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dynamic gridview not sorting

I have the dynamic gridview displaying correctly BUT it will not sort, it either goes to a 'ie page not found' if "EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks = false" or if EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks = true then nothing happens.

<asp:GridView ID="grdReportAssetsSummary" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" 
CssClass="datagrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" PageSize="1000" DataKeyNames="ConnectoryID"
PagerSettings-FirstPageText="First" PagerSettings-LastPageText="Last" PagerSettings-Mode="NumericFirstLast" PagerSettings-Position="TopAndBottom">
<RowStyle CssClass="grdItem" />
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="grdAltItem" />
<FooterStyle CssClass="grdFooter"></FooterStyle>
<HeaderStyle CssClass="grdHeader" Wrap="True"></HeaderStyle>
<PagerStyle CssClass="grdFooter"></PagerStyle>
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports Core.Business
Partial Class ReportView1
	Inherits Core.BasePage
	Public posNaic, posPerson, posQual, posLicense, posOwner As Integer
	Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
		lblMsg.Text = String.Empty
		'If grdReportAssetsSummary.SortExpression = "" Then
		'	grdReportAssetsSummary.Sort("CompanyName", SortDirection.Ascending)
		'End If
		'If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then
		lblSubHeader.Text = "Assets  Summary"
		Dim portalid As Integer = Common.ConvNullToZero(Session.Item("PortalID"))
		'End If
	End Sub
	Private Sub BindData(ByVal PortalID As Integer)
		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("reportid")) Then
			Throw New Exception("reportid querystring parameter is not present")
		End If
		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("month")) Then
			Throw New Exception("month querystring parameter is not present")
		End If
		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("year")) Then
			Throw New Exception("year querystring parameter is not present")
		End If
		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("flds")) Then
			Throw New Exception("Field List querystring parameter is not present")
		End If
		Dim reportid As String = Request.QueryString("reportid")
		Dim month As String = Request.QueryString("month")
		Dim year As String = Request.QueryString("year")
		Dim fieldsSelected As String = Request.QueryString("flds")
		posNaic = 0
		posPerson = 0
		'1 - Company:
		Dim nameColumn As New HyperLinkField()
		nameColumn.DataNavigateUrlFields = New String() {"connectoryId"}
		nameColumn.DataTextField = "CompanyName"
		nameColumn.SortExpression = "CompanyName"
		nameColumn.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = "{0}"
		nameColumn.Text = "{0}"
		nameColumn.Target = "_Profile"
		nameColumn.HeaderText = "Company"
		'2 - Year Established:  
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 2, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim yearestablishedColumn As New BoundField()
			yearestablishedColumn.DataField = "yearestablished"
			yearestablishedColumn.SortExpression = "yearestablished"
			yearestablishedColumn.HeaderText = "Year Established"
		End If
		'3 - Website:  
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 3, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim URLColumn As New BoundField()
			URLColumn.DataField = "URL"
			URLColumn.HeaderText = "Website"
		End If
		'4 - Local Employees:
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 4, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim LOCALEMPLOYEESColumn As New BoundField()
			LOCALEMPLOYEESColumn.HeaderText = "Local Employees"
		End If
		'5 - Corporate Employees:   
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 5, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim CORPEMPLOYEESColumn As New BoundField()
			CORPEMPLOYEESColumn.HeaderText = "Corp Employees"
		End If
		'6- Annual Revenue: 
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 6, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim ANNUALREVENUEColumn As New BoundField()
			ANNUALREVENUEColumn.HeaderText = "Annual Revenue"
		End If
		'7 - Industry Category / Asset Type:  
