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bsharathFlag for India

asked on

Move both or more duplicate folders to one folder and rename as needed.


Move both or more duplicate folders to one folder and rename as needed.
When macro run has to check my 4 pst's and see for a duplicate folder. 2 or more can be available and move them to a predefined folder path.
\\Latest Mails\Inbox\JtoO\Microsoft

In the above case move "Microsoft" to a path.

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Avatar of Chris Bottomley
To confirm:

If any two folders have the same name, (whatever the folder path) then the contents are all moved to a specific folder?

Assuming yes, is that specific folder one of the duplicates or some specific path you want to identify?

Avatar of bsharath


I want to move all that may be duplicate to the Mailbox\inbox. So later i can verify them and move the mails mamually into one and delete the empty folders...
I meant move the duplicate folders along with mails to "mailbox\inbox"
So if for example the found duplicates are:

\\Latest Mails\Inbox\JtoO\Microsoft

How do you want them moved?

\\Personal Folders\Inbox\Microsoft-2
\\Personal Folders\Inbox\Microsoft-1

OR all contents into:

\\Personal Folders\Inbox\Microsoft

I will need them as this

\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox\Microsoft-2
\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox\Microsoft-1

I think I have a solution as follows:

Run sub collateDupeFolders and any duplicated foldernames with contents are collated under the specified inbox.

Option Explicit
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each Fldr In Application.GetNamespace("mapi").folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
        Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderIndex As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each itm In masterList.Keys
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If dupes.Exists(str) Then
            dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
            dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
        End If
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderIndex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderIndex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

Thanks Chris just started the macro and i am sure its going to take a while for the results
Can you have a look at this
Chris the script has been running for a while. Does it search for a duplicate folder in all the pst's?

Yup, I made a few assumptions ..

1. Search all PST's
2. Ignore standard folders
3. I haven't excluded public folders - more by omission thatn intent though

Thanks i think i need to leave it for a long time to scan and diagnose all the folders... Shall get back when its done....
Modified to exclude public folder ... should that be a requirement!

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderIndex As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each itm In masterList.Keys
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If dupes.Exists(str) Then
            dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
            dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
        End If
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderIndex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderIndex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

I get run time error 9

When debug it goes here
    For Each itm In masterList.Keys
I think the time was taken on the public folders. thats for the exclusion
Is the name of the mailbox i am going wrong.

i right click on the Mailbox and go to properties and thats the name i am mentioning
CAn you do me a favour and try with the modified post?

Yes i got the above error on the last code. In the first code it was going on running and did not end...
Still works fine on my tests.  I have modified to append an output to the immediate window ... can you examine and provide any data therefrom at the time of failure?

Option Explicit
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderIndex As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each itm In masterList.Keys
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If dupes.Exists(str) Then
            dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
            dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
        End If
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderIndex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderIndex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

I get this in the immediate window and get the error

1   \\Mailbox - Sharath
2   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Deleted Items
3   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox
4   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox\Dupes
5   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox\Sophos old
6   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox\Sophos old\Backup Sophos
7   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox\Sophos old\27th
8   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Outbox
9   \\Mailbox - Sharath\Sent Items
10  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Calendar
11  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Contacts
12  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Drafts
13  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Journal
14  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Junk E-mail
15  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Notes
16  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Notes\Linked Notes
17  \\Mailbox - Sharath\RSS Feeds
18  \\Mailbox - Sharath\RSS Feeds\
19  \\Mailbox - Sharath\RSS Feeds\sha(1)
20  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Sophos Mails
21  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Sync Issues1
22  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Sync Issues1\Conflicts
23  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Sync Issues1\Local Failures
24  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Sync Issues1\Server Failures
25  \\Mailbox - Sharath\Tasks
Okay another hack to see how many folders are stored and their names ... to see what might come after tasks.

Option Explicit
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderIndex As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
    For Each itm In masterList.Keys
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If dupes.Exists(str) Then
            dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
            dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
        End If
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderIndex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderIndex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

Still just get the same identical 25 and the error
Once again it is unfortunately a case of suck it and see where it fails ... it works fine for me, and so I must be missing something and need a clue as to what!

