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problem using IEnumerable

I obtained some code that is expecting IEnumerable arguments (see the screen shot below that shows the method overload in the intellisense).  I'm still reasonably new to .NET and not familiar with IEnumberable interfaces and how to use them.

How would I pass in these arguments to this method?

I've included the code below from the class files that make up the assembly.

Thanks for any help.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace GoogleAnalytics.Request
    public class GenericEntry
        #region Fields
        List<KeyValuePair<Dimension, string>> _dimensions = null;
        List<KeyValuePair<Metric, string>> _metrics = null;
        #region Properties
        public List<KeyValuePair<Dimension, string>> Dimensions
            get { return _dimensions; }
            set { _dimensions = value; }
        public List<KeyValuePair<Metric, string>> Metrics
            get { return _metrics; }
            set { _metrics = value; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace GoogleAnalytics.Request
    public enum Dimension
        browser = 0,
        browserVersion = 1,
        city = 2,
        connectionSpeed = 3,
        continent = 4,
        countOfVisits = 5,
        country = 6,
        date = 7,
        day = 8,
        daysSinceLastVisit = 9,
        flashVersion = 10,
        hostname = 11,
        hour = 12,
        javaEnabled = 13,
        language = 14,
        latitude = 15,
        longitude = 16,
        month = 17,
        networkDomain = 18,
        networkLocation = 19,
        pageDepth = 20,
        operatingSystem = 21,
        operatingSystemVersion = 22,
        region = 23,
        screenColors = 24,
        screenResolution = 25,
        subContinent = 25,
        userDefinedValue = 26,
        visitorType = 26,
        week = 27,
        year = 28,
        adContent = 29,
        adGroup = 30,
        adSlot = 31,
        adSlotPosition = 32,
        campaign = 33,
        keyword = 34,
        medium = 35,
        referralPath = 36,
        source = 37,
        exitPagePath = 38,
        landingPagePath = 39,
        pagePath = 40,
        pageTitle = 41,
        affiliation = 42,
        daysToTransaction = 43,
        productCategory = 44,
        productName = 45,
        productSku = 46,
        transactionId = 47,
        searchCategory = 48,
        searchDestinationPage = 49,
        searchKeyword = 50,
        searchKeywordRefinement = 51,
        searchStartPage = 52,
        searchUsed = 53
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace GoogleAnalytics.Request
    public enum Metric
        bounces = 0,
        entrances = 1,
        exits = 2,
        newVisits = 3,
        pageviews = 4,
        timeOnPage = 5,
        timeOnSite = 6,
        visitors = 7,
        visits = 8,
        adCost = 9,
        adClicks = 10,
        CPC = 11,
        CPM = 12,
        CTR = 13,
        impressions = 14,
        uniquePageviews = 15,
        itemQuantity = 16,
        itemRevenue = 17,
        transactionRevenue = 18,
        transactions = 19,
        transactionShipping = 20,
        transactionTax = 21,
        uniquePurchases = 22,
        searchDepth = 23,
        searchDuration = 24,
        searchExits = 25,
        searchRefinements = 26,
        searchUniques = 27,
        searchVisits = 28,
        goal1Completions = 29,
        goal2Completions = 30,
        goal3Completions = 31,
        goal4Completions = 32,
        goalCompletionsAll = 33,
        goal1Starts = 34,
        goal2Starts = 35,
        goal3Starts = 36,
        goal4Starts = 37,
        goalStartsAll = 38,
        goal1Value = 39,
        goal2Value = 40,
        goal3Value = 41,
        goal4Value = 42,
        goalValueAll = 43
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using GoogleAnalytics.Request;
using GoogleAnalytics.Reports;
using System.Globalization;
namespace GoogleAnalytics.Request
    public class ReportRequestor
        #region Fields
        private static readonly string requestUrlFormat = "{0}&dimensions={1}&metrics={2}&start-date={3}&end-date={4}";
        private static readonly string authUrlFormat = "accountType=GOOGLE&Email={0}&Passwd={1}&";
        private static CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
        private string _token = null;
        private string _username = null;
        private string _password = null;
        #region Constructor
        public ReportRequestor() 
        public ReportRequestor(string email, string password)
            _username = email;
            _password = password;
        #region Properties
        public string Email
            get { return _username; }
                if (!string.Equals(_username, value))
                    _username = value;
                    _token = null;
        public string Password
            get { return _password; }
                if (!string.Equals(_password, value))
                    _password = value;
                    _token = null;
        #region Methods
        private string GetToken(string username, string password)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Username, Password", "Username and/or password not set");
            string authBody = string.Format(authUrlFormat, username, password);
            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("");
            req.Method = "POST";
            req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            req.UserAgent = " req";
            Stream stream = req.GetRequestStream();
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream);