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 7, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim industrycategoryColumn As New BoundField()
			industrycategoryColumn.DataField = "industrycategory"
			industrycategoryColumn.HeaderText = "Industry Category"
		End If
		'8 - Key Personnel: 
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 8, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim KeyPersonnelColumn As New BoundField()
			KeyPersonnelColumn.DataField = "keyPerson"
			KeyPersonnelColumn.HeaderText = "Key Personnel"
			posPerson = 0
			Dim tfieldV As Integer
			For tfieldV = 1 To 7
				If Mid(fieldsSelected, tfieldV, 1) = "1" Then posPerson += 1
		End If
		'9 - Local Address:  
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 9, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim LocalAddressColumn As New BoundField()
			LocalAddressColumn.DataField = "LocalAddressFull"
			LocalAddressColumn.HeaderText = "Local Address"
		End If
		'10 -Mailing Address:    
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 10, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim MailingAddressColumn As New BoundField()
			MailingAddressColumn.DataField = "MailingAddressFull"
			MailingAddressColumn.HeaderText = "Mailing Address"
		End If
		'11 - United States Phone:  
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 11, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim PhoneColumn As New BoundField()
			PhoneColumn.DataField = "Phone"
			PhoneColumn.HeaderText = "Phone"
		End If
		'12 - Industry Codes - NAICS:    
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 12, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim NAICSCodesColumn As New BoundField()
			NAICSCodesColumn.DataField = "NAICSCodes"
			NAICSCodesColumn.HeaderText = "NAICS Codes"
			posNaic = 0
			Dim tfieldV As Integer
			For tfieldV = 1 To 11
				If Mid(fieldsSelected, tfieldV, 1) = "1" Then posNaic += 1
		End If
		'13 - Customer Base - Industry Sector:
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 13, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim industrycatColumn As New BoundField()
			industrycatColumn.DataField = "industrycategory"
			industrycatColumn.HeaderText = "Industry Category"
		End If
		'14 - Certifications - Quality:
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 14, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim qualCertColumn As New BoundField()
			qualCertColumn.DataField = "qualCert"
			qualCertColumn.HeaderText = "Quality Cert"
			posQual = 0
			Dim tfieldV As Integer
			For tfieldV = 1 To 13
				If Mid(fieldsSelected, tfieldV, 1) = "1" Then posQual += 1
		End If
		'15 - Certifications - License:
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 15, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim licCertColumn As New BoundField()
			licCertColumn.DataField = "licCert"
			licCertColumn.HeaderText = "License Cert"
			posLicense = 0
			Dim tfieldV As Integer
			For tfieldV = 1 To 14
				If Mid(fieldsSelected, tfieldV, 1) = "1" Then posLicense += 1
		End If
		'16 - Certifications - Ownership: 
		If Mid(fieldsSelected, 16, 1) = "1" Then
			Dim ownerCertColumn As New BoundField()
			ownerCertColumn.DataField = "ownerCert"
			ownerCertColumn.HeaderText = "Owner Cert"
			posOwner = 0
			Dim tfieldV As Integer
			For tfieldV = 1 To 15
				If Mid(fieldsSelected, tfieldV, 1) = "1" Then posOwner += 1
		End If
		Dim StartDate As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} 12:00:00 AM", month, 1, year))
		Dim EndDate As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} 11:59:59 PM", month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month), year))
		Dim objReportData As New Portal.Data.ReportData
		Dim Data As DataSet = objReportData.GetAssetSummary(StartDate, EndDate, PortalID)
		'Dim SicCodes As DataSet = objReportData.GetSICCodes(StartDate, EndDate, PortalID)
		Dim NaicCodes As DataSet = objReportData.GetNAICCodes(StartDate, EndDate, PortalID)
		Dim keyPersonCodes As DataSet = objReportData.GetkeyPersonCodes(PortalID)
		Dim keyQualCerts As DataSet = objReportData.GetkeyQualCerts(StartDate, EndDate, PortalID)
		Dim keyLicense As DataSet = objReportData.GetkeyLicense(StartDate, EndDate, PortalID)
