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Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

When loading an asp page I receive the message below.

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

xxx\xxx.asp, line 84

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="data_globals.asp"-->
<% Response.Expires = 0
Session("Action_Message") = ""
On Error Resume Next
strUserMsg = ""
blnPropNameErr = false
strPropNameErr = ""
blnPropAddr1Err = False
strPropAddr1Err = ""
blnPropAddr2Err = False
strPropAddr2Err = ""
blnPropCityErr = False
strPropCityErr = ""
blnPropStateErr = False
strPropStateErr = ""
blnPropZipErr = False
strPropZipErr = ""
blnLContactErr = false
strLContactErr = ""
blnLCompanyErr = False
strLCompanyErr = ""
blnLAddr1Err = False
strLAddr1Err = ""
blnLCityErr = False
strLCityErr = ""
blnLStateErr = False
strLStateErr = ""
blnLZipErr = False
strLZipErr = ""
blnMContactErr = false
strMContactErr = ""
blnMCompanyErr = False
strMCompanyErr = ""
blnMAddr1Err = False
strMAddr1Err = ""
blnMCityErr = False
strMCityErr = ""
blnMStateErr = False
strMStateErr = ""
blnMZipErr = False
strMZipErr = ""
strMZip = ""
blnNumberOfTenantsErr = False
strNumberOfTenantsErr = ""
blnTotSqrFootErr = False
strImagePath = "xxx"
strImageName = ""
iRDId = 0
Dim oCn, oRsPm, oRsRet, oCmd, Upload
Set oCn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COnnection")
'Load Data from Database
If Request.QueryString("S") = 1 Then
	'Query PropertyMaster
	Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
	oCmd.ActiveConnection = oCn
	oCmd.CommandText = "SelectPropertyMaster"
	oCmd.CommandType = 4
	oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MPID", 3, 1, , Session("MPId"))
	Set oRsPm = oCmd.Execute
	'Set Variables
	strPropName = Trim(oRsPm("PropertyName"))
	strPropAddr1 = Trim(oRsPm("Addr1"))
	strPropAddr2 = Trim(oRsPm("Addr2"))
	strPropCity = Trim(oRsPm("City"))
	strPropState = Trim(oRsPm("State"))
	strPropZip = Trim(oRsPm("Zip"))
	strPropType = Trim(oRsPm("PropertyType"))
	strMonth = Trim(oRsPm("AquisitionMonth"))
	If IsNull(oRsPm("AquisitionDay")) Then
		iDay = 0
		iDay = Cint(oRsPm("AquisitionDay"))
	End If
	If IsNull(oRsPm("AquisitionYear")) Then
		iYear = 0
		iYear = Cint(oRsPm("AquisitionYear"))
	End If
	Set oRsPm = Nothing
	Set oCmd = Nothing
	'Query CommRetailProperty
	Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
	oCmd.ActiveConnection = oCn
	oCmd.CommandText = "SelectCommRetailPropertyByPropertyMaster"
	oCmd.CommandType = 4
	oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MPID", 3, 1, , Session("MPId"))
	Set oRsRet = oCmd.Execute
	'Load Variables
	Session("CRId") = Trim(oRsRet("CommRetId"))
	strLContact = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingContact"))
	strLCompany = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingCOmpany"))
	strLAddr1 = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingAddr1"))
	strLAddr2 = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingAddr2"))
	strLCity = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingCity"))
	strLState = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingState"))
	strLZip = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingZip"))
	strLPhone = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingPhone"))
	strLFax = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingFax"))
	strLEmail = Trim(oRsRet("LeasingEmail"))
	strMContact = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementContact"))
	strMCompany = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementCompany"))
	strMAddr1 = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementAddr1"))
	strMAddr2 = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementAddr2"))
	strMCity = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementCity"))
	strMState = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementState"))
	strMZip = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementZip"))
	strMPhone = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementPhone"))
	strMFax = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementFax"))
	strMEmail = Trim(oRsRet("ManagementEmail"))
	if IsNull(oRsRet("NumberOfTenants")) Then
		strNumberOfTenants = ""
		strNumberOfTenants = Cint(oRsRet("NumberOfTenants"))
	End If
	strTotSqrFoot = Trim(oRsRet("TotalSqrFootage"))
	IF Trim(oRsRet("FloorPlanImageName")) = "" Then
		strFloorPlan = ""
		strFloorPlan = Trim(oRsRet("FloorPlanImageName"))
	End If
	Set oRsRet = Nothing
	Set oCmd = Nothing
	'Query RetailDetails
	Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
	oCmd.ActiveConnection = oCn
	oCmd.CommandText = "SelectRetailDetailsByCommRetId"
	oCmd.CommandType = 4
	oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("CRID", 3, 1, , Session("CRId"))
	Set oRsRet = oCmd.Execute
	'Load Variables
	iRDId = Cint(oRsRet("RetailDetailsId"))
	strStartingRates = Trim(oRsRet("StartingRates"))
	strPopulation = Trim(oRsRet("Population"))
	strIncome = Trim(oRsRet("AvgHouseIncome"))
	strTraffic = Trim(oRsRet("AvgTraffic"))
	if Err.number <> 0 then
		strUserMsg = "An Error occured while loading the property<BR>"
		strUserMsg = strUserMsg & Err.source & " - " & Err.description
	End if
	Set oRsRet = Nothing
	Set oCmd = Nothing
	Set oCn = Nothing
End If
'Update data
If Request.QueryString("S") = 2 Then
	set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1")
	Upload.Overwritefiles = True
	Upload.Save (strImagePath)
	'Check for uploaded file
	if Upload.Files.Count >= 1 then
		aryPathData=Split(Upload.Files(1).path, "\")
		aryPathData = ""
	End if
	strPropName = Trim(Upload.Form("txtPropName"))
