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patrickabFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

asked on

Using VBA add hyperlinks to an index

In a previous question - link:

The solution by GrahamSkan produced a sorted index of paragraph headings. It's in the attached file.

What I would now like is for each entry in the sorted index to be a hyperlink so that I can just click on it and be taken directly to the item. However I need these hyperlinks to be added using VBA - so automating the production of the sorted, hyperlinked index of paragraph headings.

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I think you forgot to actually attach the file. See attached code for an example on how to add hyperlinks using VBA. If you need help to implement it, let me know.
Sub CreateHyperLink()
  Dim DocStart As Range
  Dim DocEnd As Range
  Set DocStart = ActiveDocument.Range
  DocStart.Collapse wdCollapseStart
  Set DocEnd = ActiveDocument.Range
  DocEnd.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
  DocStart.Text = "Start of Doc"
  DocEnd.Text = "End Of Doc"
  ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add DocStart, ActiveDocument, DocEnd
End Sub

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Avatar of patrickab


>I think you forgot to actually attach the file.
Thanks for the reminder - file now attached.

Thanks for the macro. I've just run it but it didn't do what I needed. Perhaps a tweak of some sort will get it to do what I need. If you run the 'Create Index' macro first you will see the index on page 1. It's the index that I need converting into hyperlinks.
My previous code was just an example on how to add hyperlinks from code in general, just to get you on the way. Not to replace or be merged with graham's code. This time I've got graham's code and added my code to it to get the whole proces working. Just delete all the code and replace it with the attached code.

There are a few notes you should know about:
1) The additional code could run have poor performance. Not to worry, it should only noticed in VERY large documents. Unfortunatly it's the price you pay for this feature.
2) The Index which is created by Graham, partially used the built-in Word Index, which could be manually extended by marking additional Index Entries. It would update on the fly. The update on the fly would remove all the hyperlinks I add to it. Therefore, after completion, the index is no longer automated by Word. The only way to update it, is by running the code again.

