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WSDL Error
Hi Everyone,
I'm getting an error while integrating WSDL in PHP document. But I'm getting this error:
Fatal error: Class 'MultiAvailabilityRequest' not found in /home/www/ htdocs/soa .php on line 468
Source is given below:
I'm getting an error while integrating WSDL in PHP document. But I'm getting this error:
Fatal error: Class 'MultiAvailabilityRequest'
Source is given below:
// -------- Begin SOAP Types -------
class DetermineLocationNumberRequest extends BaseRequest
class BaseRequest
private $Language = null;
public function getLanguage()
return $this->Language;
public function setLanguage($value)
$this->Language = $value;
private $WebServiceConsumerInformation = null;
public function getWebServiceConsumerInformation()
return $this->WebServiceConsumerInformation;
public function setWebServiceConsumerInformation($value)
$this->WebServiceConsumerInformation = $value;
private $Token = null;
public function getToken()
return $this->Token;
public function setToken($value)
$this->Token = $value;
private $CompanyNumber = null;
public function getCompanyNumber()
return $this->CompanyNumber;
public function setCompanyNumber($value)
$this->CompanyNumber = $value;
class WebServiceConsumerInformation
private $ID = null;
public function getID()
return $this->ID;
public function setID($value)
$this->ID = $value;
private $Password = null;
public function getPassword()
return $this->Password;
public function setPassword($value)
$this->Password = $value;
class DetermineLocationNumberResponse extends BaseResponse
class BaseResponse
private $Error = null;
public function getError()
return $this->Error;
public function setError($value)
$this->Error = $value;
private $WebServicesInterfaceVersion = null;
public function getWebServicesInterfaceVersion()
return $this->WebServicesInterfaceVersion;
public function setWebServicesInterfaceVersion($value)
$this->WebServicesInterfaceVersion = $value;
private $StartTime = null;
public function getStartTime()
return $this->StartTime;
public function setStartTime($value)
$this->StartTime = $value;
private $Token = null;
public function getToken()
return $this->Token;
public function setToken($value)
$this->Token = $value;
private $InternalProcessingTimeInSeconds = null;
public function getInternalProcessingTimeInSeconds()
return $this->InternalProcessingTimeInSeconds;
public function setInternalProcessingTimeInSeconds($value)
$this->InternalProcessingTimeInSeconds = $value;
class ErrorResponse
private $ErrorCategory = null;
public function getErrorCategory()
return $this->ErrorCategory;
public function setErrorCategory($value)
$this->ErrorCategory = $value;
private $ErrorCode = null;
public function getErrorCode()
return $this->ErrorCode;
public function setErrorCode($value)
$this->ErrorCode = $value;
private $ErrorDescription = null;
public function getErrorDescription()
return $this->ErrorDescription;
public function setErrorDescription($value)
$this->ErrorDescription = $value;
private $LowerThreshold = null;
public function getLowerThreshold()
return $this->LowerThreshold;
public function setLowerThreshold($value)
$this->LowerThreshold = $value;
private $UpperThreshold = null;
public function getUpperThreshold()
return $this->UpperThreshold;
public function setUpperThreshold($value)
$this->UpperThreshold = $value;
class ArrayOfLocation
private $Location = null;
public function getLocation()
return $this->Location;
public function setLocation($value)
$this->Location = $value;
class Location
private $LocationNr = null;
public function getLocationNr()
return $this->LocationNr;
public function setLocationNr($value)
$this->LocationNr = $value;
private $ParentLocationNr = null;
public function getParentLocationNr()
return $this->ParentLocationNr;
public function setParentLocationNr($value)
$this->ParentLocationNr = $value;
private $LocationName = null;
public function getLocationName()
return $this->LocationName;
public function setLocationName($value)
$this->LocationName = $value;
private $Type = null;
public function getType()
return $this->Type;
public function setType($value)
$this->Type = $value;
private $CountryISOa3 = null;
public function getCountryISOa3()
return $this->CountryISOa3;
public function setCountryISOa3($value)
$this->CountryISOa3 = $value;
private $MainRegion = null;
public function getMainRegion()
return $this->MainRegion;
public function setMainRegion($value)
$this->MainRegion = $value;
private $PostalCodeRange = null;
public function getPostalCodeRange()
return $this->PostalCodeRange;
