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Help converting a C quicksort to assembly

I need to translate a C quicksort into assembly to use in a quicksort subroutine and I wanted to make sure I did this part correctly.  I think everything is ok until I get to figuring out how to keep doing the quick sort recursively... do I need to like set my registers before I reenter my quick method?

I attached my C and then under that my assembler version to compare.

;   quick (int list[], int l, int r)
;   // inputs: 1.  The address of the array with n elements (0...n-1)
;   //         2.  'l' which is the left index
;   //         3.  'r' which is the right index
;   {
;   int i,j,x,w;                  // i,j are indices   x,w are values
;   i=l; j=r;                     // i starts at left, j starts at right
;   x=list[(l+r) / 2];            // x is the selected value
;   while (i<=j)                  // do until i and j cross
;      {
;      while (x>list[i]) {i++;}   // find value equal or greater than selected
;      while (x<list[j]) {j--;}   // find value equal or less than selected
;      if (i<=j)                  // swap values and inc i and dec j
;         {
;         w=list[i];
;         list[i]=list[j];
;         list[j]=w;
;         i++; j--;
;         }
;      }
;      if (l<j) quick(list,l,j);       // sort the left side
;      if (i<r) quick(list,i,r);       // sort the right side
;   }
my version in assembly, intel 8086, compiled in masam
quick:                          		;!!!!!!!!!!!I NEED TO SET SI AND DI BEFORE THIS!
		mov si,bx						;associating si as my left
		mov di,dx						;!!!!!!!!!!!associating di with my right (I DONT THINK I CAN DO THIS!)
		mov al,di						;getting my pivot value 
		add al,si						;preparing to get my pivot
		mov cl, 2						;preparing to divide (si + di )/2)) = pivot
		div cl							;ax/cl, al should have my quotent (which is my pivot!)
		jmp test_m						;main initial check
		leftLoop:							;left inner while loop
					jmp lcheck				;	left initial check
		lrep:								;left rep
					inc si					;	!!!!!!!!!!!increment the left further down my stack i++ (SHOULD I DO [] OR NOT!)
		lcheck:								;left check
					cmp al,[si] 			;	if (al > [si])
					ja lrep					;	jump up to my repeating step
		rightLoop:							;right inner while loop
					jmp rcheck				;	right initial check
		rrep:								;right rep
					dec di					;	!!!!!!!!!!!decrement my right further up my stack j-- (SHOULD I DO [] OR NOT!)
		rcheck:								;
					cmp al,[di] 			;if (al < [di])
					jl rrep					;jump up to my repeating step
		cmp si,di						;if (si < di) hopefully comparable to if (i <=j)
		jae mcheck						;else skip over this section
										;!!!!!!!!!!!can I resue cl like this?
		mov cl,[si]						;w = list[i]
		mov ch,[di]						;!!!!!!!!!!!cant compare 2 memory... need to do this as well?
		mov [si],ch						;moves list[j]'s value into list[i]'s value
		mov [di],cl						;moves list[i]'s value into list[j]'s value
										;!!!!!!!!!!!i think.. i donnt need one of the cl/ch moves and can use al ... but i was iffy
		inc si							;increment the left further down my stack i++
		dec di							;decrement my right further up my stack j--
		cmp si,di						;if (left <= right)
		jbe mrep						;jump up to my main repeating step!
										;!!!!!!!!!!!fix my bp and dx for the next recursive loop.... ????
		ret                           ;return

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Yea sorry first time trying to do this code/snippet.. apparently notepad++ does some werid tabstops or something... I redid the assembly part so you guys dont have to strain as hard trying to read it.

Hope that helps

also wherever you see a !!!!!!!!!!!!! in the comments is where I was unsure if I did that line correctly (as explained in the comments directly after the !

If this doesnt work ill just upload as a file
my version in assembly, intel 8086, compiled in masam
quick:          ;!!!!!!!!!!!I NEED TO SET SI AND DI BEFORE THIS!
      mov si,bx ;associating si as my left
      mov di,dx ;!!!!!!!!!!!associating di with my right (I DONT THINK I CAN DO THIS!)
      mov al,di ;getting my pivot value 
      add al,si ;preparing to get my pivot
      mov cl, 2 ;preparing to divide (si + di )/2)) = pivot
      div cl    ;ax/cl, al should have my quotent (which is my pivot!)
      jmp test_m;main initial check
        leftLoop:	     ;left inner while loop
                jmp lcheck   ;left initial check
        lrep:                ;left rep
                inc si       ;!!!!!!!!!!!increment the left further down my stack i++ (SHOULD I DO [] OR NOT!)
        lcheck:              ;left check
                cmp al,[si]  ;if (al > [si])
                ja lrep      ;jump up to my repeating step
        rightLoop:           ;right inner while loop
                jmp rcheck   ;right initial check
        rrep:                ;right rep
                dec di       ;!!!!!!!!!!!decrement my right further up my stack j-- (SHOULD I DO [] OR NOT!)
        rcheck:              ;
                cmp al,[di]  ;if (al < [di])
                jl rrep      ;jump up to my repeating step
                cmp si,di    ;if (si < di) hopefully comparable to if (i <=j)
                jae mcheck   ;else skip over this section
                             ;!!!!!!!!!!!can I resue cl like this?
                mov cl,[si]  ;w = list[i]
                mov ch,[di]  ;!!!!!!!!!!!cant compare 2 memory... need to do this as well?
                mov [si],ch  ;moves list[j]'s value into list[i]'s value
                mov [di],cl  ;moves list[i]'s value into list[j]'s value
                             ;!!!!!!!!!!!i think.. i donnt need one of the cl/ch moves and can use al ... but i was iffy
                inc si       ;increment the left further down my stack i++
                dec di       ;decrement my right further up my stack j--
                cmp si,di    ;if (left <= right)
                jbe mrep     ;jump up to my main repeating step!
                             ;!!!!!!!!!!!fix my bp and dx for the next recursive loop.... ????
                ret          ;return

