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adding validation to current code..

adding validation to current code..

the thing is if i dont type in either topic or i dont type in the message box then it goes from this where i would expect the error to show along side where the error was made
function initialise() {
var element = document.getElementById('element-id');
if (element && = 'none';
function toggleDisplay(element) {
var style;
if (typeof element == 'string')
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (element && (style =
style.display = (style.display == 'none') ? '' : 'none';
if (!document.getElementById)
document.getElementById = function() {return null;};
function wrapText(el, openTag, closeTag) {
if (el.setSelectionRange) {
// W3C/Mozilla
el.value = el.value.substring(0,el.selectionStart) + openTag + el.value.substring(el.selectionStart,el.selectionEnd) + closeTag + el.value.substring(el.selectionEnd,el.value.length);
else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
// IE code goes here
el.focus(); //or else text is added to the activating control
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.text = openTag + range.text + closeTag;
 //connection string
require_once '../settings.php';
include "../BBClass.php"; //store the BBClass.php in the same place as settings.php or change the path.
include "connect.php";
$id = $_SESSION['user_id'];  
$puser = get_username($id);
$timestamp = time();
$timeout = $timestamp - 180;
$username= get_username($_SESSION['user_id']);
function selfURL() { 
$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : "";
$protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s; 
$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); 
return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } 
function strleft($s1, $s2) { return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2)); }
$filename = (selfURL());
//Insert User
$insert = mysql_query("REPLACE INTO `useronline` SET `timestamp`='$timestamp', `ip`='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', `file`='$filename',`user`='$username',`user_id`='".$_SESSION['user_id']."'") 
or die(mysql_error()); 
$uid = $_SESSION['user_id']; //never use the same varible name twice.
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID = '$id' LIMIT 1"; 
if ($result = mysql_query($query)){
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);        
        $puser = $array['Username'];    
      $pimage = $array['image']; 
     <p><table width="100%" class="loggedin">
                            <td >
                                <div class="c1">
                                    <div align="center"><em>
                                      <script type='text/javascript'>
var date=new Date(); // Gets the full date!
var day=date.getHours(); // Gets the hours!
if(day<=11) {
document.write('Good Morning,'); // If it's before 12 PM then display this!
} else if(day<18){
document.write('Good Afternoon,'); // After 12 PM display this!
} else {
document.write('Good Evening,'); // After 6 PM display this!
                                    You are logged in as <?php echo ucwords(strtolower($username)) ?>.Your ip address is <?php echo
                                    $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?>; this is stored for security reasons.</em> </div>
                                </div>                            </td>
       <table class='maintables'>
   <tr class='headline'><td>Post a message</td></tr>
<tr class='maintables'><td>
      $errMsg= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
   else if(strlen($subject)<1)
     $errMsg="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
      $thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
      $displaytime=date("F j, Y, g:i a");
      //we now strip HTML injections
      $insertpost="INSERT INTO forumtutorial_posts(forum,author,title,post,showtime,realtime,lastrepliedto,lastposter) values('$forum','$name','$subject','$yourpost','$thedate','$thedate','$thedate','$name')";
      mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
   $updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
   mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
      print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=forum&forum=$forum'>Forum</a>.";
   print "</td></tr></table>";
     <form action='<?php "$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]" ?>' method='post'>
    <div align="center"><br>
  <input class='inputinbox' type='text' name='subject' size='20'> <span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsg; ?></span>
   <tr class='maintables'>
           <td align="center">
                                        print "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
                                        $thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
                                        $displaytime = time();
                                        //we now strip HTML injections
                                        //This is where the bbcode come in.
                                        $message = new BBCode;
                                        $message->selection = $yourpost;
                                        $message->parseCode(); // set to 1 if you want to disable bbcode
                                        $yourpost = $message->parsed;
                                        $insertpost="INSERT INTO `forumtutorial_posts` (`author`,`forum`,`title`,`post`,`showtime`,`realtime`,`lastposter`,`parentid`) values('$name','$forum','$subject','$yourpost','$thedate','$thedate','$name','$id')";
                                        mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
                                        $updatepost="UPDATE `forumtutorial_posts` SET `numreplies`=`numreplies`+'1', `lastposter`='$name', `lastrepliedto`='$thedate' WHERE `postid`='$id'";
                                        mysql_query($updatepost) or die("Could not update post");
                                        $updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
                                        mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
                                        print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=message&id=$id&forum=$forum'>Message</a>.";
                                $gettopic="SELECT * FROM `forumtutorial_posts` WHERE `postid`='$id'";
                                $gettopic2=mysql_query($gettopic) or die("Could not get topic");
                                   <form action='index.php?page=reply&forum=<? echo $forum; ?>&id=<? echo $_GET['id']; ?>' method='post' name='myform'>
                                     <div style='padding-left: 5px; padding-top:5px;'></div>
                                                                             <input name="title" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $gettopic3['title'];?>" />
                                     <textarea id="inputforum" class="inputforum" name='yourpost' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea>
                                                                         <input type='submit'class="submit-btn" name='submit' value=''>
print "</td></tr></table>";

