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tdisalvoFlag for United States of America

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Windows logins script vbs

I have a login script that was written by a former employee of my company.  I am not really a programmer, however I do have a BS in CS so I did have to take a bunch of programing classes in college and I remember the fundamental concepts.  

Currently our script will run ok if we have a user in a group.  example User John is in Group Sales and the Sales group has been defined to get the S drive.  The issue I have is that we cannot test groups.  So User John who is in Group Admin, and Group Admin is in Group Sales, and Sales had been defined to get the S drive.  Then John will not get the S drive.  It will only work when John is in Group Directly.  

I have attached the log in script, I am hoping that it is not very difficult.  I am thinking that there needs to be a call that checks if the membership of the group is a group or a user.  If it is a group then it would call itself to run again.  I believe it is a recursive call.  Again I took the class I just never did it in real life.

Thanks for any help
' hOption Explicit 
' Pgm		: LogInScript.vbs
' Author	: L. E. Drake (A. M. Castle)
' Date		: 05/18/2005
' Purpose	: Perform Login Drive Mapping
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -----------------------------  Constants  -------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' ---------------------------  Global Variables  --------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
Dim gintScriptReturnCode
Dim gdicDriveMappings
Dim gstrDomain
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
Set gdicDriveMappings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
With gdicDriveMappings
	.Add "Developers", "g:,\\fpk-develop-dc;j:,\\intranet_test\TESTGAINS"
	.Add "Gains", "k:,\\fpk_gains\gainsV6"
	.Add "Synquest Users", "q:,\\fpk_synquest\Attach;R:,\\fpk_synquest\Calibrat"
	.Add "Winfiler", "e:,\\fpk_apps\apps"
	.Add "H_Drive_Corporate", "H:,\\fpk-corp-dc\UserData"
	.Add "FPK_ITHdrive", "H:,\\fpk-it-dc\UserData$"
	.Add "Kronos Admin", "q:,\\fpk_Kronos\kronos;T:,\\fpk-hr-dc\apps"
	.Add "GainsTest", "J:,\\intranet_test\testgains;g:,\\fpk_gains\gains;r:,\\intranet_test\gains6"
	.Add "BOA Image OnSite", "J:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Image Onsite"
	.Add "Domain Users", "L:,\\fpk-corp-dc\AMC-Share;I:,\\fpk-corp-dc\CHISYS"
	.Add "IT Department", "V:,\\fpk-it-dc\TeamData;O:,\\fpk-it-dc\Support;S:,\\fpk-it-dc\Shared-Projects"
	.Add "IT MGMT", "M:,\\fpk-it-dc\Management"
	.Add "HR Department", "P:,\\FPK-HR-DC\Data"
	.Add "Accounting Group", "N:,\\fpk-finance-dc\data\acctg"
	.Add "Finance CAR Management Security Group", "M:,\\fpk-finance-dc\data\acctg\acct"
	.Add "Acct_Tax Security Group", "T:,\\fpk-finance-dc\"
	.Add "FAS Data Security Group", "S:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Bestserv"
	.Add "DunBrad", "W:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Credit;R:,\\fpk-finance-dc\RatingsPlus"
	.Add "Finance Payroll Data", "G:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Payroll Data"
	.Add "TRC_Everyone", "G:,\\TRC-DC\SHARED;H:,\\TRC-DC\Userdata$"
	.Add "GAR_EVERYONE", "G:,\\SVCA1008\SHARED;H:,\\SVCA1008\"
	.Add "LA_Everyone", "G:,\\LA-DC\SHARED;H:,\\LA-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "LA_LA-STSdrive", "S:,\\LA-ST\SigmaNest"
	.Add "Torrance-Accounting", "K:,\\SVCA2008\finfiles;N:,\\svca2008\finance"
'	.Add "TRC_Kdrive", "K:,\\SVCA2008\finfiles"
	.Add "Legal", "J:,\\fpk-legal-vm\Legal$"
	.Add "LegalHDrive", "H:,\\fpk-legal-vm\UserData$"
	.Add "NEG_Everyone", "G:,\\NEG-DC\SHARED;H:,\\NEG-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "ORA_Everyone", "S:,\\ORA-DC\SHARED;H:,\\ORA-DC\UserData$"	
	.Add "WIT_Everyone", "G:,\\WIT-DC\SHARED;H:,\\WIT-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "WIT_SIGMA", "K:,\\WIT-DC\Groups"
	.Add "WIT_KC_SIGMA", "Q:,\\KC-DC\Wichita"
	.Add "WIT_TS_Everyone", "S:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_TS_SHARED;H:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_TS_UserData$"	
	.Add "WIT_WestEveryone", "S:,\\WIT-W-DC\Shared;H:,\\WIT-W-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "WIT_EastEveryone", "S:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_EAST_SHARED;H:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_EAST_UserData$"