	strPropAddr1 = Trim(Upload.Form("txtPropAddr1"))
	strPropAddr2 = Trim(Upload.Form("txtPropAddr2"))
	strPropCity = Trim(Upload.Form("txtPropCity"))
	strPropState = Upload.Form("selPropState")
	strPropZip = Trim(Upload.Form("txtPropZip"))
	strPropType = Upload.Form("hdnPropType")
	strMonth = ""
	iDay = 0
	if trim(Upload.Form("selYear")) = "" Then
		iYear = 0
		iYear = Cint(Upload.Form("selYear"))
	end if		
	strLContact = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLContact"))
	strLCompany = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLCompany"))
	strLAddr1 = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLAddr1"))
	strLAddr2 = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLAddr2"))
	strLCity = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLCity"))
	strLState = Upload.Form("selLState")
	strLZip = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLZip"))
	strLPhone = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLPhone"))
	strLFax = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLFax"))
	strLEmail = Trim(Upload.Form("txtLEmail"))
	strMContact = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMContact"))
	strMCompany = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMCompany"))
	strMAddr1 = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMAddr1"))
	strMAddr2 = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMAddr2"))
	strMCity = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMCity"))
	strMState = Upload.Form("selMState")
	strMZip = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMZip"))
	strMPhone = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMPhone"))
	strMFax = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMFax"))
	strMEmail = Trim(Upload.Form("txtMEmail"))
	strFloorPlan = strImageName 
	if strImageName = "" then strImageName = Null
	if trim(Upload.Form("RemoveFloorplan")) = "True" then strImageName = ""	
	If Trim(Upload.Form("txtNumberOFTenants")) = "" Then
		strNumberOfTenants = NULL
		if IsNumeric(Upload.Form("txtNumberOfTenants")) Then
			strNumberOfTenants = Cint(Upload.Form("txtNumberOfTenants"))
			strNumberOfTenants = NULL
		End IF
	End If
	strTotSqrFoot = Trim(Upload.Form("txtTotSqrFoot"))
	iRDId = Trim(Upload.Form("hdRetailDetailsId"))
	strStartingRates = Trim(Upload.Form("txtStartingRates"))
	strPopulation = Trim(Upload.Form("txtPopulation"))
	strIncome = Trim(Upload.Form("txtIncome"))
	strTraffic = Trim(Upload.Form("txtTraffic"))
	iErrCount = 0
	Select Case True
		Case strPropName = ""
			strPropNameErr = "Required Field"
			blnPropNameErr = True
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strPropAddr1 = ""
			strPropAddr1Err = "Required Field"
			blnPropAddr1Err = True
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strPropCity = ""
			blnPropCityErr = True
			strPropCityErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strPropState = "0"
			blnPropStateErr = True
			strPropStateErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strPropZip = ""
			blnPropZipErr = True
			strPropZipErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strLContact = ""
			blnLContactErr = True
			strLContactErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strLCompany = ""
			blnLCompanyErr = True
			strLComapnyErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strLAddr1 = ""
			blnLAddr1Err = True
			strLAddr1Err = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strLCity = ""
			blnLCity = True
			strLCity = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strLState = "0"
			blnLStateErr = True
			strLStateErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strLZip = ""
			blnLStateErr = True
			strLStateErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strMContact = ""
			blnMContactErr = True
			strMContactErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strMCompany = ""
			blnMCompanyErr = True
			strMComapnyErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strMAddr1 = ""
			blnMAddr1Err = True
			strMAddr1Err = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strMCity = ""
			blnMCity = True
			strMCity = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strMState = "0"
			blnMStateErr = True
			strMStateErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case strMZip = ""
			blnMStateErr = True
			strMStateErr = "Required Field"
			iErrCount = 1
		Case Trim(strNumberOfTenants) <> "" 
			If not IsNumeric(strNumberOfTenants) Then
				blnNumberOfTenantsErr = True
				strNumberOfTenantsErr = "Must be numeric"
				iErrCount = 1
			End If
	End Select
	If iErrCount = 0 Then
		'Save Changes PropertyMaster
		Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
		oCmd.ActiveConnection = oCn
		oCmd.CommandText = "UpdatePropertyMaster"
		oCmd.CommandType = 4
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MPId", 3, 1, , Session("MPId"))
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("Name", 129, 1, 256, strPropName)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("Addr1", 129, 1, 256, strPropAddr1)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("Addr2", 129, 1, 256, strPropAddr2)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("City", 129, 1, 256, strPropCity)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("State", 129, 1, 100, strPropState)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("zip", 129, 1, 25, strPropZip)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("type", 129, 1, 6, strPropType)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("month", 129, 1, 30, strMonth)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("day", 3, 1, , iDay)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("year", 3, 1, , iYear)
