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bosscatFlag for Malaysia

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VB.NET: IF Else Query

Hi All,

I have a code below for VB.NET.

now is that i need to change my query that look like this.

if table mo_assembly = curdate() then 'Updated' Else 'Not-Up-To-Date'
if table mo_component = curdate() then 'Updated' Else 'Not-Up-To-Date'
if table mo_location = curdate() then 'Updated' Else 'Not-Up-To-Date'

same goes to all the other table

then from there i need to send a notification to admin that look like this

Table                                  Status
mo_assembly                     Updated
mo_component                   Not-Up-To-Date
mo_location                        Updated
mo_po_status                    Updated
mo_wo                               Updated
selling_price                      Not-Up-To-Date
Public Sub Checkdata()
        Dim sConString As String = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=; DATABASE=DUS; UID=root; PASSWORD=newpwd; OPTION=16834"
        Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
        Dim qryGetStatus As String = "select Name,DATE_FORMAT(last_update, '%Y-%m-%d') from backup where (name='mo_assembly' and name='mo_component' and name = 'mo_location' and name = 'mo_po_status' and name = 'mo_wo' and name='selling_price_financial_information_report') and DATE_FORMAT(last_update, '%Y-%m-%d')= curdate()"
        Dim rsGetStatus As New ADODB.Recordset
        rsGetStatus.Open(qryGetStatus, sConString, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockBatchOptimistic, 1)
        If Not rsGetStatus.EOF Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub sendemailnotuptodate()
        'Dim send_email As String
        Dim mymail
        mymail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
        mymail.Subject = "Waterfall & Loading Scheduler Report"
        mymail.From = "Item_Branch_Scheduler"
        mymail.To = ""
        'mymail.TextBody = "The Item_Branch data is not up-to-date. Please check from DUS/JDE database"
        mymail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
        'Name or IP of remote SMTP server
        mymail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = ""
        'Server port
        mymail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
        mymail = Nothing
        mymail.TextBody = "The Item_Branch data is not up-to-date. Please check from DUS/JDE database"
    End Sub

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Avatar of Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson
Flag of United States of America image

>>if table mo_assembly = curdate() then 'Updated' Else 'Not-Up-To-Date'

I don't understand.  The table can't equal the current date.  A field in a record in a table can ... what field are you looking to compare to the current date?
Avatar of bosscat


the field in the table is call last_update
Avatar of Bob Learned
Bob Learned
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