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Install Shield Express 5.0

I designed an application using VB6 ,sqlserver 2000,Crystal Reports 9 and packaged it using Install Shiels Express 5.0
I have tested my application on WindowsXP by installing under an Aministrator account. Everything works properly, but when I log in under a limited user and try running the program  the setup tries to run again.
Event Viewer for limited user has the following error msg

Detection of product '{F0E7124B-2964-4AB1-98C0-45D357E8EF2E}', feature 'AlwaysInstall', component '{4F00F621-25A2-4390-98EF-9CEC6A5774DA}' failed.  The resource 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports\Database\CurrencyAsNumber' does not exist.

I tried unistalling and reinstalling Crystal Reports and my application but didn't work.I cretaed the missing registry entries in Install shield and set the value to NO but this didnt work either.Could anyone help me on this


Avatar of Mike McCracken
Mike McCracken

After installing as an admin. change permissions on the directories and files to allow all users to run them.

Avatar of Vadim Rapp
Vadim Rapp
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