		if Err.number <> 0 then
			strUserMsg = "An Error occured while updating PropertyMaster<BR>"
			strUserMsg = strUserMsg & Err.source & " - " & Err.description
			strUserMsg = strUserMsg & "<BR>The Data were not saved<BR>"
			Set oCmd= Nothing
			Set oCn = nothing
		End if
		Set oCmd = Nothing
		'Save Changes CommRetailProperty
		Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
		oCmd.ActiveConnection = oCn
		oCmd.CommandText = "UpdateCommRetailProperty"
		oCmd.CommandType = 4
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("CommRetId", 3, 1, , Session("CRId"))
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MPId", 3, 1, , Session("MPId"))
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LContact", 129, 1, 255, strLContact)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LCompany", 129, 1, 255, strLCompany)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LAddr1", 129, 1, 255, strLAddr1)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LAddr2", 129, 1, 255, strLAddr2)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LCity", 129, 1, 255, strLCity)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LState", 129, 1, 100, strLState)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LZip", 129, 1, 25, strLZip)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LPhone", 129, 1, 25, strLPhone)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LFax", 129, 1, 25, strLFax)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("LEmail", 129, 1, 100, strLEmail)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MContact", 129, 1, 255, strMContact)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MCompany", 129, 1, 255, strMCompany)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MAddr1", 129, 1, 255, strMAddr1)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MAddr2", 129, 1, 255, strMAddr2)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MCity", 129, 1, 255, strMCity)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MState", 129, 1, 100, strMState)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MZip", 129, 1, 25, strMZip)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MPhone", 129, 1, 25, strMPhone)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MFax", 129, 1, 25, strMFax)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MEmail", 129, 1, 100, strMEmail)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("NoTenants", 3, 1, , strNumberOfTenants)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("SqrFeet", 129, 1, 255, strTotSqrFoot)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("ImageName", 129, 1, 100, strImageName)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("ImagePath", 129, 1, 255, strImagePath)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("CommOrRet", 129, 1, 1, "R") 'Set To Retail
		If Err.number <> 0 Then
			strUserMsg = "An Error occured while updating CommRetailProperty<BR>"
			strUserMsg = strUserMsg & Err.source & " - " & Err.description
			strUserMsg = strUserMsg & "<BR>The Residential Data were not saved<BR>"
			Set oCmd= Nothing
			Set oCn = nothing
		End if
		'Save Changes RetailDetails
		Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
		oCmd.ActiveConnection = oCn
		oCmd.CommandText = "UpdateRetailDetails"
		oCmd.CommandType = 4
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("RetailDetailsId", 3, 1, , iRDId)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("ComRetId", 3, 1, , Session("CRId"))
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("MPId", 3, 1, , Session("MPId"))
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("Rates", 129, 1, 255, strStartingRates)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("Pop", 129, 1, 255, strPopulation)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("Income", 129, 1, 255, strIncome)
		oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("Traffic", 129, 1, 255, strTraffic)
		If Err.number <> 0 Then
			strUserMsg = "An Error occured while updating RetailDetails<BR>"
			strUserMsg = strUserMsg & Err.source & " - " & Err.description
			strUserMsg = strUserMsg & "<BR>The Residential Data were not saved<BR>"
			Set oCmd= Nothing
			Set oCn = nothing
		End if
		'Redirect back to Main and display message
		Session("Action_Message") = "Update Successful"
		Set oCmd = Nothing 
		Set oCn = Nothing
		strUserMsg = "Input Error"
	End IF
End IF
If Request.QueryString("S") = 3 then 
	'Delete Property
	Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
	oCmd.ActiveConnection = oCn
	oCmd.CommandText = "DeletePropertyMaster"
	oCmd.CommandType = 4
	oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("PMId", 3, 1, , Session("MPID"))
	If Err.number <> 0 then
		strUserMsg = "An Error occured while Deleting from PropertyMaster<BR>"
		strUserMsg = strUserMsg & Err.source & " - " & Err.description
		strUserMsg = strUserMsg & "<BR>The property was not deleted<BR>"
		Set oCmd= Nothing
		Set oCn = nothing
	End if
	Set oCmd = Nothing
	Set oCn = Nothing
	Session("Action_Message") = "Delete Successful"
End If
<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="style.css">
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
function Delete()
	var ConfirmAction
	ConfirmAction = confirm("Are you sure you would like to permanently remove this property?")
	if (ConfirmAction)
			document.frmEditRet.encoding = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
function Update()
	var ConfirmAction
