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Job Executing Stored Procedure Fails on First Attempt, Succeeds on Second Attempt - Floating Point Exception

We have two steps in a job that runs overnight, each executes a stored procedure. The steps are 2 of 35 total steps. The job is set up to rerun the steps if they initially fail.

When the job attempts the steps the first time, they fail, giving us the following error "A floating point exception occurred in the user process. Current transaction is canceled. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3628)." However, on the second attempt,
the steps succeed.

--**This code is the first step in question, step 9 of 35. It was implemented to counter #IND errors that were thought to 
--**exist in the data.
update orditemhis
set cost=0, margin=0, annualizedmargin=0
where shipdate between '2006-01-01' and '2010-12-31'
and convert(char(20), cost) like '%ind%'
update orditem
set cost=0, margin=0, annualizedmargin=0
where shipdate between '2006-01-01' and '2010-12-31'
and convert(char(20), cost) like '%ind%'
--**This is the second step in question, step 17 of 35. Again, both steps succeed only on the second attempt by the job.
--Exec _sp_DW_UpdSalesIAFactPosted '2006-01-01', '2010-12-31'
--Here is the code for _sp_DW_UpdSalesIAFactPosted
ALTER           PROCEDURE DBO._sp_DW_UpdSalesIAFactPosted @FromDate as DateTime, @ToDate as DateTime
---------------- update fact table with posted data
select	A.AreaID, C.CustomerID, Pr.ProductID, T.TimeID, S.SalesRepID, D.DivisionID, Sp.ServiceProgramID, 
	Sk.SkuId, Ca.CarrierID, CR.CreditReasonID, tg.TimeId as GLTimeId,
	PromoID			= Case When O.PromoNum = 0 Then 1 Else 2 End,
	QtySales 	 	= i.qty - i.qty*o.creditwo,
	FobSales 	 	= i.qty*i.fobPrice - i.qty*i.fobPrice*o.creditwo,
	PackagingSales 	 	= i.qty*i.PackagingCharge - i.qty*i.PackagingCharge*o.creditwo,
	FreightSales 	 	= i.qty*i.FreightCharge - i.qty*i.FreightCharge*o.creditwo,
	GuaranteeSales 		= i.qty*i.GuaranteeRevenue - i.qty*i.GuaranteeRevenue*o.creditwo,
	ServiceSales 	 	= i.qty*i.ServiceRevenue - i.qty*i.ServiceRevenue*o.creditwo,
	RebateSales 	 	= i.qty*i.RebateRevenue - i.qty*i.RebateRevenue*o.creditwo,
	QtyCredits 	 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then 0 Else i.qty*o.creditwo 				End,  -- Admin Credit
	FobCredits 	 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then 0 Else i.qty*i.fobPrice*o.creditwo 		End,
	PackagingCredits 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then 0 Else i.qty*i.PackagingCharge*o.creditwo 	End,
	FreightCredits 		= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then 0 Else i.qty*i.FreightCharge*o.creditwo 		End,
	GuaranteeCredits 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then 0 Else i.qty*i.GuaranteeRevenue*o.creditwo 	End,
	ServiceCredits 		= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then 0 Else i.qty*i.ServiceRevenue*o.creditwo 	End,
	RebateCredits 		= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then 0 Else i.qty*i.RebateRevenue*o.creditwo 	End,
	pr_QtyCredits 	 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then i.qty*o.creditwo 			Else 0 	End,  -- Production Credit
	pr_FobCredits 	 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then i.qty*i.fobPrice*o.creditwo 		Else 0 	End,
	pr_PackagingCredits 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then i.qty*i.PackagingCharge*o.creditwo 	Else 0 	End,
	pr_FreightCredits 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then i.qty*i.FreightCharge*o.creditwo 	Else 0 	End,
	pr_GuaranteeCredits 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then i.qty*i.GuaranteeRevenue*o.creditwo 	Else 0 	End,
	pr_ServiceCredits 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then i.qty*i.ServiceRevenue*o.creditwo 	Else 0 	End,
	pr_RebateCredits 	= Case When I.ReasonCode in ('07','11','12','13','23','24','27','31','34','40','49','52','53','54','64') Then i.qty*i.RebateRevenue*o.creditwo 	Else 0 	End,
	i.OrderNum as WorkOrderNo,
	isNull(i.Margin,0) as Margin,
	isNull(i.AnnualizedMargin,0) as AnnualizedMargin,
	i.qty*i.cost as FobCost,
	i.qty*i.FreightCost as FreightCost,
	i.qty*i.PackagingCost as PackagingCost,
	i.qty*i.ServiceCost as ServiceCost,
	i.qty*i.RebateCost as RebateCost,
	CommissionSales		= 
		case	when 	(a.division<>'CNF' and isnull(,0)=2 and p.PlantCode in ('POI01','POI02','POI03','POI04','POI05','POI06','POI08','POI45','POIBW','POIPR','PON08','PWR08','PWR06','MBP6 ','MBP8 ','PNTTC','BPO10','PWR6 ','POI2G','PWR65','POIWM','FPGCS','PWR45'))
				--or (p.non_commisionabl=1)
			then	0
			else	Case 	When O.PromoNum = 0 
					Then case when isnull(dg.rm_document_type_all,7)<>7 then i.qty*(i.fobPrice+isnull(i.GuaranteeRevenue,0)+i.FreightCharge) else 0 end   --Lump debits together with SaleCommissions (i.e. PBS Debits reflect actual sales of items) Mostly for the sake of the commission date. 