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
            string token = sr.ReadToEnd();
            string[] tokens = token.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string item in tokens)
                if (item.StartsWith("Auth="))
                    return item.Replace("Auth=", "");
            return string.Empty;
        public IEnumerable<AnalyticsAccountInfo> GetAccounts()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_token))
                _token = GetToken(_username, _password);
            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("");
            req.Headers.Add("Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=" + _token);
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
            Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(responseStream);
            string responseXml = sr.ReadToEnd();
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(responseXml);
            XNamespace dxpSpace = doc.Root.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("dxp");
            XNamespace defaultSpace = doc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
            var entries = from en in doc.Root.Descendants(defaultSpace + "entry")
                          select new AnalyticsAccountInfo
                              AccountID = en.Elements(dxpSpace + "property").Where(xe => xe.Attribute("name").Value == "ga:accountId").First().Attribute("value").Value,
                              AccountName = en.Elements(dxpSpace + "property").Where(xe => xe.Attribute("name").Value == "ga:accountName").First().Attribute("value").Value,
                              ID = en.Element(defaultSpace + "id").Value,
                              Title = en.Element(defaultSpace + "title").Value,
                              ProfileID = en.Elements(dxpSpace + "property").Where(xe => xe.Attribute("name").Value == "ga:profileId").First().Attribute("value").Value,
                              WebPropertyID = en.Elements(dxpSpace + "property").Where(xe => xe.Attribute("name").Value == "ga:webPropertyId").First().Attribute("value").Value
            return entries;
        private XDocument getReport(AnalyticsAccountInfo account, IEnumerable<Dimension> dimensions, IEnumerable<Metric> metrics, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_token))
                _token = GetToken(_username, _password);
            StringBuilder dims = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (Dimension item in dimensions)
                dims.Append("ga:" + item.ToString() + ",");
            StringBuilder mets = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (Metric item in metrics)
                mets.Append("ga:" + item.ToString() + ",");
            string requestUrl = string.Format(requestUrlFormat, "ga:" + account.ProfileID, dims.ToString().Trim(",".ToCharArray()), mets.ToString().Trim(",".ToCharArray()), from.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), to.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUrl);
            req.Headers.Add("Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=" + _token);
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
            Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
            string responseXml = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8, true).ReadToEnd();
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(responseXml);
            return doc;
        public IEnumerable<GenericEntry> RequestReport(AnalyticsAccountInfo account, IEnumerable<Dimension> dimensions, IEnumerable<Metric> metrics, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            XDocument doc = getReport(account, dimensions, metrics, from, to);
            XNamespace dxpSpace = doc.Root.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("dxp");
            XNamespace defaultSpace = doc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
            var gr = from r in doc.Root.Descendants(defaultSpace + "entry")
                    select new GenericEntry
                        Dimensions = new List<KeyValuePair<Dimension, string>>(
                            from rd in r.Elements(dxpSpace + "dimension")
                            select new KeyValuePair<Dimension, string>(
                                (Dimension)Enum.Parse(typeof(Dimension), rd.Attribute("name").Value.Replace("ga:", ""), true),
                        Metrics = new List<KeyValuePair<Metric, string>>(
                            from rm in r.Elements(dxpSpace + "metric")
                            select new KeyValuePair<Metric, string>(
                                (Metric)Enum.Parse(typeof(Metric), rm.Attribute("name").Value.Replace("ga:", ""), true),
            return gr;
        public IEnumerable<CityReport> GetUserCountByLocation(AnalyticsAccountInfo account, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            IEnumerable<GenericEntry> report = RequestReport(account, new Dimension[] {, Dimension.latitude, Dimension.longitude }, new Metric[] { Metric.visits }, from, to);
            var cr = from r in report
                    select new CityReport
                        City = r.Dimensions.First(d => d.Key ==,
                        Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(r.Dimensions.First(d => d.Key == Dimension.latitude).Value, ci),
                        Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(r.Dimensions.First(d => d.Key == Dimension.longitude).Value, ci),
                        Count = Convert.ToInt32(r.Metrics.First(m => m.Key == Metric.visits).Value)
            return cr;