		Dim keyOwner As DataSet = objReportData.GetkeyOwner(StartDate, EndDate, PortalID)
		grdReportAssetsSummary.DataSource = Data
		ViewState("grdReportAssetsSummary_DataSource") = grdReportAssetsSummary.DataSource
		'ViewState("SicCodes") = SicCodes
		ViewState("NaicCodes") = NaicCodes
		ViewState("keyPersonCodes") = keyPersonCodes
		ViewState("keyQualCerts") = keyQualCerts
		ViewState("keyLicense") = keyLicense
		ViewState("keyOwner") = keyOwner
		grdReportAssetsSummary.AllowPaging = True
		grdReportAssetsSummary.AllowSorting = True
		grdReportAssetsSummary.AutoGenerateColumns = False
		Dim dknT() As String = {"ConnectoryId"}
		grdReportAssetsSummary.DataKeyNames = dknT
		grdReportAssetsSummary.EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks = True
		grdReportAssetsSummary.EnableViewState = True
		grdReportAssetsSummary.PageSize = "1000"
		'grdReportAssetsSummary.Sort("CompanyName", SortDirection.Descending)
		lblRecordCount.Text = String.Format("Item Count: {0}", Data.Tables(0).Rows.Count)
	End Sub
	Public Sub grdReportAssetsSummary_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) _
	 Handles grdReportAssetsSummary.RowDataBound
		'This is hit once for every record
		If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
			Dim connectoryid As Integer = grdReportAssetsSummary.DataKeys(e.Row.RowIndex).Value
			'If posSic > 0 Then
			'	Try
			'		Dim SicCodes As DataSet = ViewState("SicCodes")
			'		Dim scodes As DataRow() = SicCodes.Tables(0).Select(String.Format("ConnectoryID={0}", connectoryid), "connectoryid asc")
			'		Dim sbscodes As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(scodes.Length)
			'		For i As Integer = 0 To scodes.Length - 1
			'			sbscodes.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}<BR />", scodes(i).Item(2).ToString().Trim(), scodes(i).Item(4).ToString().Trim())
			'		Next
			'		e.Row.Cells.Item(posSic).Text = scodes.ToString()
			'	Catch ex As Exception
			'	End Try
			'End If
			If posNaic > 0 Then
					Dim NaicCodes As DataSet = ViewState("NaicCodes")
					Dim ncodes As DataRow() = NaicCodes.Tables(0).Select(String.Format("ConnectoryID={0}", connectoryid), "connectoryid asc")
					Dim sbncodes As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(ncodes.Length)
					For i As Integer = 0 To ncodes.Length - 1
						sbncodes.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}<BR />", ncodes(i).Item(2).ToString().Trim(), ncodes(i).Item(3).ToString().Trim())
					e.Row.Cells.Item(posNaic).Text = sbncodes.ToString()
				Catch ex As Exception
				End Try
			End If
			If posPerson > 0 Then
					Dim keyPersonCodes As DataSet = ViewState("keyPersonCodes")
					Dim kpcodes As DataRow() = keyPersonCodes.Tables(0).Select(String.Format("ConnectoryID={0}", connectoryid), "connectoryid asc")
					Dim sbkpcodes As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(kpcodes.Length)
					For i As Integer = 0 To kpcodes.Length - 1
						sbkpcodes.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}<BR />", kpcodes(i).Item(2).ToString().Trim(), kpcodes(i).Item(3).ToString().Trim())
					e.Row.Cells.Item(posPerson).Text = sbkpcodes.ToString()
				Catch ex As Exception
				End Try
			End If
			If posQual > 0 Then
					Dim keyQualCerts As DataSet = ViewState("keyQualCerts")
					Dim qucodes As DataRow() = keyQualCerts.Tables(0).Select(String.Format("ConnectoryID={0}", connectoryid), "connectoryid asc")
					Dim sbqucodes As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(qucodes.Length)
					For i As Integer = 0 To qucodes.Length - 1
						sbqucodes.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}<BR />", qucodes(i).Item(2).ToString().Trim(), qucodes(i).Item(3).ToString().Trim())
					e.Row.Cells.Item(posQual).Text = sbqucodes.ToString()
				Catch ex As Exception
				End Try
			End If
			If posLicense > 0 Then
					Dim keyLicense As DataSet = ViewState("keyLicense")
					Dim liccodes As DataRow() = keyLicense.Tables(0).Select(String.Format("ConnectoryID={0}", connectoryid), "connectoryid asc")
					Dim sbliccodes As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(liccodes.Length)
					For i As Integer = 0 To liccodes.Length - 1
