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aantonikFlag for United States of America

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windows 2000 Dc upgraded to 2003 RIS problem

I just upgraded our server 2000 DC Acitve Directory to 2003 server.  I rely heavily on RIS.  I just tried to use 2 different images from the 'new' 2003 server and received the same message about the operating system image selected does not contain the network adapter drivers for the NIC I am trying to use.  All of my images were working perfectly before the upgrade.  I have lots of time and effort into getting all the NIC drivers in the correct places, editing the .sif files and stopping and restarting the RIS services.
Would there be any reason why the NIC drivers and sif files ($OEM$) from the 2000 RIS server not being able to work with the upgraded 2003 server?
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With the new RIS server, you want to install a flat, CD based install first - then copy over the contents with your old source files.

Something within RIS requires the first "image" to be from the CD using RISETUP, then you can pretty much do as you like.

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I had flat images from CDs for windows 2000 and XP on the 2000 server.  Do I need to delete those and add them again now that the server has been upgraded to 2003?

Run RISETUP and add one CD image to the new server.
When complete, stop the BINLSVC service.
Copy your source directories from the 2000 server over the ones on the 2003 server (in the same place).
Restart the BINLSVC service.

The error message is:
the operating system image you selected does not contain the necessary drivers for your network adapter.  Try selecting a different operating system image.  If the problem persists, contact your sys admin.  Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.
This does not seem to be a 'flat CD image' problem.
Also not all of the images are being shown in the choose image text window.  They are all in the Remote Install folder and are listed in the properties on the Remote Install tab of the server.
I have tried another image and that one works.  I can deal with the images that are not recognizing the NIC, but I need to be able to see the other images that I made this summer.  Only 11 images are showing of which 5 are CD flat images for Windows 2000 SP2, 2000 SP4, XP, XP SP2, XP SP3.
Any suggestions on how to get the other images that are in the Remote Install folder to show as choices in the Choose image window?
I just reread your suggestion.  This is the same server.  It was upgraded from 2000 to 2003.  The source directories are in the same place because they were there in 2000.
Are you still suggesting that I add another CD flat image to this Remote Install folder that has 5 CD flat images in it?
One image that is showing as a choice in the text is working.
No, I misunderstood your original problem.  I thought you put up another server and moved stuff rather than doing the upgrade.

Can I assume you've updated to SP2 for server 2003?

If so, and you do NOT use WIM image formats, then make sure you only use the Windows Deployment Services (Legacy) snap-in.  If you've added the server to the non-legacy snap-in, then remove it from there and restart the server.

Check the i386 folder in your image repository to be sure it wasn't somehow changed by upgrading - it shouldn't have, but we need to be sure.
Server 2003 SP1. I used Window 2000 Riprep to make my images.   We will  not be deploying Vista and will not for quite awhile. According to,
if I don't have Vista in my environment, I should use Legacy Mode which is probably what you are referring to. It also says "To run in this mode, install and configure RIS and then install (but do not configure) Windows Deployment Services."  So I have RIS installed and configured.  should I install Windows deployment Services even if I will only be using RIS? Seems a bit useless to install WAIK, not configure it, and then not use it.  I do not want to jepardize the Riprep images.
I see that it is included with SP2.  When I update to SP2, I guess WAIK will be installed but not configured anyway? Or should I just avoid SP2?
Still need a way to see all of the images in the Remote Install folder.  any suggestions?
Eventually, I need to more the whole RIS off of the DC.  But this is a small step by step process.
I appreciate your help.
Yes, legacy mode is what I refer to.

If you don't have SP2 then you won't be forced to update to WDS - only when you apply SP2 will this be a reality.

If you look at the properties of this server is AD, on the Remote tab are the images you expect listed?

If not, you can add them there and make them available.  Just have to give the entry a friendly name and point it to the .SIF.

Yes, all of the images are on the REmote Install tab of the server in AD.  And they are physically in the Remote Install folder.
Well....just for fun, copy the NIC drivers for one of the machines that is giving you grief to the following locations:


Correct the SIFs in i386 and Templates folders to include Drivers\Test; in the path for OEMPnPDrivers.

Restart BINLSVC.

Try again.

