ($where_clause !== '') {
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where_clause;
} // end if
$sql .= " ORDER BY ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$order.$quote. " ".$order_type;
// execute the query
$res = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// loop through the recordset, when find the current record, read another one and save its where_value
$record_found = 0;
while ($row = fetch_row_db($res)) {
if ($row[$where_field] == $where_value) {
$record_found = 1;
if ($row = fetch_row_db($res)) { // could be false if the current is the last record
$new_where_value = $row[$where_field];
} // end if
} // end if
} // end while
if ($record_found === 0) { // the record has not been found
} // end if
elseif (!isset($new_where_value)) { // the current record is the last one
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&just_next_record_on_last_one=1');
} // end elseif
else {
// redirect to the function from which the user comes (edit or detail) using the where_value just discovered
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($new_where_value));
} // end else
} // end if
case "choose_previous_record";
if (isset($where_clause) && isset($order) && isset($order_type)) { // could be not set if the session has expired
// rebuild the query for the current results
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
if ($where_clause !== '') {
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where_clause;
} // end if
$sql .= " ORDER BY ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$order.$quote. " ".$order_type;
// execute the query
$res = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// loop through the recordset, when find the current record, read another one and save its where_value
$record_found = 0;
while ($row = fetch_row_db($res)) {
if ($row[$where_field] == $where_value) {
$record_found = 1;
} // end if
if ($record_found === 0) {
$new_where_value = $row[$where_field];
} // end if
} // end while
if ($record_found === 0) { // the record has not been found
} // end if
elseif (!isset($new_where_value)) { // the current record is the first one
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&just_previous_record_on_first_one=1');
} // end elseif
else {
// redirect to the function from which the user comes (edit or detail) using the where_value just discovered
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($new_where_value));
} // end else
} // end if
} // end swtich ($function)
// include footer
include ("./include/footer.php");
here u go
case "update":
if ($enable_edit == "1"){
$check = 0;
//$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $_FILES, $fields_labels_ar, $function);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["required_fields_missed"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // required fields are ok
// check field lengths
$check = 0;
$check = check_length_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["fields_max_length"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // fields length are ok
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = "";
$check = check_fields_types($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $content_error_type);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["{$content_error_type}_not_valid"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // type field are ok
$check = 0;
$check = write_temp_uploaded_files($_FILES, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
//Need to add the reason why the upload failed: file too large, improper filename (such as a .php file), or the file couldn't be found.
txt_out($error_messages_ar["upload_error"], "error_messages_form");
else { // filed uploaded are ok
$update_type = "internal";
if( $enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_update_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar)){
// update the record
update_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name, $where_field, $where_value, $update_type);
if ($enable_update_notice_email_sending === 1) {
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.".".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// build the update notice message
$update_notice_email = build_insert_update_notice_email_record_details($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
$to_addresses = '';
$cc_addresses = '';
$bcc_addresses = '';
foreach ($update_notice_email_to_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_to_recipient){
$to_addresses .= $update_notice_email_to_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$to_addresses = substr($to_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_cc_recipient){
$cc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_cc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$cc_addresses = substr($cc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient){
$bcc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$bcc_addresses = substr($bcc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
$additional_headers = '';
if ($cc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Cc:".$cc_addresses."\n";
} // end if
if ($bcc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Bcc:".$bcc_addresses;
} // end if
mail($to_addresses, $db_name.' - '.$table_name.' - '.$normal_messages_ar['new_update_executed'], $update_notice_email, $additional_headers);
} // end if
} // end if
else {
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
if ($check === 0) {
$form_type = "update";
$res_details = '';
$show_insert_form_after_error = 1;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 1;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, $where_field, $where_value, $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
header("Location: index.php");
} // end if
You are wonderful...
It didn't work though...
this is the new index.php page (I have added it all incase I missed somthing) Â I used your code from the beginning to end of the case).
But it still goes to a blank page........
It didn't work though...
this is the new index.php page (I have added it all incase I missed somthing) Â I used your code from the beginning to end of the case).
But it still goes to a blank page........
