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XHTML page with Spry won't validate

Hi again, I had good responses to my last question, so I'm posting again. I am validating a website and have all the pages validated except the page with the photo gallery. When I try to validate with the validator all the error messages I get are related to the various "spry:-----" not being valid attribute....I will post the entire code for the page...any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
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<a href="horsc.htm" 	title="Item 3">Hors D' Oeuvres A la Carte</a>
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<a href="terms.htm" 			title="Platinum">Terms</a>
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<a href="$_alternate3.htm" 		title="Layout 3">Fundraisers</a>
<a href="$_alternate4.htm" 		title="Layout 4">Holiday Parties</a>
<a href="$_alternate5.htm" 		title="Layout 7">Outdoor Events</a>
<a href="$_alternate6.htm" 		title="Layout 7">Production Catering</a>
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	<li><a href="$_alternate4.htm">Holiday Parties</a></li>
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  <!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="46791" endspan --><div class="m-heading"><span class="style110">What's</span><span class="style111">New</span></div>
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		<div class="style112"><h3><font color="#008000">We are going GREEN!</font></h3></div>
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				<p align="left"><b><font color="#008000">A big decision, and a big gamble, but customers love doing....</font></b>.</p>
		<span class="style114"><a href="green.htm">...more</a></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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<div class="m-heading"><span class="style110">We</span><span class="style111">Recommend</span></div>
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		<!-- header -->
		<div class="style112"><h3>Need a banquet hall?</h3></div>
		<!-- content -->
		<div class="style113">
				<p>Banquet Halls in Houston - 
				We recommend The Chateau at Midtown, ideal for 80 to 150 guests.</p>
		<span class="style114">
				<a target="_blank" href="">...visit 
				the Chateau At Midtown</a></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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<div class="m-heading"><span class="style110">Useful</span><span class="style111">News</span></div>
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		<div class="style112"><h3>Should I book soon?</h3></div>
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Hi Andy,
Thanks for the response!
Yeah, I had tried that already last night and it didn't work! It was very frustrating. I had changed the DTD to read...<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:spry="">
and it didn't help.
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Found the answer at other site. :o)