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Batch file runs a process which hangs - how to restart automatically?

I have a batch file that starts a VB script every day, it downloads reports and puts them onto a series of 'reportable' files and then sends them out.

Occasionally it gets stuck so I have to wait for an hour and then kill it manually and then restart. This one should be do-able as it runs as a service account, so all running processes by that user account can be killed but I don't know how to do this. I'd want it to
Ideally what it would do is query all processes (12 including cmd windows and java.exe) every few minutes and if no CPU was being used them terminate and start again.
The process also occasionally creates a .LCK file which would need to be removed as well for the process to restart. Any ideas?
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you need to isolate the process which is causing the problem. Firstly, you say you kill all processes while not quite knowing which process is the actual process which does the filekeeping for you....

modify your batch file and put a PAUSE command directly prior to the application firing up then, do your query stuff to see which processes are already running THEN, run your process (as it appears in the batch file) and do another query - this should reveal what the applications process name is.

Re-edit you batch file and all is restiored.

You need to be certain you've narrowed your search down to the actual process that is causing your PC to 'hang'.... Are you sure there are no other commands in the batch file which could cause it this to happen?

If you remove the '@ECHO OFF' from the beginning of your batch file then each line of code is displayed on the screen as it is run. This may reveal where in you r batch file things are going amiss.

Merely killing processes is a drastic last resort.

It would help us to advise you further if we knew what application / process is causing the problem (and version number).

It would also be a great help in advising you if you could attach a copy of your batch file here for us to examine.

What version of windows are you running?
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Here is the initial code that is kicked off - if I run this script manually, it completes without fail every single time. This batch runs on a daily basis and it fails 3 days out of 5 most often.....
This one is start_services.bat
REM **********************************************************************************************
REM * Name       : PCG_SCRIPT.BAT
REM * Description: Batch file to invoke the PC Gateway Services, download, and generate CSV file
CD /d E:\LIFFE\PC Gateway
REM Start the PC Gateway Services
ECHO Start the PC Gateway Services
cmd /c start_services.bat
REM Download yesterdays trade data
ECHO Download yesterdays trade data
cmd /c download.bat /y
REM Generate Half Trade Database
ECHO Generate Half Trade Database
cmd /c gen_htd.bat /x=i /y
REM Create the reports listed in stasco_report_list.txt
cmd /c report.bat /y /v=Stasco_report_list.txt
REM Stop the PC Gateway Services
ECHO Stop the PC Gateway Services
cmd /c stop_services.bat

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This one is download.bat

REM Include any dependent jar files in the classpath
REM In development - use classes outside of PCGW jar in preference to jar
SET POLICY_FILE=rmi.policy
REM Start the download application, passing through all command line args as is.
JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.cmdLines.Download %*

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This one is start_services.bat
REM Include any dependent jar files in the classpath
REM In development - use classes outside of PCGW jar in preference to jar
SET POLICY_FILE=rmi.policy
REM Tidy up any old monitor files, as we will check which ones exist later to see if all services are running
JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.RemoveMonitorFiles
REM Start the PC Gateway Services
REM Start service manager first, since this will contain naming service and core services (event service)...
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.ServiceManager %*
REM Give chance for core services to start, by forcing a wait, before STARTing bespoke services...
JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.EnsureCoreServicesRunning
REM Now for bespoke services...
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.audit.AuditLogger %*
REM ... START JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.audit.AuditLogger /verbose %*
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.fileGeneration.FileGeneratorServer %*
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.housekeeping.FilePurgerServer %*
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.flagFiles.FlagFileServer %*
START JAVAW -Xmx256m -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.Comms.GwComms %*
REM Monitor primary services as they start-up...
JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.EnsureCoreServicesRunning /a

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In the first script above - thats the one that kicks it all off - so just script.bat
I can't see anything immediately wrong with this. I've merged all 3 files into 1 file (below). Not sure if the CMD /C was necessary. Not sure what the java apps do and not sure if there's a need to set environment variables twice. Not sure what gen_htd.bat, report.bat nor stop_services.bat does.

Just wondering if adding /WAIT after some of the START commands is necessary or not,

You say the whole thing is kicked off every few minutes or so.... Hmmm.... I guess you must be sure the batch file process finishes so that services don't overlap. One way of achieving this is to use a sentinel value to prevent the batch file from running until a previous instance of itself ends.