	.Add "WIT_Gdrive", "G:,\\WIT-DC\SHARED"
	.Add "DAL_Everyone", "G:,\\DAL1-DC\SHARED;H:,\\DAL1-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "ARL_Everyone", "S:,\\ARL-DC\SHARED;H:,\\ARL-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "MIL_Everyone", "G:,\\MIL-VM\SHARED;H:,\\MIL-VM\UserData$"
	.Add "CHR_Everyone", "G:,\\CHR-DC\CHR_SHARED;H:,\\CHR-DC\CHR_UserData$"
	.Add "PHL_Everyone", "G:,\\NEG-DC\PHL_SHARED;H:,\\NEG-DC\PHL_UserData$"
	.Add "MSP_Everyone", "G:,\\MSP-DC\MSP_SHARED;H:,\\MSP-DC\MSP_UserData$"
	.Add "SCK_Everyone", "G:,\\SCK-DC\SCK_SHARED;H:,\\SCK-DC\SCK_UserData$"
	.Add "TRI_Everyone", "G:,\\TRI-DC\TRI_SHARED;H:,\\TRI-DC\TRI_UserData$"
	.Add "TRI_SIGMA_W", "T:,\\TRI-DC\Groups"
	.Add "EDM_Everyone", "G:,\\EDM-DC\SHARED;H:,\\EDM-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "KC_Everyone", "G:,\\KC-DC\SHARED;H:,\\KC-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "KC_Sigma", "T:,\\KC-DC\Sigma"
	.Add "KC_KC-STSdrive", "S:,\\KC-ST\SigmaNest"
	.Add "MON_Everyone", "G:,\\MON-DC\SHARED;H:,\\MON-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "HOU_Everyone", "G:,\\HOU-DC\SHARED;H:,\\HOU-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "Letchworth_Everyone", "S:,\\svuk0008\SHARED;H:,\\svuk0008\UserData$"
	.Add "TS Clients - UK", "P:,\\UKSERVER03\pentsrvr"
	.Add "WIN_Everyone", "G:,\\WIN-DC\SHARED;H:,\\WIN-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "TOR_Everyone", "G:,\\TOR-DC\SHARED;H:,\\TOR-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "TS Clients UK", "P:,\\ukserver03\pentsrvr"
	.Add "TS Clients FR", "P:,\\ukserver03\pentsrvr"
	.Add "France Users", "S:,\\fra-dc\Informatiquer"
	.Add "SHNG_Everyone", "G:,\\SHNG-DC\SHARED;H:,\\SHNG-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "KSW_Everyone", "S:,\\KSW-DC\SHARED;H:,\\KSW-DC\UserData$"
	.Add "OLV_Everyone", "H:,\\Ospserver\UserData$"
	.Add "BSR Project", "P:,\\FPK-BSR-VM\Data"
End With
gstrDomain = "AMCASTLE.COM"
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
Sub Include(pstrFileName)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Author	: L. E. Drake (A. M. Castle)
' Date		: 00/00/0000
' Purpose	: Generic (common) Function to include other "code files"
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Modification
' Mod By			Date		Ticket		Comment
' ---------------	----------	--------	--------------------------------
' Programmer		MM/DD/YYYY	12345678	Comment
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
	Dim FSO
	Dim objFile
	Dim strTemp
	Set FSO = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set objFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(pstrFileName)
	strTemp = objFile.ReadAll()
	ExecuteGlobal strTemp
	Set FSO = Nothing
	Set objFile = Nothing
End Sub
gintScriptReturnCode = 0
gintScriptReturnCode = Main(gstrDomain)
Function Main(pstrDomain)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Author	: L. E. Drake (A. M. Castle)
' Date		: 05/18/2005
' Purpose	: Main Process Control
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Modification
' Mod By			Date		Ticket		Comment
' ---------------	----------	--------	--------------------------------
' Programmer		MM/DD/YYYY	12345678	Comment
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
	Dim FSO											' File System Object
	Dim objNetwork									' Network Object
	Dim objNetworkMember							' Network "User" Member
	Dim objGroup
	Dim arrArray1									' Working Array #1
	Dim arrArray2									' Working Array #2
	Dim intI1										' Working Index #1
	Dim intLB1										' Lower Bound Index #1
	Dim intReturnCode								' OS Level ReturnCode
	Dim intUB1										' Upper Bound Index #1
	Dim strDomain									' AMC Domain Name
	Dim strDrive									' Drive letter and ":"
	Dim strGroupName								' AMC Group Name
	Dim strShare									' Network Share
	Dim strUserName									' AMC User ID
	Set FSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
	'''MsgBox "Hello World!", 65, "MsgBox Example"
	'''WScript.Sleep 20000
	intReturnCode = 0								' Populate default value
	strDomain = pstrDomain
	strUserName = objNetwork.UserName
	Set objNetworkMember = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strUserName)
	For Each objGroup In objNetworkMember.Groups 
		strGroupName = Trim(objGroup.Name)