DaDaBIK (DaDaBIK is a DataBase Interfaces Kreator)
Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Eugenio Tacchini
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
If you want to contact me by e-mail, this is my address:
include ("./include/config.php");
/* 4.0 */
// hack for oracle, all field names fetched in lower case
if ($dbms_type === 'oci8po') {
define('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE', 0);
} // end if
if (isset($mail_feature) and $mail_feature == 1){
// include mail classes
include ("./include/mail_classes/");
include ("./include/mail_classes/");
} // and if
include ("./include/languages/".$language.".php");
include ("./include/functions.php");
include ("./include/common_start.php");
include ("./include/check_installation.php");
include ("./include/check_login.php");
include ("./include/check_table.php");
include ("./include/header.php");
// HTTP Variables:
/***************** GET ***************************
// link export_to_csv, set to 1
if (isset($_GET["export_to_csv"])){
$export_to_csv = $_GET["export_to_csv"];
} // end if
// I keep in session where_clause, page, order and order_by in order to save a results view, even if a change table
// contains the where clause, without limit and order e.g. "field = 'value'" (all url encoded)
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv, show_all link, check existing mail
// why strepslashes? The first time $where_clause is calculated from build_where_clause, and it's ok because all the field contents come from POST with slashes, so when I pass it through links new slashes are added and I have to strip them
if (isset($_GET["where_clause"])){
$where_clause = stripslashes($_GET["where_clause"]);
$_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name] = $where_clause;
} // end if
elseif (isset($_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name])){
$where_clause = $_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// the current page in records results (0......n)
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv, show_all link
if (isset($_GET["page"])){
$page = $_GET["page"];
$_SESSION['page_'.$table_name] = $page;
} // end if
elseif (isset($_SESSION['page_'.$table_name])){
$page = $_SESSION['page_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// the field used to order the results
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv
// why strepslashes? The first time $order is calculated in the code, so when I pass it through links new slashes are added if the field name contains quotes and I have to strip them
if (isset($_GET["order"])){
$order = stripslashes($_GET["order"]);
$_SESSION['order_'.$table_name] = $order;
} // end
elseif (isset($_SESSION['order_'.$table_name])){
$order = $_SESSION['order_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// the order type ('ASC'|'DESC')
// navigation bar, order, delete and delete all links, export to csv
if (isset($_GET["order_type"])){
$order_type = $_GET["order_type"];
$_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name] = $order_type;
} // end
elseif (isset($_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name])){
$order_type = $_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name];
} // end if
// set to 1 when the user click on "show all"
// show_all link (footer.php)
// why isset()? All variables should be set because if empty_search_variables the user comes from a show results page, but could ben unset if the session has expired
if (isset($_GET['empty_search_variables']) && (int)$_GET['empty_search_variables'] === 1) {
if (isset($where_clause)) {
} // end if
if (isset($page)) {
} // end if
if (isset($order)) {
} // end if
if (isset($order_type)) {
} // end if
} // end if
// the function of this page I wanto to execute ('edit'|'delete'|'search'....)
// navigation bar, order, edit, detail, delete and delete all links, export to csv, bottom links, insert/edit/search form, insert_duplication form
if (isset($_GET["function"])){ // from the homepage
$function = $_GET["function"];
} // end
$function = "search";
} // end else
// the number of result records to be displayed in a page
// records_per_page listbox
if (isset($_GET["records_per_page"])){ // the user set a new value from the listbox
$records_per_page = (int)$_GET["records_per_page"];
$_SESSION['records_per_page_'.$table_name] = $records_per_page;
} // end
elseif (isset($_SESSION['records_per_page_'.$table_name])){ // otherwise use the value saved for this table
$records_per_page = $_SESSION['records_per_page_'.$table_name];
} // end if
else{ // otherwise (first time the table is accessed or session expired) use the first value of the listbox
$records_per_page = $records_per_page_ar[0];
} // end else
// the function ('edit'|'delete') from which the user click on previous/next buttons
// previous/next links
if (isset($_GET["from_function"])){
$from_function = $_GET["from_function"];
} // end
// the field used to identify a single record in edit, delete and detail functions
// edit, delete, detail links, edit form
if (isset($_GET["where_field"])){
$where_field = $_GET["where_field"];
} // end if
// the value (of where_field) used to identify a single record in edit, delete and detail functions
// edit, delete, detail links, edit form
if (isset($_GET["where_value"])){
$where_value = $_GET["where_value"];
} // end if
// set to 1 when a research has been just executed
// from the search form
if (isset($_GET["execute_search"])){
$execute_search = $_GET["execute_search"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after an update
// redirect after update
if (isset($_GET["just_updated"])){
$just_updated = $_GET["just_updated"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after an update with no authorization
// update case
if (isset($_GET["just_updated_no_authorization"])){
$just_updated_no_authorization = $_GET["just_updated_no_authorization"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a delete with no authorization
// delete case
if (isset($_GET["just_delete_no_authorization"])){
$just_delete_no_authorization = $_GET["just_delete_no_authorization"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after an insert
// redirect after insert
if (isset($_GET["just_inserted"])){
$just_inserted = $_GET["just_inserted"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a delete multiple with authentication enabled
// redirect after delete_all
if (isset($_GET["just_delete_all_authorizated"])){
$just_delete_all_authorizated = $_GET["just_delete_all_authorizated"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a next record on the last one
// redirect after choose_next_record
if (isset($_GET["just_next_record_on_last_one"])){
$just_next_record_on_last_one = (int)$_GET["just_next_record_on_last_one"];
