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XSLT parse error in Mozilla, but not in IE

I have some .xml files which are displayed using an xsl stylesheet. They display correctly in IE, but in Mozilla I get:"Error loading stylesheet: Parsing an XSLT stylesheet failed." Anybody know what the problem might be?
Here is my XSL code (XML code is below):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" TYPE="text/xsl">
<!-- An XSL template for displaying metadata in ArcInfo8.
     Copyright (c) 2000-2002, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
     Revision History: Created 5/14/99 avienneau
                       Updated 3/31/00 avienneau
		       Updated 9/14/00 mlyszkiewicz
                       Updated 11/2/00 avienneau
		       Updated 12/12/00 mlyszkiewicz
<xsl:template match="/">
        <!-- body -->
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              font-size:10pt; font-family:Arial,sans-serif}
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              font-weight:bold; font-size:18; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; color:#006400}
        <!-- data type -->
        H2   {margin-left:0.25in; position:relative; top:-16; text-align:center;
              font-size:13; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; color:#006400}
        <!-- "tabs" table -->
        <!-- table style -->
        TABLE  {position:relative; top:-10; valign:top; table-layout:fixed; 
        <!-- table row style -->
        TD   {text-align:center}
        <!-- table cell style -->
        TD   {font-weight:bold; font-size:11pt; border-color:#6495ED}
        <!-- selected tab -->
        .tsel  {color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#6495ED}
        <!-- unselected tab -->
        .tun   {color:#00008B; background-color:#B8DEFA}
        <!-- unselected tab hilite -->
        .tover {color:#0000CD; background-color:#B8E6FF; cursor:hand}
        <!-- properties box -->
        .f   {background-color:#FFFFFF; border:'1.5pt solid #6495ED'; 
              position:relative; top:-10}
        <!-- headings -->
        <!-- group heading -->
        .ph1  {color:#2E8B57; font-weight:bold; cursor:}
        <!-- group heading indented -->
        .ph2  {margin-left:0.2in; color:#2E8B57; font-weight:bold; cursor:}
        <!-- group heading hilite -->
        .pover1 {color:#006000; font-weight:bold; cursor:hand}
        <!-- group heading hilite indented -->
        .pover2 {margin-left:0.2in; color:#006000; font-weight:bold; cursor:hand}
        <!-- values -->
        <!-- property name -->
        .pn  {color:#00008B; font-weight:bold}
        <!-- property value -->
        .pv  {font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; line-height:135%;
              color:#191970; margin:0in 0.15in 0.75in 0.15in}
        <!-- expanded properties -->
        .pe1  {margin-left:0.2in}
        <!-- expanded properties entity indent -->
        .pe2  {margin-left:0.25in; font-weight:normal; color:#191970;}
        <!-- expanded long text -->
        .lt  {line-height:115%}
        <!-- lists of comma-separated elements -->
        .lt2  {line-height:115%; margin-bottom:1mm}
        <!-- indented spatial reference parameters -->
        .sr1  {margin-left:0in}
        .sr2  {margin-left:0.2in}
        .sr3  {margin-left:0.4in}
        .srh1  {color:#00008B; font-weight:bold; margin-left:0in}
        .srh2  {color:#00008B; font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.2in}
        <!-- search results -->
        .name   {margin-left:0.05in; position:relative; top:-6; text-align:center;
                 font-weight:bold; font-size:18; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; color:#006400}
        .sub   {margin-left:0.25in; text-align:center; position:relative; top:3; 
                font-weight:bold; font-size:13; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; color:#006400}
        .search   {margin:0in 0.15in 0.75in 0.15in; 
                   color:#191970; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif; font-size:13}
        .head   {color:#006400}
      <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"><xsl:comment><![CDATA[
      //changes the color of the tabs or headings that you can click
      //when the mouse hovers over them
      function doHilite()  {
        var e = window.event.srcElement;
        if (e.className == "tun") {
          e.className = "tover";
        else if (e.className == "tover") {
            e.className = "tun";
        else if (e.className == "ph1") {
            e.className = "pover1";
        else if (e.className == "ph2") {
            e.className = "pover2";
        else if (e.className == "pover1") {
            e.className = "ph1";
        else if (e.className == "pover2") {
            e.className = "ph2";
        window.event.cancelBubble = true;
      //changes the style of the selected tab to unselected and hide its text, then 
      //set the style of the tab that was clicked on to selected and show its text
      function changeTab(eRow)  {
        var tabs = eRow.cells;
        for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
          var oldTab = tabs[i];
          if (oldTab.className == "tsel") {
        oldTab.className = "tun";
        var oldContent = getAssociated(oldTab); = "none";
        var newTab = window.event.srcElement;
        newTab.className ="tsel";
        var newContent = getAssociated(newTab); = "block";
        window.event.cancelBubble = true;
      //hide or show the text assoicated with the heading that was clicked
      function hideShowGroup(e)  {
        var theGroup = e.children[0];
        if ( == "none") {
        else { 
        window.event.cancelBubble = true;
      //returns the name of the element containing the text associated with each tab
      function getAssociated(e) {
        if (e.tagName == "TD") {
          switch ( {
            case "DescTab":
              return (Description);
            case "SpatialTab": 
              return (Spatial);
            case "AttribTab": 
              return (Attributes);
      //centers the thumbnail
      function position() {
        var e;
        e = document.all("thumbnail");
        if (e != null) {
          b = document.body;
          w1 = b.clientWidth - 80;
          w2 = w1 - thumbnail.width;
          var margin = Math.floor(w2 * .5);
 = "hidden";
 = margin;
 = "visible";
      //parse text to respect line breaks added - increases readability.
      //lines beginning with a ">" character are presented with a monospace
      //(fixed-width) font - e.g., so equations will appear correctly
      function fix(e) {
        var par = e.parentNode; = "";
        var pos = e.innerText.indexOf("\n");
        if (pos > 0) {
          while (pos > 0) {
            var t = e.childNodes(0);
            var n = document.createElement("PRE");
            var s = t.splitText(pos);
            e.insertAdjacentElement("afterEnd", n);
            e = n;
            pos = e.innerText.indexOf("\n");
          var count = (par.children.length);
          for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            e = par.children(i);
            if (e.tagName == "PRE") {
              pos = e.innerText.indexOf(">");
              if (pos != 0) {
                n = document.createElement("DIV");
                e.insertAdjacentElement("afterEnd", n);
                n.innerText = e.innerText;
          if (par.children.tags("PRE").length > 0) {
            count = (par.childNodes.length);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
              e = par.children(i);
              if (e.tagName == "PRE") {
       = "";
                if (i < (count-1)) {
                  var e2 = par.children(i + 1);
                  if (e2.tagName == "PRE") {
                    e.insertAdjacentText("beforeEnd", e2.innerText+"\n");
                    count = count-1;
                    i = i-1;
        else {
          n = document.createElement("DIV");
          n.innerText = e.innerText;
    <BODY onload="position();" onresize="position();" oncontextmenu="return true">
      <xsl:when test="context()[not(metadata)]"> 
          <!-- Show parameters defining the search when the 
               root element of the XML file is SearchResults -->
          <xsl:when test="context()[SearchResults]"> 
            <xsl:apply-templates select="SearchResults" />
          <!-- If root element isn't metadata or SearchResults, 
               we don't know what data this file contains -->
            <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED; margin-left:1in; margin-right:1in">
              This document does not contain information that can be displayed 
              with the ESRI stylesheet.