		' WScript.Echo "DBG: [" & strGroupName & "]"
		If gdicDriveMappings.Exists(strGroupName) Then
			' WScript.Echo "Found " & strGroupName & " [" & gdicDriveMappings.Item(strGroupName) & "]"
			arrArray1 = split(gdicDriveMappings.Item(strGroupName), ";")
			intLB1 = LBound(arrArray1)
			intUB1 = UBound(arrArray1)
			For intI1 = intLB1 To intUB1
				arrArray2 = split(arrArray1(intI1), ",")
				strDrive = arrArray2(0)
				strShare = arrArray2(1)
				If len(strDrive) = 2 Then
					' Note: We could use regular expressions to do this test
					'		but for simplicity sake, we will test in a traditional 
					'		manner.
					If (Left(strDrive,1) >= "A" And Left(strDrive,1) <= "Z") _
						Or (Left(strDrive,1) >= "a" And Left(strDrive,1) <= "z") Then
						' We are expecting "x:" x being a letter either 
						' uppercase or lowercase
						strDrive = Left(strDrive,1) & ":"		' Force correctness
						' Test the last character of the Network Share Name
						If ValidFileNameCharacter(Right(strShare, 1)) Then
							On Error Resume Next			' Set Error Trap
							If strDrive = "H:" Then
								'''objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive  strDrive, strShare & "\" & strUserName
								MapThisDrive objNetwork, strDrive, strShare & "\" & strUserName
								'''objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive  strDrive, strShare
								MapThisDrive objNetwork, strDrive, strShare
							End If
							If err.number <> 0 Then
								' WScript.Echo Err.Description & vbNewLine & _
								'	"Drive " &  strDrive & " is in error!"
								intReturnCode = 30
							End If
							On Error GoTo 0					' Clear Error Trap
							' The Network Share name as passed is not valid
							' Most likely it is a "\"
							intReturnCode = 20
						End If
						' Invalid Drive letter specified
						intReturnCode = 15
					End If
					' Invalid Drive letter specification
					intReturnCode = 10
				End If
				' May want to delete or "comment out" the following 
				' WScript.Echo "strDrive = [" & strDrive & "] " & "strShare = [" & strShare & "]"
		End If
	' Clean Up
	Set FSO = Nothing
	Set objGroup = Nothing
	Set objNetwork = Nothing
	Set objNetworkMember = Nothing
	' --- Terminate ---
	Main = CInt(intReturnCode)
End Function
Function ValidFileNameCharacter(pstrText)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Author	: L. E. Drake (A. M. Castle)
' Date		: 05/19/2005
' Purpose	: Test to see if a string has invalid charactes in it
' Comment	: The listed characters are not valid for file names
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Modification
' Mod By			Date		Ticket		Comment
' ---------------	----------	--------	--------------------------------
' Programmer		MM/DD/YYYY	12345678	Comment
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
	Dim blnReturnCode
	Dim intI
	Dim strInvalidCharacters
	blnReturnCode = True
	strInvalidCharacters = chr(34) & "*?\|/:<>"
	For intI = 1 To Len(pstrText)
		If Instr(strInvalidCharacters, Mid(pstrText,intI,1)) <> 0 Then
			blnReturnCode = False
			Exit For
		End If
	ValidFileNameCharacter = blnReturnCode
End Function
Function MapThisDrive(pobjNetwork, pstrDriveLetter, pstrShare)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Author	: L. E. Drake (A. M. Castle)
' Date		: 12/19/2007 
' Purpose	: Map Network Drive
' Comment	: Created ifr emergency DEBUG in Clev
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' Modification
' Mod By			Date		Ticket		Comment
' ---------------	----------	--------	--------------------------------
' Programmer		MM/DD/YYYY	12345678	Comment
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
	Const NO_CONNECTION = -2147022646
	Dim FSO				: Set FSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Dim blnReturnCode	: blnReturnCode = False
	Dim intX			: intX = CInt(0)
	On Error Resume Next
	For intX = 0 To 4 Step 1
		.RemoveNetworkDrive pstrDriveLetter
		If Err.Number = NO_CONNECTION Then
		End If
		pobjNetwork.MapNetworkDrive pstrDriveLetter, pstrShare
		'''If Err.Number <> 0 Then
		'''	WScript.Echo "DBG: Error #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description &_
		'''	pstrDriveLetter & " " & pstrShare & vbNewLine
		'''End If
		If FSO.FolderExists(pstrDriveLetter & "\") Then
			blnReturnCode = True
			Exit For
			WScript.Sleep 3000
		End If
	On Error GoTo 0
	Set FSO = Nothing
	MapThisDrive = blnReturnCode
End Function