If you have any questions, let me know.
Option Explicit
Sub CreateIndex() 'written by Graham Skan - May 2009, Modified for hyperlinks by Xcone - May 2009
Dim rng As Range
Dim Para As Paragraph
Dim fld As Field
Dim idx As Index
Dim bNoIndex As String
Const strFont = "Tahoma"
Const sngSize = 12
Const bBold = True
'Set index entry for each paragaph with matching font and some text.
For Each Para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
    Set rng = Para.Range
    If rng.End - rng.Start > 1 Then
        If rng.Font.Size = sngSize Then
            If rng.Font.Name = strFont Then
                If rng.Font.Bold = bBold Then
                    rng.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
                    bNoIndex = True
                    For Each fld In rng.Fields
                        If fld.Type = wdFieldIndexEntry Then
                            bNoIndex = True
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Next fld
                    If bNoIndex Then
                        ActiveDocument.Indexes.MarkEntry rng, rng.Text, rng.Text
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
Next Para
'find existing index table
'Old code written by Graham Skan (commented) - May 2009, Modified for hyperlinks by Xcone - May 2009
bNoIndex = True
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists("XE__Index") Then
  Set rng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("XE__Index").Range.Duplicate
  rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
  bNoIndex = False
End If
'For Each fld In ActiveDocument.Fields
    'If fld.Type = wdFieldIndex Then
    '    Set rng = fld.Code
    '    rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
    '    fld.Delete
    '    bNoIndex = False
    '    Exit For
    'End If
'Next fld
'Insert page break if necessary
If bNoIndex Then
    Set rng = ActiveDocument.Range(0, 0)
    rng.InsertBreak wdPageBreak
    Set rng = ActiveDocument.Range(0, 0)
End If
'create index table
Set idx = ActiveDocument.Indexes.Add(Range:=rng, HeadingSeparator:= _
        wdHeadingSeparatorNone, Type:=wdIndexIndent, RightAlignPageNumbers:= _
        True, NumberOfColumns:=1, IndexLanguage:=wdEnglishUK)
idx.TabLeader = wdTabLeaderDashes
'Add hyperlinks (new code by Xcone, May 2009)
Dim character As Range
Dim pagenum As Integer
Dim pagerange As Range
Dim indexnamerange As Range
Dim idxRange As Range
Dim indexEntryRange As Range
Dim uniqueBookmarkInt As Integer
Dim bmk As Bookmark
For Each bmk In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
  If Left(bmk.Name, 4) = "XE__" Then
  End If
uniqueBookmarkInt = 0
Set idxRange = idx.Range
idxRange.Bookmarks.Add "XE__Index", idxRange
For Each Para In idxRange.Paragraphs
  If InStr(1, Para.Range.Text, vbTab, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    Set rng = Para.Range
    rng.MoveStartUntil vbTab, rng.End - rng.Start
    Set indexnamerange = Para.Range
    indexnamerange.MoveEndUntil vbTab, indexnamerange.Start - indexnamerange.End
    indexnamerange.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
    ' Separate hyperlink for each page number
    While rng.Text <> ""
      Set character = rng.Duplicate
      character.Collapse wdCollapseStart
      character.MoveEnd wdCharacter, 1
      If IsNumeric(character.Text) Then
        pagenum = CInt(character.Text)
        Set pagerange = FindPageRange(pagenum)
        For Each fld In pagerange.Fields
          If fld.Type = wdFieldIndexEntry Then
            If StrComp(Trim(fld.Code.Text), "XE """ & indexnamerange.Text & """", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
              Set indexEntryRange = fld.Code.Paragraphs(1).Range
              indexEntryRange.Bookmarks.Add "XE__" & uniqueBookmarkInt, indexEntryRange
              ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add character, "", "XE__" & uniqueBookmarkInt
              uniqueBookmarkInt = uniqueBookmarkInt + 1
              Exit For
            End If
          End If
      End If
      rng.MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
  End If
End Sub
Function FindPageRange(ByVal APageNum As Integer) As Range ' By Xcone - May 2009
  ' find page range
  Dim r As Range
  Dim rec As Rectangle
  Dim hasRange As Boolean
  hasRange = False
  For Each rec In ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.Pages(APageNum).Rectangles
    If rec.Range.StoryType = wdMainTextStory Then
      If hasRange Then
        If r.Start > rec.Range.Start Then
          r.Start = rec.Range.Start
        End If
        If r.End > rec.Range.End Then
          r.End = rec.Range.End
        End If
        Set r = rec.Range
        hasRange = True
      End If
    End If
  Set FindPageRange = r
End Function

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Avatar of GrahamSkan
I could see that it would be quite complex. Because one index can often refer to several pages, there is no in-built hyperlinking in Index tables.

A TOC can have hyperlinks, so it might be worth having another look your original idea of a sorted TOC.
My code takes that into account. And index adds all pages where the index occurs. There's a separate hyperlink for each page. The only thing which is not possible is multiple marks of the same index on 1 page. But since you're allready on the correct page, I can't image it's a problem.
It's late here so I'll have a look tomorrow.
Apologies for not testing your macros earlier - been doing all sorts.
I copied and pasted all the code you gave above into a new VBA Module, edited the old macros so as to prevent conflicting names and ran the new one(s). It produces the sorted list of paragraph headings but 'errors' on the word 'Recatangle' in the function 'FindPageRange. Unfortunately the Help file tells me zip about that word so I'm dependant on you to sort it out.
'Recatangle' = 'Rectangle'
Sorry Xcone. I didn't mean to denigrate your contribution. I was trying to point out to PatrickAB, who had already suggested (in another question) a solution using a TOC, the advantage of that approach.

Word is designed around the concept that whatever the author enters as text, it will still make sure at re-pagination/printing time that line folding and page breaks occur at appropriate places.

For this reason, some data - including page numbers, that depend on the pagination result is, naturally, only valid until the next re-.pagination
I appreciated the comment as MS Word is 'black box' to me...
Well, I don't have much experience using the pages and rectangles. In fact, it's the first time I've used them but was suprised how well they work ... over here. Because of my limited knowledge on these objects I'm not sure why the error occurs. Probably a difference in Word versions ( I use Word 2007).

Can you post the error message that occurs?