        <!-- Add title and subtitle to the page -->
        <xsl:for-each select="/metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/title[. != '']">
          <H1><xsl:value-of /></H1>
        <xsl:for-each select="/metadata/idinfo/natvform[. != '']">
          <H2><xsl:value-of />
		<xsl:if test="/metadata/spdoinfo/rastinfo/rastifor[. != '']">
			- <xsl:value-of select="/metadata/spdoinfo/rastinfo/rastifor" />
        <!-- Set up the tabs -->
        <TABLE cols="3" frame="void" rules="cols" width="315" height="28">
          <COL WIDTH="105"/><COL WIDTH="105"/><COL WIDTH="105"/>
          <TR height="28" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="changeTab(this)">
            <TD ID="DescTab" CLASS="tsel" TITLE="Click to see a description of the data">Description</TD>
            <TD ID="SpatialTab" CLASS="tun" TITLE="Click for details about the spatial data">Spatial</TD>
            <TD ID="AttribTab" CLASS="tun" TITLE="Click for details about the attribute data">Attributes</TD>
        <!-- Define the box which will contain the contents of the current tab -->
        <DIV ID="Group" CLASS="f">
          <!-- Description Tab -->
          <DIV ID="Description" CLASS="pv" STYLE="display:block"><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="/metadata[($any$ (idinfo/(citation/citeinfo/
                  (origin | pubdate | pubtime | ftname | geoform | onlink | pubinfo/* | 
                  serinfo/*) | timeperd//* | descript/(abstract | purpose | supplinf) | 
                  native | accconst | useconst | keywords/*/(themekey | placekey | 
                  stratkey | tempkey) | browse/(browsen | img/@src) | status/*) | 
                  distinfo/stdorder/digform/(digtinfo/(formname | dssize | transize | 
                  filedec) | digtopt/(onlinopt/(computer/(networka/* | sdeconn/* | 
                  dialinst/(dialtel | dialfile)) | accinstr) | offoptn/offmedia)) | 
                  metainfo/(metd | metrd | metfrd | metstdn | metstdv | mettc | metextns/* | 
                  metc/cntinfo/(cntvoice | cntfax | cntemail | hours | cntinst | */cntper | 
                  */cntorg | cntaddr/(address | city | state | postal | country))) | 
                  Binary/Enclosure/img/@src | Esri/ModDate) != '') or 
                  (Binary/Enclosure/Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64')]">
                <!-- Show contents of Description tab -->
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata//img[(@src != '')]" />
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/keywords
                    [$any$ */(themekey | placekey | stratkey | tempkey) != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ idinfo/(browse/img/@src | 
                    keywords/*/(themekey | placekey | stratkey | tempkey)) != '') 
                    and (($any$ (idinfo/(descript/(abstract | purpose | supplinf) | 
                    browse/browsen) | Binary/Enclosure/img/@src) != '') 
                    or (Binary/Enclosure/Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64'))]">
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ idinfo/(descript/(abstract | purpose | 
                    supplinf) | browse/browsen) != '') or 
                    ($any$ Binary/Enclosure/Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64') or 
                    ($any$ Binary/Enclosure/img/@src != '')]">
                  <DIV CLASS="pn">Description</DIV>
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/descript[
                      (abstract != '') or (purpose != '') or (supplinf != '')]" />
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/Binary
                      [(Enclosure/Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64') or 
                      (Enclosure/img/@src != '')]" />
                  <xsl:if test="/metadata[$any$ idinfo/browse/browsen != '']">
                    <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Links to graphics describing the data
                      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:; position:relative; top:-15; margin-left:-0.05in">
                        <UL><xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/browse[browsen != '']" /></UL>
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ idinfo/(status/* | citation/citeinfo/
                    (origin | pubdate | pubtime | pubinfo/* | serinfo/*) | timeperd//*) != '') 
                    and (($any$ (idinfo/(descript/(abstract | purpose | supplinf) | keywords/*/(themekey | placekey | 
                    stratkey | tempkey) | browse/(img/@src | browsen)) | 
                    Binary/Enclosure/img/@src) != '') or 
                    (Binary/Enclosure/Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64'))]">
                  <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/status[$any$ * != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ idinfo/status/* != '') 
                    and ($any$ idinfo/timeperd//* != '')]">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/timeperd[$any$ .//* != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ idinfo/(status/* | timeperd//*) != '') and 
                    ($any$ idinfo/citation/citeinfo/(origin | pubdate | pubtime | 
                    pubinfo/* | serinfo/*) != '')]">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo
                    [(origin != '') or (pubdate != '') or (pubtime != '') or 
                    ($any$ pubinfo/* != '') or ($any$ serinfo/* != '')]" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ (idinfo/(citation/citeinfo/(ftname | 
                    geoform | onlink) | native | accconst | useconst) | distinfo/stdorder/
                    digform/(digtinfo/(formname | dssize | transize | filedec) | 
                    digtopt/(onlinopt/(computer/(networka/* | sdeconn/* | 
                    dialinst/(dialtel | dialfile)) | accinstr) | offoptn/offmedia)) | 
                    metainfo/(metd | metrd | metfrd | metstdn | metstdv | mettc | metextns/* |
                    metc/cntinfo/(cntvoice | cntfax | cntemail | hours | cntinst | */cntper | 
                    */cntorg | cntaddr/(address | city | state | postal | country))) | 
                    Esri/ModDate) != '') and 
                    (($any$ (idinfo/(descript/(abstract | purpose | supplinf) | 
                    keywords/*/(themekey | placekey | stratkey | tempkey) | 
                    browse/(img/@src | browsen) | status/* | timeperd//* | 
                    citation/citeinfo/(origin | pubdate | pubtime | pubinfo/* | 
                    serinfo/*)) | Binary/Enclosure/img/@src) != '') or 
                    (Binary/Enclosure/Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64'))]">
                  <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR/>
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[$any$ (idinfo/(citation/citeinfo/(ftname | 
                    geoform | onlink) | native | accconst | useconst) | distinfo/stdorder/
                    digform/(digtinfo/(formname | dssize | transize | filedec) | 
                    digtopt/(onlinopt/(computer/(networka/* | sdeconn/* | 
                    dialinst/(dialtel | dialfile)) | accinstr) | offoptn/offmedia))) != '']">
                  <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Data storage and access information
                    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                      <xsl:for-each select="/metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/ftname[. != '']">
                        <I>File name: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                      <xsl:for-each select="/metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform[. != '']">
                        <I>Type of data: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                      <xsl:for-each select="/metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/onlink[. != '']">
                        <xsl:if test="context()[0]"><DIV><I>Location of the data: </I></DIV></xsl:if>
                        <DIV><LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><xsl:value-of/></LI></DIV>    
                      <xsl:for-each select="/metadata/idinfo/native[. != '']">
                        <I>Data processing environment: </I><SPAN CLASS="lt"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
                      <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/distinfo/stdorder/digform
                          [($any$ digtinfo/(formname | dssize | transize | filedec) != '') 
                          or ($any$ digtopt/onlinopt/accinstr != '') or ($any$ 
                          digtopt/onlinopt/computer/(networka/* | sdeconn/*) != '') or 
                          ($any$ digtopt/onlinopt/computer/dialinst/(dialtel | dialfile) != '') 
                          or ($any$ digtopt/offoptn/offmedia != '')]" />
                      <xsl:if test="/metadata[$any$ idinfo/(accconst | useconst) != '']">
                        <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Constraints on accessing and using the data
                          <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                            <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/accconst[. != '']" />
                            <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/useconst[. != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ (idinfo/(citation/citeinfo/(ftname | 
                    geoform | onlink) | native | accconst | useconst) | distinfo/stdorder/
                    digform/(digtinfo/(formname | dssize | transize | filedec) | 
                    digtopt/(onlinopt/(computer/(networka/* | sdeconn/* | 
                    dialinst/(dialtel | dialfile)) | accinstr) | offoptn/offmedia))) != '') 
                    and ($any$ (Esri/ModDate | metainfo/(metd | metrd | metfrd | metstdn | 
                    metstdv | mettc | metextns/* | metc/cntinfo/(cntvoice | cntfax | 
                    cntemail | hours | cntinst | */cntper | */cntorg | 
                    cntaddr/(address | city | state | postal | country)))) != '')]">
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[(Esri/ModDate != '') or 
                    ($any$ metainfo/(metd | metrd | metfrd | metstdn | metstdv | mettc | 
                    metextns/* | metc/cntinfo/(cntvoice | cntfax | cntemail | 
                    hours | cntinst | */cntper | */cntorg | cntaddr/(address | city | 
                    state | postal | country))) != '')]">
                  <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details about this document
                    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                        <xsl:when test="/metadata[Esri/ModDate != '']">
                          Contents last updated: <xsl:value-of select="/metadata/Esri/ModDate"/>
                          <xsl:if test="/metadata[Esri/ModTime != '']">
                            at time <xsl:value-of select="/metadata/Esri/ModTime"/>
                          <xsl:for-each select="/metadata/metainfo/metd[. != '']">
                            <DIV>Contents last updated: <xsl:value-of /></DIV>
                      <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/metainfo[(metrd != '') or 
                          (metfrd != '') or (metstdn != '') or (metstdv != '') or 
                          (mettc != '') or ($any$ metextns/* != '') or 
                          (metc/cntinfo/cntvoice != '') or (metc/cntinfo/cntfax != '') or 
                          (metc/cntinfo/cntemail != '') or (metc/cntinfo/hours != '') or 
                          (metc/cntinfo/cntinst != '') or (metc/cntinfo/cntaddr/* != '') or 
                          (metc/cntinfo/*/cntper != '') or (metc/cntinfo/*/cntorg != '')]" />
              <!-- If nothing to show in Description tab, show message -->
                <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">
                  No descriptive information about the data is available.
