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VBA or PowerShell Script to Move files into Year folders keeping existing folder structure, so that we can archive later

We are trying to sort our data into years so that we can start archiving the old data off the servers.
You will only need to complete the main question (with point 1 below) to my satisfaction to get an A grade, points 2 and 3 would be fantastic though and would help me out a lot.

Main Question:
How can I check recursively through sub-folders and, *based on the existing folders* name/structure, recreate *the same folder structure* under a new 'year' folder and move the file based on the date the file was created? (See example below).

I would like to define at the top of the script:

1. The base folder as the top level, all sub-folders would be processed (nb, there may be spaces in the path)

2. The maximum year as a variable so that, for example, if we set the MaxYear = 2007 then it would only perform the action on files that were in or before 2007, and to continue the example would leave 2008 and newer files in their current location.

3. If it should file under calendar years (eg, 1 Jan - 31 Dec) or tax years (eg, our 2008 tax year goes between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2008). Perhaps this would most easily be managed by having 2 variables "startDay" and "startMonth", of which the script could determine the end dates.

I'm a real beginner with this, so please spell it out  much a possible :)


PS, running on Windows 2000
Example Structure (I've added the year created in brackets):
C:\Data\ may contain:
 |_ Client1
    |_ Folder1
       |_ MyText1.doc (2005)
       |_ MySpreadsheet1.xls (2006)
    |_ Folder2
       |_ Folder3
           |_ MyText3.doc (2005)
       |_ MyText2.doc (2006)
       |_ MySpreadsheet2.xls (2007)
    |_ Mytext0.doc (2007)
    |_ MySpreadsheet0.xls (2006)
Running the script & pointing it to the C:\Data\ folder would create:
 |_ Client1
    |_ 2005
        |_ Folder1
            |_ MyText1.doc (2005)
        |_ Folder2
            |_ Folder3
                |_ MyText3.doc (2005)
    |_ 2006
        |_ Folder1
            |_ MySpreadsheet1.xls (2006)
        |_ Folder2
            |_ MyText2.doc (2006)
    |_ 2007
        |_ Folder2
            |_ MySpreadsheet2.xls (2007)
        |_ Mytext0.doc (2007)
 |_ Client2...

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You stated you wanted vba or powershell, but you have this in vbscript.  So I dont know what you really want.  I have put a vbscript routine together for you that should handle your requirements.  If you want this in VBA, you will need to change the declare statements to put the variable type (i.e. dim strMainDir as String).

You can cut and paste the code, adjust the variables and save in a file with a .vbs extension.  You can then run this script.  Please test this on a backup type machine before trying on your real data!

Let me know if you have questions.


' VB Script to Categorize Files by Date
' Declare Variables
Dim strMainDir, lngMaxYear, intStartMonth
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFiles, objFile
Dim objSubfolder, intYear, intMonth, strNewPath
' *******************************************
' *******************************************
' Set Variables that drive behavior
strMainDir = "C:\Data"	' Main Directory to be categorized
intMaxYear = 2008			' Do Not Categorize Files NEWER than this year
intStartMonth = 1			' Number for Month that starts the Year (eg 1 for Jan - Calendar Year)
							' (6 for June and Fiscal Year - Will not categorize files that are newer than 
							' June 2008 if 6 is in intMonth and 2008 is in lngMaxYear
' *******************************************
' *******************************************
' Instantiate and Set other Variables							
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strMainDir)
' Loop through all subfolders in Main Directory
For Each objSubfolder in objFolder.SubFolders
	' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
	Call CheckandMoveFiles (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
	' Parse Through all SubFolders
	Call ParseSubFolders (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
Set objFSO = nothing
Set objFolder = nothing
Set objFiles = nothing
Set objFile = nothing
Set objSubFolder = nothing
msgbox "Done Moving Files"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Routine to Check each File in Subfolder and move it if it meets the criteria
Sub CheckandMoveFiles (CurrentFolder, MasterFolder)
	Set objFiles = CurrentFolder.Files
	' Loop Through all Files in Folder
	For each objFile in objFiles
		' Get Year The File was Last Updated
		intYear = Year(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' Get Month the File was last updated
		intMonth = Month(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' See if Fiscal Year, If so add 1 to year
		If (intMonth >= intStartMonth) and (intStartMonth <> 1) Then intYear = intYear + 1
		' Check If we are to move the file
		If intYear <= intMaxYear then
			' See if Folder already Exists
			If objFSO.FolderExists(MasterFolder.Path & "/" & intYear) = False then
				' Does not exist so create it 
				objFSO.CreateFolder(MasterFolder.Path & "/" & intYear)
			End If
			' Find New Path
			strNewPath = MasterFolder.Path & "/" & intYear
			strNewPath = strNewPath & Right(CurrentFolder.Path, Len(CurrentFolder.Path)-Len(MasterFolder.Path))
			' See if this new path exists
			If objFSO.FolderExists(strNewPath) = False then
				' Does not exist so create it 
			End If
			' Move File
			objFSO.MoveFile objFile.Path, strNewPath & "/"
		End If
End Sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parse Through the SubFolders
Sub ParseSubFolders(CurrentFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
	For Each SubFolder in CurrentFolder.SubFolders
		' Check if this is an already set year folder.  If so skip it and all subfolders
		If Not(IsNumeric(SubFolder.Name) and (Len(SubFolder.Name)=4)) Then 
			' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
			Call CheckandMoveFiles (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
			' Parse Through all SubFolders
			Call ParseSubFolders (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
		End IF
End Sub