On a side note: I've looked into the other post, and noticed you guys (Patrick and Graham) figured it out how to alphabeticly sort a TOC. That would seem like a very good solution indeed, as it provides built-in hyperlink support.

Graham, I'm well aware (though not fully knowing) on the Word pagination routines, and the fact page numbers could be invalid after a single small change in text. I did not however, considered this a problem, since a manual update would be executed after a change in the document. I do appreciate your effort and help in making the solution better and do not take offence by your response. I was just explaining my motivations back to you :-)
>Probably a difference in Word versions ( I use Word 2007).
I should have stated that I'm using MS Word 2002 so I have no doubt that's the problem. There's no error message when the macro fails, it just halts and 'yellow lines' on the word 'Rectangle'. I have all the updates installed but I guess that some features are not included. Any further thoughts - perhaps I should revert to the sort of a TOC?

I'm really sorry, I had the code for a sorted TOC allmost done, when a crash occured and lost my entire progress. I do not have any time at this moment to redo it. I don't expect to for the rest of the day. Perhaps Graham can take it over. Otherwise you'll have to wait till tomorrow.
I'm really not in a hurry - take your time.
Hi, I've been able to remake it in the meantime. See the attached code. Run it by executing "CreateSortedTOC".

There could be a problem though. The trick you used to sort a TOC... insert it in a 1 celled table, and then sort it... That trick doesn't work for me. I get an error stating a table containing a field cannot be sorted. This error appears when trying it manually as well as running from code. Now, I HOPE it's (again) a Word version difference, as in, not allowed in 2007, but still allowed in older versions. So it's worth a shot :-)

I've marked a line in comments. "f.unlink", near the end of the CreateSortedTOC sub. By enabling it, the TOC will be converted to text, and can then be sorted. But it's no real use, as the unlink command also removes the desired hyperlinks.......

Just give it a go, and if it's still not working, I'll try again using yet another approach.
Option Explicit
Public Const HeadingStyleName = "PowerToolsHeading"
Public Const HeadingStyleFontName = "Tahoma"
Public Const HeadingStyleFontSize = 12
Public Const HeadingStyleFontBold = True
Public Const SortedTOCBookmark = "SortedTOC"
Sub CreateSortedTOC()
  Dim r As Range
  Dim t As Table
  Dim f As Field
  Dim p As Paragraph
  Dim s As Style
  ' Create style if it doesn't exists allready
  Set s = GetStyle(HeadingStyleName)
  If s Is Nothing Then
    ' Create a 'spare' enter clean of formatting. Otherwise the new style will
    ' copy any inproper font settings currently applied to the selection.
    Set r = ActiveDocument.Range
    r.Collapse wdCollapseStart
    r.InsertBefore vbNewLine
    r.Style = wdStyleNormal
    Set s = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(HeadingStyleName, WdStyleType.wdStyleTypeParagraph)
    s.Font.Name = HeadingStyleFontName
    s.Font.Size = HeadingStyleFontSize
    s.Font.Bold = HeadingStyleFontBold
  End If
  ' Apply styles to headings
  For Each p In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
    Set r = p.Range
    If r.End - r.Start > 1 Then
      If r.Font.Size = HeadingStyleFontSize Then
        If r.Font.Name = HeadingStyleFontName Then
          If r.Font.Bold = HeadingStyleFontBold Then
            p.Style = HeadingStyleName
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
  ' Remove current sorted TOC if it exists
  If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(SortedTOCBookmark) Then
  End If
  ' Create table for sorted TOC
  Set r = ActiveDocument.Range
  r.Collapse wdCollapseStart
  Set t = r.Tables.Add(r, 1, 1)
  Set r = t.Range
  r.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
  r.InsertBreak WdBreakType.wdPageBreak
  Set r = t.Range
  r.MoveEnd wdCharacter, 2
  r.Bookmarks.Add SortedTOCBookmark, r
  ' Add TOC to table and sort it
  Set r = t.Cell(1, 1).Range
  r.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
  Set f = r.Fields.Add(r, WdFieldType.wdFieldTOC, "\h \z \t """ & HeadingStyleName & ";1""")
  ' This line will unlink the field thus converting it to normal text, but you'll lose the hyperlinks as well
  ' f.Unlink
  t.Cell(1, 1).Select
  Selection.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
  Selection.Sort False, "Paragraphs", wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, wdSortOrderAscending
End Sub
Function GetStyle(ByVal AStyleName As String) As Style
  On Error GoTo Except
  Set GetStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(AStyleName)
End Function