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Avatar of Nate Feinberg
Nate Feinberg
Flag of United States of America image

Many classes implement the IEnumerable interface. In order to pass something as an argument like such, it must implement the IEnumerable itnerface with the specified class. For example, your method call expects a class that implements IEnumerable (in other words, it supports iterating through multiple objects) of the class "Dimension", then the class "Metric". For example, see the following.
Where do you plan on getting the Dimension/Metric information, btw?
Hope it helps,

protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs evArgs)
     ReportRequestor req = new ReportRequestor(/*info*/);
     IEnumerable<AnalyticsAccountInfo> accounts = req.GetAccounts();
     AnalyticsAccountInfo acc = accounts.First(a => a.ProfileID == /*match*/);
     IEnumerable<Dimension> dims = /*Get collection of Dimension classes*/;
     IEnumerable<Metric> met = /*Get collection of Metric classes*/;
     lblPageViews.Text = req.RequestReport(acc, dims, met, /*Start Time*/, /*End Time*/);

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Hi Nate,

Thanks for the help.

The Dimension/Metric information is in a public enum (see code below).

So, would I set the values in the IEnumerable like this:

IEnumerable<Dimension> dims = 41;
IEnumerable<Metric> met = 4;

Would that be correct?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace GoogleAnalytics.Request
    public enum Metric
        bounces = 0,
        entrances = 1,
        exits = 2,
        newVisits = 3,
        pageviews = 4,
        timeOnPage = 5,
        timeOnSite = 6,
        visitors = 7,
        visits = 8,
        adCost = 9,
        adClicks = 10,
        CPC = 11,
        CPM = 12,
        CTR = 13,
        impressions = 14,
        uniquePageviews = 15,
        itemQuantity = 16,
        itemRevenue = 17,
        transactionRevenue = 18,
        transactions = 19,
        transactionShipping = 20,
        transactionTax = 21,
        uniquePurchases = 22,
        searchDepth = 23,
        searchDuration = 24,
        searchExits = 25,
        searchRefinements = 26,
        searchUniques = 27,
        searchVisits = 28,
        goal1Completions = 29,
        goal2Completions = 30,
        goal3Completions = 31,
        goal4Completions = 32,
        goalCompletionsAll = 33,
        goal1Starts = 34,
        goal2Starts = 35,
        goal3Starts = 36,
        goal4Starts = 37,
        goalStartsAll = 38,
        goal1Value = 39,
        goal2Value = 40,
        goal3Value = 41,
        goal4Value = 42,
        goalValueAll = 43
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace GoogleAnalytics.Request
    public enum Dimension
        browser = 0,
        browserVersion = 1,
        city = 2,
        connectionSpeed = 3,
        continent = 4,
        countOfVisits = 5,
        country = 6,
        date = 7,
        day = 8,
        daysSinceLastVisit = 9,
        flashVersion = 10,
        hostname = 11,
        hour = 12,
        javaEnabled = 13,
        language = 14,
        latitude = 15,
        longitude = 16,
        month = 17,
        networkDomain = 18,
        networkLocation = 19,
        pageDepth = 20,
        operatingSystem = 21,
        operatingSystemVersion = 22,
        region = 23,
        screenColors = 24,
        screenResolution = 25,
        subContinent = 25,
        userDefinedValue = 26,
        visitorType = 26,
        week = 27,
        year = 28,
        adContent = 29,
        adGroup = 30,
        adSlot = 31,
        adSlotPosition = 32,
        campaign = 33,
        keyword = 34,
        medium = 35,
        referralPath = 36,
        source = 37,
        exitPagePath = 38,
        landingPagePath = 39,
        pagePath = 40,
        pageTitle = 41,
        affiliation = 42,
        daysToTransaction = 43,
        productCategory = 44,
        productName = 45,
        productSku = 46,
        transactionId = 47,
        searchCategory = 48,
        searchDestinationPage = 49,
        searchKeyword = 50,
        searchKeywordRefinement = 51,
        searchStartPage = 52,
        searchUsed = 53