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Thanks, that's looking good.
I did mean vbs, thanks for the correction.

I'm getting an error when I run the script:

Line: 73
Char: 5
Error: Path not found
Code: 800A004C
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Sorry.  I see the problem in my logic - forgot to account for folders that have not files to move, but a sub folder does.  Try the code below, changing he needed variables as mentioned above.

' VB Script to Categorize Files by Date
' Declare Variables
Dim strMainDir, lngMaxYear, intStartMonth
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFiles, objFile
Dim objSubfolder, intYear, intMonth, strNewPath
Dim strPath
' Set Variables that drive behavior
strMainDir = "C:\Data"	' Main Directory to be categorized
intMaxYear = 2008			' Do Not Categorize Files NEWER than this year
intStartMonth = 1			' Number for Month that starts the Year (eg 1 for Jan - Calendar Year)
							' (6 for June and Fiscal Year - Will not categorize files that are newer than 
							' June 2008 if 6 is in intMonth and 2008 is in lngMaxYear
' Instantiate and Set other Variables							
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strMainDir)
' Loop through all subfolders in Main Directory
For Each objSubfolder in objFolder.SubFolders
	' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
	Call CheckandMoveFiles (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
	' Parse Through all SubFolders
	Call ParseSubFolders (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
Set objFSO = nothing
Set objFolder = nothing
Set objFiles = nothing
Set objFile = nothing
Set objSubFolder = nothing
msgbox "Done Moving Files"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Routine to Check each File in Subfolder and move it if it meets the criteria
Sub CheckandMoveFiles (CurrentFolder, MasterFolder)
	Set objFiles = CurrentFolder.Files
	' Loop Through all Files in Folder
	For each objFile in objFiles
		' Get Year The File was Last Updated
		intYear = Year(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' Get Month the File was last updated
		intMonth = Month(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' See if Fiscal Year, If so add 1 to year
		If (intMonth >= intStartMonth) and (intStartMonth <> 1) Then intYear = intYear + 1
		' Check If we are to move the file
		If intYear <= intMaxYear then
			' See if Folder already Exists
			If objFSO.FolderExists(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear) = False then
				' Does not exist so create it 
				objFSO.CreateFolder(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear)
			End If
			' Find New Path
			strNewPath = MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear
			strNewPath = strNewPath & Right(CurrentFolder.Path, Len(CurrentFolder.Path)-Len(MasterFolder.Path))
			' Split it up to make sure all folders exist
			strPath = split(strNewPath, "\")
			strNewPath = strPath(0)
			' Loop Through all Folders to make sure they exist
			For i = 1 to uBound(strPath)
				strNewPath = strNewPath & "\" & strPath(i)
				' See if this new path exists
				If objFSO.FolderExists(strNewPath) = False then
					' Does not exist so create it 
				End If
			' Move File
			objFSO.MoveFile objFile.Path, strNewPath & "\"
		End If
End Sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parse Through the SubFolders
Sub ParseSubFolders(CurrentFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
	For Each SubFolder in CurrentFolder.SubFolders
		' Check if this is an already set year folder.  If so skip it and all subfolders
		If Not(IsNumeric(SubFolder.Name) and (Len(SubFolder.Name)=4)) Then 
			' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
			Call CheckandMoveFiles (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
			' Parse Through all SubFolders
			Call ParseSubFolders (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
		End IF
End Sub

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No error that time, but mixed results, some files were moved exactly as desired :) however there are still quite a number of files left in the original location that are not moved.

I checked the modified dates and they do fall below the intMaxYear date (which I set to intMaxYear = 2006), so they should have been moved into the related folders.