public function setPostalCodeRange($value)
$this->PostalCodeRange = $value;
private $Latitude = null;
public function getLatitude()
return $this->Latitude;
public function setLatitude($value)
$this->Latitude = $value;
private $Longitude = null;
public function getLongitude()
return $this->Longitude;
public function setLongitude($value)
$this->Longitude = $value;
class GetLocationListRequest extends BaseRequest
class GetLocationListResponse extends BaseResponse
class ArrayOfLoc
private $Loc = null;
public function getLoc()
return $this->Loc;
public function setLoc($value)
$this->Loc = $value;
class Loc
private $Nr = null;
public function getNr()
return $this->Nr;
public function setNr($value)
$this->Nr = $value;
private $Name = null;
public function getName()
return $this->Name;
public function setName($value)
$this->Name = $value;
private $ISOa3 = null;
public function getISOa3()
return $this->ISOa3;
public function setISOa3($value)
$this->ISOa3 = $value;
private $MRegion = null;
public function getMRegion()
return $this->MRegion;
public function setMRegion($value)
$this->MRegion = $value;
private $PCRange = null;
public function getPCRange()
return $this->PCRange;
public function setPCRange($value)
$this->PCRange = $value;
private $Lat = null;
public function getLat()
return $this->Lat;
public function setLat($value)
$this->Lat = $value;
private $Long = null;
public function getLong()
return $this->Long;
public function setLong($value)
$this->Long = $value;
class GetLocationsRequest extends BaseRequest
class ArrayOfInt
private $int = null;
public function getInt()
return $this->int;
public function setInt($value)
$this->int = $value;
class GetLocationsResponse extends BaseResponse
class AvailableHotelsFromLocationNrRequest extends MultiAvailabilityRequest
class MultiAvailabilityRequest extends AvailabilityRequest
abstract class AvailabilityRequest extends BaseRequest
class Date
private $Year = null;
public function getYear()
return $this->Year;
public function setYear($value)
$this->Year = $value;
private $Month = null;
public function getMonth()
return $this->Month;
public function setMonth($value)
$this->Month = $value;
private $Day = null;
public function getDay()
return $this->Day;
public function setDay($value)
$this->Day = $value;
class ArrayOfBackEndReservationSystem
private $BackEndReservationSystem = null;
public function getBackEndReservationSystem()
return $this->BackEndReservationSystem;
public function setBackEndReservationSystem($value)
$this->BackEndReservationSystem = $value;
class ArrayOfKeyValuePair
private $KeyValuePair = null;
public function getKeyValuePair()
return $this->KeyValuePair;
public function setKeyValuePair($value)
$this->KeyValuePair = $value;
class KeyValuePair
private $Key = null;
public function getKey()
return $this->Key;
public function setKey($value)
$this->Key = $value;
private $Value = null;
public function getValue()
return $this->Value;
public function setValue($value)
$this->Value = $value;
class ArrayOfString
private $string = null;
public function getString()
return $this->string;
public function setString($value)
$this->string = $value;
class ArrayOfHotelSearchFlags
private $HotelSearchFlags = null;
public function getHotelSearchFlags()
return $this->HotelSearchFlags;
public function setHotelSearchFlags($value)
$this->HotelSearchFlags = $value;
class ArrayOfAmenityType
private $AmenityType = null;
public function getAmenityType()
return $this->AmenityType;
public function setAmenityType($value)
$this->AmenityType = $value;
class AvailabilityListBaseResponse extends BaseResponse
class ArrayOfAvailabilityListHotel
private $AvailabilityListHotel = null;
public function getAvailabilityListHotel()
return $this->AvailabilityListHotel;
public function setAvailabilityListHotel($value)
$this->AvailabilityListHotel = $value;
class AvailabilityListHotel extends AvailabilityListHotelBase
class AvailabilityListHotelBase extends HotelBase
class HotelBase
private $PropertyNumber = null;
public function getPropertyNumber()
return $this->PropertyNumber;
public function setPropertyNumber($value)
$this->PropertyNumber = $value;
private $Name = null;
public function getName()
return $this->Name;
public function setName($value)
$this->Name = $value;
private $RatingHotelDe = null;
public function getRatingHotelDe()
return $this->RatingHotelDe;
public function setRatingHotelDe($value)
$this->RatingHotelDe = $value;
private $ThumbnailPictureURL = null;
public function getThumbnailPictureURL()
return $this->ThumbnailPictureURL;
public function setThumbnailPictureURL($value)
