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jgoeringFlag for United States of America

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What is causing this script to not delete new folders?

This script runs correctly except that its waits till the next day before it will delete files in the FolderBackup directory. If those files are present, and its the same day then the script just stops. Not sure why?

I'd like to be able to run it multiple times a day and have it act the same way, but I dont see why it only deletes the folders when they are more than 1 day diffrent (date must be diffrent not really 24 hours).
'Generic Variables used in this script
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso, fl, flName, fldrError, Today, tMonth, tDay, thour, subject, msg, sender, recipients, wPath 
Dim aPath, path, info, settings, admin, source, additionalRecipients, fList, bPath, flFolder1, flFolder2, flFolder3
'Global Settings
sender = "" 
admin = ""
dPath = "\\backupserv1\Archive\SAP\DIY\"
sPath = "\\backupserv1\Archive\SAP\Solutions\"
'Getting todays date as YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM 
tMonth = Month(Now)
If (tMonth < 10) Then
	tMonth = "0" & tMonth
End If
tDay = Day(Now)
If (tDay < 10) Then
	tDay = "0" & tDay
End If
Today = Year(Now) & "-" & tMonth & "-" & tDay & "-" & Hour(now) & "-" & Minute(Now)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'INI file with Archive location for ART, Design, PM and CAD
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("SAPArchive.ini",1)
Do While f.AtEndOfStream <> True
	info = f.ReadLine
	settings = Split(info,";",-1,1)
	source = settings(0)
	path = settings(1)
	If (UBound(settings) > 1) Then
		additionalRecipients = settings(2)
		additionalRecipients = ""
	End If
	folderMove source, path, additionalRecipients
'Folder Move 
Sub folderMove(source, path, additionalRecipients)
	If Not(additionalRecipients = "") Then
		recipients = admin & "," & additionalRecipients
		recipients = admin
	End If
	Set workingFolder = fso.GetFolder(path)
	Set workingFC = workingFolder.SubFolders
	If fso.FolderExists(path & "FolderBackup") Then
	fso.DeleteFolder path & "FolderBackup", true
	End If
	If Not(Err.Number = 0) Then
		subject = "SAP " & source & " Backup Folder Deletion Failed"
		msg = "Folder Deletion Failed: " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
		sendMail sender, recipients, subject, msg
	End If
	fso.CreateFolder path & "FolderBackup"
	fso.CreateFolder path & "FolderBackup\" & Today
	bPath = path & "FolderBackup\" & Today & "\"
	msg = ""
	subject = ""
	For each fl in workingFC
		flName =	
		If Not(flName = "Logs") AND Not(flName = "FolderBackup") Then
			nameOk = True
			For i = 1 to Len(flName)
				If Asc(Mid(flName, i, 1)) = 63 Then
					nameOk = False
				End If
			If nameOk = True Then
				fList = flName & vbNewLine
				'Log folder to be moved
				LogList fList, source, path
				'Split Folder into seperate options for determining location.
				flOptions = Split(flName,"-",-1,1)
				flType = UCase(flOptions(0))
				If (flType = "D" Or flType = "S") And IsNumeric(flOptions(1)) And Len(flOptions(1)) = 10 Then
					If flType = "D" Then
						aPath = dPath
						aPath = sPath
					End If
					flFolder1 = Left(flOptions(1), 4)
					flFolder2 = Right(Left(flOptions(1), 7), 3)
					flFolder3 = Right(flOptions(1), 3)
					'Check to see if the SAP Project Number grouping folder exists, create if not.  
					'Folders named  nnnn(nnnn is the first 4 numbers of the numeric protion of the Project Number)
					If Not(fso.FolderExists(aPath & flFolder1)) Then
						AddNewFolders flFolder1, aPath
					End If
					'Create Project Second Level Folder based on next 3 numbers so folder path is nnnn/nnn
					If Not(fso.FolderExists(aPath & flFolder1 & "\" & flFolder2)) Then
						wPath = aPath & flFolder1 & "\"
						AddNewFolders flFolder2, wPath
					End If
					'Check to see if the specific Project Number folder exists, create if not.
					'Folder is named based on the last 3 digits of Project Number
					If Not(fso.FolderExists(aPath & flFolder1 & "\" & flFolder2 & "\" & flFolder3)) Then
						wPath = aPath & flFolder1 & "\" & flFolder2 & "\"
						AddNewFolders flFolder3, wPath
					End If
					'Create Source subfolder as needed - ART, PM, DESIGN, CAD
					If Not(fso.FolderExists(aPath & flFolder1 & "\" & flFolder2 & "\" & flFolder3 & "\" & source)) Then
						AddNewSubFolder aPath & flFolder1 & "\" & flFolder2 & "\" & flFolder3, source                                                    
					End If
					mvPath = aPath & flFolder1 & "\" & flFolder2 & "\" & flFolder3 & "\" & source & "\"
					fso.CopyFolder fl, mvPath, True
					'Verify Copy Completed, before Deleting Folder
					If (Err.Number = 0 Or Err.Number = 424) Then
						fso.MoveFolder fl, bPath
						'Verify Delete was succesful or log error.
						If Not(Err.Number = 0) Then
							msg = msg & "Folder: " & flName & ". Had Error during Move,  Error Number: " & Err.Number & ", Error Description: " & Err.Description & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
							FldrError = 1
						End If
						'Log Errors during Copy
						msg = msg & "Folder: " & flName & ". Had Error during Copy,  Error Number: " & Err.Number & ", Error Description: " & Err.Description & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
						FldrError = 1
					End If	
					msg = msg & "File Name Error:  File Name is invalid. Verify project number is correct and Project Type is correct " & flName & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
					fldrError = 1
				End If			
				msg = msg & "Folder name contains an invalid character: " & flName & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
				fldrError = 1	
			End If
		End If
	If fldrError = 1 Then
		subject = "SAP " & source & " Archive Error Log"
		sendMail sender, recipients, subject, msg
		fldrError = 0	
	End If
End Sub
'Added source subfolder as needed
Sub AddNewSubFolder(path, subf)
	fso.CreateFolder(path & "\" & subf)
End Sub
'Add new folder
Sub AddNewFolders(num, path)
	Set ArchFolder = fso.GetFolder(path)
	Dim fc
	Set fc = ArchFolder.SubFolders
End Sub
'Sub to write folder error log to a text file to each archive location
Sub LogFolderError(msg, source)
	If (source = "CAD") Then
		cPath = CADPath & "CAD Error Log -" & Today & ".txt"
	ElseIf (source = "ART") Then
		cPath = ARTPath & "Art Error Log -" & Today & ".txt"
	ElseIf (source = "DESIGN") Then
		cPath = DesignPath & "Design Error Log -" & Today & ".txt"
	ElseIf (source = "PM") Then
		cPath = PMPath & "PM Error Log -" & Today & ".txt"
	End If
	Set rdFile = fso.OpenTextFile(cPath, 8, True)
	rdFile.Write msg
End Sub
'List Folders Moved
Sub LogList(list, source, path)
	cPath = path & "Logs\" & source & " File List - " & Today & ".txt"
	Set rdFile = fso.OpenTextFile(cPath, 8, True)
	rdFile.Write list
End Sub
Function sendMail(sender, recipients, subject, msg)
	Set Config = WScript.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 
	Set Message = WScript.CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
	Config.Fields.Item("") = 2 
	Config.Fields.Item("") = "" 
	Config.Fields.Item("") = 25 
	Message.Configuration = Config 
	Message.To = recipients 
	Message.From = sender 
	Message.Subject = subject 
	Message.TextBody = msg 
End Function

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