In it's simplest form, you could add the line:

This line enables you to reset the sentinel file so that the batch file can be FORCED to run. This might be required if your batch file exits prematurely without properly reseting the sentinel file itself - this might happen if you CTRL-C out of your batch file for example, or one of your CALLED batch files fails to return to the main batch file for whatever reason.

   IF /I "%1"=="/reset" (
      DEL "%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel" 2>NUL

The following will check for the existence of the sentinel file and if it does not exist then the batch file will create it and then continue to run as normal. If it does exist then the rest of the batch file will be skipped.

   IF EXIST "%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel" (
      EXIT /B 0
   ) ELSE (
      COPY NUL >"%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel"

So, these should be placed immediately after the '@ECHO OFF' statement.

The last instruction in your batch file should be:

   DEL "%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel" 2>NUL

So, when the batch file completes it removes the sentinel file and indicates the batch process is complete. Now when scheduler runs your batch file every few moments, your batch file will first test to see if a previous instance of itself is already running.

The ONLY time you should run the batch file with the '/reset' command line option is when you run it manually (this won't effect the scheduled running of the batch file) however, this should only be done if you are certain the batch process has completed or was prematurely stopped.

See how you get on with that. If the scheduling of the batch processes is not the problem then we can do some logging to try to pinpoint what's going on inside your batch file - just a tip though, if you remove the '@ECHO OFF' from the start of all your batch files (associated with this batch process) then you'll see what commands are executing when the batch file is fired up by watching the DOS box.

   IF /I "%1"=="/reset" (
      DEL "%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel" 2>NUL

   IF EXIST "%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel" (
      EXIT /B 0
   ) ELSE (
      COPY NUL >"%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel"

ECHO Start the PC Gateway Services
CD /d "E:\LIFFE\PC Gateway"

SET POLICY_FILE=rmi.policy

START JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.RemoveMonitorFiles
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.ServiceManager %*
JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.EnsureCoreServicesRunning
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.audit.AuditLogger %*
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.fileGeneration.FileGeneratorServer %*
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.housekeeping.FilePurgerServer %*
START JAVAW -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.flagFiles.FlagFileServer %*
START JAVAW -Xmx256m -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.Comms.GwComms %*
JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.servicing.EnsureCoreServicesRunning /a

ECHO Download yesterdays trade data
JAVA -cp %CLASSPATH% com.liffe.pcgw.cmdLines.Download %*

ECHO Generate Half Trade Database
cmd /c gen_htd.bat /x=i /y
cmd /c report.bat /y /v=Stasco_report_list.txt

ECHO Stop the PC Gateway Services
cmd /c stop_services.bat

   DEL "%TEMP%\BatchProcess.Sentinel" 2>NUL
You said that you execute a VBScript script which hangs from time to time.
I did not see the call of the script in your BATCH code.

Below is the code for a sample batch file that executes a VBScript with a TimeOut handler
It Tries to execute the VBSCRIPT script three times, giving it 10 minutes to execute each time
If it never completes, it will process another Error Handler where you need to specify what you want to do in those cases.
This is to prevent an indefinite loop of the batch where it tries to execute the VBScript again and again and never completes.

The VBScript is called using CSCRIPT.EXE versus WSCRIPT.EXE. The CSCRIPT command has a /T:nn option (TimeOut) where nn stands for the number of seconds the script has time to execute and complete.

Much better than this would be the implementation of error and timeout handling within the VBScript code itself.
If you don't know what causes the script to hang, then you should first try to isolate the problem.
You can create individual VBScript scripts for each of the tasks that the main script performs or you could write to a log file at specific times in your main script to see which steps were finished and how long each step took. I can provide you with some template code for writing a log file, which is easy to use like:

 Call WriteLog "Custom Message"

I will add the VBS code to another comment.
REM --------------------------------------------------------
REM --------------------------------------------------------
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
SET MaxNumExec=3
SET NumExec=0
set /a NumExec+=1
IF NOT "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
  IF "%NumExec%"=="%MaxNumExec%" GOTO :ErrorHandler
REM Script was called the maximum number of times and never completed successfully
REM Do Whatever you need to do in this Case, such as
REM - write something to an Error Log
REM - write a message to the Windows Event Log
REM - Send a NET SEND message to your admin console
REM - Run an Alert Script that sends an email 
REM Etc.

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Below is the code for a generic Write Log File Function in VBScript, which comes in handy for logging and trouble-shooting


If the Log File was not open yet (first call of the function), it will open the log file or create a new one, if the file does not exist yet and write some general information about the current script execution to the log like.