Open in new window

Avatar of runnerjp


the thing is if i dont type in either topic or i dont type in the message box then it goes from this where i would expect the error to show along side where the error was made
I am not totally sure if I understand your question right, but from what I get you see the error at the wrong place.
If this is what you want to fix, you will need to use 2 error messages, right now you have only "$errMsg" for both the subject and the post. If you use something like "$errMsgSubject" and "$errMsgPost" and print them at the right place it should work.
  $errMsg= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
else if(strlen($subject)<1)
 $errMsg="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
// ....
<input class='inputinbox' type='text' name='subject' size='20'> <span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsg; ?></span>
Should be something like:

  $errMsgPost= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
else if(strlen($subject)<1)
 $errMsgSubject="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
// ....
<input class='inputinbox' type='text' name='subject' size='20'> <span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsgSubject; ?></span>
yes thats waht i want :).. i did as you said and when posted it shows nothing with no error messages and also posts the post still..

i have posted the full code below.. feel free to attack it anyway u can lol
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
function setColor(color) {
        var textbox = document.getElementById('inputforum');
        textbox.value += "[color=" + color + "][/color]";
function setsize(size) {
        var textbox = document.getElementById('inputforum');
        textbox.value += "[size=" + size + "][/size]";
function initialise() {
var element = document.getElementById('element-id');
if (element && = 'none';
function toggleDisplay(element) {
var style;
if (typeof element == 'string')
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (element && (style =
style.display = (style.display == 'none') ? '' : 'none';
if (!document.getElementById)
document.getElementById = function() {return null;};
function wrapText(el, openTag, closeTag) {
if (el.setSelectionRange) {
// W3C/Mozilla
el.value = el.value.substring(0,el.selectionStart) + openTag + el.value.substring(el.selectionStart,el.selectionEnd) + closeTag + el.value.substring(el.selectionEnd,el.value.length);
else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
// IE code goes here
el.focus(); //or else text is added to the activating control
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.text = openTag + range.text + closeTag;
 //connection string
require_once '../settings.php';
include "../BBClass.php"; //store the BBClass.php in the same place as settings.php or change the path.
include "connect.php";
$id = $_SESSION['user_id'];  
$puser = get_username($id);
$timestamp = time();
$timeout = $timestamp - 180;
$username= get_username($_SESSION['user_id']);
function selfURL() { 
$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : "";
$protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s; 
$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); 
return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } 
function strleft($s1, $s2) { return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2)); }
$filename = (selfURL());
//Insert User
$insert = mysql_query("REPLACE INTO `useronline` SET `timestamp`='$timestamp', `ip`='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', `file`='$filename',`user`='$username',`user_id`='".$_SESSION['user_id']."'") 
or die(mysql_error()); 
$uid = $_SESSION['user_id']; //never use the same varible name twice.
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID = '$id' LIMIT 1"; 
if ($result = mysql_query($query)){
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);        
        $puser = $array['Username']; 	
		$pimage = $array['image']; 
     <p><table width="100%" class="loggedin">
                            <td >
                                <div class="c1">
                                    <div align="center"><em>
                                      <script type='text/javascript'>
var date=new Date(); // Gets the full date!
var day=date.getHours(); // Gets the hours!
if(day<=11) {
document.write('Good Morning,'); // If it's before 12 PM then display this!
} else if(day<18){
document.write('Good Afternoon,'); // After 12 PM display this!
} else {
document.write('Good Evening,'); // After 6 PM display this!
                                    You are logged in as <?php echo ucwords(strtolower($username)) ?>.Your ip address is <?php echo
                                    $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?>; this is stored for security reasons.</em> </div>
                                </div>                            </td>
       <table class='maintables'>
   <tr class='headline'><td>Post a message</td></tr>
<tr class='maintables'><td>
 $errMsgPost= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
else if(strlen($subject)<1)
$errMsgSubject="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
      $thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
      $displaytime=date("F j, Y, g:i a");
      //we now strip HTML injections
      $insertpost="INSERT INTO forumtutorial_posts(forum,author,title,post,showtime,realtime,lastrepliedto,lastposter) values('$forum','$name','$subject','$yourpost','$thedate','$thedate','$thedate','$name')";
      mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
  $updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
					mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