I'll spend some time comparing the original file structure to the restructured one after the script has been run on it.

Can you post the script as you ran it and a listing of a few of the modify dates there not moved?  Also if possible, can you list the path of the files that were not moved?  I will see if I can find the problem.

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I'll post up a directory listing on a password protected site rather than posting it up on a public site, that way I can remove it after you've downloaded it.

If so I'll post up a before and after list.
I'm back in the office on Tuesday, will post it then.
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Ok, I'm going to run it again now & I'll post up the results shortly.
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You can access the files here:
Password is your Experts-Exchange username
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Please let me know when you have downloaded them so that I can remove them from the web page.
I have the files.  Can you also post the script that you ran so I can see variable settings.  I will not have time to look at this tonight.  I will try to look tomorrow.

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I only changed the variables in the last script you posted, the variables I used are below:
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strMainDir = "C:\Temp\Clients"
intMaxYear = 2006
intStartMonth = 1

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btw, for a vague bit of anonimity for our clients I ran a replace so that a,i,o,u were all replaced with e, except for the words:
"2006 and before"

I ran it on both before and after results so shouldn't make any difference.

If after looking at the results you think that doing this may have hindered you analysis let me know & I will sort something out.

Thanks for all your help so far.
Avatar of gamm


I should also mention, so that it's easier for you when looking through the lists, that under each client's original folder is a folder called "2006 and before" this is primarily where the 2006 & earlier files are located that should be moved and where, if any, are remaining. We started filing by year from 2007, though there may be a few files that weren't filed correctly but I can deal with those separately.

I've had a look through a bunch of them and I can confirm that they are various years, all at or below 2006. The earliest I saw in the brief look I had was about 1998.

Found the problem.  I had some logic in my code to keep it from moving a file it already moved by checking if the name of the folder was a year.  Unfortunately you have some folders that fit that criteria.  I have changed my logic to check this in a different way that should work.  Give the below code a try and let me know.


' VB Script to Categorize Files by Date
' Declare Variables
Dim strMainDir, lngMaxYear, intStartMonth
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFiles, objFile
Dim objSubfolder, intYear, intMonth, strNewPath
Dim strPath
' Set Variables that drive behavior
strMainDir = "C:\Temp\Clients"	' Main Directory to be categorized
intMaxYear = 2006			' Do Not Categorize Files NEWER than this year
intStartMonth = 1			' Number for Month that starts the Year (eg 1 for Jan - Calendar Year)
							' (6 for June and Fiscal Year - Will not categorize files that are newer than 
							' June 2008 if 6 is in intMonth and 2008 is in lngMaxYear
' Instantiate and Set other Variables							
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strMainDir)
' Loop through all subfolders in Main Directory
For Each objSubfolder in objFolder.SubFolders
	' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
	Call CheckandMoveFiles (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
	' Parse Through all SubFolders
	Call ParseSubFolders (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
Set objFSO = nothing
Set objFolder = nothing
Set objFiles = nothing
Set objFile = nothing
Set objSubFolder = nothing
msgbox "Done Moving Files"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Routine to Check each File in Subfolder and move it if it meets the criteria
Sub CheckandMoveFiles (CurrentFolder, MasterFolder)
	Set objFiles = CurrentFolder.Files
	' Loop Through all Files in Folder
	For each objFile in objFiles
		' Get Year The File was Last Updated
		intYear = Year(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' Get Month the File was last updated
		intMonth = Month(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' See if Fiscal Year, If so add 1 to year
		If (intMonth >= intStartMonth) and (intStartMonth <> 1) Then intYear = intYear + 1
		' Check If we are to move the file
		If intYear <= intMaxYear then
			' See if Folder already Exists
			If objFSO.FolderExists(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear) = False then
				' Does not exist so create it 
				objFSO.CreateFolder(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear)
			End If
			' Find New Path
			strNewPath = MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear
			strNewPath = strNewPath & Right(CurrentFolder.Path, Len(CurrentFolder.Path)-Len(MasterFolder.Path))
			' Split it up to make sure all folders exist
			strPath = split(strNewPath, "\")
			strNewPath = strPath(0)
			' Loop Through all Folders to make sure they exist
			For i = 1 to uBound(strPath)
				strNewPath = strNewPath & "\" & strPath(i)
				' See if this new path exists
				If objFSO.FolderExists(strNewPath) = False then
					' Does not exist so create it 
				End If
			' Check if the parent path includes the target path
			If instr(objFile.parentfolder, MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear) = 0 Then
				' The File is not in the proper folder, move it there
				objFSO.MoveFile objFile.Path, strNewPath & "\"
			End If
		End If
End Sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parse Through the SubFolders
Sub ParseSubFolders(CurrentFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
	For Each SubFolder in CurrentFolder.SubFolders
		' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
		Call CheckandMoveFiles (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
		' Parse Through all SubFolders
		Call ParseSubFolders (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
End Sub

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I also tried changing
intStartMonth = 7 (for financial year 1 July - 30 June)
The same issue resulted.