          <!-- Spatial Tab -->
          <DIV ID="Spatial" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="/metadata[($any$ (spdoinfo/(ptvctinf/(
                  esriterm/* | sdtsterm/* | vpfterm/(vpflevel | vpfinfo/*)) | 
                  rastinfo/* | netinfo/(nettype | connrule/*)) | 
                  Esri/DataProperties/topoinfo/*/* |
                  idinfo/spdom/(bounding/* | lboundng/* | minalti | maxalti) | 
                  spref/(horizsys/(geograph/* | planar//* | local/* | cordsysn/* | 
                  geodetic/*) | vertdef//*) | 
                  dataqual/posacc/(horizpa/(horizpar | qhorizpa/horizpav) | 
                  vertacc/(vertaccr | qvertpa/vertaccv))) != '')]">
                <!-- Show contents of Spatial tab -->
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/spref/horizsys
                    [$any$ (geograph/* | planar//* | local/* | cordsysn/* | 
                    geodetic/*) != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ spref/horizsys/(geograph/* | 
                    planar//* | local/* | cordsysn/* | geodetic/*) != '') 
                    and ($any$ spref/vertdef//* != '')]"> 
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/spref/vertdef[$any$ */* != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ idinfo/spdom/(bounding/* | 
                    lboundng/* | minalti | maxalti) != '') and ($any$ spref/
                    (horizsys/(geograph/* | planar//* | local/* | cordsysn/* | 
                    geodetic/*) | vertdef//*) != '')]">
                  <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/idinfo/spdom
                    [$any$ (bounding/* | lboundng/* | minalti | maxalti) != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ dataqual/posacc/(horizpa/
                    (horizpar | qhorizpa/horizpav) | vertacc/(vertaccr | 
                    qvertpa/vertaccv)) != '') and ($any$ (idinfo/spdom/
                    (bounding/* | lboundng/* | minalti | maxalti) | 
                    spref/(horizsys/(geograph/* | planar//* | local/* | 
                    cordsysn/* | geodetic/*) | vertdef//*)) != '')]">
                  <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/dataqual/posacc
                    [$any$ (horizpa/(horizpar | qhorizpa/horizpav) | 
                    vertacc/(vertaccr | qvertpa/vertaccv)) != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ (spdoinfo/(ptvctinf/(esriterm/* | 
                    sdtsterm/* | vpfterm/(vpflevel | vpfinfo/*)) | rastinfo/* | 
                    netinfo/(nettype | connrule/*)) | 
                    Esri/DataProperties/topoinfo/*/*) != '') and ($any$ 
                    (idinfo/spdom/(bounding/* | lboundng/* | minalti | maxalti) | 
                    spref/(horizsys/(geograph/* | planar//* | local/* | 
                    cordsysn/* | geodetic/*) | vertdef//*) | 
                    dataqual/posacc/(horizpa/(horizpar | qhorizpa/horizpav) | 
                    vertacc/(vertaccr | qvertpa/vertaccv))) != '')]">
                  <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR/>
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[$any$ (spdoinfo/(ptvctinf/(esriterm/* | 
                    sdtsterm/* | vpfterm/(vpflevel | vpfinfo/*)) | 
                    netinfo/(nettype | connrule/*) | rastinfo/*) | 
                    Esri/DataProperties/topoinfo/*/*) != '']">
                  <DIV CLASS="pn">Spatial data description</DIV>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/spdoinfo/netinfo
                    [(nettype != '') or ($any$ connrule/* != '')]" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ (spdoinfo/netinfo/(nettype |  
                    connrule/*) != '') and ($any$ Esri/DataProperties/topoinfo/*/* | 
                    spdoinfo/(ptvctinf/(esriterm/* | sdtsterm/* | vpfterm/
                    (vpflevel | vpfinfo/*))) != ''))]">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/Esri/DataProperties/topoinfo
                    [($any$ */* != '')]" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ (Esri/DataProperties/topoinfo/*/* != '') 
                    and ($any$ spdoinfo/(ptvctinf/(esriterm/* | sdtsterm/* | vpfterm/
                    (vpflevel | vpfinfo/*))) != ''))]">
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[$any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/(esriterm/* | 
                    sdtsterm/* | vpfterm/(vpflevel | vpfinfo/*)) != '']">
                  <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Vector data information</DIV>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/spdoinfo/ptvctinf/esriterm
                    [$any$ * != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/esriterm/* != '') and 
                    ($any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/sdtsterm/* != '')]">
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[$any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/sdtsterm != '']">
                  <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">SDTS description
                    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                      <xsl:apply-templates select="
                          /metadata/spdoinfo/ptvctinf/sdtsterm[$any$ * != '']" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/(esriterm/* | 
                    sdtsterm/*) != '') and ($any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/vpfterm/(vpflevel | 
                    vpfinfo/*) != '')]">
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[$any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/vpfterm/(vpflevel | 
                    vpfinfo/*) != '']">
                  <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">VPF description
                    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                      <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/spdoinfo/
                          ptvctinf/vpfterm[(vpflevel != '') or ($any$ vpfinfo/* != '')]" />
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ spdoinfo/ptvctinf/(esriterm/* | 
                    sdtsterm/* | vpfterm/(vpflevel | vpfinfo/*)) != '') and 
                    ($any$ spdoinfo/rastinfo != '')]">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="/metadata/spdoinfo/rastinfo[$any$ * != '']" />
              <!-- If nothing to show in Spatial tab, show message -->
                <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">
                  No detailed spatial information is is available.