      print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=forum&forum=$forum'>Forum</a>.";
     <form action='<?php "$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]" ?>' method='post'>
    <div align="center"><br>
<input class='inputinbox' type='text' name='subject' size='20'> <span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsgSubject; ?></span>
   <tr class='maintables'>
	   <td align="center">
			if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
 $errMsgPost= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
else if(strlen($subject)<1)
$errMsgSubject="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
					$thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
					$displaytime = time();
					//we now strip HTML injections
					//This is where the bbcode come in.
					$message = new BBCode;
					$message->selection = $yourpost;
					$message->parseCode(); // set to 1 if you want to disable bbcode
					$yourpost = $message->parsed;
					$insertpost="INSERT INTO `forumtutorial_posts` (`author`,`forum`,`title`,`post`,`showtime`,`realtime`,`lastposter`,`parentid`) values('$name','$forum','$subject','$yourpost','$thedate','$thedate','$name','$id')";
					mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
					$updatepost="UPDATE `forumtutorial_posts` SET `numreplies`=`numreplies`+'1', `lastposter`='$name', `lastrepliedto`='$thedate' WHERE `postid`='$id'";
					mysql_query($updatepost) or die("Could not update post");
                                  $updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
					mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
					print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=message&id=$id&forum=$forum'>Message</a>.";
				$gettopic="SELECT * FROM `forumtutorial_posts` WHERE `postid`='$id'";
				$gettopic2=mysql_query($gettopic) or die("Could not get topic");
<form action='index.php?page=reply&forum=<? echo $forum; ?>&id=<? echo $_GET['id']; ?>' method='post' name='myform'>
					  <div style='padding-left: 5px; padding-top:5px;'>
<input type='button' value='B' name='btnBold' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[b]&#39;,&#39;[/b]&#39;);'>
<input type='button' value='I' name='btnItalic' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[i]&#39;,&#39;[/i]&#39;);'>
<input type='button' value='U' name='btnUnderline' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[u]&#39;,&#39;[/u]&#39;);'>
<input type='button' value='IMG' name='btnImg' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[img]&#39;,&#39;[/img]&#39;);'>
<input type='button' value='Email' name='btnImg' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[email]&#39;,&#39;[/email]&#39;);'>
<input type='button' value='URL' name='btnUrl' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[url]&#39;,&#39;[/url]&#39;);'>
<input type='button' value='Center' name='btnUrl' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[center]&#39;,&#39;[/center]&#39;);'>
<input type="button" value="Smilies" onclick="toggleDisplay('element-id');">
<div id="element-id" style="display: none;">
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':',')'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':','('); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),';',')'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':','D'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),';','D'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),'::',')'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),'>:','('); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':','o'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),'8',')'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),'??','?'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':','p'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':-','['); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':-','*'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':-','\\'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':-','*'); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<a href="" title="smile"
onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),':','*('); return false"><img 
src="" border="0"></a>
<select id="size" onchange="setsize(this.value);">
<option value="" selected="selected">Font Size</option>
							<option value="1">8pt</option>
							<option value="2">10pt</option>
							<option value="3">12pt</option>
							<option value="4">14pt</option>
							<option value="5">18pt</option>
							<option value="6">24pt</option>
							<option value="7">36pt</option>
<select id="color" onchange="setColor(this.value);">
      <option value="" selected="selected">Change Color</option>
							<option value="black">Black</option>
							<option value="red">Red</option>
							<option value="yellow">Yellow</option>
							<option value="pink">Pink</option>
							<option value="green">Green</option>
							<option value="orange">Orange</option>
							<option value="purple">Purple</option>
							<option value="blue">Blue</option>
							<option value="beige">Beige</option>
							<option value="brown">Brown</option>
							<option value="teal">Teal</option>
							<option value="navy">Navy</option>
							<option value="maroon">Maroon</option>
							<option value="limeGreen">Lime Green</option>
							<option value="white">White</option>
					  <input name="title" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $gettopic3['title'];?>" />
  <textarea id="inputforum" class="inputforum" name='yourpost' rows='5' cols='40'> <span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsgpost; ?></span></textarea>
				      <input type='submit'class="submit-btn" name='submit' value=''>
print "</td></tr></table>";