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which c are you using C++ (VS2003/5/ or 8 ) or something else ?
I was just using C(plain)... but I know the code is correct, I was provided with it.  I just need to convert it to assembly

so I worked on it some more... I realized that 1 my al was justthe index... I needed it to be equal to the daat that was at al, and I cant just do [si] or [di] I need to do [bx+si] etc where bx is the start of my data... however right now I am getting an infite loop...after commenting / trying to print data I believe it has something to do with the recursion that I implemented... any help is appreciated

I think the problem is my if checks for the recursion is always true and its not stopping (causing me to loop indefinitely.  Although I am having trouble seeing exactly where this is happening
; Quicksort registers:
; al = x = random value in the list
; bx = address of the list
; ch = used in swap
; cl = w = used in swap
; dx = r = right index
; si = i = index
; di = j = index
; bp = l = left index
; In the call to quicksort
; - bx contains the address of the list
; - bp contains the left most index
; - dx contains the right most index
; *** warning ***
; Be careful about the use of signed versus unsigned tests.
; The i and j index values are signed and j can go negative,
; so be sure to use signed tests on i and j.
; The data values for this assignment are unsigned,
; so be sure to use unsigned tests on the data values.
quick:                          		;!!!!!!!!!!!I NEED TO SET SI AND DI BEFORE THIS!
		mov si,bp				;associating si as my left
		mov di,dx				;!!!!!!!!!!!associating di with my right (I DONT THINK I CAN DO THIS!)
		mov ax,di				;getting my pivot value 
		add ax,si				;preparing to get my pivot
		mov cl, 2				;preparing to divide (si + di )/2)) = pivot
		div cl					;ax/cl, al should have my quotent (which is my pivot!)
							;only counted the index here I need to add this index into the offset
							;now I have X in al after the push pop operation
		push bx					;after you do the add bx is changed... we dont want to change the value of bx
		mov ah,0				;this is a copy of bx.. after we manupilate it we get it back from the stack
		add bx,ax
		mov al,[bx]		
		pop bx
		jmp mcheck				;main initial check
		leftLoop:				;left inner while loop
			jmp lcheck			;	left initial check
		lrep:					;left rep
			inc si				;	!!!!!!!!!!!increment the left further down my stack i++ (SHOULD I DO [] OR NOT!)
		lcheck:					;left check
			cmp al,[bx+si] 			;	if (al > [si])
			ja lrep				;	jump up to my repeating step
		rightLoop:				;right inner while loop
			jmp rcheck			;	right initial check
		rrep:					;right rep
			dec di				;	!!!!!!!!!!!decrement my right further up my stack j-- (SHOULD I DO [] OR NOT!)
		rcheck:					;
			cmp al,[bx+di] 			;if (al < [di])
			jl rrep				;jump up to my repeating step
		cmp si,di				;if (si < di) hopefully comparable to if (i <=j)
		jae mcheck				;else skip over this section
							;!!!!!!!!!!!can I resue cl like this?
		mov cl,[bx+si]				;w = list[i]
		mov ch,[bx+di]				;!!!!!!!!!!!cant compare 2 memory... need to do this as well?
		mov [bx+si],ch				;moves list[j]'s value into list[i]'s value
		mov [bx+di],cl				;moves list[i]'s value into list[j]'s value
							;!!!!!!!!!!!i think.. i donnt need one of the cl/ch moves and can use al ... but i was iffy
		inc si					;increment the left further down my stack i++
		dec di					;decrement my right further up my stack j--
		cmp si,di				;if (left <= right)
		jbe mrep				;jump up to my main repeating step!
							;!!!!!!!!!!!fix my bp and dx for the next recursive loop.... ????	
		cmp bp,di				;we arent getting out of here
		jae else_if
		push si						
		push bp
		push di
		push dx		
		mov dx,di				;changes the value of r in dx for the next recursive call
		call quick								
		pop dx						
		pop di
		pop bp
		pop si
		cmp si,dx				
		jae else_
		push si
		push bp
		push di
		push dx
		mov bp,si				;changes the value of l in bp for the next recursive call
		call quick
		pop dx
		pop di
		pop bp
		pop si
		ret                           ;return

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