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Oh, forget to tell you (though you probably would've guessed it). This code doesn't use the other code, so you can discard the other code, or backup it, or put this code in yet another module. Should work either way.
My goodness you are putting in a lot of effort on this question - much appreciated. However please don't hesitate to stop and let me know when you've had enough of this subject. After all there comes a time when it's no longer worth the candle.
I'm afraid it prodiced "Error! No table of contents entries found." So I ran your older macro to create the Sorted TOC and then tried your latest macro - but it didn't do anything useful.
That's a different error than I expected. Are the headings still formatted as 'Tahoma, 12pt, bold'? This is still required for this code to work.
>Are the headings still formatted as 'Tahoma, 12pt, bold'?
Yep, all headings 'Tahoma, 12pt, bold'
Hmm, weird. The code should create a style, apply it to all the headings formatted as  'Tahoma, 12pt, bold' and finally create a TOC using all occurances of this style.

Could you run the code on a document and upload the result. Just to verify some things and hopefully find out which part causes the error?

PS. I put in this "effort" because I want to. I strongly feel like I'm able to solve this, and I like the challenge. If I didn't like these things, I wouldn't have signed in.
>I put in this "effort" because I want to. I strongly feel like I'm able to solve this, and I like the challenge. If I didn't like these things, I wouldn't have signed in.
Thank you for that response. I was only leaving the door open in case you were fed-up with the challenge.
I've run your latest macro 'CreateSortedTOC' - file now attached.

Ah, the IndexEntries are still present, and they do not share the same formatting. Therefore the search for headings that should have the style applied failed. Meaning no headings with styles, and so no entries for the TOC.

The index entries are no longer required and can be removed. So either you run the macro "CreateSortedTOC" on the original document, which does not have these index entries, or you run the attached code ("RemoveIndexEntries") once, which will remove the Index entries for you. After they're removed, run the macro "CreateSortedTOC" again.
Sub RemoveIndexEntries()
  Dim f As Field
  For Each f In ActiveDocument.Fields
    If f.Type = wdFieldIndexEntry Then
    End If
End Sub

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>...or you run the attached code ("RemoveIndexEntries") once, which will remove the Index entries for you. After they're removed, run the macro "CreateSortedTOC" again.
I've done that and I get exactly the same error message as in the last file I uploaded for you. I have also removed all the paragraph headings' formatting manually and re-instated one by one manually - and then run "CreateSortedTOC" again, but it still produces the same error message.
I am testing the macros on the last document I uploaded so if you could run your macros on that file and then upload the finished file that would be ideal.
I've attached the doc file with the styles applied which allows for the generation of the TOC with hyperlinks.

As stated before, I cannot sort the TOC because of this error: "Word cannot sort fields in the selection." It appears in a popup (see attached image). Since you were able to do this manually ( and I cannot ) there's a slight chance it'll work in the Word version you're using. Just run the macro "CreateSortedTOC" yet again.
I get the error message as in the attached .jpg.
Are you able to sort the table manually like you did before? If so, could you record it as a macro. I'll be able to merge your recorded macro with the current code and then it should be done.

To record a macro, goto Tools > Macro > Record macro.
Then sort the table manually
Then stop recording, either by Tools > Macro > Stop recording, or by pressing the square on the Commandbar that appeared when starting to record.
Then open VBA editor and expand the project "Normal". A module called "NewMacros" should've been created (if it wasn't allready there). Paste the macro you've just created here.
I've changed 2 more things in the code. It should now produce the desired result without depeding on Word versions.

The 1st change should be a safer way to apply styles, preventing the problem we had before.
The 2nd change removes the issue of not being able to sort the TOC. It basicly removes the TOC, but leaves the hyperlinks in tact. If this step still fails, I would still like to receive the recorded macro as requested in my previous post.
I have copied your macros into my file and attempted to run them, but they give the same error as last reported. What am I doing wrong? File attached...