	ConfirmAction = confirm("Are you sure you want to change the property data?")
	if (ConfirmAction)
			document.frmEditRet.encoding = "multipart/form-data"
<table width="600">
		<td class="header">
			Edit Retail Property
			The Required fields are Red
<Table Width="600">
		<TD Align=Right>
			<a href="add_property.asp">Add New Property</a>
			<% if Session("IsAdmin") then %>
			<a href="user_management.asp">Manage Users</a>
			<% end If %>
			<a href="main.asp">Main Menu</a>
<Span Class="errorbig"><%=strUSerMsg%></span>
<form name="frmEditRet" method=post>
<Table Width="600">
		<TD Align=center colspan=2><B>Retail Property Data</B></TD>
	<TR <%if blnPropNameErr then%> class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD class="requiredField" align="right"  nowrap>
			Property Name
		<TD nowrap>
			<INPUT type="text" name="txtPropName" value="<%=strPropName%>" size=60 maxlength=255><span class="errortext"><%=strPropNameErr%></Span>
			<INPUT Type="hidden" name="hdResPropId" Value=<%=iResPropId%>>
	<TR <%if blnPropAddr1Err then%> class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD class="requiredField" align="right"  nowrap>
			Property Address
		<TD nowrap>
			<INPUT type="text" name="txtPropAddr1" value="<%=strPropAddr1%>" size=60 maxlength=255><span class="errortext"><%=strPropAddr1Err%></Span>
	<TR <%if blnPropAddr2Err then%> class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD align="right"  nowrap>
			Property Address 2
		<TD nowrap>
			<INPUT type="text" name="txtPropAddr2" value="<%=strPropAddr2%>" size=60 maxlength=255><span class="errortext"><%=strPropAddr2Err%></Span>
	<TR <%if blnPropCityErr then%> class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD class="requiredField" align="right" nowrap>
			Property City
		<TD nowrap>
			<INPUT type="text" name="txtPropCity" value="<%=strPropCity%>" size=60 maxlength=255><span class="errortext"><%=strPropCityErr%></Span>
	<tr <%if blnPropStateErr then %>Class="errorline"<%end if%>>
		<td class="requiredField" align=right nowrap>
			Property State
		<td nowrap>
			<select name=selPropState>
			    <option value="0" > -- States --
			    <option value="AL" <%if strPropState = "AL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%>> Alabama
			    <option value="AK" <%if strPropState = "AK" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Alaska
			    <option value="AZ" <%if strPropState = "AZ" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%>> Arizona
			    <option value="AR" <%if strPropState = "AR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Arkansas
			    <option value="CA" <%if strPropState = "CA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > California
			    <option value="CO" <%if strPropState = "CO" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Colorado
			    <option value="CT" <%if strPropState = "CT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Connecticut
			    <option value="DE" <%if strPropState = "DE" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Delaware
			    <option value="DC" <%if strPropState = "DC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > District of Columbia
			    <option value="FL" <%if strPropState = "FL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Florida
			    <option value="GA" <%if strPropState = "GA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Georgia
			    <option value="HI" <%if strPropState = "HI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Hawaii
			    <option value="ID" <%if strPropState = "ID" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Idaho
			    <option value="IL" <%if strPropState = "IL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Illinois
			    <option value="IN" <%if strPropState = "IN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Indiana
			    <option value="IA" <%if strPropState = "IA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Iowa
			    <option value="KS" <%if strPropState = "KS" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Kansas
			    <option value="KY" <%if strPropState = "KY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Kentucky
			    <option value="LA" <%if strPropState = "LA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Louisiana
			    <option value="ME" <%if strPropState = "AL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Maine
			    <option value="MD" <%if strPropState = "MD" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Maryland
			    <option value="MA" <%if strPropState = "MA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Massachusetts
			    <option value="MI" <%if strPropState = "MI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Michigan
			    <option value="MN" <%if strPropState = "MN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Minnesota
			    <option value="MS" <%if strPropState = "MS" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Mississippi
			    <option value="MO" <%if strPropState = "MO" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Missouri
			    <option value="MT" <%if strPropState = "MT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Montana
			    <option value="NE" <%if strPropState = "NE" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Nebraska
			    <option value="NV" <%if strPropState = "NV" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Nevada
			    <option value="NH" <%if strPropState = "NH" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Hampshire
			    <option value="NJ" <%if strPropState = "NJ" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Jersey