} // end if
// set to 1 after a previous record on the first one
// redirect after choose_previous_record
if (isset($_GET["just_previous_record_on_first_one"])){
$just_previous_record_on_first_one = (int)$_GET["just_previous_record_on_first_one"];
} // end if
// from index.php: when the user want to check an existing mailing, set 0 because I don't want to show the add to mailing form below the results table. Otherwise I set it to 1
if (isset($_GET['show_add_to_mailing_form'])) {
$show_add_to_mailing_form = (int)$_GET['show_add_to_mailing_form'];
} // end if
else {
$show_add_to_mailing_form = 1;
} // end else
// insert_duplication_form, set to 1 if the user want to insert anyway
if (isset($_GET["insert_duplication"])){
$insert_duplication = $_GET["insert_duplication"];
} // end if
/***************** POST ***************************
All the field contents come from POST, and I use them directly ($_POST)
$action = $dadabik_main_file;
$show_record_numbers_change_table = 1;
// get the array containg label ant other information about the fields
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
case "insert":
if ($enable_insert == "1") {
// if (!isset($insert_duplication) || $insert_duplication != '1'){ // otherwise would be checked for two times
// check values
$check = 0;
//$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $_FILES, $fields_labels_ar, $function);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["required_fields_missed"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // required fields are ok
// check field lengths
$check = 0;
$check = check_length_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["fields_max_length"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // fields length are ok
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = "";
$check = check_fields_types($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $content_error_type);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["{$content_error_type}_not_valid"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // type field are ok
$check = 0;
$check = write_temp_uploaded_files($_FILES, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
//Need to add the reason why the upload failed: file too large, improper filename (such as a .php file), or the file couldn't be found.
txt_out($error_messages_ar["upload_error"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // uploaded files are ok
if (!isset($insert_duplication) || $insert_duplication != '1'){
// check for duplicated insert in the database
$sql = build_select_duplicated_query($_POST, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar, $string1_similar_ar, $string2_similar_ar);
if ($sql != ""){ // if there are some duplication
$check = 0;
if ($display_is_similar == 1){
for ($i=0; $i<count($string1_similar_ar); $i++){
} // end for
} // end if ($display_is_similar == 1)
// execute the select query
//$res_records = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$res_records = execute_db_limit($sql, $conn, $number_duplicated_records, 0);
$results_type = "possible_duplication";
$where_clause = ""; // I don't need it here, I've just a fixed number of results.
$results_table = build_results_table($fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $res_records, $results_type, "", "", $action, $where_clause, "", "", "");
txt_out ($normal_messages_ar["similar_records"]);
$insert_duplication_form = build_insert_duplication_form($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name);
echo $insert_duplication_form;
echo $results_table;
} // end if
} // end if
if ($check === 1){
// insert a new record
insert_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name);
if ($enable_insert_notice_email_sending === 1) {
$unique_field_name = get_unique_field_db($table_name);
$last_inserted_ID = get_last_ID_db();
if (isset($unique_field_name) && $unique_field_name !== '' && isset($last_inserted_ID) && $last_inserted_ID !== false) {
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.".".$quote.$unique_field_name.$quote." = '".$last_inserted_ID."'";
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// build the insert notice message
$insert_notice_email = build_insert_update_notice_email_record_details($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
$to_addresses = '';
$cc_addresses = '';
$bcc_addresses = '';
foreach ($insert_notice_email_to_recipients_ar as $insert_notice_email_to_recipient){
$to_addresses .= $insert_notice_email_to_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$to_addresses = substr($to_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($insert_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar as $insert_notice_email_cc_recipient){
$cc_addresses .= $insert_notice_email_cc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$cc_addresses = substr($cc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($insert_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar as $insert_notice_email_bcc_recipient){
$bcc_addresses .= $insert_notice_email_bcc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$bcc_addresses = substr($bcc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
$additional_headers = '';
if ($cc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Cc:".$cc_addresses."\n";
} // end if
if ($bcc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Bcc:".$bcc_addresses;
} // end if
mail($to_addresses, $db_name.' - '.$table_name.' - '.$normal_messages_ar['new_insert_executed'], $insert_notice_email, $additional_headers);
} // end if
} // end if
if ($insert_again_after_insert == 1) {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
// re-get the array containg label ant other information about the fields, could be changed in the insert (other choices......)
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
$unique_field_name = get_unique_field_db($table_name);
if ($unique_field_name != '') {
$location_url .= '&order='.$unique_field_name.'&order_type=desc';
} // end if
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end else
} // end if
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
if ($check === 0) {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 1;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 1;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
// } // end if (!isset($insert_duplication) || $insert_duplication != '1')
else{ // $insert_duplication == "1"
// insert a new record
insert_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name);
if ($insert_again_after_insert == 1) {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
// re-get the array containg label ant other information about the fields, could be changed in the insert (other choices......)