$this->ThumbnailPictureURL = $value;
private $HotelAddress = null;
public function getHotelAddress()
return $this->HotelAddress;
public function setHotelAddress($value)
$this->HotelAddress = $value;
private $ChainList = null;
public function getChainList()
return $this->ChainList;
public function setChainList($value)
$this->ChainList = $value;
private $UmbrellaChainList = null;
public function getUmbrellaChainList()
return $this->UmbrellaChainList;
public function setUmbrellaChainList($value)
$this->UmbrellaChainList = $value;
private $MainChainID = null;
public function getMainChainID()
return $this->MainChainID;
public function setMainChainID($value)
$this->MainChainID = $value;
private $OverallEvaluation = null;
public function getOverallEvaluation()
return $this->OverallEvaluation;
public function setOverallEvaluation($value)
$this->OverallEvaluation = $value;
class Address
private $Street = null;
public function getStreet()
return $this->Street;
public function setStreet($value)
$this->Street = $value;
private $PostalCode = null;
public function getPostalCode()
return $this->PostalCode;
public function setPostalCode($value)
$this->PostalCode = $value;
private $City = null;
public function getCity()
return $this->City;
public function setCity($value)
$this->City = $value;
private $CountryISOa3 = null;
public function getCountryISOa3()
return $this->CountryISOa3;
public function setCountryISOa3($value)
$this->CountryISOa3 = $value;
private $State = null;
public function getState()
return $this->State;
public function setState($value)
$this->State = $value;
private $GeographicCoordinates = null;
public function getGeographicCoordinates()
return $this->GeographicCoordinates;
public function setGeographicCoordinates($value)
$this->GeographicCoordinates = $value;
class GeographicDataType
private $Latitude = null;
public function getLatitude()
return $this->Latitude;
public function setLatitude($value)
$this->Latitude = $value;
private $Longitude = null;
public function getLongitude()
return $this->Longitude;
public function setLongitude($value)
$this->Longitude = $value;
private $CoordinateReliablity = null;
public function getCoordinateReliablity()
return $this->CoordinateReliablity;
public function setCoordinateReliablity($value)
$this->CoordinateReliablity = $value;
class ArrayOfChain
private $Chain = null;
public function getChain()
return $this->Chain;
public function setChain($value)
$this->Chain = $value;
class Chain
private $ChainNumber = null;
public function getChainNumber()
return $this->ChainNumber;
public function setChainNumber($value)
$this->ChainNumber = $value;
private $ChainName = null;
public function getChainName()
return $this->ChainName;
public function setChainName($value)
$this->ChainName = $value;
private $UmbrellaChainID = null;
public function getUmbrellaChainID()
return $this->UmbrellaChainID;
public function setUmbrellaChainID($value)
$this->UmbrellaChainID = $value;
private $Visible = null;
public function getVisible()
return $this->Visible;
public function setVisible($value)
$this->Visible = $value;
class ArrayOfDistance
private $Distance = null;
public function getDistance()
return $this->Distance;
public function setDistance($value)
$this->Distance = $value;
class Distance
private $Category = null;
public function getCategory()
return $this->Category;
public function setCategory($value)
$this->Category = $value;
private $ValueInKm = null;
public function getValueInKm()
return $this->ValueInKm;
public function setValueInKm($value)
$this->ValueInKm = $value;
class ContractStatusType
private $ContractState = null;
public function getContractState()
return $this->ContractState;
public function setContractState($value)
$this->ContractState = $value;
private $SortIndex = null;
public function getSortIndex()
return $this->SortIndex;
public function setSortIndex($value)
$this->SortIndex = $value;
class Price
private $Value = null;
public function getValue()
return $this->Value;
public function setValue($value)
$this->Value = $value;
private $EuroExchangeRate = null;
public function getEuroExchangeRate()
return $this->EuroExchangeRate;
public function setEuroExchangeRate($value)
$this->EuroExchangeRate = $value;
private $Currency = null;
public function getCurrency()
return $this->Currency;
public function setCurrency($value)
$this->Currency = $value;
class AvailableHotelsAroundGeographicCoordinatesRequest extends MultiAvailabilityRequest
class MultiAvailabilitySelectedPropertiesRequest extends MultiAvailabilityRequest
class AvailableHotelsFromDestinationRequest extends MultiAvailabilityRequest