			    <option value="NM" <%if strPropState = "NM" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Mexico
			    <option value="NY" <%if strPropState = "NY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New York
			    <option value="NC" <%if strPropState = "NC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > North Carolina
			    <option value="ND" <%if strPropState = "ND" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > North Dakota
			    <option value="OH" <%if strPropState = "OH" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Ohio
			    <option value="OK" <%if strPropState = "OK" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Oklahoma
			    <option value="OR" <%if strPropState = "OR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Oregon
			    <option value="PA" <%if strPropState = "PA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Pennsylvania
			    <option value="PR" <%if strPropState = "PR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Puerto Rico
			    <option value="RI" <%if strPropState = "RI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Rhode Island
			    <option value="SC" <%if strPropState = "SC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > South Carolina
			    <option value="SD" <%if strPropState = "SD" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > South Dakota
			    <option value="TN" <%if strPropState = "TN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Tennessee
			    <option value="TX" <%if strPropState = "TX" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Texas
			    <option value="UT" <%if strPropState = "UT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Utah
			    <option value="VT" <%if strPropState = "VT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Vermont
			    <option value="VA" <%if strPropState = "VA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Virginia
			    <option value="WA" <%if strPropState = "WA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Washington
			    <option value="WV" <%if strPropState = "WV" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > West Virginia
			    <option value="WI" <%if strPropState = "WI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Wisconsin
			    <option value="WY" <%if strPropState = "WY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Wyoming
			</Select><span class="errortext"><%=strPropStateErr%></span>
	<TR <%if blnPropZipErr then%> class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD class="requiredField" align="right" nowrap>
			Property Zip Code
		<TD nowrap>
			<INPUT type="text" name="txtPropZip" value="<%=strPropZip%>" size=15 maxlength=25><span class="errortext"><%=strPropZipErr%></Span>
		<TD class="requiredfield" align="right" nowrap>
			Property Type
			<INPUT Type="hidden" name="hdnPropType" value="<%=strPropType%>">
		<TD align=right>
			Aquisition Order
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="text" name="selYear" value="<%Response.Write iYear & ""%>" size="4"></TD>
						<span class="errorline"><%=iYearErr%></span>
		<TD ColSpan=2 ALign=Center>
			<B>Leasing Information</B>
	<TR <%if blnLContactErr Then%> Class="errorline" <%End If%>>
		<TD Class="requiredField" Align=right>
			Leasing Contact
		<TD nowrap align=left>
			<Input Type="text" name="txtLContact" Value="<%=strLContact%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<Span Class="errortext"><%=strLContactErr%></Span>
	<TR <%if blnLCompanyErr Then%> Class="ErrorLine" <%end If%>>
		<TD class="requiredfield" align=right>
			Leasing Company
		<TD nowrap align=left>
			<Input Type="text" name="txtLCompany" Value="<%=strLCompany%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<Span Class="errortext"><%=strLCompanyErr%></Span>
	<TR <%if blnLAddr1Err Then%> Class="errorline" <%End If%>>
		<TD class="requiredfield" align=right>
			Leasing Address
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="text" name="txtLAddr1" Value="<%=strLAddr1%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<Span Class="errortext"><%=strLAddr1Err%></Span>
		<TD Align=Right>
			Leasing Address 2
		<TD Align=left nowrap>
			<Input type="text" name="txtLAddr2" Value="<%=strLAddr2%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
	<TR <%if blnLCityErr Then%> Class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD Align=right class="requiredfield">
			Leasing City
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<Input type="text" name="txtLCity" Value="<%=strLCity%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<SPAN class="errortext"><%=strLCityErr%></span>
	<tr <%if blnLStateErr then %> Class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<td class="requiredField" align=right nowrap>
			Leasing State
		<td nowrap>
			<select name=selLState>
			    <option value="0" > -- States --
			    <option value="AL" <%if strLState = "AL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%>> Alabama
			    <option value="AK" <%if strLState = "AK" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Alaska
			    <option value="AZ" <%if strLState = "AZ" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%>> Arizona
			    <option value="AR" <%if strLState = "AR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Arkansas
			    <option value="CA" <%if strLState = "CA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > California
			    <option value="CO" <%if strLState = "CO" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Colorado
			    <option value="CT" <%if strLState = "CT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Connecticut
