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Internet Connection Slowdown with 3COM & DLINK
We have a LAN connect to Internet through ADSL Modem of ISP. The problem is when we use 8 ports of DLINK Switch within the LAN and connect to Internet, then the access speed is OK. But when we use 16 ports of 3COM or DLINK then connection speed drop from 512kbps to 30kbps, unbelievable. We have replace the new switches with the same 16 ports, but the problem still happen the same thing.
Why we are facing with slow connection when we use 16 ports of network switch? While 8 ports is OK, nothing wrong.
Remark: The LAN connection is OK, it only happen on Internet connection; the speed is very slow when we browsing the web.
Please advise.
Why we are facing with slow connection when we use 16 ports of network switch? While 8 ports is OK, nothing wrong.
Remark: The LAN connection is OK, it only happen on Internet connection; the speed is very slow when we browsing the web.
Please advise.
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