class DetermineGeographicCoordinatesFromAddressRequest extends BaseRequest
class DetermineGeographicCoordinatesFromAddressResponse extends BaseResponse
class ArrayOfGeographicCoordinate
private $GeographicCoordinate = null;
public function getGeographicCoordinate()
return $this->GeographicCoordinate;
public function setGeographicCoordinate($value)
$this->GeographicCoordinate = $value;
class GeographicCoordinate
private $Latitude = null;
public function getLatitude()
return $this->Latitude;
public function setLatitude($value)
$this->Latitude = $value;
private $Longitude = null;
public function getLongitude()
return $this->Longitude;
public function setLongitude($value)
$this->Longitude = $value;
private $AddressFound = null;
public function getAddressFound()
return $this->AddressFound;
public function setAddressFound($value)
$this->AddressFound = $value;
private $CoordinateAccuracy = null;
public function getCoordinateAccuracy()
return $this->CoordinateAccuracy;
public function setCoordinateAccuracy($value)
$this->CoordinateAccuracy = $value;
class ChainListRequest extends BaseRequest
class ChainListResponse extends BaseResponse
class HotelClassificationsRequest extends BaseRequest
class HotelClassificationsResponse extends BaseResponse
class ArrayOfHotelClassification
private $HotelClassification = null;
public function getHotelClassification()
return $this->HotelClassification;
public function setHotelClassification($value)
$this->HotelClassification = $value;
class HotelClassification
private $ClassificationID = null;
public function getClassificationID()
return $this->ClassificationID;
public function setClassificationID($value)
$this->ClassificationID = $value;
private $ClassificationName = null;
public function getClassificationName()
return $this->ClassificationName;
public function setClassificationName($value)
$this->ClassificationName = $value;
class GetSearchableAmenitiesRequest extends BaseRequest
class GetSearchableAmenitiesResponse extends BaseResponse
class PropertyDescriptionRequest extends BaseRequest
class PropertyDescriptionResponse extends PropertyDescriptionBaseResponse
abstract class PropertyDescriptionBaseResponse extends BaseResponse
class DescriptionContainer
private $HotelDescription = null;
public function getHotelDescription()
return $this->HotelDescription;
public function setHotelDescription($value)
$this->HotelDescription = $value;
private $LocationDescription = null;
public function getLocationDescription()
return $this->LocationDescription;
public function setLocationDescription($value)
$this->LocationDescription = $value;
private $DrivingDirections = null;
public function getDrivingDirections()
return $this->DrivingDirections;
public function setDrivingDirections($value)
$this->DrivingDirections = $value;
class Description
private $Language = null;
public function getLanguage()
return $this->Language;
public function setLanguage($value)
$this->Language = $value;
private $Text = null;
public function getText()
return $this->Text;
public function setText($value)
$this->Text = $value;
private $Type = null;
public function getType()
return $this->Type;
public function setType($value)
$this->Type = $value;
class DrivingDirectionDescription extends Description
class ArrayOfDrivingDirectionDescription
private $DrivingDirectionDescription = null;
public function getDrivingDirectionDescription()
return $this->DrivingDirectionDescription;
public function setDrivingDirectionDescription($value)
$this->DrivingDirectionDescription = $value;
class ArrayOfRoom
private $Room = null;
public function getRoom()
return $this->Room;
public function setRoom($value)
$this->Room = $value;
class Room
private $MaximumNumberOfPersons = null;
public function getMaximumNumberOfPersons()
return $this->MaximumNumberOfPersons;
public function setMaximumNumberOfPersons($value)
$this->MaximumNumberOfPersons = $value;
private $PricePerNight = null;
public function getPricePerNight()
return $this->PricePerNight;
public function setPricePerNight($value)
$this->PricePerNight = $value;
private $Type = null;
public function getType()
return $this->Type;
public function setType($value)
$this->Type = $value;
private $Pictures = null;
public function getPictures()
return $this->Pictures;
public function setPictures($value)
$this->Pictures = $value;
private $Amenities = null;
public function getAmenities()
return $this->Amenities;
public function setAmenities($value)
$this->Amenities = $value;
private $Number = null;
public function getNumber()
return $this->Number;