			    <option value="DE" <%if strLState = "DE" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Delaware
			    <option value="DC" <%if strLState = "DC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > District of Columbia
			    <option value="FL" <%if strLState = "FL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Florida
			    <option value="GA" <%if strLState = "GA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Georgia
			    <option value="HI" <%if strLState = "HI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Hawaii
			    <option value="ID" <%if strLState = "ID" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Idaho
			    <option value="IL" <%if strLState = "IL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Illinois
			    <option value="IN" <%if strLState = "IN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Indiana
			    <option value="IA" <%if strLState = "IA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Iowa
			    <option value="KS" <%if strLState = "KS" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Kansas
			    <option value="KY" <%if strLState = "KY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Kentucky
			    <option value="LA" <%if strLState = "LA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Louisiana
			    <option value="ME" <%if strLState = "AL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Maine
			    <option value="MD" <%if strLState = "MD" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Maryland
			    <option value="MA" <%if strLState = "MA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Massachusetts
			    <option value="MI" <%if strLState = "MI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Michigan
			    <option value="MN" <%if strLState = "MN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Minnesota
			    <option value="MS" <%if strLState = "MS" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Mississippi
			    <option value="MO" <%if strLState = "MO" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Missouri
			    <option value="MT" <%if strLState = "MT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Montana
			    <option value="NE" <%if strLState = "NE" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Nebraska
			    <option value="NV" <%if strLState = "NV" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Nevada
			    <option value="NH" <%if strLState = "NH" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Hampshire
			    <option value="NJ" <%if strLState = "NJ" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Jersey
			    <option value="NM" <%if strLState = "NM" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Mexico
			    <option value="NY" <%if strLState = "NY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New York
			    <option value="NC" <%if strLState = "NC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > North Carolina
			    <option value="ND" <%if strLState = "ND" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > North Dakota
			    <option value="OH" <%if strLState = "OH" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Ohio
			    <option value="OK" <%if strLState = "OK" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Oklahoma
			    <option value="OR" <%if strLState = "OR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Oregon
			    <option value="PA" <%if strLState = "PA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Pennsylvania
			    <option value="PR" <%if strLState = "PR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Puerto Rico
			    <option value="RI" <%if strLState = "RI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Rhode Island
			    <option value="SC" <%if strLState = "SC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > South Carolina
			    <option value="SD" <%if strLState = "SD" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > South Dakota
			    <option value="TN" <%if strLState = "TN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Tennessee
			    <option value="TX" <%if strLState = "TX" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Texas
			    <option value="UT" <%if strLState = "UT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Utah
			    <option value="VT" <%if strLState = "VT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Vermont
			    <option value="VA" <%if strLState = "VA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Virginia
			    <option value="WA" <%if strLState = "WA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Washington
			    <option value="WV" <%if strLState = "WV" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > West Virginia
			    <option value="WI" <%if strLState = "WI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Wisconsin
			    <option value="WY" <%if strLState = "WY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Wyoming
			</Select><span class="errortext"><%=strLStateErr%></span>
	<TR <%If blnLZipErr Then%> class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD Align=right class="requiredfield">
			Leasing Zip
		<TD ALign=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="Text" name="txtLZip" Value="<%=strLZip%>" Size=15 maxlength=25>
			<Span class="errortext"><%=strLZipErr%></span>
		<TD Align=right>
			Leasing Phone
		<TD Align=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="text" Name="txtLPhone" Value="<%=strLPhone%>" Size=15 maxlength=25>
		<TD Align=right>
			Leasing Fax
		<TD ALign=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="text" Name="txtLFax" Value="<%=strLFax%>" Size=15 maxlength=25>