Open in new window

To be honest, I think there needs to be alot of improvement on this code.
I would like to help but it needs to be done in pieces.
For starters I think this needs to be first (I left out alot of code now):

 //connection string
require_once '../settings.php';
include "../BBClass.php"; //store the BBClass.php in the same place as settings.php or change the path.
include "connect.php";
$id = $_SESSION['user_id'];  
$puser = get_username($id);
$timestamp = time();
$timeout = $timestamp - 180;
$username = get_username($_SESSION['user_id']);
function selfURL()
	$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : "";
	$protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s; 
	$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); 
	return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
function strleft($s1, $s2)
	return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2));
$filename = (selfURL());
//Insert User
$insert = mysql_query("REPLACE INTO `useronline` SET `timestamp`='$timestamp', `ip`='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', `file`='$filename',`user`='$username',`user_id`='".$_SESSION['user_id']."'") or die(mysql_error()); 
$uid = $_SESSION['user_id']; //never use the same varible name twice.
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID = '$id' LIMIT 1"; 
if ($result = mysql_query($query))
	if (mysql_num_rows($result))

Open in new window

Of course you can also just add the stylesheet and javascript stuff that you have above your php code.
Then for // THE REST OF THE CODE, replace that with the code snippet below. I left out the smilie part, just add it.
Remember that I only try to correct the most important things.

		$array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
		$puser = $array['Username'];
		$pimage = $array['image']; 
			<table width="100%" class="loggedin">
						<div class="c1">
							<div align="center"><em>
								<script type='text/javascript'>
									var date=new Date(); // Gets the full date!
									var day=date.getHours(); // Gets the hours!
									if(day<=11) {
									document.write('Good Morning,'); // If it's before 12 PM then display this!
									} else if(day<18){
									document.write('Good Afternoon,'); // After 12 PM display this!
									} else {
									document.write('Good Evening,'); // After 6 PM display this!
								You are logged in as <?php echo ucwords(strtolower($username)) ?>.
								Your ip address is <?php echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?>; this is stored for security reasons.</em>
		<form action='index.php?page=reply&forum=<? echo $forum; ?>&id=<? echo $_GET['id']; ?>' method='post' name='myform'>
		<table class='maintables'>
			<tr class='headline'><td>Post a message</td></tr>
			<tr class='maintables'>
					<div align="center">
						<input class='inputinbox' type='text' name='subject' size='20'> <span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsgSubject; ?></span>
			<tr class='maintables'>
				<td align="center">
					$gettopic="SELECT * FROM `forumtutorial_posts` WHERE `postid`='$id'";
					$gettopic2=mysql_query($gettopic) or die("Could not get topic");
					<div style='padding-left: 5px; padding-top:5px;'>
						<input type='button' value='B' name='btnBold' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[b]&#39;,&#39;[/b]&#39;);'>
						<input type='button' value='I' name='btnItalic' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[i]&#39;,&#39;[/i]&#39;);'>
						<input type='button' value='U' name='btnUnderline' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[u]&#39;,&#39;[/u]&#39;);'>
						<input type='button' value='IMG' name='btnImg' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[img]&#39;,&#39;[/img]&#39;);'>
						<input type='button' value='Email' name='btnImg' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[email]&#39;,&#39;[/email]&#39;);'>
						<input type='button' value='URL' name='btnUrl' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[url]&#39;,&#39;[/url]&#39;);'>
						<input type='button' value='Center' name='btnUrl' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[center]&#39;,&#39;[/center]&#39;);'>
						<input type="button" value="Smilies" onclick="toggleDisplay('element-id');">
						<div id="element-id" style="display: none;">
						<select id="size" onchange="setsize(this.value);">
							<option value="" selected="selected">Font Size</option>
							<option value="1">8pt</option>
							<option value="2">10pt</option>
							<option value="3">12pt</option>
							<option value="4">14pt</option>
							<option value="5">18pt</option>
							<option value="6">24pt</option>
							<option value="7">36pt</option>
						<select id="color" onchange="setColor(this.value);">
							<option value="" selected="selected">Change Color</option>
							<option value="black">Black</option>
							<option value="red">Red</option>
							<option value="yellow">Yellow</option>
							<option value="pink">Pink</option>
							<option value="green">Green</option>
							<option value="orange">Orange</option>
							<option value="purple">Purple</option>
							<option value="blue">Blue</option>
							<option value="beige">Beige</option>
							<option value="brown">Brown</option>
							<option value="teal">Teal</option>
							<option value="navy">Navy</option>
							<option value="maroon">Maroon</option>
							<option value="limeGreen">Lime Green</option>
							<option value="white">White</option>
					<input name="title" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $gettopic3['title'];?>" />
					<textarea id="inputforum" class="inputforum" name='yourpost' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea><span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsgPost; ?></span>
					<input type='submit'class="submit-btn" name='submit' value=''>