					Else case when isnull(dg.rm_document_type_all,7)<>7 then i.qty*(i.fobPrice+isnull(i.GuaranteeRevenue,0)+i.FreightCharge + PackagingCharge) else 0 end
	CommissionCredits	= 
		case	when 	(a.division<>'CNF' and isnull(,0)=2 and p.PlantCode in ('POI01','POI02','POI03','POI04','POI05','POI06','POI08','POI45','POIBW','POIPR','PON08','PWR08','PWR06','MBP6 ','MBP8 ','PNTTC','BPO10','PWR6 ','POI2G','PWR65','POIWM','FPGCS','PWR45'))
				--or (p.non_commisionabl=1)
			then	0
			else	Case 	When O.PromoNum = 0 
					Then case when isnull(dg.rm_document_type_all,1)<>7 then 0 else i.qty*(i.fobPrice+isnull(i.GuaranteeRevenue,0)+i.FreightCharge) end
					Else case when isnull(dg.rm_document_type_all,1)<>7 then 0 else i.qty*(i.fobPrice+isnull(i.GuaranteeRevenue,0)+i.FreightCharge + PackagingCharge) end
	TakenById		= TB.SalesRepId,
	1 as PostedId		-- = Posted
	,TrxTypeId= (select TrxTypeId from vTrxType where ordernum=o.ordernum and status='POSTED')
	,isnull(o.TruckNum,0) as TruckNum
into	#TempTable
from 	orderhis o with (nolock)
join	orditemhis i with (nolock) on i.ordernum = o.ordernum and isnull(Parent,'')=''
Left 	Join Customer CU with (nolock) On CU.CustCode = O.CustCode
Left 	Join vStore St with (nolock) On St.CustCode = O.CustCode and St.StoreCode = O.StoreCode
Left 	Join plant p with (nolock) on i.upc = p.upc
Left 	Join DW_CNF.DBO.Area A with (nolock) ON A.AreaCode = I.AreaCode and 
					a.division = case when o.origin = 'CR'	then 'CR'
							  when o.origin = 'PA'	then 'PA'
	 						  when  i.areaCode < '800' or i.areacode > '899' then 'CNF'
					 		  else 'CC'
Left 	Join DW_CNF.DBO.Customer C with (nolock) ON 	isnull(C.CustType,'') = isnull(CU.CustType,'') and 
				   		isnull(C.ARCode,'') 	= isnull(CU.ARCode,'') and 
				  		isnull(C.CustCode,'') 	= isnull(O.CustCode,'') and 
				   		isnull(C.Region,'') 	= isnull(St.RegionCode,'') and 
					   	isnull(C.District,'') 	= isnull(St.ModifiedDistrict,'') 
						and C.StoreCode = St.ModifiedStoreCode
left 	Join DW_CNF.DBO.Product Pr with (nolock) ON 	pr.PlantCode = p.plantcode and 		= and
						isnull(pr.segment,'')   = isnull(p.segment,'') and 
						isnull(pr.category,'')  = isnull(p.category,'') and 
						isnull(pr.potsize,'')	= isnull(p.potsize,'') and 
						isnull(pr.description,'') 	= isnull(p.description,'') 
Left	Join DW_CNF.DBO.Time T with (nolock) On T.The_Date = O.ShipDate
Left 	Join DW_CNF.DBO.SalesRep S with (nolock) ON S.SalesRepCode = O.SalesRepCode
Left 	Join DW_CNF.DBO.SalesRep TB with (nolock) ON TB.SalesRepCode = O.TakenBy
Left 	Join DW_CNF.DBO.Division D with (nolock) ON D.DivisionCode = (case o.Origin when 'MCF' then 'CNF' else o.Origin end)
Left 	Join DW_CNF.DBO.ServiceProgram Sp with (nolock) ON O.IsServiceProgram = Sp.IsServiceProgramBin
Left	Join DW_CNF.DBO.SKU Sk with (nolock) ON Sk.SKUNumber = Case When I.AlternateSku <> '' Then I.AlternateSKU Else IsNull(I.SKU,'') end
Left	Join DW_CNF.DBO.Carrier Ca  with (nolock) ON Ca.CarrierCode = IsNull(O.CarrierCode,'') and Ca.TruckNumber = IsNull(O.TruckNum,0)
Left	Join DW_CNF.DBO.CreditReason CR with (nolock) ON CR.ReasonCode = IsNull(I.ReasonCode,'')
Left  	Join cnf.dbo.vDynRMTransactions dg on dg.document_number = o.invoiceno and dg.rm_document_type_all = case o.creditwo when 0 then '1' else case when o.amount>0 then '3' else '7' end end
join  	dw_cnf.dbo.time tg with (nolock) on tg.the_date=case isnull(dg.gl_posting_date,0) when 0 then '1900-01-01' else dg.gl_posting_date end
Left 	Join DW_CNF.Dbo.FactTable F with (nolock) ON F.OrderNum = I.OrderNum and F.FactTableName = 'SALESIAFACT'
