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help with php calculator


I have attached the code for a mortgage calculator that I have been using and works fine for what I want it to do.

I now need to adapt this so that it calculates based on months not years and weekly payments not monthly.

So at present this asks for a term in years and spits out the payments schedule per month and I want it to ask for term in months and spit out payments weekly. If it is possible to let user select payments based on weekly, fortnightly or monthly would be really good.

        PHP Mortgage Calculator
        version: 1.1
        last update: Jan 1, 2003
        The PHP Mortgage Calculator tries to figure out a home 
        owners mortgage payments, and the breakdown of each monthly
        The calculator accepts:
            Percentage of Down Payment
            Length of Mortgage
            Annual Interest Rate
        Based on the four items that the user enters, we can figure
        out the down payment, the ammount that the 
        buyer needs to finance, and the monthly finance payment. 
        The calculator can also break down the monthly payments 
        so we know how much goes towards the mortgage's interest, 
        the mortgage's principal.
        [ See below for LICENSE ]
    /* --------------------------------------------------- *
     * Set Form DEFAULT values
     * --------------------------------------------------- */
    $default_sale_price              = "10000";
    $default_annual_interest_percent = 12.0;
    $default_year_term               = 24;
    $default_down_percent            = 10;
    $default_show_progress           = TRUE;
    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    /* --------------------------------------------------- *
     * Initialize Variables
     * --------------------------------------------------- */
    $sale_price                      = 0;
    $annual_interest_percent         = 0;
    $year_term                       = 0;
    $down_percent                    = 0;
    $this_year_interest_paid         = 0;
    $this_year_principal_paid        = 0;
    $form_complete                   = false;
    $show_progress                   = false;
    $monthly_payment                 = false;
    $show_progress                   = false;
    $error                           = false;
    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    /* --------------------------------------------------- *
     * Set the USER INPUT values
     * --------------------------------------------------- */
    if (isset($_REQUEST['form_complete'])) {
        $sale_price                      = $_REQUEST['sale_price'];
        $annual_interest_percent         = $_REQUEST['annual_interest_percent'];
        $year_term                       = $_REQUEST['year_term'];
        $down_percent                    = $_REQUEST['down_percent'];
        $show_progress                   = (isset($_REQUEST['show_progress'])) ? $_REQUEST['show_progress'] : false;
        $form_complete                   = $_REQUEST['form_complete'];
    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    // If HTML headers have not already been sent, we'll print some here    
    if (!headers_sent()) {
        print("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'><HTML>");
        print("<head><title>Whiting Financial Services - Finance Calculator</title></HEAD><BODY>");
        print("<body bgcolor='#ffffff'>");
        print("<H1 style='margin-bottom: 35px; color=#527380;'>Whiting Financial Services Finance Calculator</h1>");
        $print_footer = TRUE;
    } else {
       $print_footer = FALSE;
    // Style Sheet
    <style type="text/css">
            td {
                font-size : 11px; 
                font-family : tahoma, helvetica, arial, lucidia, sans-serif; 
                color : #000000; 
    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    // This function does the actual mortgage calculations
    // by plotting a PVIFA (Present Value Interest Factor of Annuity)
    // table...
    function get_interest_factor($year_term, $monthly_interest_rate) {
        global $base_rate;
        $factor      = 0;
        $base_rate   = 1 + $monthly_interest_rate;
        $denominator = $base_rate;
        for ($i=0; $i < ($year_term * 12); $i++) {
            $factor += (1 / $denominator);
            $denominator *= $base_rate;
        return $factor;
    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    // If the form is complete, we'll start the math
    if ($form_complete) {
        // We'll set all the numeric values to JUST
        // numbers - this will delete any dollars signs,
        // commas, spaces, and letters, without invalidating
        // the value of the number
        $sale_price              = ereg_replace( "[^0-9.]", "", $sale_price);
        $annual_interest_percent = eregi_replace("[^0-9.]", "", $annual_interest_percent);
        $year_term               = eregi_replace("[^0-9.]", "", $year_term);
        $down_percent            = eregi_replace("[^0-9.]", "", $down_percent);
        if (((float) $year_term <= 0) || ((float) $sale_price <= 0) || ((float) $annual_interest_percent <= 0)) {
            $error = "You must enter a <b>Sale Price of Home</b>, <b>Length of Motgage</b> <i>and</i> <b>Annual Interest Rate</b>";