Open in new window

The last thing is to add the following code snippet between the lines:
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID = '$id' LIMIT 1";

		$errMsgPost= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
	else if(strlen($subject)<1)
		$errMsgSubject="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
		$thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
		$displaytime=date("F j, Y, g:i a");
		//we now strip HTML injections
		$insertpost="INSERT INTO forumtutorial_posts(forum,author,title,post,showtime,realtime,lastrepliedto,lastposter) values('$forum','$name','$subject','$yourpost','$thedate','$thedate','$thedate','$name')";
		mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
		$updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
		mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
		print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=forum&forum=$forum'>Forum</a>.";

Open in new window

Ok, overall you should have something like below. I hope it works and that I did not forget something.
Anyway, I just tried to re-arrange your code and I did some minor corrections. But I left the rest like it was.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
function setColor(color) {
        var textbox = document.getElementById('inputforum');
        textbox.value += "[color=" + color + "][/color]";
function setsize(size) {
        var textbox = document.getElementById('inputforum');
        textbox.value += "[size=" + size + "][/size]";
function initialise() {
var element = document.getElementById('element-id');
if (element && = 'none';
function toggleDisplay(element) {
var style;
if (typeof element == 'string')
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (element && (style =
style.display = (style.display == 'none') ? '' : 'none';
if (!document.getElementById)
document.getElementById = function() {return null;};
function wrapText(el, openTag, closeTag) {
if (el.setSelectionRange) {
// W3C/Mozilla
el.value = el.value.substring(0,el.selectionStart) + openTag + el.value.substring(el.selectionStart,el.selectionEnd) + closeTag + el.value.substring(el.selectionEnd,el.value.length);
else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
// IE code goes here
el.focus(); //or else text is added to the activating control
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.text = openTag + range.text + closeTag;
 //connection string
require_once '../settings.php';
include "../BBClass.php"; //store the BBClass.php in the same place as settings.php or change the path.
include "connect.php";
$id = $_SESSION['user_id'];  
$puser = get_username($id);
$timestamp = time();
$timeout = $timestamp - 180;
$username= get_username($_SESSION['user_id']);
function selfURL()
	$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : "";
	$protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s; 
	$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); 
	return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
function strleft($s1, $s2)
	return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2));
$filename = (selfURL());
//Insert User
$insert = mysql_query("REPLACE INTO `useronline` SET `timestamp`='$timestamp', `ip`='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', `file`='$filename',`user`='$username',`user_id`='".$_SESSION['user_id']."'") or die(mysql_error()); 
$uid = $_SESSION['user_id']; //never use the same varible name twice.
		$errMsgPost= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
	else if(strlen($subject)<1)
		$errMsgSubject="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
		$thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
		$displaytime=date("F j, Y, g:i a");
		//we now strip HTML injections
		$insertpost="INSERT INTO forumtutorial_posts(forum,author,title,post,showtime,realtime,lastrepliedto,lastposter) values('$forum','$name','$subject','$yourpost','$thedate','$thedate','$thedate','$name')";
		mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
		$updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
		mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
		print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=forum&forum=$forum'>Forum</a>.";
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID = '$id' LIMIT 1"; 
if ($result = mysql_query($query))
	if (mysql_num_rows($result))
		$array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
		$puser = $array['Username'];
		$pimage = $array['image']; 
			<table width="100%" class="loggedin">
						<div class="c1">
							<div align="center"><em>
								<script type='text/javascript'>
									var date=new Date(); // Gets the full date!
									var day=date.getHours(); // Gets the hours!
									if(day<=11) {
									document.write('Good Morning,'); // If it's before 12 PM then display this!
									} else if(day<18){
									document.write('Good Afternoon,'); // After 12 PM display this!
									} else {
									document.write('Good Evening,'); // After 6 PM display this!
								You are logged in as <?php echo ucwords(strtolower($username)) ?>.
								Your ip address is <?php echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?>; this is stored for security reasons.</em>
		<form action='index.php?page=reply&forum=<? echo $forum; ?>&id=<? echo $_GET['id']; ?>' method='post' name='myform'>
		<table class='maintables'>
			<tr class='headline'><td>Post a message</td></tr>
			<tr class='maintables'>
					<div align="center">
						<input class='inputinbox' type='text' name='subject' size='20'> <span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsgSubject; ?></span>
			<tr class='maintables'>
				<td align="center">
					$gettopic="SELECT * FROM `forumtutorial_posts` WHERE `postid`='$id'";
					$gettopic2=mysql_query($gettopic) or die("Could not get topic");
					<div style='padding-left: 5px; padding-top:5px;'>
						<input type='button' value='B' name='btnBold' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[b]&#39;,&#39;[/b]&#39;);'>
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						<input type='button' value='URL' name='btnUrl' onclick='wrapText(document.getElementById(&#39;inputforum&#39;),&#39;[url]&#39;,&#39;[/url]&#39;);'>
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							<a href="" title="smile"
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							src="" border="0"></a>
							<a href="" title="smile"
							onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),';',')'); return false"><img 
							src="" border="0"></a>
							<a href="" title="smile"
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							<a href="" title="smile"
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							src="" border="0"></a>
							<a href="" title="smile"
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							<a href="" title="smile"
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							<a href="" title="smile"
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							<a href="" title="smile"
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							src="" border="0"></a>
							<a href="" title="smile"
							onclick="wrapText(document.getElementById('inputforum'),'??','?'); return false"><img 
							src="" border="0"></a>
							<a href="" title="smile"
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							<a href="" title="smile"
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							src="" border="0"></a>
							<a href="" title="smile"
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							<option value="beige">Beige</option>
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							<option value="maroon">Maroon</option>
							<option value="limeGreen">Lime Green</option>
							<option value="white">White</option>
					<input name="title" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $gettopic3['title'];?>" />
					<textarea id="inputforum" class="inputforum" name='yourpost' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea><span style="color:red;"><?php echo $errMsgPost; ?></span>
					<input type='submit'class="submit-btn" name='submit' value=''>