Does the error occur at the same point ... i.e. break point?

Yes the same point... Can i have the destination selecatable. Just to make sure that i am not mentioning the wrong path ?

So it's not the data that failing per se .. I think, i'll look into a different structure in the morning and then see how that works.

Restructured the main loop to reflect the test loop, still the outputs on screen so any better ... and if so i'll tidy up re outputs afterwards

Option Explicit
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderIndex As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
    For intItem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intItem
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If dupes.Exists(str) Then
            dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
            dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
        End If
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderIndex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderIndex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function
Sub deleteExcessEmails()
Dim olkApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olkmailitems As Outlook.items
Dim mailCounter As Integer
Dim bodyCount As Integer
Dim mai As Outlook.mailitem
Dim strFilter As String
    Set olkApp = Outlook.Application
    Set objns = olkApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set myfolder = olkApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
    On Error GoTo skipthisone
    For mailCounter = myfolder.items.count To 1 Step -1
        Set mai = myfolder.items(mailCounter)
        strFilter = "[Subject] = " & append_quotes(mai.subject)
        Set olkmailitems = myfolder.items.Restrict(strFilter)
        For bodyCount = olkmailitems.count - 1 To 1 Step -1
            If mai.body = olkmailitems(bodyCount).body Then
            End If
Set olkmailitems = Nothing
Set objns = Nothing
Set olkApp = Nothing
Set myfolder = Nothing
End Sub
Function append_quotes(objString As String) As String
    append_quotes = Chr(34) & CStr(objString) & Chr(34)
End Function

Open in new window

When run it just comes out after the 25 collection to
When run it just comes out after the 25 collection to
Overlooked that line

Option Explicit
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderIndex As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
    For intItem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intItem
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If dupes.Exists(str) Then
            dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
            dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
        End If
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderIndex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderIndex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function
Sub deleteExcessEmails()
Dim olkApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olkmailitems As Outlook.items
Dim mailCounter As Integer
Dim bodyCount As Integer
Dim mai As Outlook.mailitem
Dim strFilter As String
    Set olkApp = Outlook.Application
    Set objns = olkApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set myfolder = olkApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
    On Error GoTo skipthisone
    For mailCounter = myfolder.items.count To 1 Step -1
        Set mai = myfolder.items(mailCounter)
        strFilter = "[Subject] = " & append_quotes(mai.subject)
        Set olkmailitems = myfolder.items.Restrict(strFilter)
        For bodyCount = olkmailitems.count - 1 To 1 Step -1
            If mai.body = olkmailitems(bodyCount).body Then
            End If
Set olkmailitems = Nothing
Set objns = Nothing
Set olkApp = Nothing
Set myfolder = Nothing
End Sub
Function append_quotes(objString As String) As String
    append_quotes = Chr(34) & CStr(objString) & Chr(34)
End Function

Open in new window

Chris still gets stuck in the same 25 and get the error 91
You are going to need to do some invest ...

I assume there are multiple PST's but we only seem to be processing the first one.  How many folders are there in the postbox ... i.e. does 25 look correct for all folders and subfolders?

The fact that the error is now 91 means something has changed for the better.  Is it still breaking on the same line?


i think just the mailbox is being processed and not any pst's
Chris what i did is create a duplicate folder in the mailbox and checked it does work.
I get the error on this line
    For itm = 1 To masterList.Count
So one thing we can be sure is the code works but just works on the mailbox. And not the other 5 pst's
Only running on the mailbox because of the error, the loop on storesitem is a proven construct on previous posts with you so once we resolve the failure we should be okay for all pst's.

When it breaks on:
For itm = 1 To masterList.Count

Can you identify the values for the data in the immediate window, (ctrl + G) ... one I assume will bring an error up.


I get this error after 25
Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error '91':

Object variable or With block variable not set
OK   Help  

When i take mouse over itm
i get
I get this error after 25
Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error '91':

Object variable or With block variable not set
OK   Help  

When i take mouse over itm
i get
masterlist.count value?

