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SendObject and OuputTo methods, don´t work with acFormatSNP Ouput format on Access 2003. What can I do ?

I´ve red three or four solutions here to export .snp files, with two methods:
SendObject, or OuputTo. But, when I change the Ouput format to .snp file, an error message, # 2282, stop the procedure and explains that Object format I´m trying to create is not available. What is wrong ?

best regards

Avatar of Jeffrey Coachman
Jeffrey Coachman
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It would have been helpfull to troubleshoot this if you had posted the code you were trying.

You will get that error if you do not spell "acFormatSNP" correctly or you put the wrong argument or value in this space.

Check your syntax, it should look like this:
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "YourReportName", acFormatSNP, "", , , "Snap!", "Snapping!", True


DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "YourReportName", acFormatSNP, "", , , "Snap!", "Snapping!", True

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Thanks Jeff.  The Problem is only with .snp. When I change  acFormatSNP, by acFormatTXT , code works well. Here is the code.

DoCmd.Echo False
    I = 0
        Do While Not rst.EOF
        I = I + 1
            strCod = rst!CODIGO
            strEmail = rst!emilio
            strarchivos(I) = rst!ARCHIVO
            DoCmd.OpenReport "export1", acViewPreview, , "codigo=" & "'" & strCod & "'"
            DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "export1", acFormatSNP, "c:\cxc\" & strarchivos(I) & ".snp", False
            DoCmd.Close acReport, "export1"
    DoCmd.Echo True

1. You did not make it inherently make it clear if the code you posted Works or does Not Work.
Please clarify.

2. Please always post the *complete* code.  
There are no declarations in this code.
What is "strarchivos"?
What is "I"?
Again, if you post the complete code, we could save the time we spend asking and answering these questions.
Make sense?

3. "The Problem is only with .snp."
Then can you post the complete "snp" code that does not work?

The code you posted above works fine for me.

onesimolisandro, it seems possibly acFormatSNP is not a valid option during runtime.

Take a query for example, try exporting that to snp but DONT specify output format. It should prompt you for it.


DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Query4", , "c:\temp\q3.snp", True

Now this popup box that appears, does snp format appear? If not there lies your problem. It might be a check/repair or reinstall of access or someway of getting snp available again.
Hi Jeff, sorry by my english.
Next code, works ok.

Private Sub export_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_export_Click

Dim db          As DAO.Database
Dim tabla       As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL      As String
Dim scodigo      As String
Dim semilio      As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim strarchivos(6)
strSQL = "SELECT codigo, emilio, archivo From Correos"
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tabla = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
DoCmd.Echo False
I = 0
Do While Not tabla.EOF
I = I + 1
scodigo = tabla!CODIGO
semilio = tabla!emilio
strarchivos(I) = tabla!ARCHIVO
DoCmd.OpenReport "exportrep", acViewPreview, , "codigo=" & "'" & scodigo & "'"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "exportrep", acFormatTXT, "c:\cxc\" & strarchivos(I) & ".txt", False
DoCmd.Close acReport, "exportrep"
DoCmd.Echo True
MsgBox "trabajo terminado", vbInformation

Set tabla = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

    On Error Resume Next
    Set tabla = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "error en la ejecución." _
    & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error " & Err.Number & ": " _
    & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error, vbExclamation
    Resume Exit_export_Click

End Sub

But when I only change the OutputFormat on "Do.cmdOutputTo", from txt to snp, it doesn´t work
error # 2282. Message in English, is something like "Object format you try to create, is not available"
Please look at the change:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "exportrep", acFormatSNP, "c:\cxc\" & strarchivos(I) & ".snp", False
Maybe could be a reference problem ?
best regards

So did you verify that snp is a format that is available for you to use?
Having a guess but is this running on a spanish language pc? well I think the language is spanish.

if it is, try specifying the output format in the native language

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "export1", "FormatoSnapshot(*.snp)", "c:\cxc\" & strarchivos(I) & ".snp", False

or might need a space because english acFormatSNP is "Snapshot Format (*.snp)"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "export1", "FormatoSnapshot (*.snp)", "c:\cxc\" & strarchivos(I) & ".snp", False
Hi Rockiroads

Last comment, I sent the whole code to JeffCoachman (please, take a look)
In order to test your new suggestion and discard  installation´s problem, I made next change to the same code:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "exportrep", , "c:\cxc\" & strarchivos(I) & ".snp", False
Code works ok, but asking me for export format. I selected snapshot format each time and 6 different snapshot files were generated (that´s what I expected)
Of course, this solution is only a test, because if I implement it, users will be attached to the PC.
Thanks a lot for your comments.

Best regards
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In order to avoid confusion, I yield to rockiroads
lol, you cant just run away. My suggestion may not work.
Hi, Rockiroads.
Yes, it was the problem. I´m from Cali, Colombia. On Access help (spanish), they talk about "Formato de archivo SnapShot" like output format chain. I tried but with no success. Your last comment suggested "FormatoSnapshot(*.snp)". I made changes and... sun bright again. Thanks a lot Rockiroads

And my spanish has improved slightly also, lol.

Blimey Jeff, I just signed up to this expert help notification. Check my inbox which had 0 unread, it has now 136unread. Better start creating a new rule quick!