I've changed it back to
intStartMonth = 1
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Sorry, posted that last comment before refreshing the page so didn't see your last comment.. I will try the new script now..
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Still same issue. Actually, some files that were previously moved correctly are now not moving. I'll post up the before and after results in a moment.

Hmm, I wonder if it is because the folder that we are primarily moving files out of starts with '2006'? "2006 and before".
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I've posted the files up. Please let me know when you've downloaded them so I can remove them - thanks.

I've used a smaller file base to start with to make it a bit easier & quicker, I can use more files later.
I have the files.  The only thing I can come up with right now is that the modify date on some of those files is more recent.  I have adjusted the script to create a log so I can see what it is doing.  It will create a file called vbscriptlog.txt and place it in the main directory (strMainDir).  If you could post that file for me, it would help out.  It does store file paths and names.  It is a tab delimited file, so if you want to adjust some names you can open in Excel or Calc and adjust values in columns 1 & 7 or A and G in the spreadsheet.  

' VB Script to Categorize Files by Date
' Declare Variables
Dim strMainDir, lngMaxYear, intStartMonth
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFiles, objFile
Dim objSubfolder, intYear, intMonth, strNewPath
Dim strPath
Dim strMsg
' Set Variables that drive behavior
strMainDir = "C:\Temp\Clients"	' Main Directory to be categorized
intMaxYear = 2006			' Do Not Categorize Files NEWER than this year
intStartMonth = 1			' Number for Month that starts the Year (eg 1 for Jan - Calendar Year)
							' (6 for June and Fiscal Year - Will not categorize files that are newer than 
							' June 2008 if 6 is in intMonth and 2008 is in lngMaxYear
' Instantiate and Set other Variables							
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strMainDir)
If objFSO.FileExists(strMainDir & "\vbscriptlog.txt") Then
	Set oText = objFSO.OpenTextFile (strMainDir & "\vbscriptlog.txt", 8)
	Set oText = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strMainDir & "\vbscriptlog.txt")
End If
' Loop through all subfolders in Main Directory
For Each objSubfolder in objFolder.SubFolders
	' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
	Call CheckandMoveFiles (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
	' Parse Through all SubFolders
	Call ParseSubFolders (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
Set objFSO = nothing
Set objFolder = nothing
Set objFiles = nothing
Set objFile = nothing
Set objSubFolder = nothing
msgbox "Done Moving Files"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Routine to Check each File in Subfolder and move it if it meets the criteria
Sub CheckandMoveFiles (CurrentFolder, MasterFolder)
	Set objFiles = CurrentFolder.Files
	' Loop Through all Files in Folder
	For each objFile in objFiles
		' Get Year The File was Last Updated
		intYear = Year(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' Get Month the File was last updated
		intMonth = Month(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' See if Fiscal Year, If so add 1 to year
		If (intMonth >= intStartMonth) and (intStartMonth <> 1) Then intYear = intYear + 1
		strMsg = objFile.Path & vbtab & objFile.DateLastModified & vbtab & intYear & vbTab & intMaxYear & vbtab
		strMsg = strMsg & intMonth & vbtab & intStartMonth & vbTab & MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear & vbTab
		' Check If we are to move the file
		If intYear <= intMaxYear then
			strMsg = strMsg & "Passed Year Check"
			' See if Folder already Exists
			If objFSO.FolderExists(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear) = False then
				' Does not exist so create it 
				objFSO.CreateFolder(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear)
			End If
			' Find New Path
			strNewPath = MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear
			strNewPath = strNewPath & Right(CurrentFolder.Path, Len(CurrentFolder.Path)-Len(MasterFolder.Path))
			' Split it up to make sure all folders exist
			strPath = split(strNewPath, "\")
			strNewPath = strPath(0)
			' Loop Through all Folders to make sure they exist
			For i = 1 to uBound(strPath)
				strNewPath = strNewPath & "\" & strPath(i)
				' See if this new path exists
				If objFSO.FolderExists(strNewPath) = False then
					' Does not exist so create it 
				End If
			' Check if the parent path includes the target path
			If instr(objFile.parentfolder, MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear) = 0 Then
				strMsg = strMsg & vbtab & "File Moved"
				' The File is not in the proper folder, move it there
				objFSO.MoveFile objFile.Path, strNewPath & "\"
			End If
		End If
		oText.Writeline strMsg
End Sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parse Through the SubFolders
Sub ParseSubFolders(CurrentFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
	For Each SubFolder in CurrentFolder.SubFolders
		' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
		Call CheckandMoveFiles (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
		' Parse Through all SubFolders
		Call ParseSubFolders (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
End Sub