public function setNumber($value)
$this->Number = $value;
private $RoomDescriptions = null;
public function getRoomDescriptions()
return $this->RoomDescriptions;
public function setRoomDescriptions($value)
$this->RoomDescriptions = $value;
class ArrayOfPictureReference
private $PictureReference = null;
public function getPictureReference()
return $this->PictureReference;
public function setPictureReference($value)
$this->PictureReference = $value;
class PictureReference
private $Name = null;
public function getName()
return $this->Name;
public function setName($value)
$this->Name = $value;
private $Link = null;
public function getLink()
return $this->Link;
public function setLink($value)
$this->Link = $value;
private $IsAbsoluteURL = null;
public function getIsAbsoluteURL()
return $this->IsAbsoluteURL;
public function setIsAbsoluteURL($value)
$this->IsAbsoluteURL = $value;
private $Category = null;
public function getCategory()
return $this->Category;
public function setCategory($value)
$this->Category = $value;
private $Type = null;
public function getType()
return $this->Type;
public function setType($value)
$this->Type = $value;
class ArrayOfAmenityDescription
private $AmenityDescription = null;
public function getAmenityDescription()
return $this->AmenityDescription;
public function setAmenityDescription($value)
$this->AmenityDescription = $value;
class AmenityDescription
private $Scope = null;
public function getScope()
return $this->Scope;
public function setScope($value)
$this->Scope = $value;
private $ExtraCharge = null;
public function getExtraCharge()
return $this->ExtraCharge;
public function setExtraCharge($value)
$this->ExtraCharge = $value;
private $OnRequest = null;
public function getOnRequest()
return $this->OnRequest;
public function setOnRequest($value)
$this->OnRequest = $value;
private $Amenity = null;
public function getAmenity()
return $this->Amenity;
public function setAmenity($value)
$this->Amenity = $value;
class ArrayOfDescription
private $Description = null;
public function getDescription()
return $this->Description;
public function setDescription($value)
$this->Description = $value;
class HotelHistory
private $YearOpened = null;
public function getYearOpened()
return $this->YearOpened;
public function setYearOpened($value)
$this->YearOpened = $value;
private $YearRenovated = null;
public function getYearRenovated()
return $this->YearRenovated;
public function setYearRenovated($value)
$this->YearRenovated = $value;
private $YearlyClosures = null;
public function getYearlyClosures()
return $this->YearlyClosures;
public function setYearlyClosures($value)
$this->YearlyClosures = $value;
private $YearBuilt = null;
public function getYearBuilt()
return $this->YearBuilt;
public function setYearBuilt($value)
$this->YearBuilt = $value;
class HotelPolicies
private $CancellationPolicy = null;
public function getCancellationPolicy()
return $this->CancellationPolicy;
public function setCancellationPolicy($value)
$this->CancellationPolicy = $value;
private $GuaranteePolicy = null;
public function getGuaranteePolicy()
return $this->GuaranteePolicy;
public function setGuaranteePolicy($value)
$this->GuaranteePolicy = $value;
private $DepositPolicy = null;
public function getDepositPolicy()
return $this->DepositPolicy;
public function setDepositPolicy($value)
$this->DepositPolicy = $value;
class Policy
private $PolicyText = null;
public function getPolicyText()
return $this->PolicyText;
public function setPolicyText($value)
$this->PolicyText = $value;
private $Language = null;
public function getLanguage()
return $this->Language;
public function setLanguage($value)
$this->Language = $value;
class ArrayOfCreditCard
private $CreditCard = null;
public function getCreditCard()
return $this->CreditCard;
public function setCreditCard($value)
$this->CreditCard = $value;
class CreditCard
private $CreditCardType = null;
public function getCreditCardType()
return $this->CreditCardType;
public function setCreditCardType($value)
$this->CreditCardType = $value;
private $AdditionalInfo = null;
public function getAdditionalInfo()
return $this->AdditionalInfo;
public function setAdditionalInfo($value)
$this->AdditionalInfo = $value;
class ArrayOfPointOfInterest
private $PointOfInterest = null;
public function getPointOfInterest()
return $this->PointOfInterest;
public function setPointOfInterest($value)
$this->PointOfInterest = $value;
class PointOfInterest
private $Name = null;
public function getName()
return $this->Name;
public function setName($value)
$this->Name = $value;
private $Category = null;