I get this

Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error '424':

Object required
OK   Help  
When i put
in the Immediate window
I get this

Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error '424':

Object required
OK   Help  
When i put
in the Immediate window
I have moved the move operation to a sub and bracketed it with a check for the null condition, a test showed that a null input to the delete block produces the reported error ... and now reading your post I think you knew it but I missed the connection.

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
    For intItem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intItem
        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If dupes.Exists(str) Then
            dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
            dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
        End If
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

Right after 25 i get the error 91
Right after 25 i get the error 91
Not able to reproduce the exact issue but there was a bug so please try this

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intItem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intItem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

I get run time error 91
When debug goes here
 src.MoveTo tgt
When i take mouse over tgt i get

tgt = "Inbox"
I get run time error 91
When debug goes here
 src.MoveTo tgt
When i take mouse over tgt i get

tgt = "Inbox"
Can you see what src equates to? ... inbox is of course where the folder is to be moved to whereas src is the folder to be moved.

Assuming it coresponds to something then in teh immediate window type ?src.folderpath and check for the existence of that folder.

tgt = "inbox"
When i put this


i get this

Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error '91':

Object variable or With block variable not set
OK   Help  

tgt = "inbox"
When i put this


i get this

Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error '91':

Object variable or With block variable not set
OK   Help  

Added some debugging here ... can you supply the output ... something like:

Processing item 0,(\\Personal Folders\Inbox\fldr1) of 0 ... 1
Processing item 1,(\\Personal Folders\Inbox\fldr2) of 0 ... 1

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intItem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intItem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                Debug.Print "Processing item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder; ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

Got a lot of data above this which just went off

Same as below have the data from 2001 till this

Processing item 2283,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2284,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2285,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2286,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2287,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2288,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2289,() of 0 ... 2289
Got a lot of data above this which just went off

Same as below have the data from 2001 till this

Processing item 2283,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2284,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2285,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2286,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2287,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2288,() of 0 ... 2289
Processing item 2289,() of 0 ... 2289
It's showing as a lot of folders that are null, I simply don't understand as on my stand alone it doesn't happen and I don't have access to a network pc with outlook 2007.

I will modify the output to a text file and then perhaps there will be more info.

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intItem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intItem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = True
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        outputFilePathandName = Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt"
        Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
            Set outputFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
            Set outputFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
        End If
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then outputFile.WriteLine "Processing item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

Can you ensure you are happy to provide the file CRBDataTrace.txt in your temp folder, (in explorer type %temp% in the folderpath.

Chris send the mail with the txt
Chris send the mail with the txt
Every last one of them is empty ... I need to think a bit, because it works for me :{

in the meantime  you arer running on an office 2007 installation?

yes office 2007 is what i use....
Another quick hack to add some more data ... if you can upload it please?

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
    End If
    folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intItem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intItem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = True
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        outputFilePathandName = Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt"
        Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
            Set outputFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
            Set outputFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
        End If
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then outputFile.WriteLine "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then outputFile.WriteLine "Processing item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

Hi Chris send a mail with the details..

I guess it pulled data from just 1 pst. the last one...
Hi Chris send a mail with the details..

I guess it pulled data from just 1 pst. the last one...
That's even stranger .. no folderpath data at all!

I have modified the below to print to the immendiate window the folderpaths ffom earlier in the sequence.  Given what happened I need only have an idea of the last few lines hence didn't bother putting it to the logfile.

Note the error means the loop does not return to the initial loop on PSTs .. I hope, so that is why it appears as the mailbox only and is why I am ignoring those concerns for now.

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            For intitem = 1 To allFolders.count
                Debug.Print intitem & vbTab & allFolders(intitem)
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = True
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

I get runtime 424 When debug goes here

 Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
I get runtime 424 When debug goes here

 Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")

I have started to move to a library file these sort of capabilities ... and I started here after my last post.