          <!-- Attributes Tab -->
          <DIV ID="Attributes" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="/metadata[($any$ eainfo/(overview/* | 
                  detailed/(enttyp/(enttypl | enttypt | enttypc | enttypd) | relinfo/* | 
                  attr/(attrlabl | attalias | attrtype | attwidth | atprecis | 
                  atoutwid | atnumdec | atscale | attrdef) | subtype/(stname | 
                  stcode | stfield/(stfldnm | stflddv | stflddd/*)))) != '')]">
                <!-- Show contents of Attributes tab -->
                <xsl:for-each select="metadata/eainfo/detailed[$any$ 
                    (enttyp/(enttypl | enttypt | enttypc | enttypd) | relinfo/* | 
                    attr/(attrlabl | attalias | attrtype | attwidth | atprecis | 
                    atoutwid | atnumdec | atscale | attrdef) | subtype/(stname | 
                    stcode | stfield/(stfldnm | stflddv | stflddd/*))) != '']">
                    <xsl:when test="context()[enttyp/enttypl != '']">
                      <DIV CLASS="pn">Details for <xsl:value-of select="enttyp/enttypl"/></DIV>
                      <DIV CLASS="pn">Entity details</DIV>
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="enttyp[(enttypt != '') or 
                      (enttypc != '') or (enttypd != '')]" />
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="relinfo[$any$ * != '']" />
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="attr[(attrlabl != '') or 
                      (attalias != '') or (attrtype != '') or (attwidth != '') or 
                      (atprecis != '') or (atoutwid != '') or (atnumdec != '') or 
                      (attscale != '') or (attrdef != '')]" />
                  <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ subtype/(stname | stcode | 
                      stfield/(stfldnm | stflddv | stflddd/*)) != '') and 
                      ($any$ (relinfo/* | attr/(attrlabl | attalias | attrtype | 
                      attwidth | atprecis | atoutwid | atnumdec | atscale | attrdef)) != '')]">
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="subtype[(stname != '') or (stcode != '') or 
                      ($any$ stfield/(stfldnm | stflddv) != '') or  
                      ($any$ stfield/stflddd/* != '')]" />
                  <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]">
                    <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR/>
                <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ eainfo/overview/* != '') and ($any$ 
                    eainfo/detailed/(enttyp/(enttypl | enttypt | enttypc | enttypd) | 
                    relinfo/* | attr/(attrlabl | attalias | attrtype | attwidth | 
                    atprecis | atoutwid | atnumdec | atscale | attrdef) | 
                    subtype/(stname | stcode | stfield/(stfldnm | stflddv | 
                    stflddd/*))) != '')]">
                  <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="metadata/eainfo/overview[$any$ * != '']" />
              <!-- If nothing to show in Attributes tab, show message -->
                <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">
                  No detailed attribute information is available.
     <CENTER><FONT COLOR="#6495ED">Metadata stylesheets are provided courtesy of ESRI.  Copyright (c) 2000-2002, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.  All rights reserved.</FONT></CENTER> 
<!-- Thumbnail -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/Binary/Thumbnail/img[(@src != '')]">
      <IMG ID="thumbnail" ALIGN="absmiddle" STYLE="height:144; 
          border:'2 outset #FFFFFF'; position:relative">
        <xsl:attribute name="SRC"><xsl:value-of select="@src"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/browse/img[@src != '']">
  <xsl:if test="context()[not (/metadata/Binary/Thumbnail/img)]">
      <xsl:if test="../@BrowseGraphicType[. = 'Thumbnail']">
        <IMG ID="thumbnail" ALIGN="absmiddle" STYLE="height:144; 
            border:'2 outset #FFFFFF'; position:relative">
          <xsl:attribute name="SRC"><xsl:value-of select="@src"/></xsl:attribute>
      <xsl:if test="context()[not (../../browse/@BrowseGraphicType)]">
        <IMG ID="thumbnail" ALIGN="absmiddle" STYLE="height:144; 
            border:'2 outset #FFFFFF'; position:relative">
          <xsl:attribute name="SRC"><xsl:value-of select="@src"/></xsl:attribute>
<!-- Keywords -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/keywords[$any$ */(themekey | placekey | stratkey | tempkey) != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="pn">Keywords</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="theme[$any$ themekey != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="lt2"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Theme: </SPAN>
      <xsl:for-each select="themekey">
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN>
              <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN>
              <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of /></xsl:otherwise>
        </xsl:choose><xsl:if test="context()[not(end()) and . != '']">, </xsl:if>
  <xsl:for-each select="place[$any$ placekey != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="lt2"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Place: </SPAN>
      <xsl:for-each select="placekey">
        <xsl:value-of /><xsl:if test="context()[not(end()) and . != '']">, </xsl:if>
  <xsl:for-each select="stratum[$any$ stratkey != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="lt2"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Stratum: </SPAN>
      <xsl:for-each select="stratkey">
        <xsl:value-of /><xsl:if test="context()[not(end()) and . != '']">, </xsl:if>
  <xsl:for-each select="temporal[$any$ tempkey != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="lt2"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Temporal: </SPAN>
      <xsl:for-each select="tempkey">
        <xsl:value-of /><xsl:if test="context()[not(end()) and . != '']">, </xsl:if>
<!-- Description -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/descript[(abstract != '') or (purpose != '') or 
    (supplinf != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="abstract[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Abstract
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:">
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.']">
            <SPAN CLASS="lt" STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'A brief narrative summary of the data set.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN CLASS="lt" STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
                <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN><BR/>
  <xsl:for-each select="purpose[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Purpose
      <DIV ID="Purpose" CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:">
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.']">
            <SPAN CLASS="lt" STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN CLASS="lt" STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
                <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN><BR/>
  <xsl:for-each select="supplinf[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Supplementary Information
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:">
        <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN><BR/>
<!-- Enclosures -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/Binary[(Enclosure/Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64') or 
    (Enclosure/img/@src != '')]">
  <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Enclosed files containing additional information
    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:">
      <xsl:for-each select="Enclosure[Data/@EsriPropertyType = 'Base64']">
        <LI><xsl:value-of select="Data/@OriginalFileName"/>: <xsl:value-of select="./Descript"/></LI>
      <xsl:for-each select="Enclosure[img/@src != '']">
        <LI><xsl:value-of select="img/@OriginalFileName"/> (Image): <xsl:value-of select="./Descript"/></LI>
      <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ Enclosure[img/@src != '']]">
        <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left=-0.25" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Show thumbnails of images
          <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
            <xsl:for-each select="Enclosure[img/@src != '']">
              <IMG STYLE="height:144; border:'2 outset #FFFFFF'; position:relative">
                <xsl:attribute name="TITLE"><xsl:value-of select="img/@OriginalFileName"/></xsl:attribute>
                <xsl:attribute name="SRC"><xsl:value-of select="img/@src"/></xsl:attribute>
<!-- Browse Graphics -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/browse[browsen != '']">
    <xsl:for-each select="browsed[. != '']"><xsl:value-of /></xsl:for-each><xsl:for-each select="browset[. != '']"> (<xsl:value-of/>)</xsl:for-each><xsl:if test="context()[(browset != '') or (browsed != '')]">: </xsl:if>
    <xsl:for-each select="browsen[. != '']">
      <A TARGET="viewer"><xsl:attribute name="HREF"><xsl:value-of/></xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of/></A>
<!-- Status -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/status[$any$ * != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Status of the data
    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
      <xsl:for-each select="progress[. != '']">
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The state of the data set.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The state of the data set.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="update[. != '']">
        <I>Data update frequency: </I>
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
<!-- Time Period of the Data -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/timeperd[$any$ .//* != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Time period for which the data is relevant
    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="timeinfo/sngdate[$any$ * != '']"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="timeinfo/mdattim/sngdate[$any$ * != '']"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="timeinfo/rngdates[$any$ * != '']"/>
      <xsl:for-each select="current[. != '']">
          <I>Description: </I>
            <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.']">
              <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN>
                <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.  REQUIRED.']">
                  <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN>
                  <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN><BR/>
<!-- Publication Info -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo[(origin != '') or (pubdate != '') or 
    (pubtime != '') or ($any$ pubinfo/* != '') or ($any$ serinfo/* != '')]">
  <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Publication Information
    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"><SPAN CLASS="lt2">
      <xsl:for-each select="origin[$any$ . != '']">
        <xsl:if test="context()[0]"><I>Who created the data: </I></xsl:if>
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN>
              <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN>
              <xsl:otherwise><xsl:if test="context()[. != '']"><xsl:value-of/></xsl:if></xsl:otherwise>
        <xsl:if test="context()[not(end()) and . != '']">, </xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="context()[end()]"><BR/></xsl:if>
      <xsl:if test="context()[(pubdate != '') or (pubtime != '')]">