						sbliccodes.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}<BR />", liccodes(i).Item(2).ToString().Trim(), liccodes(i).Item(3).ToString().Trim())
					e.Row.Cells.Item(posLicense).Text = sbliccodes.ToString()
				Catch ex As Exception
				End Try
			End If
			If posOwner > 0 Then
					Dim keyOwner As DataSet = ViewState("keyOwner")
					Dim owncodes As DataRow() = keyOwner.Tables(0).Select(String.Format("ConnectoryID={0}", connectoryid), "connectoryid asc")
					Dim sbowncodes As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(owncodes.Length)
					For i As Integer = 0 To owncodes.Length - 1
						sbowncodes.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}<BR />", owncodes(i).Item(2).ToString().Trim(), owncodes(i).Item(3).ToString().Trim())
					e.Row.Cells.Item(posOwner).Text = sbowncodes.ToString()
				Catch ex As Exception
				End Try
			End If
		End If
	End Sub
	Protected Sub grdReportAssetsSummary_Sorting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewSortEventArgs) _
	 Handles grdReportAssetsSummary.Sorting
		GridViewSortExpression = e.SortExpression
		SetSortGridView(GridViewSortExpression(), GetSortDirection())
	End Sub
	Private Property GridViewSortDirection() As String
			If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewState("SortDirection")) Then
				Return "DESC"
				Return ViewState("SortDirection")
			End If
		End Get
		Set(ByVal value As String)
			ViewState("SortDirection") = value
		End Set
	End Property
	Private Function GetSortDirection() As String
		Select Case GridViewSortDirection
			Case "ASC"
				GridViewSortDirection = "DESC"
			Case "DESC"
				GridViewSortDirection = "ASC"
		End Select
		Return GridViewSortDirection
	End Function
	Private Property GridViewSortExpression() As String
			If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewState("SortExpression")) Then
				Return "CompanyName"
				Return ViewState("SortExpression")
			End If
		End Get
		Set(ByVal value As String)
			ViewState("SortExpression") = value
		End Set
	End Property
	Protected Sub grdReportAssetsSummary_PageIndexChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs) Handles grdReportAssetsSummary.PageIndexChanging
		' set page index for paging
		grdReportAssetsSummary.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
		' set sort order
		SetSortGridView(GridViewSortExpression(), GridViewSortDirection())
	End Sub
	Protected Sub SetSortGridView(ByVal SortExpression As String, ByVal SortDirection As String)
		Dim m_DataSet As System.Data.DataSet = ViewState("grdReportAssetsSummary_DataSource")
		If Not m_DataSet Is Nothing Then
			Dim m_DataView As New System.Data.DataView(m_DataSet.Tables(0))
			m_DataView.Sort = SortExpression + " " + SortDirection
			grdReportAssetsSummary.DataSource = m_DataView
		End If
	End Sub
End Class

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David Robitaille
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Avatar of wthomson


That is not it, I have tried both ways AND the 'Private Sub Page_Load ' is NOT being hit at all when the header/sort is clicked
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The column does have a sortExpression
only nameColumn and yearestablishedColumn? that the only ones you want to sort?
And why did create your column progarmaticly????  it<s cimpler to do this in the aspx file, no?
It has to be dynamic, the page before allows the user to select the columns. when I am trying to use it, I only have the name column selected and it won't sort. If I select name and yearestablished, neither will sort or do annything.
why you dont just toggle the visibilyty of the columns of the gridview and let`s gridview do the job instead of handeling grdReportAssetsSummary.Sorting event?

I need to make this work
the fact the 'Private Sub Page_Load ' is NOT being hit at all when the header/sort is clicked is part fo your problems.
normaly, hitting the header/sort trigger with enableSortingAndPagingCallbacks set to true should trigger  the page load (that part of the post back).
Also, you should not have to handle the grdReportAssetsSummary.Sorting the way you do, the grid view should be able to play with it`s datasource and sort it correctly. what if you remove that  grdReportAssetsSummary.Sorting event?