For now append the following to the end of your code AND delete CRBDebug. including that 'dot' in the subroutine and retry

Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

I get object required error
When debug goes here
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"

This is the full code i have now...
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            For intitem = 1 To allFolders.Count
                Debug.Print intitem & vbTab & allFolders(intitem)
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        folderList.Add folderList.Count + 1, startFolder.folderPath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.Folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.Count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = True
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath Reddy\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.Folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.Folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.Folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

I get object required error
When debug goes here
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"

This is the full code i have now...
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            For intitem = 1 To allFolders.Count
                Debug.Print intitem & vbTab & allFolders(intitem)
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        folderList.Add folderList.Count + 1, startFolder.folderPath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.Folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.Count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = True
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath Reddy\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.Folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.Folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.Folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

This is the reference I made to deleting crbdebug, (there were multiple references).   done as below for you

Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            For intitem = 1 To allFolders.Count
                Debug.Print intitem & vbTab & allFolders(intitem)
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        folderList.Add folderList.Count + 1, startFolder.folderPath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.Folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.Count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = True
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath Reddy\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.Folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.Folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.Folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

Sent a mail to u
Sent a mail to u
It's actually the output in the immediate window I am looking for this time?

I have moved some of the debug variables to globals so please replace with the full code as attached.  The debug log file contains the data I 'want' this time.

Public outputFile As Object
Public outputFilePathandName As String
Public db As Boolean
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            db = True
            If db Then
                Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
            End If
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
    Debug.Print folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = False
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

Open in new window

I get runtime error 424
When debug goes here
Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
I even tried removing 'CRBDebug." but no luck... :-(

Sorry for being a pain on this...
I get runtime error 424
When debug goes here
Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
I even tried removing 'CRBDebug." but no luck... :-(

Sorry for being a pain on this...
Many apologies I lied ... this set should be better ... I forgot to add the debug subs as well as their names.

Whilst the Q is a pain, I do not give up easily and it's not your fault ... yet :o).  I truly do not understand why it works for me but not you, but hopefully all this fiddling will get us there.

Public outputFile As Object
Public outputFilePathandName As String
Public db As Boolean
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            db = True
            If db Then
                Set outputFile = openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
            End If
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            If db Then closeDebugFile outputFile
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        If db Then writeLineDebugFile outputFile, folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
    Debug.Print folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = False
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function 
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

Chris no errors now and i could see that it scanned all the folders fine "2367" and all had names.
but just few are visible in the immediate window.
I could not get any results as duplicate folders moving to the Inbox but did not get an error now
Chris no errors now and i could see that it scanned all the folders fine "2367" and all had names.
but just few are visible in the immediate window.
I could not get any results as duplicate folders moving to the Inbox but did not get an error now
Another output to debug file
Option Explicit
Public outputFile As Object
Public outputFilePathandName As String
Public db As Boolean
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            db = True
            If db Then
                Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
            End If
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, ""
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, ""
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, 1 & ":" & vbTab & allFolders.Item(1)
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, allFolders.count & ":" & vbTab & allFolders.Item(allFolders.count)
            If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, folderList.count & ":" & vbTab & folderList.Item(folderList.count)
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = False
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

Sorry assumed still would be problems ... I haven't fixed anything!
Hope you asked me to wait right....
Could not follow your last comment right
Hope you asked me to wait right....
Could not follow your last comment right
As I said I didn't fix anything but had commented out a long while back teh business end of the script but before I start to re-enable I will delete debug bits and see if still runs without error.  Assuming it does i'll re-enable functionality

Public outputFile As Object
Public outputFilePathandName As String
Public db As Boolean
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            db = false
            If db Then
                Set outputFile = openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
            End If
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            If db Then closeDebugFile outputFile
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        If db Then writeLineDebugFile outputFile, folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
'    Debug.Print folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = False
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
'                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function 
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

No errors and the folders did not move
No errors and the folders did not move
OK then hopefully moving teh files

Public outputFile As Object
Public outputFilePathandName As String
Public db As Boolean
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            db = false
            If db Then
                Set outputFile = openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
            End If
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            If db Then closeDebugFile outputFile
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        If db Then writeLineDebugFile outputFile, folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
'    Debug.Print folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = False
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function 
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

I get run time error 91
When debug goes here
                src.MoveTo tgt
When i take the mouse over tgt i get

I get run time error 91
When debug goes here
                src.MoveTo tgt
When i take the mouse over tgt i get

Trying to think what could have happened ... is there any chance thta some duplicated sub folder names themselves have sub folders?