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you are missing the following line:
using System.Collections;

it implements non-generic IEnumerable class.
Sorry, disregard my last comment, I think it is not related with this case.
What you need is to cast the collection, like:

List<someClass> myList;

// invoke some method
SomeMethod(param1, param2, myList as IEnumerable<someClass>);
Hi jaime,

So, if I'm trying to get a report on pageview counts, it would be like this:

IEnumerable<Dimension> dims = 41;
IEnumerable<Metric> met = 4;

lblPageViews.Text = req.RequestReport(acc, dims, met, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);

but, like this:

List<Dimension> dims = 41;
List<Metric> met = 4;
lblPageViews.Text = req.RequestReport(acc, dims, met, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);

Is that correct?

both proposals are the same!

Maybe you meant:
lblPageViews.Text = req.RequestReport(acc, dims as IEnumerable<Dimension>, met as IEnumerable<Metric>, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);
by the way, this is not valid:
List<Dimension> dims = 41;
List<Metric> met = 4;

List<Dimension> dims = new List<Dimension>();
41 and 4 are integer values, not IEnumerable collections. If you want the collections to contain only one element, try the following, or something similar. It just creates an array of one value, then "casts" using the as operator to IEnumerable for clarity. It's not actually required, in most cases, but safe to put it there anyway. You must also cast the number to the enum type, or choose the correct enumerated value. I recommend the latter.
Hope it helps,

lblPageViews.Text = req.RequestReport(acc,
     (new Dimension[1] { ((Dimension)41) }) as IEnumerable<Dimension>,
     (new Metric[1] { ((Metric)4) }) as IEnumerable<Metric>, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);

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just noticed in your original source code you have enumerations instead of List<> collection. In this case you can do the following:

lblPageViews.Text = req.RequestReport(acc,
    Enum.GetValues(typeof(Dimension)) as IEnumerable<Dimension>,
    Enum.GetValues(typeof(Metric)) as IEnumerable<Metric>,
    DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);

Enum.GetValues will return you a collection based on members of enumeration, then you cast it as IEnumerable. This is, assuming that Dimension and Metric are enumerations.
Hi Jaime and Nate,

Well, I tried both examples and get the following error:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<GoogleAnalytics.Request.GenericEntry>' to 'string'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

If it helps, I am trying to use the code in the following article for the .net google analytics api:

Thanks for all your help.  I sincerely appreciate it.
could you post the line where error occurs?
The error occurs on this line:

lblPageViews.Text = req.RequestReport(acc,
    Enum.GetValues(typeof(Dimension)) as IEnumerable<Dimension>,
    Enum.GetValues(typeof(Metric)) as IEnumerable<Metric>,
    DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);

If it helps, the link I posted to the .net implementation for the google analytics api is what I'm using.

I compiled that code into an assembly and trying to create custom analytic reports.  I have gotten as far as authenticating successfully, but hit the wall with displaying the analytic report data.
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Jaime Olivares
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