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Avatar of Chris Dent
Chris Dent
Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland image

Which service pack do you run on your Windows Servers?

I have a function that will return nested group membership for users without the need for a recursive query. But it needs you to be running SP2 (I forget if the update is included in SP1).

It returns the groups as a dictionary object, meaning you can do:

Set objUsersGroups = GetAllGroups

If objUsersGroups.Exists("Some Group") Then
  ' Map a drive
End If

Do you know how to fit it into your own script here?

Function GetAllGroups
  Dim objADSysInfo : Set objADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
  Dim strUserDN : strUserDN = objADSysInfo.UserName
  Set objADSysInfo = Nothing
  Dim strFilter : strFilter = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=" & strUserDN & ")"
  Dim objConnection : Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
  objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
  Dim objRootDSE : Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
  Dim objRecordSet : Set objRecordSet = objConnection.Execute( _
    "<LDAP://" & objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") & ">;" & _
    strFilter & ";distinguishedName,name;subtree")
  Set objRootDSE = Nothing
  Dim objGroups : Set objGroups = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  objGroups.CompareMode = VbTextCompare
  While Not objRecordSet.EOF
    Dim strGroup : strGroup = objRecordSet.Fields("name").Value
    If Not objGroups.Exists(strGroup) Then
      objGroups.Add UCase(strGroup), ""
    End If
  Set GetAllGroups = objGroups
  Set objGroups = Nothing
End Function

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Avatar of tdisalvo


We are running SP2.  Unfortunalty I am not very good with scripts.  Could I get an assist and explation of where this would fit into my current script?


Tony DiSalvo  

I'll show you, bear with me.