I dont think so but not sure :-((
A quick hack to skip errors and see if it helps.

Public outputFile As Object
Public outputFilePathandName As String
Public db As Boolean
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            db = false
            If db Then
                Set outputFile = openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
            End If
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            If db Then closeDebugFile outputFile
            Set allFolders = excludeDefaults(defaultFolders, allFolders)
            moveSome allFolders
        End If
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        If db Then writeLineDebugFile outputFile, folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
'    Debug.Print folderList.count & vbTab & startFolder.Name & vbTab & startFolder.folderpath
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\"))
        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
            If dupes.Exists(str) Then
                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & masterList.Item(itm)
                dupes.Add Key:=str, Item:=masterList.Item(itm)
            End If
        End If
    Set excludeDefaults = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Const db As Boolean = False
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    on error resume next
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function 
Function openDebugFile(outputFilePathandName As String) As Object
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FileExists(outputFilePathandName) Then
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, False)
        Set openDebugFile = fso.OpenTextFile(outputFilePathandName, 2, True)
    End If
End Function
Function closeDebugFile(outputFile As Object)
End Function
Sub writeLineDebugFile(outputFile As Object, str As Variant)
Dim strline() As String
Dim cnt As Integer
    If IsArray(str) Then
        If InStr(str, vbCrLf) = 0 Then str = Replace(str, vbCr, vbCrLf)
        strline = Split(str, vbCrLf)
        For cnt = 0 To UBound(str)
            strline = str(cnt)
            outputFile.WriteLine strline
        outputFile.WriteLine str
    End If
End Sub

Open in new window

Chris it does work i got say 9 folders moved to the inbox.
Now my Q is did it scan all the folders and sub folders.
And how does it consider it to be a duplicate
1. Is case a matter
2. Will the first word or all words be considered.
3. Is any depth checked like

>> Ramesh
>>> Sharath
Is this also checked.

And now i just tested it for some time.

Like i create a similar folder in all my 5 psts in the root and sub folders but not even one was moved... :-(
Does it scan all the folders and sub folders:
    Not exactly, if it finds a high level folder that meets the criterial it'll move that part of the folder tree

Is case a matter ... shouldn't be since folder names are case insensitive

Will the first word or all words be considered ... All

THat said your comment that some are not processed concerns me BUT I'll not a chance to look again till tomorrow

Ok no problem there are few folders that moved but when i manually tested it did not work
Okay a few issues in the code linked to the fact I assumed that the additional PST's would work whereas now I have implemented a second PST and tested that subject to the previous constraints.

There was also a bug with case considerations that is also fixed.

ONE PROVISO, the additional PST's MUST be uniquely named in the folder window.