- Script Name
- Script Path
- All Script Call Command Line Arguments
- Work Path
- WScript Version
- Script Host (WSCRIPT or CSCRIPT)
- User Name who Executed the Script
- Computer Name where the Script was executed

Each log file entry has the current date/time automatically included in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

'Global Constants and Variables (Add to Beginning of the Main Script)
Const ForAppending = 8, ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objWSHNetWork: Set objWSHNetWork = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")
Dim objCmdlineArguments: Set objCmdlineArguments = Wscript.arguments
Dim objLogFile, strLogFile
'Specify Path and File Name of the Log File
'The Example below writes a log file in the directory from where the script was called 
'with the file name "SCRIPTLOG.TXT"
strLogFile = objFSO.BuildPath(objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName("."),"SCRIPTLOG.TXT")
'Within anywhere else of your code use
Call WriteLog "Custom Message" 
'Write Log File Functions/Subs
Sub WriteLog(sLocErrLogMsg)
'Input: String (Single Line to write to Log File)
'Output: None
'Requires Global Objects:
'   objFSO, objWSHNetWork, objLogFile, objCmdlineArguments
'Requires Global Constants and Variables:
'   ForWriting, strLogFile
'Calls Additional Global Sub or Function:
'   fnLogDateFormat
  Dim bLocOpenLog: bLocOpenLog = false
  Dim sLocFullErrMsg, sLocArgument
     if not isObject(objLogfile) then
      set objLogfile = nothing
    end if
    if not (objLogfile is nothing) then
        bLocOpenLog = true
    end if
     if  bLocOpenLog = true then
       Set objLogfile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, ForWriting, True,-2)
       WriteLog "----------------------------------------------"
       WriteLog "New Log Started"
			 WriteLog "Script Name: " & Wscript.ScriptName
			 WriteLog "Script Path: " & left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, _
			                 len(Wscript.ScriptFullName) - len(Wscript.ScriptName) - 1)
			 if objCmdlineArguments.Unnamed.Count = 0 then
          WriteLog "No Unnamed Command Line Arguments"
    			WriteLog "Unnamed Script Arguments:"
          For Each sLocArgument in objCmdlineArguments.Unnamed
					    WriteLog " " & chr(62) & sLocArgument & chr(60)
       end if
			 if objCmdlineArguments.Named.Count = 0 then
          WriteLog "No Named Command Line Arguments"
    		 WriteLog "Named Script Arguments:"
  			 For each sLocArgument in objCmdlineArguments.Named
    				 WriteLog " " & sLocArgument & chr(62) & _
						                  objCmdlineArguments.Named.Item(sLocArgument) & chr(60)
       End if
       WriteLog "Work Path: " & strGlobWorkPath
       WriteLog "----------------------------------------------"
       WriteLog "Wscript Version: " &  Wscript.Version
       WriteLog "Script Host: " & Wscript.FullName
       WriteLog "User Name: " & objWSHNetWork.UserName
       WriteLog "Computer: " & objWSHNetWork.ComputerName
       WriteLog "-----------------------------------------------"
     end if
     sLocFullErrMsg = fnIncLogDateFormat(now) & chr(9) & sLocErrLogMsg
     objLogFile.Writeline sLocFullErrMsg
end Sub
Function fnIncLogDateFormat(dLocSourceDate)
'Input: Date/Time
'Output: String (Format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH:NN:SS)
  Const sLocLogDtNumbers = "0000"
  Dim sLocLgDtYYYY, sLocLgDtMM, sLocLgDtDD, sLocLgDtHH, sLocLgDtNN, sLocLgDtSS
  sLocLgDtYYYY = right(sLocLogDtNumbers & year(dLocSourceDate),4)
  sLocLgDtMM = right(sLocLogDtNumbers & month(dLocSourceDate),2)
  sLocLgDtDD = right(sLocLogDtNumbers & day(dLocSourceDate),2)
  sLocLgDtHH = right(sLocLogDtNumbers & hour(dLocSourceDate),2)
  sLocLgDtNN = right(sLocLogDtNumbers & minute(dLocSourceDate),2)
  sLocLgDtSS = right(sLocLogDtNumbers & second(dLocSourceDate),2)
  fnIncLogDateFormat = sLocLgDtYYYY & "-" & sLocLgDtMM & "-" & sLocLgDtDD & _
                 " " & sLocLgDtHH & ":" & sLocLgDtNN & ":" & sLocLgDtSS
End Function

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As you are aware. I have attended to the asker. Rather than confuse him by chucking more code at him, it might be wiser to try one thing at a time. In this case, I have given instructions on how to implement exclusive scheduling of his batch process. It would be wiser to wait for feedback from the asker before suggesting other avenues to explore.