		<TD Align=right>
			Leasing Email
		<TD ALign=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="text" Name="txtLEmail" Value="<%=strLEmail%>" Size=60 maxlength=100>
		<TD ColSpan=2 ALign=Center>
			<B>Management Information</B>
	<TR <%if blnMContactErr Then%> Class="errorline" <%End If%>>
		<TD Class="requiredField" Align=right>
			Management Contact
		<TD nowrap align=left>
			<Input Type="text" name="txtMContact" Value="<%=strMContact%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<Span Class="errortext"><%=strMContactErr%></Span>
	<TR <%if blnMCompanyErr Then%> Class="ErrorLine" <%end If%>>
		<TD class="requiredfield" align=right>
			Management Company
		<TD nowrap align=left>
			<Input Type="text" name="txtMCompany" Value="<%=strMCompany%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<Span Class="errortext"><%=strMCompanyErr%></Span>
	<TR <%if blnMAddr1Err Then%> Class="errorline" <%End If%>>
		<TD class="requiredfield" align=right>
			Management Address
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="text" name="txtMAddr1" Value="<%=strMAddr1%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<Span Class="errortext"><%=strMAddr1Err%></Span>
		<TD Align=Right>
			Management Address 2
		<TD Align=left nowrap>
			<Input type="text" name="txtMAddr2" Value="<%=strMAddr2%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
	<TR <%if blnMCityErr Then%> Class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD Align=right class="requiredfield">
			Management City
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<Input type="text" name="txtMCity" Value="<%=strMCity%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
			<SPAN class="errortext"><%=strMCityErr%></span>
	<tr <%if blnMStateErr then %> Class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<td class="requiredField" align=right nowrap>
			Management State
		<td nowrap>
			<select name=selMState>
			    <option value="0" > -- States --
			    <option value="AL" <%if strMState = "AL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%>> Alabama
			    <option value="AK" <%if strMState = "AK" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Alaska
			    <option value="AZ" <%if strMState = "AZ" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%>> Arizona
			    <option value="AR" <%if strMState = "AR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Arkansas
			    <option value="CA" <%if strMState = "CA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > California
			    <option value="CO" <%if strMState = "CO" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Colorado
			    <option value="CT" <%if strMState = "CT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Connecticut
			    <option value="DE" <%if strMState = "DE" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Delaware
			    <option value="DC" <%if strMState = "DC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > District of Columbia
			    <option value="FL" <%if strMState = "FL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Florida
			    <option value="GA" <%if strMState = "GA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Georgia
			    <option value="HI" <%if strMState = "HI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Hawaii
			    <option value="ID" <%if strMState = "ID" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Idaho
			    <option value="IL" <%if strMState = "IL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Illinois
			    <option value="IN" <%if strMState = "IN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Indiana
			    <option value="IA" <%if strMState = "IA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Iowa
			    <option value="KS" <%if strMState = "KS" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Kansas
			    <option value="KY" <%if strMState = "KY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Kentucky
			    <option value="LA" <%if strMState = "LA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Louisiana
			    <option value="ME" <%if strMState = "AL" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Maine
			    <option value="MD" <%if strMState = "MD" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Maryland
			    <option value="MA" <%if strMState = "MA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Massachusetts
			    <option value="MI" <%if strMState = "MI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Michigan
			    <option value="MN" <%if strMState = "MN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Minnesota
			    <option value="MS" <%if strMState = "MS" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Mississippi
			    <option value="MO" <%if strMState = "MO" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Missouri
			    <option value="MT" <%if strMState = "MT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Montana
			    <option value="NE" <%if strMState = "NE" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Nebraska
			    <option value="NV" <%if strMState = "NV" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Nevada
			    <option value="NH" <%if strMState = "NH" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Hampshire
			    <option value="NJ" <%if strMState = "NJ" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Jersey
			    <option value="NM" <%if strMState = "NM" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New Mexico
			    <option value="NY" <%if strMState = "NY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > New York
