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Income and EXpenses Template
I'm looking for an income and expenses template. Does anyone have a good lead for one? I've looked at Microsoft site but nothing and haven't found anything googling. I'm hoping to save some development time.
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I checked both of those out before and they seem to be further off from what I'm looking for than would be worth the efoort to convert over to what I want.
I'm looking more for like a budgeting tool. Something that would allow you to record your household income and track all your expenses. I know there's plenty out there in excel for that but I need that ability for multiple people - thus the database desire over the excel.
Hope that ads some clarity.
I'm looking more for like a budgeting tool. Something that would allow you to record your household income and track all your expenses. I know there's plenty out there in excel for that but I need that ability for multiple people - thus the database desire over the excel.
Hope that ads some clarity.
As a side note: The 2003 link you provided would possibly cover at least the expense side. I could possibly add the ability to add income per person as well from there. It is at least a possibility. I'm just hoping to get a little closer to what I'm looking for.
This is another one I looked at. This is more like a checkbook kind of deal. Again, I'm looking more for something like a budgeting tool.
This is closer. I spent the most time drinking around with this one so far this morning. I may have to go with it. I need to be able to tie it to separate people though; have an account ledger for each person.
But again... a ledger for each person isn't really what I'm hunting.
Dunno... may have to start from scratch.
This is closer. I spent the most time drinking around with this one so far this morning. I may have to go with it. I need to be able to tie it to separate people though; have an account ledger for each person.
But again... a ledger for each person isn't really what I'm hunting.
Dunno... may have to start from scratch.
Somethign like this:
But in access form.
But in access form.
oh and...drinking around... is supposed to be DINKING... LOL.
The main thing woul dbe to project expenses and income and show a positive or negative cashflow. I need to use the tool in a counseling fashion for people who we will be working with to help get in good financial shape. A budgeting tool is what I need but we will have hundreds of people we are doing this with so a spreadsheet for each one would be a pain. and not provide the reporting I'm also gonna need.
The main thing woul dbe to project expenses and income and show a positive or negative cashflow. I need to use the tool in a counseling fashion for people who we will be working with to help get in good financial shape. A budgeting tool is what I need but we will have hundreds of people we are doing this with so a spreadsheet for each one would be a pain. and not provide the reporting I'm also gonna need.
looks like.. it will be a good experience ;-)
LOL! Thanks for the support. :-p
I'm going to be digging into it one way or another starting this weekend. I'm REALLY hoping to find a good base to work from and not have to create it all.
I'm going to be digging into it one way or another starting this weekend. I'm REALLY hoping to find a good base to work from and not have to create it all.
Good recommendations though not entirely what I was looking for.