public function getCategory()
return $this->Category;
public function setCategory($value)
$this->Category = $value;
private $Priority = null;
public function getPriority()
return $this->Priority;
public function setPriority($value)
$this->Priority = $value;
private $Descriptions = null;
public function getDescriptions()
return $this->Descriptions;
public function setDescriptions($value)
$this->Descriptions = $value;
private $Distance = null;
public function getDistance()
return $this->Distance;
public function setDistance($value)
$this->Distance = $value;
class ArrayOfFacility
private $Facility = null;
public function getFacility()
return $this->Facility;
public function setFacility($value)
$this->Facility = $value;
class Facility
private $Name = null;
public function getName()
return $this->Name;
public function setName($value)
$this->Name = $value;
private $FacilityDescription = null;
public function getFacilityDescription()
return $this->FacilityDescription;
public function setFacilityDescription($value)
$this->FacilityDescription = $value;
private $PictureList = null;
public function getPictureList()
return $this->PictureList;
public function setPictureList($value)
$this->PictureList = $value;
private $FacilityType = null;
public function getFacilityType()
return $this->FacilityType;
public function setFacilityType($value)
$this->FacilityType = $value;
class ArrayOfRating
private $Rating = null;
public function getRating()
return $this->Rating;
public function setRating($value)
$this->Rating = $value;
class Rating
private $Value = null;
public function getValue()
return $this->Value;
public function setValue($value)
$this->Value = $value;
private $Type = null;
public function getType()
return $this->Type;
public function setType($value)
$this->Type = $value;
class PropertyReviewsRequest extends BaseRequest
class PropertyReviewsResponse extends BaseResponse
class PropertyValuation
private $OverallEvaluationPieChartURL = null;
public function getOverallEvaluationPieChartURL()
return $this->OverallEvaluationPieChartURL;
public function setOverallEvaluationPieChartURL($value)
$this->OverallEvaluationPieChartURL = $value;
private $PropertyValuationDetails = null;
public function getPropertyValuationDetails()
return $this->PropertyValuationDetails;
public function setPropertyValuationDetails($value)
$this->PropertyValuationDetails = $value;
class ArrayOfValuationDetail
private $ValuationDetail = null;
public function getValuationDetail()
return $this->ValuationDetail;
public function setValuationDetail($value)
$this->ValuationDetail = $value;
class ValuationDetail
private $ValuationDetailCategory = null;
public function getValuationDetailCategory()
return $this->ValuationDetailCategory;
public function setValuationDetailCategory($value)
$this->ValuationDetailCategory = $value;
private $ValuationDetailCategoryDescription = null;
public function getValuationDetailCategoryDescription()
return $this->ValuationDetailCategoryDescription;
public function setValuationDetailCategoryDescription($value)
$this->ValuationDetailCategoryDescription = $value;
private $NumberOfReviews = null;
public function getNumberOfReviews()
return $this->NumberOfReviews;
public function setNumberOfReviews($value)
$this->NumberOfReviews = $value;
private $RoomQuality = null;
public function getRoomQuality()
return $this->RoomQuality;
public function setRoomQuality($value)
$this->RoomQuality = $value;
private $RoomNoise = null;
public function getRoomNoise()
return $this->RoomNoise;
public function setRoomNoise($value)
$this->RoomNoise = $value;
private $Cleanliness = null;
public function getCleanliness()
return $this->Cleanliness;
public function setCleanliness($value)
$this->Cleanliness = $value;
private $FriendlinessAndCapabilityOfStaff = null;
public function getFriendlinessAndCapabilityOfStaff()
return $this->FriendlinessAndCapabilityOfStaff;
public function setFriendlinessAndCapabilityOfStaff($value)
$this->FriendlinessAndCapabilityOfStaff = $value;
private $RatioOfPriceAndPerformance = null;
public function getRatioOfPriceAndPerformance()
return $this->RatioOfPriceAndPerformance;
public function setRatioOfPriceAndPerformance($value)
$this->RatioOfPriceAndPerformance = $value;
private $Catering = null;
public function getCatering()
return $this->Catering;
public function setCatering($value)
$this->Catering = $value;
private $RecommendationToOtherGuests = null;
public function getRecommendationToOtherGuests()
return $this->RecommendationToOtherGuests;
public function setRecommendationToOtherGuests($value)