        <DIV><I>Date and time: </I>
            <xsl:when test="context()[pubdate = 'REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.']">
              <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="pubdate"/></SPAN>
                <xsl:when test="context()[pubdate = 'The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.  REQUIRED']">
                  <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="pubdate"/></SPAN>
                <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="pubdate"/></xsl:otherwise>
          <xsl:if test="context()[pubtime != '']"> at time <xsl:value-of select="pubtime"/></xsl:if>
      <xsl:for-each select="pubinfo[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV><I>Publisher and place: </I>
          <xsl:value-of select="publish"/><xsl:if test="context()[publish != '' and pubplace != '']">, </xsl:if>
          <xsl:value-of select="pubplace"/>
      <xsl:for-each select="serinfo/sername[. != '']">
        <DIV><I>Series name: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="serinfo/issue[. != '']">
        <DIV><I>Series issue: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
<!-- Distribution Info -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/distinfo/stdorder/digform[($any$ digtinfo/(formname | 
    dssize | transize | filedec) != '') or ($any$ digtopt/onlinopt/accinstr != '') or 
    ($any$ digtopt/onlinopt/computer/(networka/* | sdeconn/*) != '') or 
    ($any$ digtopt/onlinopt/computer/dialinst/(dialtel | dialfile) != '') or 
    ($any$ digtopt/offoptn/offmedia != '')]">
  <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Accessing the data
    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
      <xsl:for-each select="digtinfo/formname[. != '']">
        <I>Data format: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="digtinfo/dssize[. != '']">
        <I>Size of the data: </I><xsl:value-of /> MB<BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="digtinfo/transize[. != '']">
        <I>Data transfer size: </I><xsl:value-of /> MB<BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="digtinfo/filedec[. != '']">
        <I>How to decompress the file: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="digtopt/onlinopt"> 
        <xsl:for-each select="computer/networka/networkr[. != '']">
          <xsl:if test="context()[0]"><DIV CLASS="pn">Network location:</DIV></xsl:if>
          <DIV CLASS="pe2">
            <xsl:for-each select="context()[. != '']">
              <LI><xsl:value-of /></LI>
        <xsl:for-each select="computer/sdeconn[$any$ * != '']">
          <DIV CLASS="pn">SDE connection:</DIV>
          <DIV CLASS="pe2">
            <LI>Server: <xsl:value-of select="server"/></LI>
            <LI>Instance: <xsl:value-of select="instance"/></LI>
            <LI>Version: <xsl:value-of select="version"/></LI>
            <LI>Username: <xsl:value-of select="user"/></LI>
        <xsl:for-each select="computer/dialinst[($any$ dialtel != '') or ($any$ dialfile != '')]">
          <xsl:if test="context()[0]"><DIV CLASS="pn">Dialup instructions:</DIV></xsl:if>
          <DIV CLASS="pe2">
            <xsl:for-each select="dialtel[. != '']">
              <LI><xsl:value-of /></LI>
            <xsl:for-each select="dialfile[. != '']">
              <LI><xsl:value-of /></LI>
        <xsl:for-each select="accinstr[. != '']">
          <DIV CLASS="pe2"><I>Access instructions: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="digtopt/offoptn/offmedia[. != '']">
        <xsl:if test="context()[0]"><I>Available media: </I></xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="context()[. != '']"><xsl:value-of/></xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="context()[not(end()) and . != '']">, </xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="context()[end()]"><BR/></xsl:if>
      <xsl:if test="/metadata[($any$ distinfo/stdorder/digform/(digtinfo/(formname | 
          dssize | transize | filedec) | digtopt/(onlinopt/(computer/(networka/* | 
          sdeconn/* | dialinst/(dialtel | dialfile)) | accinstr | offoptn/offmedia))) != '')
          and ($any$ idinfo/(accconst | useconst) != '')]">
<!-- Data access constraints -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/accconst[. != '']">
  <I>Access constraints: </I>
    <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.']">
      <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
        <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.  REQUIRED.']">
          <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
        <xsl:otherwise><SPAN CLASS="lt"><xsl:value-of /><BR/></SPAN></xsl:otherwise>
<!-- Data use constraints -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/useconst[. != '']">
    <I>Use constraints: </I>
      <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.']">
        <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.  REQUIRED.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
            <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN><BR/>
<!-- Metadata Info -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/metainfo[(metrd != '') or (metfrd != '') or (metstdn != '') or 
    (metstdv != '') or (mettc != '') or ($any$ metextns/* != '') or (metc/cntinfo/cntvoice != '') or 
    (metc/cntinfo/cntfax != '') or (metc/cntinfo/cntemail != '') or (metc/cntinfo/hours != '') or 
    (metc/cntinfo/cntinst != '') or (metc/cntinfo/cntaddr/* != '') or 
    (metc/cntinfo/*/cntper != '') or (metc/cntinfo/*/cntorg != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="metrd[. != '']">
    <DIV>Contents last reviewed: <xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="metfrd[. != '']">
    <DIV>Contents to be reviewed: <xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ metc/cntinfo/(cntvoice | cntfax | cntemail | hours | cntinst | 
      */cntper | */cntorg | cntaddr/(address | city | state | postal | country)) != '')]">
    <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Who completed this document
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="metc/cntinfo"/>
  <xsl:if test="context()[(metstdn != '') or (metstdv != '') or (mettc != '') or 
      ($any$ metextns/* != '')]">
    <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Standards used to create this document
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="metstdn[. != '']">
          <I>Standard name: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
        <xsl:for-each select="metstdv[. != '']">
          <I>Standard version: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
        <xsl:for-each select="mettc[. != '']">
          <I>Time convention used in this document: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
        <xsl:for-each select="metextns[(metprof != '') or (onlink != '')]">
          <xsl:if test="context()[0]">Metadata profiles defining additonal information</xsl:if>
          <LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
            <xsl:for-each select="metprof[. != '']"><xsl:value-of/></xsl:for-each><xsl:if test="context()[(metprof != '') and (onlink != '')]">: </xsl:if>
            <xsl:for-each select="onlink[. != '']">
              <A TARGET="viewer"><xsl:attribute name="HREF"><xsl:value-of/>
              <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]">, </xsl:if>
<!-- SPATIAL TAB -->
<!-- Horizontal Coordinate Systems -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spref/horizsys[$any$ (geograph/* | 
    planar//* | local/* | cordsysn/* | geodetic/*) != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="pn">Horizontal coordinate system</DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ cordsysn/* != '']">
    <xsl:for-each select="cordsysn/projcsn[. != '']">
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Projected coordinate system name: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="cordsysn/geogcsn[. != '']">
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Geographic coordinate system name: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ (geograph/* | planar//* | local/* | geodetic/*) != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="geograph[$any$ * != '']"/>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="planar[$any$ .//* != '']"/>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="local[$any$ * != '']"/>
        <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ (geograph/* | planar//* | local/*) != '') and 
            ($any$ geodetic/* != '')]">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="geodetic[$any$ * != '']"/>
<!-- Vertical Coordinate Systems -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spref/vertdef[$any$ .//* != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="pn">Vertical coordinate system</DIV>
  <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details
    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="context()"/>
<!-- Bounding Coordinates -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/idinfo/spdom[$any$ (bounding/* | lboundng/* | 
    minalti | maxalti) != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="pn">Bounding coordinates</DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ (bounding/* | lboundng/*) != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">Horizontal</DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="bounding[$any$ * != '']">
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In decimal degrees</DIV>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>West: </I>
          <xsl:when test="context()[westbc = 'REQUIRED: Western-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="westbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:when test="context()[westbc = 'Western-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="westbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="westbc"/></xsl:otherwise>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>East: </I>
          <xsl:when test="context()[eastbc = 'REQUIRED: Eastern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="eastbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:when test="context()[eastbc = 'Eastern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="eastbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="eastbc"/></xsl:otherwise>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>North: </I>
          <xsl:when test="context()[northbc = 'REQUIRED: Northern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="northbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:when test="context()[northbc = 'Northern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="northbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="northbc"/></xsl:otherwise>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>South: </I>
          <xsl:when test="context()[southbc = 'REQUIRED: Southern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="southbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:when test="context()[southbc = 'Southern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude.  REQUIRED.']">
                <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="southbc"/></SPAN>
              <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="southbc"/></xsl:otherwise>
    <xsl:for-each select="lboundng[$any$ * != '']">
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In projected or local coordinates</DIV>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Left: </I><xsl:value-of select="leftbc"/></DIV>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Right: </I><xsl:value-of select="rightbc"/></DIV>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Top: </I><xsl:value-of select="topbc"/></DIV>
