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jring_3770Flag for United States of America

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Modify Home Drive & Folder for all Users in an OU

Hello Experts,
First of all I would like to say I LOVE THIS SITE!  You experts have been so helpful.  The posts on this site have made my life SO mush easier.  So Thanks!

Now that I have you all buttered up, moveing on to my Question.
I need the ability to Modify Home Drive & Folder for all Users in an OU.  I have downloaded and modified the code at to create new Users.  I would like something simalar that will modify User attributes such as Home drive & home folder by reading from a spreadsheet.   Any suggestions?
Avatar of Jared Luker
Jared Luker
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So you will need to change line 21, 37, and 39 at a minimum.
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Thanks, I will give this a try and get back to you.
I have been unable to make this script do what I need for it to accomplish.  I am Including the script I am useing to create my users along with a sample spreadsheet.  Currently if this script finds that a user in the spreadsheet already exists it skips to the next user in the spreadsheet.  Can someone please help me modify this script so that instead of skipping existing users it will modify there attributes (homeDrive, homeDirectory, etc...)  according to the spreadsheet.
Option Explicit
Dim objExcel, strExcelPath, objSheet
Dim strLast, strFirst, strMiddle, strPW, intRow, intCol
Dim strGroupDN, objUser, objGroup, objContainer
Dim strCN, strNTName, strContainerDN
Dim strHomeFolder, strHomeDrive, objFSO, objShell
Dim intRunError, strNetBIOSDomain, strDNSDomain
Dim objRootDSE, objTrans, strLogonScript, strUPN
Dim strPreviousDN, blnBound
Dim strSchool, strType, strGrade
Dim strUserType, strDept, strDescription
' Constants for the NameTranslate object.
Const ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779 = 1
' Specify spreadsheet.
strExcelPath = "c:\Test\NewUsers.xls"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' Determine DNS domain name from RootDSE object.
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootDSE.Get("DefaultNamingContext")
' Use the NameTranslate object to find the NetBIOS domain name
' from the DNS domain name.
Set objTrans = CreateObject("NameTranslate")
objTrans.Init ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC, ""
objTrans.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779, strDNSDomain
strNetBIOSDomain = objTrans.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4)
' Remove trailing backslash.
strNetBIOSdomain = Left(strNetBIOSDomain, Len(strNetBIOSDomain) - 1)
' Open spreadsheet.
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
On Error Resume Next
objExcel.Workbooks.Open strExcelPath
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
    On Error GoTo 0
    Wscript.Echo "Unable to open spreadsheet " & strExcelPath
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
' Start with row 2 of spreadsheet.
' Assume first row has column headings.
intRow = 2
' Read each row of spreadsheet until a blank value
' encountered in column 12 (the column for NTName).
' For each row, create user and set attribute values.
strPreviousDN = ""
Do While objSheet.Cells(intRow, 12).Value <> ""
    ' Read values from spreadsheet for this user.
    strSchool = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 1).Value)
    strGrade = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 2).Value)
    strType = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 3).Value)
    strUserType = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 4).Value)
    strDept = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 5).Value)
    strDescription = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 6).Value)
    strFirst = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 7).Value)
    strMiddle = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 8).Value)
    strLast = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 9).Value)
    strPW = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 10).Value)
    strCN = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 11).Value)
    strNTName = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 12).Value)
    strUPN = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 13).Value)
    strHomeFolder = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 14).Value)
    strHomeDrive = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 15).Value)
    strLogonScript = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, 16).Value)
If strUserType = "Staff" And strDept = "Maintenacne" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strDept & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us"
	If strUserType = "Staff" And strDept = "AdminStaff" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strDept & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us"
	If strUserType = "Staff" And strDept = "Child Nutrition" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strDept & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us"
	If strUserType = "Staff" And strDept = "Execptional Children" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strDept & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us"
	If strUserType = "Staff" And strDept = "Bus Garage" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strDept & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us"
	If strUserType = "Staff" And strDept = "Teacher Coaches" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strDept & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us"
	If strUserType = "Staff" And strDept = "Nurses" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strDept & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us"
	If strUserType = "Staff" Then
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strSchool & "-" & strUserType & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "ou=" & strType & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us" 
	strContainerDN = "ou=" & strSchool & "-" & strGrade & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "-" & strUserType & "," & "ou=" & strSchool & "," & "ou=" & strType & "," & "dc=stokes,dc=k12,dc=nc,dc=us" 
	End If
	End If
	End If
	End If
	End If
	End If
	End If
End If
'WScript.Echo strContainerDN
'WScript.Echo strUserType
    ' If this container is different from the previous, bind to
    ' the container the user object will be created in.
    If (strContainerDN <> strPreviousDN) Then
        On Error Resume Next
        Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://" & strContainerDN)
        If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
            On Error GoTo 0
            Wscript.Echo "Unable to bind to container: " & strContainerDN
            Wscript.Echo "Unable to create user with NT name: " & strNTName
            ' Flag that container not bound.
            strPreviousDN = ""
            On Error GoTo 0