$this->RecommendationToOtherGuests = $value;
private $OverallEvaluation = null;
public function getOverallEvaluation()
return $this->OverallEvaluation;
public function setOverallEvaluation($value)
$this->OverallEvaluation = $value;
private $ValuationTypeExtentions = null;
public function getValuationTypeExtentions()
return $this->ValuationTypeExtentions;
public function setValuationTypeExtentions($value)
$this->ValuationTypeExtentions = $value;
// ------------------------------------------
class FreeHotelSearchWebService
extends APIBase{
public function GetWebservicesVersion( )
$data = $this->Call('GetWebservicesVersion');
return $data;
public function DetermineLocationNumber( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('DetermineLocationNumber', $args);
return $data;
public function GetLocationList( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetLocationList', $args);
return $data;
public function GetLocations( $objParamRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objParamRequest'] = $objParamRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetLocations', $args);
return $data;
public function GetAvailableHotelsFromLocationNr( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetAvailableHotelsFromLocationNr', $args);
return $data;
public function GetAvailableHotelsAroundGeographicCoordinates( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetAvailableHotelsAroundGeographicCoordinates', $args);
return $data;
public function GetMultiAvailability( $objSelectedPropertiesRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objSelectedPropertiesRequest'] = $objSelectedPropertiesRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetMultiAvailability', $args);
return $data;
public function GetAvailableHotelsFromDestination( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetAvailableHotelsFromDestination', $args);
return $data;
public function DetermineGeographicCoordinatesFromAddress( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('DetermineGeographicCoordinatesFromAddress', $args);
return $data;
public function GetChainList( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetChainList', $args);
return $data;
public function GetHotelClassifications( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetHotelClassifications', $args);
return $data;
public function GetSearchableAmenities( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetSearchableAmenities', $args);
return $data;
public function GetPropertyDescription( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetPropertyDescription', $args);
return $data;
public function GetPropertyReviews( $objRequest )
$args = array();
$args['parameters']['objRequest'] = $objRequest;
$data = $this->Call('GetPropertyReviews', $args);
return $data;
That script is just class definitions, it does not have any output.
This the WSDL link of the generated PHP code
I don't understand what you expect from me. This question was about the PHP Fatal error, that is resolved now, right?
From a previous question I understand that you wish to implement this web service, but I have not found any information about how you want to use it. There are many methods available in this WS. You must formulate a question where you explain what you want to do. If it is comprehensive you might need to split it into multiple questions.
From a previous question I understand that you wish to implement this web service, but I have not found any information about how you want to use it. There are many methods available in this WS. You must formulate a question where you explain what you want to do. If it is comprehensive you might need to split it into multiple questions.
Actually, I didn't get how can I make an output. I read the manual and they have mentioned that the system can be integrated in PHP by generating the WSDL to PHP. So I did that but couldn't find any output.
I'm stuck how'd I get any output, I'm new to SOAP and WSDL, I don't have any idea about it.
I'm stuck how'd I get any output, I'm new to SOAP and WSDL, I don't have any idea about it.
SOAP is a protocol, WSDL is a technical description of the web service.
You need to write a program to use it. Are you a programmer? Do you know PHP?
You need to write a program to use it. Are you a programmer? Do you know PHP?
I know PHP but don't know about SOAP &Â WSDL
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Why do you give me a B grade? Did my answer not resolve your issue about the PHP Fatal error?
In general, you must define the base classes before you extend them.