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Ok, I've posted it up.
I've also posted the after directory structure.
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I've left the details in the files unchanged this time rather than changing the names of the files, for simplicity.
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I've posted a new password text file on the web page, once you've downloaded that & the other 2 files let me kow I will change the password for the web page.
OK one more try.  I did find one file in the test that was in the 2006 and before folder with a data modified of 2009 (Thumbs.db).  The rest should have moved and I think this code might do it.  Give it a shot and let me know.  (I took at the logging for now).

' VB Script to Categorize Files by Date
' Declare Variables
Dim strMainDir, lngMaxYear, intStartMonth
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFiles, objFile
Dim objSubfolder, intYear, intMonth, strNewPath
Dim strPath
Dim strMsg
' Set Variables that drive behavior
strMainDir = "C:\Temp\Clients"	' Main Directory to be categorized
intMaxYear = 2006			' Do Not Categorize Files NEWER than this year
intStartMonth = 1			' Number for Month that starts the Year (eg 1 for Jan - Calendar Year)
							' (6 for June and Fiscal Year - Will not categorize files that are newer than 
							' June 2008 if 6 is in intMonth and 2008 is in lngMaxYear
' Instantiate and Set other Variables							
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strMainDir)
' Loop through all subfolders in Main Directory
For Each objSubfolder in objFolder.SubFolders
	' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
	Call CheckandMoveFiles (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
	' Parse Through all SubFolders
	Call ParseSubFolders (objSubFolder, objSubFolder)
Set objFSO = nothing
Set objFolder = nothing
Set objFiles = nothing
Set objFile = nothing
Set objSubFolder = nothing
msgbox "Done Moving Files"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Routine to Check each File in Subfolder and move it if it meets the criteria
Sub CheckandMoveFiles (CurrentFolder, MasterFolder)
	Set objFiles = CurrentFolder.Files
	' Loop Through all Files in Folder
	For each objFile in objFiles
		' Get Year The File was Last Updated
		intYear = Year(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' Get Month the File was last updated
		intMonth = Month(objFile.DateLastModified)
		' See if Fiscal Year, If so add 1 to year
		If (intMonth >= intStartMonth) and (intStartMonth <> 1) Then intYear = intYear + 1
		' Check If we are to move the file
		If intYear <= intMaxYear then
			' See if Folder already Exists
			If objFSO.FolderExists(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear) = False then
				' Does not exist so create it 
				objFSO.CreateFolder(MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear)
			End If
			' Find New Path
			strNewPath = MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear
			strNewPath = strNewPath & Right(CurrentFolder.Path, Len(CurrentFolder.Path)-Len(MasterFolder.Path))
			' Split it up to make sure all folders exist
			strPath = split(strNewPath, "\")
			strNewPath = strPath(0)
			' Loop Through all Folders to make sure they exist
			For i = 1 to uBound(strPath)
				strNewPath = strNewPath & "\" & strPath(i)
				' See if this new path exists
				If objFSO.FolderExists(strNewPath) = False then
					' Does not exist so create it 
				End If
			' Check if the parent path includes the target path
			If instr(objFile.parentfolder, MasterFolder.Path & "\" & intYear) = 0 Then
				' The File is not in the proper folder, move it there
				objFSO.MoveFile objFile.Path, strNewPath & "\"
			End If
		End If
End Sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parse Through the SubFolders
Sub ParseSubFolders(CurrentFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
	For Each SubFolder in CurrentFolder.SubFolders
		' Check each File in this subFolder and see if we need to Move it
		Call CheckandMoveFiles (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
		' Parse Through all SubFolders
		Call ParseSubFolders (SubFolder, ParseMasterFolder)
End Sub

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Just grabbed the new password file.
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I've posted up the results - "after5.txt".
Client 5 seems to work fine, Client 3 and Client 6 are partially moved again.
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That's looking good, I'll try it on a larger file base & check how it goes.
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Looks like it's working perfectly :)
Thank you very much.
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Thank you very much for your excellent support.
Your welcome.  Glad to hear we finally got it.