where 	o.ShipDate >= @FromDate and o.ShipDate <= @ToDate
	and o.status = 8 and o.Amount <> 0 		
	and F.FactTableID is Null
INSERT 	DW_CNF.DBO.SalesIAFact (AreaID, CustomerID, ProductID, TimeID, SalesRepID, DivisionID, ServiceProgramID, SkuId, CarrierID, CreditReasonID, GLTimeId,
			PromoID, QtySales, FobSales, PackagingSales, FreightSales, GuaranteeSales, ServiceSales, RebateSales, QtyCredits, 	
			FOBCRedits, PackagingCredits, FreightCredits, GuaranteeCredits, ServiceCredits, RebateCredits, pr_QtyCredits, 
			pr_FOBCRedits, pr_PackagingCredits, pr_FreightCredits, pr_GuaranteeCredits, pr_ServiceCredits, pr_RebateCredits,
			WorkOrderNo, Margin, AnnualizedMargin, FOBCost, FreightCost, PackagingCost, ServiceCost, RebateCost, CommissionSales, CommissionCredits,TakenById, PostedID,TrxTypeId, PromoNum, TruckNum)
	AreaID, CustomerID, ProductID, TimeID, SalesRepID, DivisionID, ServiceProgramID, SkuId, CarrierID, CreditReasonID, GLTimeId,
			PromoID, QtySales
			, cast(FobSales as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(PackagingSales as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(FreightSales as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(GuaranteeSales as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(ServiceSales as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(RebateSales as decimal(10,2))
			, QtyCredits
			, cast(FOBCRedits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(PackagingCredits as decimal(10,2))	
			, cast(FreightCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(GuaranteeCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(ServiceCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(RebateCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(pr_QtyCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(pr_FOBCRedits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(pr_PackagingCredits as decimal(10,2))	
			, cast(pr_FreightCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(pr_GuaranteeCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(pr_ServiceCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(pr_RebateCredits as decimal(10,2))
			, WorkOrderNo
			, cast(Margin as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(AnnualizedMargin as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(FOBCost as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(FreightCost as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(PackagingCost as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(ServiceCost as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(RebateCost as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(CommissionSales as decimal(10,2))
			, cast(CommissionCredits as decimal(10,2))
			,TakenById, PostedID,TrxTypeId, PromoNum, TruckNum
from 	#TempTable t
where 	t.status<>9
	and productid is not null
	and customerid is not null
------------ Update Source Data Flag (DW_CNF_SalesIA) ------------
IF @@ERROR <> 0  
	Print 'Error Inserting Records to DW'
	Print 	'Inserting Records to DW where commited'
	Insert 	DW_CNF.Dbo.FactTable (OrderNum, FactTableName)
	Select 	Distinct O.OrderNum, 'SALESIAFACT'
	From	OrderHis O with (nolock)
	Left 	Join DW_CNF.Dbo.FactTable F with (nolock) ON F.OrderNum = O.OrderNum and F.FactTableName = 'SALESIAFACT'
	where 	o.ShipDate >= @FromDate and o.ShipDate <= @ToDate and o.status = 8 and F.FactTableID is Null

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Avatar of Steve Hogg
Steve Hogg
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