Like this. I rewrote the script a bit... please yell if anything isn't clear. Debugging is on at the moment, so don't be puzzled if it's popping up boxes, just so it can be fully tested.

Option Explicit 
' Pgm     : LogInScript.vbs
' Author  : L. E. Drake (A. M. Castle)
' Date    : 05/18/2005
' Purpose : Perform Login Drive Mapping
' Change Log:
' Mod By                Date        Ticket          Comment
' ---------------       ----------  --------        --------------------------------
' Chris Dent (EE)       06/03/2009  N/A             Added Support for Nested Group membership
'                                                   Added Comments and restructured / reformatted script
' Manually Defined Values for this Script
' With this option turned on information for debugging this script will be echoed.
' Set to False to disable these notifications.
' A list of all Groups for Drive / Shares
Dim objDriveMappings : Set objDriveMappings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With objDriveMappings
  .CompareMode = vbTextCompare
  .Add "Developers", "g:,\\fpk-develop-dc;j:,\\intranet_test\TESTGAINS"
  .Add "Gains", "k:,\\fpk_gains\gainsV6"
  .Add "Synquest Users", "q:,\\fpk_synquest\Attach;R:,\\fpk_synquest\Calibrat"
  .Add "Winfiler", "e:,\\fpk_apps\apps"
  .Add "H_Drive_Corporate", "H:,\\fpk-corp-dc\UserData"
  .Add "FPK_ITHdrive", "H:,\\fpk-it-dc\UserData$"
  .Add "Kronos Admin", "q:,\\fpk_Kronos\kronos;T:,\\fpk-hr-dc\apps"
  .Add "GainsTest", "J:,\\intranet_test\testgains;g:,\\fpk_gains\gains;r:,\\intranet_test\gains6"
  .Add "BOA Image OnSite", "J:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Image Onsite"
  .Add "Domain Users", "L:,\\fpk-corp-dc\AMC-Share;I:,\\fpk-corp-dc\CHISYS"
  .Add "IT Department", "V:,\\fpk-it-dc\TeamData;O:,\\fpk-it-dc\Support;S:,\\fpk-it-dc\Shared-Projects"
  .Add "IT MGMT", "M:,\\fpk-it-dc\Management"
  .Add "HR Department", "P:,\\FPK-HR-DC\Data"
  .Add "Accounting Group", "N:,\\fpk-finance-dc\data\acctg"
  .Add "Finance CAR Management Security Group", "M:,\\fpk-finance-dc\data\acctg\acct"
  .Add "Acct_Tax Security Group", "T:,\\fpk-finance-dc\"
  .Add "FAS Data Security Group", "S:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Bestserv"
  .Add "DunBrad", "W:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Credit;R:,\\fpk-finance-dc\RatingsPlus"
  .Add "Finance Payroll Data", "G:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Payroll Data"
  .Add "TRC_Everyone", "G:,\\TRC-DC\SHARED;H:,\\TRC-DC\Userdata$"
  .Add "GAR_EVERYONE", "G:,\\SVCA1008\SHARED;H:,\\SVCA1008\"
  .Add "LA_Everyone", "G:,\\LA-DC\SHARED;H:,\\LA-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "LA_LA-STSdrive", "S:,\\LA-ST\SigmaNest"
  .Add "Torrance-Accounting", "K:,\\SVCA2008\finfiles;N:,\\svca2008\finance"
  .Add "Legal", "J:,\\fpk-legal-vm\Legal$"
  .Add "LegalHDrive", "H:,\\fpk-legal-vm\UserData$"
  .Add "NEG_Everyone", "G:,\\NEG-DC\SHARED;H:,\\NEG-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "ORA_Everyone", "S:,\\ORA-DC\SHARED;H:,\\ORA-DC\UserData$"  
  .Add "WIT_Everyone", "G:,\\WIT-DC\SHARED;H:,\\WIT-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "WIT_SIGMA", "K:,\\WIT-DC\Groups"
  .Add "WIT_KC_SIGMA", "Q:,\\KC-DC\Wichita"
  .Add "WIT_TS_Everyone", "S:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_TS_SHARED;H:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_TS_UserData$"  
  .Add "WIT_WestEveryone", "S:,\\WIT-W-DC\Shared;H:,\\WIT-W-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "WIT_EastEveryone", "S:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_EAST_SHARED;H:,\\WIT-DC\WIT_EAST_UserData$"
  .Add "WIT_Gdrive", "G:,\\WIT-DC\SHARED"
  .Add "DAL_Everyone", "G:,\\DAL1-DC\SHARED;H:,\\DAL1-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "ARL_Everyone", "S:,\\ARL-DC\SHARED;H:,\\ARL-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "MIL_Everyone", "G:,\\MIL-VM\SHARED;H:,\\MIL-VM\UserData$"
  .Add "CHR_Everyone", "G:,\\CHR-DC\CHR_SHARED;H:,\\CHR-DC\CHR_UserData$"
  .Add "PHL_Everyone", "G:,\\NEG-DC\PHL_SHARED;H:,\\NEG-DC\PHL_UserData$"
  .Add "MSP_Everyone", "G:,\\MSP-DC\MSP_SHARED;H:,\\MSP-DC\MSP_UserData$"
  .Add "SCK_Everyone", "G:,\\SCK-DC\SCK_SHARED;H:,\\SCK-DC\SCK_UserData$"
  .Add "TRI_Everyone", "G:,\\TRI-DC\TRI_SHARED;H:,\\TRI-DC\TRI_UserData$"
  .Add "TRI_SIGMA_W", "T:,\\TRI-DC\Groups"
  .Add "EDM_Everyone", "G:,\\EDM-DC\SHARED;H:,\\EDM-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "KC_Everyone", "G:,\\KC-DC\SHARED;H:,\\KC-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "KC_Sigma", "T:,\\KC-DC\Sigma"