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Bottom: </I><xsl:value-of select="bottombc"/></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ (bounding/* | lboundng/*) != '') and 
      ($any$ (minalti | maxalti) !='')]">
  <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ (minalti | maxalti) != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">Vertical</DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="minalti[. != '']">
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Minimum elevation: </I>
        <xsl:if test="context()[. != '1.#QNAN0']"><xsl:value-of /></xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="context()[. = '1.#QNAN0']">Unknown</xsl:if>
    <xsl:for-each select="maxalti[. != '']">
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Maximum elevation: </I>
        <xsl:if test="context()[. != '1.#QNAN0']"><xsl:value-of /></xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="context()[. = '1.#QNAN0']">Unknown</xsl:if>
<!-- Data Quality -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/dataqual/posacc[$any$ (horizpa/(horizpar | 
    qhorizpa/horizpav) | vertacc/(vertaccr | qvertpa/vertaccv)) != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="pn">Spatial data quality</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="horizpa[(horizpar != '') or (qhorizpa/horizpav != '')]">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Horizontal positional accuracy
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="horizpar[. != '']">
          <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN>
        <xsl:for-each select="qhorizpa[$any$ horizpav != '']">
          <xsl:for-each select="horizpav[. != '']">
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Estimated accuracy: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
          <xsl:for-each select="horizpae[. != '']">
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
              <I>How this value was determined: </I>
              <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN>
  <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ horizpa/(horizpar | qhorizpa/horizpav) != '')
      and ($any$ vertacc/(vertaccr | qvertpa/vertaccv) != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="vertacc[(vertaccr != '') or (qvertpa/vertaccv != '')]">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Vertical positional accuracy
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="vertaccr[. != '']">
          <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN>
        <xsl:for-each select="qvertpa[$any$ vertaccv != '']">
          <xsl:for-each select="vertaccv[. != '']">
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Estimated accuracy: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
          <xsl:for-each select="vertacce[. != '']">
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
              <I>How this value was determined: </I>
              <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN>
<!-- ESRI feature description -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spdoinfo/ptvctinf/esriterm[$any$ * != '']">
  <xsl:if test="context()[0]"> 
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">ESRI description</DIV>
  <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.6in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">
      <xsl:when test="context()[@Name != '']">
        <xsl:value-of select="@Name"/>
        Feature class
    <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
      <xsl:for-each select="efeatyp[. != '']">
        <I>ESRI feature type: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="efeageom[. != '']">
        <I>Geometry type: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="featdesc[. != '']">
        <I>Feature description: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="esritopo[. != '']">
        <I>Topology: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="efeacnt[. != '']">
        <I>Feature count: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="spindex[. != '']">
        <I>Spatial Index: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="linrefer[. != '']">
        <I>Linear referencing: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="netwrole[. != '']">
        <I>Network role: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ XYRank | ZRank | topoWeight | validateEvents | partTopoRules)]"><BR/></xsl:if> 
      <xsl:for-each select="XYRank[. != '']">
        <I>XYRank: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="ZRank[. != '']">
        <I>ZRank: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="topoWeight[. != '']">
        <I>Topology weight: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="validateEvents[. != '']">
        <I>Events on validation: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="partTopoRules[. != '']">
        <I>Participates in topology rules: </I>
        <xsl:for-each select="topoRuleID[. != '']"><xsl:value-of /><xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]">, </xsl:if></xsl:for-each><BR/>
      <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]"><BR/></xsl:if>
<!-- SDTS feature description -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spdoinfo/ptvctinf/sdtsterm[$any$ * != '']">
  <xsl:if test="context()[0]">
    <DIV>Feature class: SDTS feature type, feature count</DIV>
  <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
        <xsl:when test="context()[@Name != '']">
          <xsl:value-of select="@Name"/>: 
          Feature class: 
      <xsl:value-of select="sdtstype"/><xsl:if test="context()[sdtstype != '' and ptvctcnt != '']">, </xsl:if>
      <xsl:value-of select="ptvctcnt"/>
<!-- VPF feature description -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spdoinfo/ptvctinf/vpfterm[(vpflevel != '') or ($any$ vpfinfo/* != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="vpflevel[. != '']">
    <DIV><I>Level of topology: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="vpfinfo[$any$ * != '']">
    <xsl:if test="context()[0]">
      <DIV>Feature class: VPF feature type, feature count</DIV>
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
          <xsl:when test="context()[@Name != '']">
            <xsl:value-of select="@Name"/>: 
            Feature class: 
        <xsl:value-of select="vpftype"/><xsl:if test="context()[vpftype != '' and ptvctcnt != '']">, </xsl:if>
        <xsl:value-of select="ptvctcnt"/>
<!-- Geometric Network Information -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spdoinfo/netinfo[(nettype != '') or ($any$ connrule/* != '')]">
  <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Geometric network information</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="nettype[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Network type: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV><BR/>
  <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ connrule/* != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in">Connectivity rules 
        <DIV CLASS="pe2">In the list below, feature classes are listed followed by the subtype code to which the rule applies.</DIV><BR/>
        <xsl:for-each select="connrule[$any$ * != '']">
          <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"><xsl:eval>formatIndex(childNumber(this), "1")</xsl:eval>. <xsl:choose>
              <xsl:when test="ruletype[. != '']">
                <xsl:value-of select="ruletype"/> rule 
                Connectivity rule 
            <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
              <xsl:for-each select="rulehelp[. != '']">
                <I>Rule description: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
<!--              <xsl:for-each select="rulecat[. != '']">
                <I>Rule category: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              </xsl:for-each> -->
              <xsl:if test="context()[(rulefeid != '') or (rulefest != '')]">
                <I>From edge:</I> 
                <xsl:value-of select="rulefeid"/><xsl:if test="context()[rulefeid != '' and rulefest != '']">: </xsl:if>
                <xsl:value-of select="rulefest"/><BR/>
              <xsl:if test="context()[(ruleteid != '') or (ruletest != '')]">
                <I>To edge:</I> 
                <xsl:value-of select="ruleteid"/><xsl:if test="context()[ruleteid != '' and ruletest != '']">: </xsl:if>
                <xsl:value-of select="ruletest"/><BR/>
              <xsl:if test="context()[(ruleeid != '') or (ruleest != '') or 
                  (ruleemnc != '') or (ruleemxc != '')]">
                <I>Edge: </I> 
                <xsl:value-of select="ruleeid"/><xsl:if test="context()[ruleeid != '' and ruleest != '']">: </xsl:if>
                <xsl:value-of select="ruleest"/><BR/>
                <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Cardinality
                  <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                    <xsl:for-each select="ruleemnc[. != '']">
                      <I>Minimum: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                    <xsl:for-each select="ruleemxc[. != '']">
                      <I>Maximum: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              <xsl:if test="context()[(rulejid != '') or (rulejst != '') or 
                  (rulejmnc != '') or (rulejmxc != '')]">
                <I>Junction: </I> 
                <xsl:value-of select="rulejid"/><xsl:if test="context()[rulejid != '' and rulejst != '']">: </xsl:if>
                <xsl:value-of select="rulejst"/><BR/>
                <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Cardinality
                  <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                    <xsl:for-each select="rulejmnc[. != '']">
                      <I>Minimum: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                    <xsl:for-each select="rulejmxc[. != '']">
                      <I>Maximum: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              <xsl:if test="context()[(ruledjid != '') or (ruledjst != '')]">
                  <I>Default junction:</I>
                  <xsl:value-of select="ruledjid"/><xsl:if test="context()[ruledjid != '' and ruledjst != '']">: </xsl:if>
                  <xsl:value-of select="ruledjst"/>
              <xsl:if test="rulejunc[(junctid != '') or (junctst != '')]">
                <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Available junctions
                  <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
                    <xsl:for-each select="rulejunc[(junctid != '') or (junctst != '')]">
                        <xsl:value-of select="junctid"/><xsl:if test="context()[junctid != '' and junctst != '']">: </xsl:if>
                        <xsl:value-of select="junctst"/>
<!-- Topology Information -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/Esri/DataProperties/topoinfo[($any$ */* != '')]">
  <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Topology information</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="topoProps[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in">
      <xsl:for-each select="clusterTol[. != '']">
        <I>Cluster tolerance: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="maxErrors[. != '']">
        <I>Maximum number of errors: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="notTrusted[. != '']">
        <I>Nothing trusted: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
      <xsl:for-each select="trustedArea/trustedPolygon[. != '']">
        <I>Trusted area: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