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "");
echo $form;
} // end if
$unique_field_name = get_unique_field($table_name);
if ($unique_field_name != '') {
$location_url .= '&order='.$unique_field_name.'&order_type=desc';
} // end if
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end else
} // end else
} // end if
case "search":
// $page if index.php is called without parameters (the first time DaDaBIK is launched)
if (!isset($page)) {
$page = 0;
$_SESSION['page_'.$table_name] = $page;
} // end if
// build the select query
if (isset($execute_search) && $execute_search === '1'){ // it's a search result, the user has just filled the search form, so we have to build the select query
//if (!isset($where_clause)){ // it's a search result, the user has just filled the search form, so we have to build the select query
$where_clause = build_where_clause($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$page = 0;
$_SESSION['page_'.$table_name] = $page;
} // end if
elseif (!isset($where_clause)) { // when I call index for the first time
$where_clause = '';
} // end else
// save the where_clause without the user part to pass
$where_clause_to_pass = $where_clause;
$_SESSION['where_clause_'.$table_name] = $where_clause;
if ($enable_authentication === 1 && $enable_browse_authorization === 1) { // $ID_user_field_name = '$current_user' where clause part in order to select only the records the current user owns
$ID_user_field_name = get_ID_user_field_name($fields_labels_ar);
if ($ID_user_field_name !== false) { // no ID_user fields available, don't use authorization
if ($where_clause === '') {
$where_clause = $quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($current_user)."'";
} // end if
else {
//$where_clause .= " AND ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($current_user)."'";
$where_clause = "(".$where_clause.") AND ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($current_user)."'";
} // end else
} // end if
} // end if
//$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$quote.$table_name.$quote;
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
if ($where_clause != ""){
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where_clause;
} // end if
// execute the select without limit query to get the number of results
$res_records_without_limit = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$select_without_limit = $sql; // I save it because I need it to pass it to build_add_to_mailing_form
$results_number = get_num_rows_db($res_records_without_limit); // get the number of results
if ($results_number > 0){ // at least one record found
$pages_number = get_pages_number($results_number, $records_per_page); // get the total number of pages
if(isset($export_to_csv) && $export_to_csv == 1 && $export_to_csv_feature == 1) {
if (isset($csv_creation_time_limt)) {
} // end if
$csv = build_csv($res_records_without_limit, $fields_labels_ar);
//header('Content-Type: application/');
header("Content-Type: text/x-csv");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$table_name.'.csv"');
//header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
echo $csv;
} // end if
if (!isset($order)){
$order = '';
if ($fields_labels_ar[0]["primary_key_field_field"] !== ''){
$linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$i]['separator_field'], $fields_labels_ar[0]['linked_fields_field']);
foreach ($linked_fields_ar as $linked_field){
$order .= $fields_labels_ar[0]['primary_key_table_field'].'.'.$linked_field.'~';
} //end foreach
$order = substr($order, 0, -1); // deleter the last '~'
} // end if
$order .= $table_name.'.'.$fields_labels_ar[0]["name_field"];
} // end else
// get the first field present in the results form as order
$count_temp = 0;
$fields_labels_ar_count = count($fields_labels_ar);
while (!isset($order) && $count_temp < $fields_labels_ar_count) {
if ($fields_labels_ar[$count_temp]["present_results_search_field"] === '1') {
$order = $fields_labels_ar[$count_temp]["name_field"];
} // end if
} // end while
if (!isset($order)) { // if no fields are present in the results form, just use the first field as order, the form wiil be empty, this is just to prevent error messages when composing the sql query
$order = $fields_labels_ar[0]["name_field"];
} // end if
} // end if
$_SESSION['order_'.$table_name] = $order;
if (!isset($order_type)){
$order_type = "ASC";
$_SESSION['order_type_'.$table_name] = $order_type;
} // end if
if ($page > ($pages_number-1)) {
$page = $pages_number-1;
} // end if
$sql .= " ORDER BY ";
// get the index of $fields_labels_ar corresponding to a field
$count_temp = 0;
foreach ($fields_labels_ar as $field){
if ($field['name_field'] === $order){
$field_index = $count_temp;
} // end if
} // end foreach
if ($fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["primary_key_field_field"] !== '' && $fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["primary_key_field_field"] !== NULL){
$linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['separator_field'], $fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['linked_fields_field']);
$is_first = 1;
foreach ($linked_fields_ar as $linked_field){
//$sql .= $quote.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['primary_key_table_field'].$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote.'.'.$quote.$linked_field.$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote;
////*$sql .= $quote.$linked_field.$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote;
$sql .= $quote.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['primary_key_table_field'].$alias_prefix.$linked_field.$alias_prefix.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]['alias_suffix_field'].$quote;
