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EamonFlag for Ireland

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Why does this work on my computer

Dim MSComm1 As Object
Set MSComm1 = CreateObject("MSCOMMLib.MSComm")

but it does not work on another computer that has MSCOMM32.OCX in the system32 folder and it is registered.

I get an error Activex component cannot create object.

I do not want to add a reference to the Microsoft Comm Control 6.0 because this would cause errors on other computers that do not have the OCX.

Avatar of Scott McDaniel (EE MVE )
Scott McDaniel (EE MVE )
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Are you certain this is the code that is causing the problem?

If so, you may have an issue with that control. Have you tried re-registering the control, or re-installing the redistribution package for those controls?

I know it may be registered, perhaps there is a problem with it though, have you tried to unregister then register again?  regsvr32 /u to unregister
blimey, not again, lol!
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I have put it on 8 computers in one of our stores. I did not work on any of them. It could hardly be a problem with all 8.
I will try anyway just to make sure.

I have vb6 installed on my computer could this be why it is working on mine and not the others.

ok, I was thinking it was just one when u said another computer

Is the the same version of that ocx? you could copy yours onto there, into a different directory to win\system32 then try to register that.
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Tried the unregister then register again did not work.
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Could it be something stupid like that  MSCOMMLib.MSComm isn't MSCOMM32.OCX
Will try copying my file
You should expect the unexpected and not assume users will have it. What I have tended to do is copy all the libs I use into the local directory where app is installed then register it.
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They have my ocx file now and still no good
so u unregistered the existing one
then registered this newly created copy?
whats the error code, is it 429?
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yes 429
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Have just noticed in the store that when I go to add a reference to the ocx that it is not in the list (see jpg)
I had to browse to the ocx.
Is it registered correctly or is there something else I need to do.

I have another program that tries to make sure that each computer has the required files.
It does the following

FileCopy "\\server\c\epos\updates\OCX\*.*", "c:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*"
Shell ("regsvr32 /s mswinsck.ocx")
Shell ("regsvr32 /s MSCOMM32.OCX")
Shell ("regsvr32 /s MSINET.OCX")
Shell ("regsvr32 /s cgPrint") ' this is my own dll

Could this be causing a problem. Also can you have the same file in two different folders registered.
What I mean is could mscomm be somewhere else on the computer and registered.
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I browsed to c:\windowa\system32\mscomm32.ocx and added the reference but I still get the error.

I have a a small test mdb that has the comm control on a form and tried that and that worked.
It must be just something stupid I am doing.
what is the purpose of it? kicking a cash drawer?
if so you may want to look at this :

Shell "cmd /c echo p0  > LPT1:", vbHide

Open in new window

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This is what it is used for a Customer Display.

Public Sub CustDisplayInitialize()
On Error GoTo errhandler

Dim MSComm1 As Object
Set MSComm1 = CreateObject("MSCOMMLib.MSComm")

MSComm1.CommPort = gblCustDisplayCommPort
MSComm1.Settings = "9600,N,8,1"
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(27) & "@"
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(13)
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(27) + "U"
MSComm1.Output = ""
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(13)
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(27) + "D"
MSComm1.Output = ""
MSComm1.PortOpen = False

Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR In CustDisplayInitialize"
    MsgBox "You will not be able to use the CustomerDisplay until this problem is solved.", vbInformation, ""
    gblCustDisplayCommPort = 0

End Sub
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I have registered it manually and there is no error.
I agree with you that it must be something to do with the registering of the control.
I will take a fresh look at it on Monday.

Shell "cmd /c echo " &  Chr$(27) & "@"  &" > " & gblCustDisplayCommPort , vbHide
Shell "cmd /c echo " &  Chr$(13)  &" > " & gblCustDisplayCommPort , vbHide
Avatar of Eamon


Thanks but I'd rather sort the issue than try to work around it.
Also, MS has released several Security Bulletins for a LOT of ActiveX controls ... are you certain the machine where you're having troubles is up to date with all Windows/Office Service Packs? I don't see that actual control listed, but it's heavily dependent on other controls, so that may be your issue.
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On one of the computers in the stores I have a vb6 program installed that uses the comm control.
This program is working fine. I don't really understand how the licensing works.
Do I not have a license for the vb6 program running in the store.
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I mentioned previous to this that I have a access form with the control on it and this worked. So how come I have a licence for that.
try to download from here

and put both into system32 and register
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Will try it wednesday. have to leave now. Thanks for the help