    <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ ../topoRule//* != '']"><BR/></xsl:if>
  <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ topoRule//* != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in">Topology rule information
        <xsl:for-each select="topoRule[$any$ .//* != '']">
          <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Topology rule #<xsl:value-of select="topoRuleID[. != '']"/>
            <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
              <xsl:for-each select="topoRuleName[. != '']">
                <I>Rule name: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              <xsl:for-each select="rulehelp[. != '']">
                <I>Rule description: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              <xsl:for-each select="topoRuleType[. != '']">
                <I>Rule type: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              <xsl:for-each select="topoRuleOrigin[* != '']">
                <SPAN CLASS="pn">Rule origin:</SPAN> 
                <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
                  <xsl:for-each select="fcname[. != '']">
                    <I>Feature class: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="allOriginSubtypes[. != '']">
                    <I>Rule applies to all subtypes: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:if test="context()[(allOriginSubtypes = 'FALSE') and ((stname !='') or (stcode != ''))]">
                    <I>Subtype name and code: </I>
                    <xsl:value-of select="stname"/><xsl:if test="context()[stname != '' and stcode != '']">: </xsl:if>
                    <xsl:value-of select="stcode"/><BR/>
              <xsl:for-each select="topoRuleDest[* != '']">
                <SPAN CLASS="pn">Rule destination:</SPAN> 
                <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
                  <xsl:for-each select="fcname[. != '']">
                    <I>Feature class: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="allDestSubtypes[. != '']">
                    <I>Rule applies to all subtypes: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:if test="context()[(allDestSubtypes = 'FALSE') and ((stname !='') or (stcode != ''))]">
                    <I>Subtype name and code: </I>
                    <xsl:value-of select="stname"/><xsl:if test="context()[stname != '' and stcode != '']">: </xsl:if>
                    <xsl:value-of select="stcode"/><BR/>
<!-- Raster Dataset Information -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spdoinfo/rastinfo[$any$ * != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Raster dataset information</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="rastifor[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Raster format: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="rasttype[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>SDTS raster type: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="rastband[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Number of raster bands: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[(rastorig != '') or (rastplyr != '') or (rastcmap != '') or 
      (rastcomp != '') or (rastdtyp != '')]">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Raster properties
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="rastorig[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Origin location: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="rastplyr[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Has pyramids: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="rastcmap[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Has colormap: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="rastcomp[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Data compression type: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="rastdtyp[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Display type: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[(rastxsz != '') or (rastysz != '') or (rastbpp != '') or 
      (vrtcount != '') or (rowcount != '') or (colcount != '')]">
    <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Cell information
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="colcount[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Number of cells on x-axis: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="rowcount[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Number of cells on y-axis: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="vrtcount[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Number of cells on z-axis: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="rastbpp[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Number of bits per cell: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:if test="context()[(rastxsz != '') or (rastysz != '')]">
          <DIV CLASS="pn">Cell Size</DIV>
          <xsl:for-each select="rastxsz[. != '']">
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>X distance: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
          <xsl:for-each select="rastysz[. != '']">
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Y distance: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]"><BR/></xsl:if>
<!-- Entity type -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/eainfo/detailed/enttyp[(enttypt != '') or (enttypc != '') or 
    (enttypd != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="enttypt[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Type of object: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="enttypc[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Number of records: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[enttypd != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Description
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <SPAN CLASS="lt"><xsl:value-of select="enttypd"/></SPAN><BR/>
        <xsl:for-each select="enttypds[. != '']">
          <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Source: </I><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
<!-- Relationship Information -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/eainfo/detailed/relinfo[$any$ * != '']">
  <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">Relationship information</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="relcomp[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Type of relationship: </I>
        <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'TRUE']">Composite</xsl:when>
  <xsl:for-each select="relcard[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Cardinality of the relationship: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="relattr[. != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in"><I>Has attributes: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[(otfcname != '') or (otfcpkey != '') or (otfcfkey != '')]">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Origin information
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="otfcname[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Origin name: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="otfcpkey[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Primary key: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="otfcfkey[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Foreign key: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[(dtfcname != '') or (dtfcpkey != '') or (dtfcfkey != '')]">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Destination information
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="dtfcname[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Destination name: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="dtfcpkey[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Primary key: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="dtfcfkey[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Foreign key: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[(relnodir != '') or (relflab != '') or (relblab != '')]">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Notification information
      <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
        <xsl:for-each select="relnodir[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Notification direction: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="relflab[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Forward label: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
        <xsl:for-each select="relblab[. != '']">
          <DIV><I>Backward label: </I><xsl:value-of /></DIV>
<!-- Attribute Information -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/eainfo/detailed/attr[(attrlabl != '') or (attalias != '') or 
    (attrtype != '') or (attwidth != '') or (atprecis != '') or (atoutwid != '') or 
    (atnumdec != '') or (attscale != '') or (attrdef != '')]">
  <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">
    <xsl:if test="context()[0]">Attributes</xsl:if>
      <xsl:when test="context()[(attalias != '') or (attrtype != '') or (attwidth != '') or 
          (atprecis != '') or (atoutwid != '') or (atnumdec != '') or (attscale != '') or 
          (attrdef != '')]">
        <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">
            <xsl:when test="context()[attrlabl != '']">
              <xsl:value-of select="attrlabl"/>
          <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
            <xsl:for-each select="attalias[. != '']">
              <I>Alias: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
            <xsl:for-each select="attrtype[. != '']">
              <I>Data type: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
            <xsl:for-each select="attwidth[. != '']">
              <I>Width: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
            <xsl:for-each select="atoutwid[. != '']">
              <I>Output width: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
            <xsl:for-each select="atnumdec[. != '']">
              <I>Number of decimals: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
            <xsl:for-each select="atprecis[. != '']">
              <I>Precision: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
            <xsl:for-each select="attscale[. != '']">
              <I>Scale: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
            <xsl:for-each select="attrdef[. != '']">
              <!--<SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>-->
              <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN>
            <xsl:for-each select="attrdefs[. != '']">
              <!--<SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>-->
              <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN>
        <xsl:if test="context()[attrlabl != '']">
          <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="pe2"><xsl:value-of select="attrlabl"/></DIV>
<!-- Subtype Information -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/eainfo/detailed/subtype[(stname != '') or (stcode != '') or 
    ($any$ stfield/(stfldnm | stflddv) != '') or ($any$ stfield/stflddd/* != '')]">
  <xsl:if test="context()[0]">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">Subtype Information</DIV>
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pe2">In the following list the subtype code is followed by the subtype name.</DIV>
  <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn"><xsl:value-of select="stcode"/>: <xsl:value-of select="stname"/></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="stfield[$any$ * != '']">
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.7in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Attributes