if ($is_first === 1){ // add the order type just to the first field e.g. order by field_1 DESC, field_2, field_3
$sql .= ' '.$order_type;
$is_first = 0;
} // end if
$sql .= ', ';
} //end foreach
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2); // deleter the last ', '
} // end if
//$sql .= $table_name.'.'.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["name_field"];
$sql .= $quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$fields_labels_ar[$field_index]["name_field"].$quote;
$sql .= ' '.$order_type;
} // end else
// add limit clause
/* 4.0 */
//$sql .= " LIMIT ".$page*$records_per_page." , ".$records_per_page;
// execute the select query
/* 4.0 */
//$res_records = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$res_records = execute_db_limit($sql, $conn, $records_per_page, $page*$records_per_page);
if (isset($just_inserted) && $just_inserted == "1") {
} // end if
if (isset($just_delete_all_authorizated) && $just_delete_all_authorizated == "1" && $enable_browse_authorization === 0) {
} // end if
if (isset($just_delete_no_authorization) && $just_delete_no_authorization == "1") {
} // end if
txt_out("<br>".$results_number." ".$normal_messages_ar["records_found"], "n_results_found");
// get the number of records in the current table
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$quote.$table_name.$quote;
if ($enable_authentication === 1 && $enable_browse_authorization === 1) { // $ID_user_field_name = '$_SESSION['logged_user_infos_ar']['username_user']' where clause part in order to select only the records the current user owns
$ID_user_field_name = get_ID_user_field_name($fields_labels_ar);
if ($ID_user_field_name !== false) { // no ID_user fields available, don't use authorization
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$ID_user_field_name.$quote." = '".addslashes($_SESSION['logged_user_infos_ar']['username_user'])."'";
} // end if
} // end if
// execute the select query
$res_count = execute_db($sql, $conn);
while ($count_row = fetch_row_db($res_count)){
$records_number = $count_row[0];
} // end while
txt_out(' ('.$normal_messages_ar["total_records"].':'.$records_number.')', 'total_records');
if ($enable_delete == "1" && $enable_delete_all_feature === 1) {
echo " <a class=\"onlyscreen\" onclick=\"if (!confirm('".$normal_messages_ar['confirm_delete?']."')){ return false;}else if (!confirm('".$normal_messages_ar['really?']."')){ return false;}\" href=\"".$action."?table_name=". urlencode($table_name)."&function=delete_all&where_clause=".urlencode($where_clause_to_pass)."&page=".$page."&order=".urlencode($order)."&order_type=".$order_type."\">".$normal_messages_ar['delete_all']."</a>";
} // end if
if ($results_number > $records_per_page){ // display the navigation bar
txt_out ("<br><font class=\"page_n_of_m\">".$normal_messages_ar["page"].($page+1).$normal_messages_ar["of"].$pages_number."</font>"); // "Page n of x" statement
// build the navigation tool
$navigation_tool = build_navigation_tool($where_clause_to_pass, $pages_number, $page, $action, "", $order, $order_type);
// display the navigation tool
echo " ".$navigation_tool."<br><br>";
} // end if ($results_number > $records_per_page)
$change_table_form = build_change_table_form();
$records_per_page_form = build_records_per_page_form($records_per_page, $table_name);
if ($change_table_form != ""){ // if there is more than one table to manage
} // end if
else {
} // end else
$results_type = "search";
// build the HTML results table
$results_table = build_results_table($fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $res_records, $results_type, "", "", $action, $where_clause_to_pass, $page, $order, $order_type);
echo $results_table;
if ( $export_to_csv_feature == 1) {
echo "<a href=\"".$action."?table_name=". urlencode($table_name)."&function=".$function."&where_clause=".urlencode($where_clause_to_pass)."&page=".$page."&order=".urlencode($order)."&order_type=".$order_type."&export_to_csv=1\">";
txt_out ($normal_messages_ar["export_to_csv"]."</a>", "export_to_csv");
echo "</a>";
if (isset($mail_feature) && $mail_feature == 1 && $show_add_to_mailing_form === 1){ // e-mail feature activated & show_add_to_mailing_form enabled
$sql = "select name_mailing from mailing_tab where sent_mailing = '0' order by date_created_mailing desc";
// execute the query
$res_mailing = execute_db($sql, $conn);
if (get_num_rows_db($res_mailing) > 0){ // at least one mailing created
$add_to_mailing_form = build_add_to_mailing_form($res_mailing, $select_without_limit, $results_number);
txt_out("<br><table><tr><td>".$add_to_mailing_form."</td><td valign=\"top\">".$normal_messages_ar["all_records_found"]."</td></tr></table>");
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
$change_table_form = build_change_table_form();
$records_per_page_form = build_records_per_page_form($records_per_page, $table_name);
if ($change_table_form != ""){ // if there is more than one table to manage
} // end if
else {
} // end else
} // end else
case "details":
if ($enable_details == "1" && ($enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_browse_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar))){
// build the details select query
//$sql = "select * from ".$quote.$table_name.$quote." where ".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
//$sql .= " where ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."' LIMIT 1";
$sql .= " where ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
if (isset($just_next_record_on_last_one) && $just_next_record_on_last_one === 1) {
} // end if
if (isset($just_previous_record_on_first_one) && $just_previous_record_on_first_one === 1) {
} // end if