Open in new window

its not showing the errors sadly and if i just add a message with no title then it still posts it!
Replace this part:
  $errMsgPost= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
 else if(strlen($subject)<1)
  $errMsgSubject="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
  $thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
  $displaytime=date("F j, Y, g:i a");
  //we now strip HTML injections
  $insertpost="INSERT INTO forumtutorial_posts(forum,author,title,post,showtime,realtime,lastrepliedto,lastposter) values('$forum','$name','$subject','$yourpost','$thedate','$thedate','$thedate','$name')";
  mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
  $updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
  mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
  print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=forum&forum=$forum'>Forum</a>.";
with the code snippet below.
And what do you mean by title? Do you mean the subject? Because title is a hidden field:
<input name="title" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $gettopic3['title'];?>" />
And that field is filled automaticly and there is no check for this in the submit part.

	if($thePost == "" || $thePost == null)
		$errMsgPost= "You did not type in a post."; //no post entered
	elseif($theSubject == "" || $theSubject == null)
		$errMsgSubject="You did not enter a subject."; //no subject entered
		$thedate=date("U"); //get unix timestamp
		$displaytime=date("F j, Y, g:i a");
		//we now strip HTML injections
		$insertpost="INSERT INTO forumtutorial_posts(forum,author,title,post,showtime,realtime,lastrepliedto,lastposter) values('$forum','$name','$theSubject','$thePost','$thedate','$thedate','$thedate','$name')";
		mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post
		$updatep="UPDATE `users` SET `post_count`=`post_count`+'1' WHERE `Username`='$name'";
		mysql_query($updatep) or die("Could not update post");
		print "Message posted, go back to <A href='index.php?page=forum&forum=$forum'>Forum</a>.";

Open in new window

ahh yes thats great... could i ask a few more questions in this learning experience>

1. if say the subject or the message was allready filled in during the error... how could i make it still show up?

2. how did u clean my code, was it a program or just yourself?

3. what other tips to cut down on my code would u give?
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