			    <option value="NC" <%if strMState = "NC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > North Carolina
			    <option value="ND" <%if strMState = "ND" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > North Dakota
			    <option value="OH" <%if strMState = "OH" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Ohio
			    <option value="OK" <%if strMState = "OK" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Oklahoma
			    <option value="OR" <%if strMState = "OR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Oregon
			    <option value="PA" <%if strMState = "PA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Pennsylvania
			    <option value="PR" <%if strMState = "PR" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Puerto Rico
			    <option value="RI" <%if strMState = "RI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Rhode Island
			    <option value="SC" <%if strMState = "SC" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > South Carolina
			    <option value="SD" <%if strMState = "SD" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > South Dakota
			    <option value="TN" <%if strMState = "TN" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Tennessee
			    <option value="TX" <%if strMState = "TX" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Texas
			    <option value="UT" <%if strMState = "UT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Utah
			    <option value="VT" <%if strMState = "VT" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Vermont
			    <option value="VA" <%if strMState = "VA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Virginia
			    <option value="WA" <%if strMState = "WA" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Washington
			    <option value="WV" <%if strMState = "WV" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > West Virginia
			    <option value="WI" <%if strMState = "WI" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Wisconsin
			    <option value="WY" <%if strMState = "WY" then Response.Write(" SELECTED")%> > Wyoming
			</Select><span class="errortext"><%=strMStateErr%></span>
	<TR <%If blnMZipErr Then%> class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD Align=right class="requiredfield">
			Management Zip
		<TD ALign=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="Text" name="txtMZip" Value="<%=strMZip%>" Size=15 maxlength=25>
			<Span class="errortext"><%=strMZipErr%></span>
		<TD Align=right>
			Management Phone
		<TD Align=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="text" Name="txtMPhone" Value="<%=strMPhone%>" Size=15 maxlength=25>
		<TD Align=right>
			Management Fax
		<TD ALign=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="text" Name="txtMFax" Value="<%=strMFax%>" Size=15 maxlength=25>
		<TD Align=right>
			Management Email
		<TD ALign=left nowrap>
			<INPUT Type="text" Name="txtMEmail" Value="<%=strMEmail%>" Size=60 maxlength=100>
		<TD ColSpan=2 ALign=Center>
			<B>Building Information</B>
	<TR <%if blnNumberOfTenantsErr then%> Class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD align=right>
			Number of Tenants
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<Input type="text" name="txtNumberOfTenants" value="<%=strNumberOfTenants%>" size=10 maxlength=10>
			<span class="errortext"><%=strNumberOfTenantsErr%></span>
	<TR <%if blnTotSqrFootErr Then%> Class="errorline" <%end if%>>
		<TD align=right>
			Total Square Footage
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="text" name="txtTotSqrFoot" value="<%=strTotSqrFoot%>" size=10 maxlength=10>
			<span class="errortext"><%=strTotSqrFootErr%></Span>
		<TD Align=Right>
			Starting Rates
		<TD Align=left nowrap>
			<Input Type="text" name="txtStartingRates" Value="<%=strStartingRates%>" size=60 maxlength=255>
			<INPUT Type="hidden" name="hdRetailDetailsId" Value=<%=iRDId%>>
		<TD align=right>
			Primary Trade Area Population
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="text" name="txtPopulation" value="<%=strPopulation%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
		<TD align=right>
			Average Household Income
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="text" name="txtIncome" value="<%=strIncome%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
		<TD align=right>
			Average Daily Traffic
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="text" name="txtTraffic" value="<%=strTraffic%>" Size=60 maxlength=255>
		<TD align=right>
			Current Floor Plan Image
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<%if strFloorPlan = "" Then%>
				None Available
				<A href="FloorPlans/<%=strFloorPlan%>" Target="_blank"><%=strFloorPlan%></A><input type="checkbox" name="RemoveFloorplan" value="True">Remove FloorPlan
			<%End If%>
		<TD align=right>
			New Floor Plan Image
		<TD align=left nowrap>
			<input type="file" name="txtPath" value="" size=35 maxlength=255>
		<TD colspan=2>
			<INPUT Type="button" name=cmdUpdate Value="Update Property" onclick="Update()">
			<INPUT Type="button" name=cmdDelete value="Delete Property" OnClick="Delete()">

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I had already looked at that link and it did not resolve my problem.
we where here to help only if he could have come back earlier stating the reason before asking to delete this request
Nothing against you. It was just the problem was an emergency and I needed an answer immediately. The first reply I received was two days later. We had already worked around the problem then and the link was one I had already looked at.
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