I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I think it's just Word 2007 responding differently to some commands then older versions of Word. So I think the mayor problem is that we're running different versions. Alas, I do not have Word 2002 at hand, otherwise I would've made this code in the Word 2002.

Anyway, I've yet again done some coding, which you can find in the attached file. This time I've added additional types of sorting and added some messages to track on where it goes wrong or how it succeeds. You'll probably get multiple messages, I only need to know the last one.
The result that is in the file you have uploaded is exactly what I was hoping for. However when I run the macro "CreateSortedTOC", it reports "There appear to be no entries in the TOC. Please verify the result." and then places in a single-celled table "Error! No table of contents entries found."
Do you execute the macro in the same document I've sent you, or do you run it in your own version of the document?

If you haven't tried in it my version, could you please try that now?

In your own version, after you've run the macro, could you verify that the headings have the style "PowerToolsHeading" applied.

If the style is applied and the TOC still shows no entries, could you try to manually create a TOC. The TOC should have the style "PowerToolsHeading" applied to the 1st level. Then refresh it. Does it have any entries now?

If you're having problems with these steps (I don't know your experience with Word..), let me know and I'll explain the steps you have to take in more detail.

>Do you execute the macro in the same document I've sent you, or do you run it in your own version of the document?
I ran it in your file

>If you haven't tried in it my version, could you please try that now?
I did that and that's what I reported on.

>In your own version, after you've run the macro, could you verify that the headings have the style "PowerToolsHeading" applied.
I have now tried your latest macro in my file and obtained exactly the same error messages. The paragraph heading are Tahoma 12pt, whereas the the document heading is TNR 24pt. However none of the paragraph headings have a 'style' as you told me to delete the styles. Let me know if they should be reinstated.

>If the style is applied and the TOC still shows no entries, could you try to manually create a TOC. The TOC should have the style "PowerToolsHeading" applied to the 1st level. Then refresh it. Does it have any entries now?
If I apply a style to all the headings and then manually insert a TOC ( with or without hyperlinks) it does it OK. However now if I copy and paste the TOC into a single-celled table I can no longer sort it - odd as I could before.

>If you're having problems with these steps (I don't know your experience with Word..), let me know and I'll explain the steps you have to take in more detail.
I think I'm OK with the steps even though I usually use Word as just a word processor. About the furthest I ever go with it is to create mailing labels in an Excel / MS Word mailmerge. In fact I'm pretty good at doing that!
I think there's a mixup in terms here. Let me clarify myself.

I previously asked you to remove the index entry marks. These marks are fields. You can toggle these on or off by pressing Alt+F9. Any fields that look like; { XE "Sometext" } is an index entry mark.

A style is a formatting definition, which can be applied to text and/or entire paragraphs. Styles are not 'physicly' present like index entry marks are. To find out which style is applied to a paragraph, put your cursor on the paragraph, then goto menu 'Formatting' > item 'Styles and Formatting'. The styles pane should open to the right of the screen (default). All the available styles are listed in this pane. The one applied to the current paragraph has a border around it; here an example image.

The code I keep altering and sending you, should create a style called "PowerToolsHeading" to the document, and apply it to all paragraphs with the formatting 'Tahoma, 12pt, bold'. This step is really important as a TOC can only reference paragraphs with a style applied (usually the built-in Heading 1, 2 and 3, but in this case it's "PowerToolsHeading".

An Index as used in the previous attempt, can only reference Index entry marks. Because we're no longer using an index, these marks are useless. In fact, they're tricky to the solution, as it appeared they have different formatting then the heading they're put on, meaning it's harder to detect the formatting from code. Thus being tricky to detect if the style "PowerToolsHeading" should be applied. This problem should no longer persist however. The code should take it into account now.

With the information above, are you're answers still valid?

If so, could you try to run the code (where the TOC fails), then manually apply the style to the headings (using the styles pane) and then manually refresh the TOC, by putting your cursor on it, and pressing F9.