Fingers crossed!
Option Explicit
Public outputFile As Object
Public outputFilePathandName As String
Public db As Boolean
Sub collateDupeFolders()
Dim olkApp As Application
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim defaultFolders As Object
Dim allFolders As Object
Dim strStoresItem As Variant
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set defaultFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Set allFolders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each strStoresItem In Application.Session.Stores
        If Not strStoresItem.ExchangeStoreType = olExchangePublicFolder Then
            Set Fldr = Application.Session.GetFolderFromID(strStoresItem.StoreID)
            db = True
            If db Then
                Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
            End If
            Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, defaultFolders, allFolders)
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, ""
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, ""
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, 1 & ":" & vbTab & allFolders.Item(1)
            If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, allFolders.count & ":" & vbTab & allFolders.Item(allFolders.count)
            If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
        End If
    excludeDefaults defaultFolders, allFolders
    moveSome allFolders
Set defaultFolders = Nothing
Set allFolders = Nothing
End Sub
Sub pf_findDefaults(ByRef startFolder As MAPIFolder, dict As Object, ByRef folderList As Object)
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    On Error Resume Next
    ' process all the subfolders of this folder
    If isDefaultFolder(startFolder) Then
        If Not dict.Exists(startFolder.Name) Then dict.Add startFolder.Name, startFolder.Name
        folderList.Add folderList.count + 1, startFolder.folderpath
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, folderList.count & ":" & vbTab & folderList.Item(folderList.count)
    End If
    For Each Fldr In startFolder.folders
        Call pf_findDefaults(Fldr, dict, folderList)
Set Fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Function isDefaultFolder(Fldr As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim oldName As String
        oldName = Fldr.Name
        On Error Resume Next
        Fldr.Name = oldName & "ish"
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            isDefaultFolder = True
            Fldr.Name = oldName
            isDefaultFolder = False
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function excludeDefaults(def As Object, ByRef masterList As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim dupes As Object
Dim str As String
Dim strFolder As Variant
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim intitem As Integer
    Set dupes = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'    For itm = 1 To masterList.count
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
'    Next
    For intitem = 1 To masterList.count
        itm = intitem
'        Debug.Print itm & vbTab & masterList.Item(itm)
        str = LCase(Right(masterList.Item(itm), Len(masterList.Item(itm)) - InStrRev(masterList.Item(itm), "\")))
        If (InStr(3, masterList.Item(itm), "\") <> 0) Then
            If Not def.Exists(str) Then
                If dupes.Exists(LCase(str)) Then
                    dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & LCase(masterList.Item(itm))
                    dupes.Add Key:=LCase(str), Item:=LCase(masterList.Item(itm))
                End If
            End If
        End If
'        If Not def.Exists(str) And str <> "Personal Folders" Then
'            If dupes.Exists(LCase(str)) Then
'                dupes(str) = dupes(str) & "|" & LCase(masterList.Item(itm))
'            Else
'                dupes.Add Key:=LCase(str), Item:=LCase(masterList.Item(itm))
'            End If
'        End If
    Set masterList = dupes
End Function
Function moveSome(dupes As Object) As Object
Dim itm As Variant
Dim src As Folder
Dim tgt As Folder
Dim strFolder As String
Dim fldrs() As String
Dim folderindex As Integer
Dim outputFile As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim outputFilePathandName As String
    If db Then
        Set outputFile = CRBDebug.openDebugFile(Environ("temp") & "\CRBDataTrace.txt")
    End If
    If dupes Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    For Each itm In dupes.Keys
        If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing item " & itm & ", (" & dupes.Item(itm) & ")"
        If InStr(dupes.Item(itm), "|") > 0 Then
            fldrs = Split(dupes.Item(itm), "|")
            For folderindex = 0 To UBound(fldrs)
                strFolder = fldrs(folderindex)
                If db Then CRBDebug.writeLineDebugFile outputFile, "Processing Line item " & folderindex & ",(" & strFolder & ") of 0 ... " & UBound(fldrs)
                Set src = olNav2Folder(CStr(strFolder), False)
                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Mailbox - Sharath\Inbox", True)
'                Set tgt = olNav2Folder("\\Personal Folders\Inbox", True)
                src.moveto tgt
        End If
    If db Then CRBDebug.closeDebugFile outputFile
End Function
Public Function olNav2Folder(foldername As String, Optional createFolders As Boolean) As Object
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNs As Object
Dim olfldr As Object
Dim reqdFolder As Object
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim nestCount As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    foldername = Replace(Replace(foldername, "/", "\"), "\\", "")
    If Right(foldername, 1) = "\" Then foldername = Left(foldername, Len(foldername) - 1)
    arrFolders() = Split(foldername, "\")
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set reqdFolder = olNs.folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
    For nestCount = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
        If Not reqdFolder Is Nothing Then
            Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
            Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
            If reqdFolder <> olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount)) Then
                If createFolders Then
                    reqdFolder.folders.Add (arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set olfldr = reqdFolder.folders
                    Set reqdFolder = olfldr.Item(arrFolders(nestCount))
                    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set olNav2Folder = reqdFolder
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olfldr = Nothing
    Set reqdFolder = Nothing
End Function

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Chris Bottomley
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Thanks a lot Chris at last we made it work. Its fast and acurate too. It works Awesome and was able to retrieve more than 100 duplicate folders... :-))) THANK YOU........................
Thanks a lot Chris at last we made it work. Its fast and acurate too. It works Awesome and was able to retrieve more than 100 duplicate folders... :-))) THANK YOU........................