        if (!$error) {
            $month_term              = $year_term * 12;
            $down_payment            = $sale_price * ($down_percent / 100);
            $annual_interest_rate    = $annual_interest_percent / 100;
            $monthly_interest_rate   = $annual_interest_rate / 12;
            $financing_price         = $sale_price - $down_payment;
            $monthly_factor          = get_interest_factor($year_term, $monthly_interest_rate);
            $monthly_payment         = $financing_price / $monthly_factor;
    } else {
        if (!$sale_price)              { $sale_price              = $default_sale_price;              }
        if (!$annual_interest_percent) { $annual_interest_percent = $default_annual_interest_percent; }
        if (!$year_term)               { $year_term               = $default_year_term;               }
        if (!$down_percent)            { $down_percent            = $default_down_percent;            }
        if (!$show_progress)           { $show_progress           = $default_show_progress;           }
    if ($error) {
        print("<font color=\"red\">" . $error . "</font><br><br>\n");
        $form_complete   = false;
<form method="GET" name="information" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="form_complete" value="1">
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="96%">
    <tr valign="top">
        <td align="right"><img src="/images/clear.gif" width="225" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td>
        <td align="smalltext" width="100%"><img src="/images/clear.gif" width="250" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td>
    <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
        <td align="center" colspan="2"><font color="#ffffff"><b>Purchase &amp; Financing Information</b></font></td>
    <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
        <td align="right">Sale Price of Home:</td>
        <td width="100%"><input type="text" size="10" name="sale_price" value="<?php echo $sale_price; ?>">(In Dollars)</td>
    <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
        <td align="right">Deposit Paid:</td>
        <td><input type="text" size="5" name="down_percent" value="<?php echo $down_percent; ?>">%</td>
    <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
        <td align="right">Length of Mortgage:</td>
        <td><input type="text" size="3" name="year_term" value="<?php echo $year_term; ?>">years</td>
    <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
        <td align="right">Annual Interest Rate:</td>
        <td><input type="text" size="5" name="annual_interest_percent" value="<?php echo $annual_interest_percent; ?>">%</td>
    <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
        <td align="right">Explain Calculations:</td>
        <td><input type="checkbox" name="show_progress" value="1" <?php if ($show_progress) { print("checked"); } ?>> Show me the calculations and amortization</td>
    <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
        <td><input type="submit" value="Calculate"><br><?php if ($form_complete) { print("<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">Start Over</a><br>"); } ?><br></td>
    // If the form has already been calculated, the $down_payment
    // and $monthly_payment variables will be figured out, so we
    // can show them in this table
    if ($form_complete && $monthly_payment) {
        <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="96%">
        <tr valign="top">
            <td align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#ffffff"><b>Mortgage Payment Information</b></font></td>
        <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
            <td align="right">Deposit:</td>
            <td><b><?php echo "\$" . number_format($down_payment, "2", ".", ","); ?></b></td>
        <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
            <td align="right">Amount Financed:</td>
            <td><b><?php echo "\$" . number_format($financing_price, "2", ".", ","); ?></b></td>
        <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc">
            <td align="right">Monthly Payment:</td>
            <td><b><?php echo "\$" . number_format($monthly_payment, "2", ".", ","); ?></b><br><font>(Principal &amp; Interest ONLY)</font></td>
    // This prints the calculation progress and 
    // the instructions of HOW everything is figured
    // out
    if ($form_complete && $show_progress) {
        $step = 1;
        <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="96%">
            <tr valign="top">
                <td><b><?php echo $step++; ?></b></td>
                    The <b>down payment</b> = The price of the home multiplied by the percentage down divided by 100 (for 5% down becomes 5/100 or 0.05)<br><br>
                    $<?php echo number_format($down_payment,"2",".",","); ?> = $<?php echo number_format($sale_price,"2",".",","); ?> X (<?php echo $down_percent; ?> / 100)
            <tr valign="top">
                <td><b><?php echo $step++; ?></b></td>
                    The <b>interest rate</b> = The annual interest percentage divided by 100<br><br>
                    <?php echo $annual_interest_rate; ?> = <?php echo $annual_interest_percent; ?>% / 100
            <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc">
                <td colspan="2">