  .Add "KC_KC-STSdrive", "S:,\\KC-ST\SigmaNest"
  .Add "MON_Everyone", "G:,\\MON-DC\SHARED;H:,\\MON-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "HOU_Everyone", "G:,\\HOU-DC\SHARED;H:,\\HOU-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "Letchworth_Everyone", "S:,\\svuk0008\SHARED;H:,\\svuk0008\UserData$"
  .Add "TS Clients - UK", "P:,\\UKSERVER03\pentsrvr"
  .Add "WIN_Everyone", "G:,\\WIN-DC\SHARED;H:,\\WIN-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "TOR_Everyone", "G:,\\TOR-DC\SHARED;H:,\\TOR-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "TS Clients UK", "P:,\\ukserver03\pentsrvr"
  .Add "TS Clients FR", "P:,\\ukserver03\pentsrvr"
  .Add "France Users", "S:,\\fra-dc\Informatiquer"
  .Add "SHNG_Everyone", "G:,\\SHNG-DC\SHARED;H:,\\SHNG-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "KSW_Everyone", "S:,\\KSW-DC\SHARED;H:,\\KSW-DC\UserData$"
  .Add "OLV_Everyone", "H:,\\Ospserver\UserData$"
  .Add "BSR Project", "P:,\\FPK-BSR-VM\Data"
End With
' Functions and Subroutines (in order) 
Function GetAllGroups
  ' This function returns all groups the current user belongs to.
  ' The LDAP Filter uses LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN to follow nested groups.
  ' Return Type: Scripting.Dictionary
  ' Get the current user
  Dim objADSysInfo : Set objADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
  Dim strUserDN : strUserDN = objADSysInfo.UserName
  Set objADSysInfo = Nothing
  ' Create an LDAP Filter 
  Dim strFilter : strFilter = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=" & strUserDN & ")"
  Dim objConnection : Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
  objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
  Dim objCommand : Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
  Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
  objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
  ' Get the current AD Domain information from RootDSE
  Dim objRootDSE : Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
  objCommand.CommandText = "<LDAP://" & objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") & ">;" & _
    strFilter & ";distinguishedName,name;subtree"
  Set objRootDSE = Nothing
  Dim objRecordSet : Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
  ' Create a dictionary object to store the results
  Dim objGroups : Set objGroups = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  objGroups.CompareMode = VbTextCompare
  While Not objRecordSet.EOF
    Dim strGroup : strGroup = objRecordSet.Fields("name").Value
    If Not objGroups.Exists(strGroup) Then
      objGroups.Add UCase(strGroup), ""
    End If
  Set GetAllGroups = objGroups
  Set objGroups = Nothing
End Function
Sub MapThisDrive(strDrive, strShare)
  ' Author  : L. E. Drake (A. M. Castle)
  ' Date    : 12/19/2007 
  ' Purpose  : Map Network Drive
  ' Comment  : Simplified (06/03/2009)
  Dim objNetwork : Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") 
  Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  On Error Resume Next
  If objFSO.DriveExists(strDrive) Then
    objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strDrive
  End If
  objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDrive, strShare
  ' Debugging option
  If ENABLE_DEBUG = True Then
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      WScript.Echo "ERROR: [MapThisDrive] " & strDrive & " " & strShare & ": " & Err.Description
    End If
  End If
  On Error Goto 0
End Sub
' Main Code Section
' Retrieve the users groups
Dim objGroups : Set objGroups = GetAllGroups
Dim strGroup, strGroups
  For Each strGroup in objGroups
    strGroups = strGroups & strGroup & vbCrLf
  WScript.Echo "Current user is a member of the following groups: " & vbCrLf & strGroups
End If
' Loop through each group the user belongs to
For Each strGroup in objGroups
  If objDriveMappings.Exists(strGroup) Then
    ' Get the drive letter and share from the list
    Dim strDrive : strDrive = UCase(Split(objDriveMappings(strGroup), ",")(0))
    Dim strShare : strShare = Split(objDriveMappings(strGroup), ",")(1)
    ' If this is the host drive add the current username to the path
    If strDrive = "H:" Then
      Dim objNetwork : Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
      MapThisDrive strDrive, strShare & "\" & objNetwork.Username
      Set objNetwork = Nothing
      MapThisDrive strDrive, strShare
    End If
  End If