I have the feeling we're really close now, probably one or two 'bumps' to solve :-)
I did indicate I know little about MS Word - I'm learning slowly! Let me have a look at your instructions and the document again - I'll be back...
Thanks for the explanations.
Attached is your file after I have:
1. Deleted the sorted TOC
2. Checked that there are no Indices - using ALT+F9.
3. Ensured that all paragraph heading have the "PowerToolsHeading" style applied to them
4. Run the CreateSortedTOC macro
>With the information above, are you're answers still valid?
I believe so.

Oops - file now attached.
Well, the benifit of the table is really gone then. I've altered the code to no longer use a table to create the TOC in. And who knows, maybe the table is the cause the TOC will not update properly.
The result in that file is exactly what is wanted. What I'm not clear about is which macro produced it. I've tried various macros but so far without success.
The result in that file is the result when the macro "CreateSortedTOC" is executed. It gives that result for me anyway. Why it's still not working for you is still a mystery for me. With a bit of luck, I can spend a few minutes at my job on this matter. I have Word 2002 available to me there.

Was it still the same result? "Error! No table of contents entries found." ?
>Was it still the same result? "Error! No table of contents entries found." ?
Yes, precisely that.
Would you like me to award the points and so close this question?
You seduce me to the dark side. =P

I can't seem to put my finger on the problem. I've been able to test my own script on Word 2002 in the meantime, and encountered no problems. Good chance there's a setting switched wrong or some other minor thing which blocks the TOC from properly updating. But this could be a search in a haystack.

I have one other idea though. Let us try this one. If this fails we'll call it "unsolvable" and I'll leave it to you of I deserve the points :)

This approach basicly removes the TOC as Word knows it, but now I create one fully manually. Since it's the TOC that appears to fail atm. maybe a manually generated TOC will get what you need. I've attached the file. There's one or two messages about sorting when executing the code. Ignore those for the moment. Also, the pagenumbers aren't aligned to the right side of the page. Finally, if the TOC get's too large (larger then 1 page) the pagenumbers in the TOC might be a page off. Please ignore these fails for the moment. I want to know if this runs correct before putting too much effort in it.
>and I'll leave it to you of I deserve the points :)
...not yet even read the whole of your contribution. Have no fear you deserve the full points and an A grade whatever the outcome...

OK, I've run the macro and it gave 2 MsgBoxes - 'Trying to sort automatically'  and 'Autosort succeeded'. The result was a completely scambled document - see attached file. I think we should give up at this point... What d'you reckon?

I think I misunderstood your instructions. I have now created a TOC manually and then run the macro - see attached file. I think it's sorting according to page numbers rather than the items - but I'm not sure.

This is quite .. unexpected .. and besides that, really odd too! I'm getting more confident some setting is screwing things up. I know 2 settings in particular that often cause problems.

Look for menu 'Tools' > Item 'Options' > Tab 'Editing'.

Please make sure 'Typing replaces selected text' is enabled, and 'smart cut and paste' is disabled. Then try again. If it still fails, please post a screenshot of this screen so I may review other settings that could have influence.

PS. I was unclear about the 'manually' part. I meant I do not use the builtin TOC feature of Word, but created my own from code. The only action you had to take was to execute the correct macro in the correct document.
>PS. I was unclear about the 'manually' part. I meant I do not use the builtin TOC feature of Word, but created my own from code. The only action you had to take was to execute the correct macro in the correct document.
It was a bit ambiguous but it dodn't matter as I tried it both ways.
>Please make sure 'Typing replaces selected text' is enabled, and 'smart cut and paste' is disabled. Then try again.
Done that but it doesn't make it work.
>If it still fails, please post a screenshot of this screen so I may review other settings that could have influence.
See screenshot below
BTW - I have once again tried creating a TOC manually, pasting (unformatted text)  it into a single celled table and then sorting it - all successfully.

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You have been brilliant. Your patience and perseverance have been terrific. I wish I could award you more than 500 points for sheer persistance. Thank you very much for trying so hard.
I won't be asking for any further help on this subject as it has been totally exhausted and so is answer in its own right.
Many thanks again,
Despite not finding a solution the effort was terrific. In its own right it is a valuable answer in that it shows that at the moment a sorted TOC cannot be done as I wanted.