txt_out('<p><a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_previous_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'"><< '.$normal_messages_ar['previous'].'</a> <a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_next_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'">'.$normal_messages_ar['next'].' >></a></p>');
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db("$sql", $conn);
// build the HTML details table
$details_table = build_details_table($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
// display the HTML details table
echo $details_table;
} // end if
else {
} // end else
case "edit":
if ($enable_edit == "1" && ($enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_browse_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar))){
if (isset($just_updated) && $just_updated == "1") {
if (isset($just_updated_no_authorization) && $just_updated_no_authorization == "1") {
if (isset($just_next_record_on_last_one) && $just_next_record_on_last_one === 1) {
} // end if
if (isset($just_previous_record_on_first_one) && $just_previous_record_on_first_one === 1) {
} // end if
// build the details select query
$sql = "select * from ".$quote.$table_name.$quote." where ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
txt_out('<p><a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_previous_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'"><< '.$normal_messages_ar['previous'].'</a> <a class="previous_next" href="'.$dadabik_main_file.'?function=choose_next_record&table_name='.$table_name.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&from_function='.$function.'">'.$normal_messages_ar['next'].' >></a></p>');
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$form_type = "update";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, $where_field, $where_value, $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
else {
} // end else
case "update":
if ($enable_edit == "1"){
$check = 0;
//$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $_FILES, $fields_labels_ar, $function);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["required_fields_missed"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // required fields are ok
// check field lengths
$check = 0;
$check = check_length_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["fields_max_length"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // fields length are ok
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = "";
$check = check_fields_types($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $content_error_type);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["{$content_error_type}_not_valid"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // type field are ok
$check = 0;
$check = write_temp_uploaded_files($_FILES, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
//Need to add the reason why the upload failed: file too large, improper filename (such as a .php file), or the file couldn't be found.
txt_out($error_messages_ar["upload_error"], "error_messages_form");
else { // filed uploaded are ok
$update_type = "internal";
if( $enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_update_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar)){
// update the record
update_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name, $where_field, $where_value, $update_type);
if ($enable_update_notice_email_sending === 1) {
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.".".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// build the update notice message
$update_notice_email = build_insert_update_notice_email_record_details($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
$to_addresses = '';
$cc_addresses = '';
$bcc_addresses = '';
foreach ($update_notice_email_to_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_to_recipient){
$to_addresses .= $update_notice_email_to_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$to_addresses = substr($to_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_cc_recipient){
$cc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_cc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$cc_addresses = substr($cc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient){
$bcc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$bcc_addresses = substr($bcc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
$additional_headers = '';
if ($cc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Cc:".$cc_addresses."\n";
} // end if
if ($bcc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Bcc:".$bcc_addresses;
} // end if
mail($to_addresses, $db_name.' - '.$table_name.' - '.$normal_messages_ar['new_update_executed'], $update_notice_email, $additional_headers);
} // end if
} // end if
else {
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
if ($check === 0) {
$form_type = "update";
$res_details = '';
$show_insert_form_after_error = 1;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 1;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, $where_field, $where_value, $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
header("Location: index.php");
} // end if
case "delete":
if ($enable_delete == "1") {
$location_url = $site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.urlencode($table_name).'&function=search&where_clause='.urlencode($where_clause);
if(isset($page) && isset($order) && isset($order_type)) {
$location_url .= '&page='.$page.'&order='.urlencode($order).'&order_type='.$order_type;
$location_url .= '&page=0';
if( $enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_delete_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar)){