Open in new window

Thanks so much for your help.  I am seeing one problem.  When you have multiple drive letters assigned per group you get an error trying to map the drive.  The error is

ERROR:[MapThisDrive] W:\\fpk-finace-dc\Credit;R:: The network path was not found.

This would be the error when you are in the DunBrad Group.  the line of code this referse to is

  .Add "DunBrad", "W:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Credit;R:,\\fpk-finance-dc\RatingsPlus"

I am assuming that this is a context change that I may need to adjust.

Your help is really appreciated.

Tony DiSalvo
I have found out that if you change the line to

.Add "DunBrad", "W:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Credit, ;R:,\\fpk-finance-dc\RatingsPlus"

it will run but it will only map the W dirve.

I tried

.Add "DunBrad", "W:,\\fpk-finance-dc\Credit", "R:,\\fpk-finance-dc\RatingsPlus"

but when I try and run this I get an error "wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment 'add'

I didn't notice you had multiple assignments for the same group. I'll take another look.

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Chris Dent
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Thanks for your help on this

I noticed something odd.  All of the groups seem to work except for the Domain Users Group.  in line 40 Domain users is supposed to get the L and the I drive and for some reason these drives will not map.  I also went in and changed this line to use the group "test" once I did this I did get the drive mappings ok.  

Is there something that will not allow it to use Windows Built in Group?

Please advise when you get a chance,


Tony D

Hey Tony,

It's because the Domain Users group is the accounts Primary Group. It's harder to return than regular groups as it doesn't get listed in the memberOf attribute. Essential that you use that one?

No as long as we can Nest the Membership is there any other Primary Groups I should be aware of going forward with the script?

Each account can only have a single Primary Group, that's Domain Users by default. If you haven't changed it that'll be the Primary Group for all of your user accounts. I tend to ignore it, using custom groups for anything which actually needs them.

I suspect it won't find Domain Users in any nested chain either. It can be modified to check for it, but Primary Groups are rarely worth the bother :)