            strPreviousDN = strContainerDN
        End If
    End If
    ' Proceed if parent container bound.
    If (strPreviousDN <> "") Then
        ' Create user object.
        On Error Resume Next
        Set objUser = objContainer.Create("user", "cn=" & strCN)
        If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
            On Error GoTo 0
            Wscript.Echo "Unable to create user with cn: " & strCN
            On Error GoTo 0
            ' Assign mandatory attributes and save user object.
            If (strNTName = "") Then
                strNTName = strCN
            End If
            objUser.sAMAccountName = strNTName
            On Error Resume Next
            If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                On Error GoTo 0
                Wscript.Echo "Unable to create user with NT name: " & strNTName
                ' Set password for user.
                objUser.SetPassword strPW
                If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                    On Error GoTo 0
                    Wscript.Echo "Unable to set password for user " & strNTName
                End If
                On Error GoTo 0
                ' Enable the user account.
                objUser.AccountDisabled = False
                If (strFirst <> "") Then
                    objUser.givenName = strFirst
                End If
                ' Assign values to remaining attributes.
                If (strMiddle <> "") Then
                    objUser.initials = strMiddle
                End If
                If (strLast <> "") Then
           = strLast
                End If
                If (strUPN <> "") Then
                    objUser.userPrincipalName = strUPN
                End If
                If (strHomeDrive <> "") Then
                    objUser.homeDrive = strHomeDrive
                End If
                If (strHomeFolder <> "") Then
                    objUser.homeDirectory = strHomeFolder
                End If
                If (strLogonScript <> "") Then
                    objUser.scriptPath = strLogonScript
                End If
                 If (strDescription <> "") Then
                    objUser.Description = strDescription
                End If
                ' Set password expired. Must be changed on next logon.
                objUser.pwdLastSet = 0
                ' Save changes.
                On Error Resume Next
                If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                    On Error GoTo 0
                    Wscript.Echo "Unable to set attributes for user with NT name: " _
                        & strNTName
                End If
                On Error GoTo 0
                ' Create home folder.
                If (strHomeFolder <> "") Then
                    If (objFSO.FolderExists(strHomeFolder) = False) Then
                        On Error Resume Next
                        objFSO.CreateFolder strHomeFolder
                        If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                            On Error GoTo 0
                            Wscript.Echo "Unable to create home folder: " & strHomeFolder
                        End If
                        On Error GoTo 0
                    End If 
                   If (objFSO.FolderExists(strHomeFolder & "\" & strCN) = True) Then
  		' Assign user permission to home folder.
  				Dim command
 				If strUserType = "Staff" Then
	 				command = "%COMSPEC% /c Echo Y| cacls "	_
	  					& Chr(34) & strHomeFolder & Chr(34) & " /T /C /P " _
	  					& Chr(34) & strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & "Domain Admins" & Chr(34) & ":F " _
	  					& strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & strSchool & "-NetAdmin:C " _
	  					& strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & strNTName & ":C " 
	  				intRunError = objShell.Run(command, 2, True)
 				End If
 				If strUserType = "Students" Then
	  				command = "%COMSPEC% /c Echo Y| cacls "	_
	  					& Chr(34) & strHomeFolder & Chr(34) & " /T /C /P " _
	  					& Chr(34) & strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & "Domain Admins" & Chr(34) & ":F " _
	  					& strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & strSchool & "-NetAdmin:C " _
	  					& strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & strSchool & "-Teachers:C " _
	  					& strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & strNTName & ":C " 
	  				intRunError = objShell.Run(command, 2, True)
 				End If
 				'WScript.Echo command	
  If (intRunError <> 0) Then
    Wscript.Echo "Error assigning permissions for user " _
      & strNTName & " to home folder " & strHomeFolder
  End If
End If
                End If
                ' Group DN's start in column 17.
                intCol = 17
                Do While objSheet.Cells(intRow, intCol).Value <> ""
                    strGroupDN = Trim(objSheet.Cells(intRow, intCol).Value)
                    ' Attempt to bind to group object DN.
                    blnBound = False
                    'On Error Resume Next
                    'Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & strGroupDN)
                    'If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                        'On Error GoTo 0
                        ' Try  again converting NT Name to DN.
                    On Error Resume Next
                    objTrans.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4, strNetBIOSDomain _
                     & "\" & strGroupDN
                        If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                            On Error GoTo 0
                            Wscript.Echo "Unable to bind to group " & strGroupDN
                            On Error GoTo 0
                            strGroupDN = objTrans.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779)
                            Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & strGroupDN)
                            blnBound = True
                        End If
                        On Error GoTo 0
                        blnBound = True
                    'End If
                    If (blnBound = True) Then
                        objGroup.Add objUser.AdsPath
                        If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                            On Error GoTo 0
                            Wscript.Echo "Unable to add user " & strNTName _
                                & " to group " & strGroupDN
                        End If
                    End If
                    On Error GoTo 0
                    ' Increment to next group DN.
                    intCol = intCol + 1
            End If
        End If
    End If
    ' Increment to next user.
    intRow = intRow + 1
Wscript.Echo "Done"
' Clean up.
Set objUser = Nothing
Set objGroup = Nothing
Set objContainer = Nothing
Set objSheet = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
Set objTrans = Nothing
Set objRootDSE = Nothing

Open in new window