We have already discussed isolating the problem and this is something that is on-going.

Personally, I suspect the problem is due to another instance of the process starting before the previous instance has ended. This certainly would cause undesirable effects. What leads me to suspect this is that the asker states his scheduler fires up his batch process every few minutes or whatever...

It is vital this is ruled out before continuing further. I realise it's the weekend therefore, I do not anticipate hearing back from the asker until at least during the first working week day.

I really don't mind you chipping in however, I hope this does not confuse the asker.

In the time it has taken me to write this reply, you have added yet another comment. I cannot see the point in bo=mbarding the asker with vb code when he himself has supplied a batch file as the possible source of his problem.

I did not intend to "chip in", but to assist you.
It seemed to me that the problem was approached from the wrong direction.

The batch that hangs appears to be just a symptom of the problem, but not the cause. You already mentioned something in that regards in your comments, but did not follow up on it.

Adding logging to the VBScript (where the asker did not post the code) is probably the best thing to do in order to determine what hangs where and why. My code could help with this and assist in finding the best solution for the actual problem.

The first code example follows the same idea, but one step further in the process, in case that the executed script cannot be modified.
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OK... so here is some clarity.

Scenario 1) A scheduled task runs the attached code which does tend to fail more often than not

Scendario 2) I run the above batch files which always works but is a manual process and must be watched