sorry it's been so long.  I have to prioritize everything.  Today I had time to do what you suggested. I put the drivers into Drivers\test.. and changed the .sif file. stopped and started remote install service.. no more BINL as in 2000.  I still get the same error message: "the operating system image you selected does not contain the necessary drivers for your network adapter.  Try selecting a different operating system image.  If the problem persists, contact your sys admin.  Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit."  Only thing I can think of is maybe the drivers are wrong. But then it used to work!  Should I try different drivers?
this is a Windows 2000 SP4 image  with all updates.  It is for our Dell laptops.  this image worked when the DC was Windows 2000.
I also need to address the issue of all the other images not showing up as choices for images.  I have about 10 images that I use, and only 4 are showing up.  There is one that I really need to finish off a lab.
Any suggestions?
Perhaps a remote session with you?
sorry, it is taking so long to get to this.  I am only tech support on campus
Do you want to remote in and look at the Ris server?
I really need to solve the problem of the the images I need not showing up to select them.  I have 5 flat images and 10 sysprep\ ris images.  All of the flat images  and only 3 of ris images show in the the 'select image' window.  Now even one of the images that I made since the upgrade is not showing up.  I have checked again and all of the images are listed on the Remote Install\images tab.
All of these images worked before the upgrade.  Should I try re-associating the .sif file with the image and see if that helps?
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No, no .wim images.  I tried to re-associate the same .sif file to the image and recieved this error message:
the file you entered is not an unattend setup file (.sif) or the sif is not portable to other images.  Only sifs for CD based images should be copied.  For more information, see online Help.
all .sif files are the original sif files that used to work when the DC was Windows 2000.
any suggestions?
did some research on the error message when trying to associate the .sif file.
I used setupmgr.exe and 'modified' the .sif file that used to work and created a new RIS answer file, added the drivers to the .sif, booted up a computer and the image showed up in the selection section.
I haven't had time to do each and every image, but I'll get to it and I haven't installed the 'new' selection.  I'll keep you posted.
thanks for hanging in there with me.
the problem has been solved with the creation of 'new' RIS sif files with setupmgr.exe and associatiing them with the corresponding images.  I would like to award some points to Netman66 for suggesting this and sticking with it
thank you
I have tried using one of the images that was hidden and is now in the select image window.
This is the error message that I am getting: file e100b325.sys caused an unexpected error(21) at line 2519 in D:\nt\private\ntos\boot\setup\setup.c. Press any key to continue.  then setup fails.
I have downloaded newer drivers from Intel. put them all the places the readme.txt says for RIS.  stopped RIS, TFTP, and BITS services, then restarted and still get the same error message.
The original drivers worked just fine when the DC was 2000. Any suggestions.
What is the content of setup.c?
sorry.  But I have no idea where this is.  I have done a search and come up empty.  I don't know where to look for setup.c  or the path that is indicated in the error message.
I even made a new image. got it to RIS,  added the drivers to the sif file, etc.. and still get the same error message. :~(
I remember having this problem too.

Find the e100b325.inf file.
Locate the section [Manufacturer]
Under that section there is likely a line that is incorrect.
Perhaps something like this"

%V_INTEL%   = Intel, NTx86, NTIA64, NTAMD64

Should actually read:

%V_INTEL%   = Intel.NTx86, NTIA64, NTAMD64

Modify the INF accordingly, restart RIS/WDS and give it a shot.

Now I get line 67 in inf invalid. Press any key to continue.
I have tried so many things that my head is about to explode.
This was all working so well before the upgrade.  this issue is with just one of the images that I have re-associated with a .sif file and got to show up in the selection list.
I will try another image(reassociate the .sif) and see if I have this problem with it
I also noticed that there was not as e100b325.inf file in the new drivers that I downloaded. So I used the file that was with the old drivers.
Well, if you're missing INFs then download the entire Intel Pro 100 / 1000 drivers from Intel and copy all the files to both i386 and into your Drivers folder (in $oem$\1\Drivers\Nic\Intel)

Make sure to change the SIF in Templates and in the i386 folder - or wherever your custom SIF is located.

I downloaded new drivers yesterday and followed the instructions.  The readme was very explicit about adding drivers for RIS.  NOT putting infs into i386.  That's when I got the error 21 message.  
They specifically mention using the RIS infs - I understand that.  The RIS infs are modified like I explained above so they work.

I have tried another image and get this error message:
Line 67 in inf is invalid. Setup cannot continue.  press any key. This one is for the laptops.
This is getting critical now.  I am leaving this job in 2 weeks and need this to work for the next person.
I only have one image that is working.  Something is\has messed with the NIC drivers for all of the images.  Even the 'new' image I just made gets the same error messages.  I have changed the inf files as you suggested and get the other error message above.
I was hoping that the 'line 67 in inf is invalid' was specific to that image.  But maybe it's not the NIC inf.  Since I am not getting which 'inf' and getting this error in 2 different images with different NICS, it must be some 'other' inf.  What can it be?  Is there some 'other' inf that it is referring to?
Upgrading shouldn't be this difficult.
BTW, the image that is working is the only one that doesn't need an $OEM$ folder for NIC drivers!
What is the content of the RISTNDRD.sif?

You'll find this in Templates AND in the i386.

Post both if they differ (which they shouldn't).
I have 6 flat images; 3 W2k and 3 XP. I haven't even tried my XP images yet. I 'm still trying to get the W2k ones to work.  Of the 3 W2k images, the RISTNDRD.sif are the same for all 3, except for the last line.  IN each case the last line in the i386 folder, the file is missing 'version="5.0"'. Would you like me to post those files?
I changed the e100b325.inf in all the places that I could find in the image.  The line 67 error message in inf is the current error message.  But not telling me which inf is very frustrating.
Will I be able to get this working correctly?
I don't see why not.

I'm really not sure why this problem exists in the first place.  When installing SP2 for Server 2003, RIS should have been automagically upgraded to WDS and there should not have been any core changes to your image stores.

Do you have remote capability?

You can go offline using my alias here at gmail.  This thread must be updated as progress is made.

It's SP1.  I upgraded from W2k to W2k3 SP1. If your asking if you can remote into my computer, other tech support have been able to.
I'll try to contact you at your gmail.