delete_record ($table_name, $where_field, $where_value);
} // end if
else {
$location_url .= '&just_delete_no_authorization=1';
} // end else
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end if
case "delete_all":
if ($enable_delete == "1" && $enable_delete_all_feature === 1) {
$ID_user_field_name = get_ID_user_field_name($fields_labels_ar);
delete_multiple_records ($table_name, $where_clause, $ID_user_field_name);
$location_url = $site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.urlencode($table_name)."&function=search&where_clause=&page=0";
if ($enable_browse_authorization === 0 && $ID_user_field_name !== false) { // if the user see just his owns records the message doesn't make sense
$location_url .= '&just_delete_all_authorizated=1';
} // end if
header('Location: '.$location_url);
} // end if
case "show_insert_form":
if ($enable_insert == "1") {
$form_type = "insert";
$res_details = "";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
case "show_search_form":
$form_type = "search";
$res_details = "";
$show_insert_form_after_error = 0;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 0;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, "", "", $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
case "choose_next_record";
if (isset($where_clause) && isset($order) && isset($order_type)) { // could be not set if the session has expired
// rebuild the query for the current results
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
if ($where_clause !== '') {
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where_clause;
} // end if
$sql .= " ORDER BY ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$order.$quote. " ".$order_type;
// execute the query
$res = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// loop through the recordset, when find the current record, read another one and save its where_value
$record_found = 0;
while ($row = fetch_row_db($res)) {
if ($row[$where_field] == $where_value) {
$record_found = 1;
if ($row = fetch_row_db($res)) { // could be false if the current is the last record
$new_where_value = $row[$where_field];
} // end if
} // end if
} // end while
if ($record_found === 0) { // the record has not been found
} // end if
elseif (!isset($new_where_value)) { // the current record is the last one
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&just_next_record_on_last_one=1');
} // end elseif
else {
// redirect to the function from which the user comes (edit or detail) using the where_value just discovered
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($new_where_value));
} // end else
} // end if
case "choose_previous_record";
if (isset($where_clause) && isset($order) && isset($order_type)) { // could be not set if the session has expired
// rebuild the query for the current results
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
if ($where_clause !== '') {
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where_clause;
} // end if
$sql .= " ORDER BY ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.'.'.$quote.$order.$quote. " ".$order_type;
// execute the query
$res = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// loop through the recordset, when find the current record, read another one and save its where_value
$record_found = 0;
while ($row = fetch_row_db($res)) {
if ($row[$where_field] == $where_value) {
$record_found = 1;
} // end if
if ($record_found === 0) {
$new_where_value = $row[$where_field];
} // end if
} // end while
if ($record_found === 0) { // the record has not been found
} // end if
elseif (!isset($new_where_value)) { // the current record is the first one
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($where_value).'&just_previous_record_on_first_one=1');
} // end elseif
else {
// redirect to the function from which the user comes (edit or detail) using the where_value just discovered
header('Location: '.$site_url.$dadabik_main_file.'?table_name='.$table_name.'&function='.$from_function.'&where_field='.urlencode($where_field).'&where_value='.urlencode($new_where_value));
} // end else
} // end if
} // end swtich ($function)
// include footer
include ("./include/footer.php");
move it down one more line right above break
echo $form;
                 } // end if
           } // end if
header("Location: index.php");
echo $form;
                 } // end if
           } // end if
header("Location: index.php");
still nothing - still goes to the blank page.
I have attached the code form case insert.
Why is this happening?
I have attached the code form case insert.
Why is this happening?
case "update":
if ($enable_edit == "1"){
$check = 0;
//$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
$check = check_required_fields($_POST, $_FILES, $fields_labels_ar, $function);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["required_fields_missed"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // required fields are ok
// check field lengths
$check = 0;
$check = check_length_fields($_POST, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["fields_max_length"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // fields length are ok
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = "";
$check = check_fields_types($_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $content_error_type);
if ($check == 0){
txt_out($normal_messages_ar["{$content_error_type}_not_valid"], "error_messages_form");
} // end if ($check == 0)
else{ // type field are ok
$check = 0;
$check = write_temp_uploaded_files($_FILES, $fields_labels_ar);
if ($check == 0){
//Need to add the reason why the upload failed: file too large, improper filename (such as a .php file), or the file couldn't be found.