' VBScript Source File - PCGW.vbs
' NAME: PCG Downloader/Mailer
'Option Explicit
' Global declarations
' Location where CSV files are stored
strCSVFilePath = "E:\LIFFE\PC Gateway\I\Db\"
' Location where CSV files are archived To
' Location where report files are stored
strReportFilePath = "E:\LIFFE\PC Gateway\I\Reports\"
' Location where zip files are stored
' Path to PCGateway start script
strPCGWPath = "E:\LIFFE\PC Gateway\Stasco_script.bat"
'strPCGWPath = "E:\test.bat"
' Path to Winzip
strWinzipPath = "C:\Program Files\WinZip\"
' Email from address
strEmailSender = "PCGateway@STLONS0034"
' Email recipients
strEmailRecipients = "blanked out"
' Support contacts
strSupportContacts = "Email: GX TR STSS WINTEL EU"
' Support email
strSupportEmail = ""
' Create a file system object that we'll use for various checking, etc
Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Create a Shell object that will be used for launching processes later
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Functions
' Sends a message using SMTP (and CDO)
Function Sendmail(strSenderAddr, strRecipientAddr, strMessSubject, strMessContent, strAttachmentPath)
	Dim objMessage
	Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
	objMessage.Subject = strMessSubject
	objMessage.From = strSenderAddr 
	objMessage.To = strRecipientAddr 
	objMessage.HTMLBody = strMessContent
	If strAttachmentPath <> "" Then objMessage.AddAttachment strAttachmentPath
	objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
	objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "" 
	objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25 
End Function
' Main script starts here
' Send a mail saying we've started
Sendmail strEmailSender, strEmailRecipients, "PC Gateway has started at " & Now, "<font face=""arial""><b>The PC-Gateway process has started.</b><p>Please allow 60 mins for the process to complete and for the CSV file to be sent.</p><p>If you do not receive the CSV file after 60 mins please click <a href=""mailto:" & strSupportEmail & """>here</a> to contact support or call " & strSupportContacts & ".</p>", ""
' Run the PCGateway Script
objShell.Run """" & strPCGWPath & """", 0, True
' Get a list of files in the CSV folder
Set objFolder = objFileSystemObject.GetFolder(strCSVFilePath)
Set objFileCollection = objFolder.Files
'Check if there are any CSV files in the CSVFilePath
If objFileCollection.Count > 0 Then
	' We have some files in there - loop through each file ending in CSV and check if the
	' size is greater than 0 - count legitimate CSV files
	intFileCounter = 0
	For Each strFilename In objFileCollection
		If Right(UCase(strFilename), 3) = "CSV" Then
			Set objFile = objFileSystemObject.GetFile(strFilename)
			If objFile.Size = 0 Then
				intFileCounter = intFileCounter + 1
				strCSVFilename = strFilename.Name
			End If
		End If
	' We should just have 1 file . . .
	If intFileCounter = 1 Then
		' Check the files in the report folder exist
		' Get a list of files in the report folder
		Set objReportFolder = objFileSystemObject.GetFolder(strReportFilePath)
		Set objReportFileCollection = objReportFolder.Files
		If objReportFileCollection.Count > 0 Then
			' There are some report files - construct the zip file name
			strZipFilename = Left(strCSVFilename, Len(strCSVFilename) - 4) & ".zip"
			' Check the file doesn't exist already
			If Not objFileSystemObject.FileExists(strZipFilePath & strZipFilename) Then
				' Zip file doesn't exist, create and add files
				objShell.Run """" & strWinzipPath & "wzzip.exe"" " & """" & strZipFilePath & strZipFilename & """ """ & strReportFilePath & "*.dat"" """ & strCSVFilePath & "*.csv""", 0, True
				' Send email with attachment
				Sendmail strEmailSender, strEmailRecipients, "PC Gateway has finished at " & Now, "<font face=""arial""><b>The PC-Gateway process has now finished.</b><p>Please find the half trade database and report files in the attached zip file (" & strZipFilename & ").<p><b>Please note that the attached files are confidential in nature.</b><p>Click <a href=""mailto:" & strSupportEmail & """>here</a> to contact support or call " & strSupportContacts & ".", strZipFilePath & strZipFilename
				' Delete *.DAT from the report files folder
				Set objFolder = objFileSystemObject.GetFolder(strReportFilePath)
				Set objFileCollection = objFolder.Files
				For Each strFilename In objFileCollection
					If Right(UCase(strFilename), 3) = "DAT" Then
						Set objFile = objFileSystemObject.GetFile(strFilename)
					End If
				' Archive the CSV file
				Set objFile = objFileSystemObject.GetFile(strCSVFilePath & strCSVFilename)
				' Zip file exists - send email
				Sendmail strEmailSender, strEmailRecipients, "PC Gateway Error - Zip file already exists!", "<font face=""arial""><b>The PC-Gateway process has encountered a problem.</b><p>Please click <a href=""mailto:" & strSupportEmail & """>here</a> to contact support or call " & strSupportContacts & ".</p>", ""
				WScript.Echo "Zip file exists!"
			End If
			' Report files don't exist - send email
			Sendmail strEmailSender, strEmailRecipients, "PC Gateway Error - Report files don't exist!", "<font face=""arial""><b>The PC-Gateway process has encountered a problem.</b><p>Please click <a href=""mailto:" & strSupportEmail & """>here</a> to contact support or call " & strSupportContacts & ".</p>", ""
			WScript.Echo "Report files don't exist!"
		End If
		' More than one CSV file exists - send email
		Sendmail strEmailSender, strEmailRecipients, "PC Gateway Error - More than one CSV file exists!", "<font face=""arial""><b>The PC-Gateway process has encountered a problem.</b><p>Please click <a href=""mailto:" & strSupportEmail & """>here</a> to contact support or call " & strSupportContacts & ".</p>", ""
		WScript.Echo "More than one CSV file exists!"
	End If
	' No CSV files exist - send email
	Sendmail strEmailSender, strEmailRecipients, "PC Gateway Error - No CSV files exist!", "<font face=""arial""><b>The PC-Gateway process has encountered a problem.</b><p>Please click <a href=""mailto:" & strSupportEmail & """>here</a> to contact support or call " & strSupportContacts & ".</p>", ""
	WScript.Echo "No CSV files exist!"
End If

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>> "It seemed to me that the problem was approached from the wrong direction"

I disagree entirely. As I stated in my previous post, we must first eliminate the possibility of multiple instances of the batch process executing at the same time based on information gathered from the asker.

>> "The batch that hangs appears to be just a symptom of the problem"

Yes, I am aware of that which is why I want to be certain the batch process is given the enough time to complete before restarting the same batch process again. The reason is due to the fact we do not know what the asker's other processes do - mostly in terms of opening and closing files and possible share issues.

I fulkly agree that logging batch process activity will reveal where the batch process stalls, and this is the area I would like to explore next.

In the time it has taken me to reply, I notice the asker has just posted another comment. Until I review that comment I cannot procede further with this current reply....
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Any update on this please? Thanks
In an earlier post I stated:

>>"If you remove the '@ECHO OFF' from the beginning of your batch file then each line of code is displayed on the screen as it is run. This may reveal where in your batch file things are going amiss"

Did you try this? If so, at what point was your batch file either labouring or hanging?

Also, at what intervals is scheduler set to run your batch file?

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Please close this question.

Thank you.