                    The <b>monthly factor</b> = The result of the following formula:
            <tr valign="top">
                <td><b><?php echo $step++; ?></b></td>
                    The <b>monthly interest rate</b> = The annual interest rate divided by 12 (for the 12 months in a year)<br><br>
                    <?php echo $monthly_interest_rate; ?> = <?php echo $annual_interest_rate; ?> / 12
            <tr valign="top">
                <td><b><?php echo $step++; ?></b></td>
                    The <b>month term</b> of the loan in months = The number of years you've taken the loan out for times 12<br><br>
                    <?php echo $month_term; ?> Months = <?php echo $year_term; ?> Years X 12
            <tr valign="top">
                <td><b><?php echo $step++; ?></b></td>
                    The montly payment is figured out using the following formula:<br>
                    Monthly Payment = <?php echo number_format($financing_price, "2", "", ""); ?> * (<?php echo number_format($monthly_interest_rate, "4", "", ""); ?> / (1 - ((1 + <?php echo number_format($monthly_interest_rate, "4", "", ""); ?>)<sup>-(<?php echo $month_term; ?>)</sup>)))
                    The <a href="#amortization">amortization</a> breaks down how much of your monthly payment goes towards the bank's interest, and how much goes into paying off the principal of your loan.
        // Set some base variables
        $principal     = $financing_price;
        $current_month = 1;
        $current_year  = 1;
        // This basically, re-figures out the monthly payment, again.
        $power = -($month_term);
        $denom = pow((1 + $monthly_interest_rate), $power);
        $monthly_payment = $principal * ($monthly_interest_rate / (1 - $denom));
        print("<br><br><a name=\"amortization\"></a>Amortization For Monthly Payment: <b>\$" . number_format($monthly_payment, "2", ".", ",") . "</b> over " . $year_term . " years<br>\n");
        print("<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\" border=\"1\" width=\"96%\">\n");
        // This LEGEND will get reprinted every 12 months
        $legend  = "\t<tr valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">\n";
        $legend .= "\t\t<td align=\"right\"><b>Month</b></td>\n";
        $legend .= "\t\t<td align=\"right\"><b>Interest Paid</b></td>\n";
        $legend .= "\t\t<td align=\"right\"><b>Principal Paid</b></td>\n";
        $legend .= "\t\t<td align=\"right\"><b>Remaing Balance</b></td>\n";
        $legend .= "\t</tr>\n";
        echo $legend;
        // Loop through and get the current month's payments for 
        // the length of the loan 
        while ($current_month <= $month_term) {        
            $interest_paid     = $principal * $monthly_interest_rate;
            $principal_paid    = $monthly_payment - $interest_paid;
            $remaining_balance = $principal - $principal_paid;
            $this_year_interest_paid  = $this_year_interest_paid + $interest_paid;
            $this_year_principal_paid = $this_year_principal_paid + $principal_paid;
            print("\t<tr valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">\n");
            print("\t\t<td align=\"right\">" . $current_month . "</td>\n");
            print("\t\t<td align=\"right\">\$" . number_format($interest_paid, "2", ".", ",") . "</td>\n");
            print("\t\t<td align=\"right\">\$" . number_format($principal_paid, "2", ".", ",") . "</td>\n");
            print("\t\t<td align=\"right\">\$" . number_format($remaining_balance, "2", ".", ",") . "</td>\n");
            ($current_month % 12) ? $show_legend = FALSE : $show_legend = TRUE;
            if ($show_legend) {
                print("\t<tr valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#527380\">\n");
                print("\t\t<td colspan=\"4\"><font color=\"#ffffff\"><b>Totals for year " . $current_year . "</td>\n");
                $total_spent_this_year = $this_year_interest_paid + $this_year_principal_paid;
                print("\t<tr valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#527380\">\n");
                print("\t\t<td colspan=\"3\"><font color=\"#ffffff\">\n");
                print("\t\t\tYou will spend \$" . number_format($total_spent_this_year, "2", ".", ",") . " on your house in year " . $current_year . "<br>\n");
                print("\t\t\t\$" . number_format($this_year_interest_paid, "2", ".", ",") . " will go towards INTEREST<br>\n");
                print("\t\t\t\$" . number_format($this_year_principal_paid, "2", ".", ",") . " will go towards PRINCIPAL<br>\n");
                print("\t<tr valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">\n");
                print("\t\t<td colspan=\"4\">&nbsp;<br><br></td>\n");
                $this_year_interest_paid  = 0;
                $this_year_principal_paid = 0;
                if (($current_month + 6) < $month_term) {
                    echo $legend;
            $principal = $remaining_balance;

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Glad you got it fixed, but just a thought, going forward.  Your post went up in the early evening of a USA holiday and you took it down before the start of work on the following day.  So maybe we were not trying to ignore you - we were just asleep.  Usually if you leave a Q up for 24 hours you will get some responses.

Best regards, ~Ray