txt_out($error_messages_ar["upload_error"], "error_messages_form");
else { // filed uploaded are ok
$update_type = "internal";
if( $enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_update_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar)){
// update the record
update_record($_FILES, $_POST, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name, $where_field, $where_value, $update_type);
if ($enable_update_notice_email_sending === 1) {
$sql = build_select_part($fields_labels_ar, $table_name);
$sql .= " WHERE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote.".".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
// execute the select query
$res_details = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// build the update notice message
$update_notice_email = build_insert_update_notice_email_record_details($fields_labels_ar, $res_details);
$to_addresses = '';
$cc_addresses = '';
$bcc_addresses = '';
foreach ($update_notice_email_to_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_to_recipient){
$to_addresses .= $update_notice_email_to_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$to_addresses = substr($to_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_cc_recipient){
$cc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_cc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$cc_addresses = substr($cc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
foreach ($update_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar as $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient){
$bcc_addresses .= $update_notice_email_bcc_recipient.', ';
} // end foreach
$bcc_addresses = substr($bcc_addresses, 0, -2); // delete the last ', '
$additional_headers = '';
if ($cc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Cc:".$cc_addresses."\n";
} // end if
if ($bcc_addresses != '') {
$additional_headers .= "Bcc:".$bcc_addresses;
} // end if
mail($to_addresses, $db_name.' - '.$table_name.' - '.$normal_messages_ar['new_update_executed'], $update_notice_email, $additional_headers);
} // end if
} // end if
else {
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
if ($check === 0) {
$form_type = "update";
$res_details = '';
$show_insert_form_after_error = 1;
$show_edit_form_after_error = 1;
// display the form
$form = build_form($table_name, $action, $fields_labels_ar, $form_type, $res_details, $where_field, $where_value, $_POST, $_FILES, $show_insert_form_after_error, $show_edit_form_after_error);
echo $form;
} // end if
} // end if
header("Location: index.php");
Its obviously using this part of the if statement which happens before it gets through to the part you have added
header('Location:'.$site_u rl.$dadabi k_main_fil e.'?table_ name='.url encode($ta ble_name). '&function =edit&wher e_field='. urlencode( $where_fie ld)."&wher e_value=". urlencode( $where_val ue).'&just _updated=1 ');
                                       } // end if
                                       else {
                                            header('Location:'.$site_u rl.$dadabi k_main_fil e.'?table_ name='.url encode($ta ble_name). '&function =edit&wher e_field='. urlencode( $where_fie ld)."&wher e_value=". urlencode( $where_val ue).'&just _updated_n o_authoriz ation=1');
                                       } // end if
                                       else {
                                            } // end if
                                            header('Location:'.$site_u rl.$dadabi k_main_fil e.'?table_ name='.url encode($ta ble_name). '&function =edit&wher e_field='. urlencode( $where_fie ld)."&wher e_value=". urlencode( $where_val ue).'&just _updated=1 ');
                                       } // end if
                                       else {
                                            header('Location:'.$site_u rl.$dadabi k_main_fil e.'?table_ name='.url encode($ta ble_name). '&function =edit&wher e_field='. urlencode( $where_fie ld)."&wher e_value=". urlencode( $where_val ue).'&just _updated_n o_authoriz ation=1');
                                       } // end else
                                 } // end else
                            } // end else
                      } // end else
                 } // end else
                                            } // end if
                                       } // end if
                                       else {
                                       } // end else
                                 } // end else
                            } // end else
                      } // end else
                 } // end else
} // end if
header('Location: index.php');
} // end if
else {
header('Location: index.php');
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
} // end else
or change
      case "edit":
           if ($enable_edit == "1" && ($enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_browse_authorizati on === 0 || current_user_is_owner($whe re_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar))){
                 if (isset($just_updated) && $just_updated == "1") {
                      //txt_out("<h3>".$normal_m essages_ar ["update_r esult"]."< /h3>");
                      txt_out("<p>".$normal_mess ages_ar["r ecord_upda ted"]."</p >");
                 if (isset($just_updated_no_au thorizatio n) && $just_updated_no_authoriza tion == "1") {
                      txt_out("<p>".$error_messa ges_ar["no _authoriza tion_updat e_delete"] ."</p>");
      case "edit":
           if ($enable_edit == "1" && ($enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_browse_authorizati
                 if (isset($just_updated) && $just_updated == "1") {
                 if (isset($just_updated_no_au
case "edit":
if ($enable_edit == "1" && ($enable_authentication === 0 || $enable_browse_authorization === 0 || current_user_is_owner($where_field, $where_value, $table_name, $fields_labels_ar))){
if (isset($just_updated) && $just_updated == "1") {
header("Location: index.php");
if (isset($just_updated_no_authorization) && $just_updated_no_authorization == "1") {
header("Location: index.php");
either solution will work
Hi there,
I used your second method as the first one didn't seem to work. Â I kept getting parsing errors so I think part of the code is wrong.
The second one doesn't throw any errors, but its still getting redirected to the blank page!!!!!!!
I used your second method as the first one didn't seem to work. Â I kept getting parsing errors so I think part of the code is wrong.
The second one doesn't throw any errors, but its still getting redirected to the blank page!!!!!!!
if u gave me access to it i could fix it for you.
do you want access to the server or the entire index file.
I have attached the entire index.php file here
I have attached the entire index.php file here
Hi Snowball,
Would you be willing to give FTP access?
You can find my e-mail address here: http:/M_3540526.html
Would you be willing to give FTP access?
You can find my e-mail address here: http:/M_3540526.html
Create a free account to see this answer
Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
No problem! Glad I could help :)
<script type=javascript>
document.location = <<full url address>>;