      <DIV STYLE="display:none">
      <xsl:for-each select="stfield[$any$ * != '']">
        <xsl:when test="context()[(stflddv != '') or ($any$ stflddd/* != '')]">
          <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">
              <xsl:when test="context()[stfldnm != '']">
                <xsl:value-of select="stfldnm"/>
              <xsl:otherwise>Subtype field</xsl:otherwise>
            <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none">
              <xsl:for-each select="stflddv[. != '']">
                <I>Default value: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              <xsl:for-each select="stflddd[$any$ * != '']">
                <DIV><SPAN CLASS="pn">Domain: </SPAN><xsl:value-of select="domname"/></DIV>
                <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
                  <xsl:for-each select="domdesc[. != '']">
                    <I>Description: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="domfldtp[. != '']">
                    <I>Field type: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="domtype[. != '']">
                    <I>Domain type: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="mrgtype[. != '']">
                    <I>Merge rule: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="splttype[. != '']">
                    <I>Split rule: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="domowner[. != '']">
                    <I>Domain owner: </I><xsl:value-of /><BR/>
              <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]"><BR/></xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="context()[stfldnm != '']">
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="pe2"><xsl:value-of select="stfldnm"/></DIV>
      <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]"><BR/></xsl:if>
<!-- Overview info -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/eainfo/overview[(eaover != '') or ($any$ eadetcit != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="eaover[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="srh1">Overview</DIV>
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
      <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN>
  <xsl:for-each select="eadetcit[. != '']">
    <xsl:if test="context()[0]"><DIV CLASS="srh1">Overview citation</DIV></xsl:if>
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">
      <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE></SPAN><BR/>
<!-- Time Period Information -->
<!-- Single or Multiple Date/Time -->
<xsl:template match="timeinfo//sngdate[(caldate != '') or (time != '')]">
  <DIV><I>Date and time: </I>
      <xsl:when test="context()[caldate = 'REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.']">
        <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="caldate"/></SPAN>
          <xsl:when test="context()[caldate = 'The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.  REQUIRED.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of select="caldate"/></SPAN>
          <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="caldate"/></xsl:otherwise>
    <xsl:if test="context()[time != '']"> at time <xsl:value-of select="time"/></xsl:if>
<!-- Range of Dates/Times -->
<xsl:template match="timeinfo/rngdates[$any$ * != '']">
  <DIV><I>Beginning date and time: </I>
    <xsl:value-of select="begdate"/>
    <xsl:if test="context()[begtime != '']"> at time <xsl:value-of select="begtime"/></xsl:if>
  <DIV><I>Ending date and time: </I>
    <xsl:value-of select="enddate"/>
    <xsl:if test="context()[endtime != '']"> at time <xsl:value-of select="endtime"/></xsl:if>
<!-- Contact Information -->
<xsl:template match="cntinfo[(cntvoice != '') or (cntfax != '') or (cntemail != '') or 
    (hours != '') or (cntinst != '') or (cntaddr/* != '') or (*/cntper != '') or 
    (*/cntorg != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="*/cntper[. != '']">
      <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.']">
        <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The person responsible for the metadata information.  REQUIRED.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of /><BR/></xsl:otherwise>
  <xsl:for-each select="*/cntorg[. != '']">
      <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.']">
        <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The organization responsible for the metadata information.  REQUIRED.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of /><BR/></xsl:otherwise>
  <xsl:for-each select="cntaddr[($any$ address != '') or (city != '') or (state != '') or (postal != '') or (country != '')]">
      <xsl:when test="addrtype[. = 'REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.']">
        <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><I><xsl:value-of select="addrtype"/>:</I></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:when test="addrtype[. = 'The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.  REQUIRED.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><I><xsl:value-of select="addrtype"/>:</I></SPAN><BR/>
              <xsl:when test="addrtype[. != '']"><I><xsl:value-of select="addrtype"/>:</I><BR/></xsl:when>
    <xsl:if test="context()[((address != '') or (city != '') or (state != '') or 
        (postal != '') or (country != ''))]">
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in">
        <xsl:for-each select="address[. != '']">
          <DIV CLASS="lt">
            <PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE>
        <xsl:if test="context()[((city != '') or (state != '') or (postal != ''))]">
            <xsl:for-each select="city[. != '']">
                <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The city of the address.']">
                  <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /><xsl:if test="context()[../state != '']">, </xsl:if></SPAN></xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The city of the address.  REQUIRED.']">
                      <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /><xsl:if test="context()[../state != '']">, </xsl:if></SPAN></xsl:when>
                    <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of /><xsl:if test="context()[../state != '']">, </xsl:if></xsl:otherwise>
              </xsl:choose></xsl:for-each><xsl:for-each select="state[. != '']">
                <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.']">
                  <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN></xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The state or province of the address.  REQUIRED.']">
                      <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN></xsl:when>
                    <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of /></xsl:otherwise>
              </xsl:choose></xsl:for-each><xsl:if test="context()[((city != '') or (state != '')) and (postal != '')]" xml:space="preserve"> </xsl:if>
              <xsl:for-each select="postal[. != '']">
                <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.']">
                  <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN></xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The ZIP or other postal code of the address.  REQUIRED.']">
                      <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN></xsl:when>
                    <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of /></xsl:otherwise>
        <xsl:for-each select="country[. != '']"><DIV><xsl:value-of/></DIV></xsl:for-each>
        <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]">
  <xsl:if test="context()[(($any$ cntaddr/address != '') or (cntaddr/city != '') or 
      (cntaddr/state != '') or (cntaddr/postal != '') or (cntaddr/country != '')) 
      and ((cntvoice != '') or (cntfax != '') or (cntemail != ''))]">
  <xsl:for-each select="cntvoice[. != '']">
      <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.']">
        <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:when test="context()[. = 'The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.  REQUIRED.']">
            <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999"><xsl:value-of /></SPAN><BR/>
          <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of /> (voice)<BR/></xsl:otherwise>
  <xsl:for-each select="cntfax[. != '']"><xsl:value-of/> (fax)<BR/></xsl:for-each>
  <xsl:for-each select="cntemail[. != '']"><xsl:value-of/><BR/></xsl:for-each>
  <xsl:if test="context()[(($any$ cntaddr/address != '') or (cntaddr/city != '') or 
      (cntaddr/state != '') or (cntaddr/postal != '') or (cntaddr/country != '') or 
      (cntvoice != '') or (cntfax != '') or (cntemail != '')) 
      and ((hours != '') or (cntinst != ''))]">
  <xsl:for-each select="hours[. != '']"><DIV><I>Hours of service:</I> <xsl:value-of/></DIV></xsl:for-each>
  <xsl:for-each select="cntinst[. != '']">
    <DIV><I>Contact Instructions:</I></DIV>
    <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in">
      <PRE ID="original"><xsl:eval>this.text</xsl:eval></PRE>
<!-- Horizontal Coordinate Systems -->
<!-- Geographic Coordinate System -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spref/horizsys/geograph[$any$ * != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="srh1">Geographic Coordinate System</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="latres[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Latitude Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="longres[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Longitude Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="geogunit[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Geographic Coordinate Units: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
<!-- Planar Coordinate System -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spref/horizsys/planar[$any$ .//* != '']">
  <xsl:for-each select="mapproj">
    <xsl:for-each select="mapprojn[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr1"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Map Projection Name: </SPAN><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ .//* != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><xsl:apply-templates select="*"/></DIV>
    <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]"><BR/></xsl:if>
  <xsl:for-each select="gridsys">
    <xsl:for-each select="gridsysn[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr1"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Grid Coordinate System Name: </SPAN><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="utm">
      <xsl:for-each select="utmzone[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>UTM Zone Number: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="transmer[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Transverse Mercator Projection</DIV>
      <DIV CLASS="sr3"><xsl:apply-templates select="transmer"/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="ups">
      <xsl:for-each select="upszone[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>UPS Zone Identifier: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="polarst[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Polar Stereographic Projection</DIV>
      <DIV CLASS="sr3"><xsl:apply-templates select="polarst"/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="spcs">
      <xsl:for-each select="spcszone[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>SPCS Zone Identifier: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="lambertc[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Lambert Conformal Conic Projection</DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="transmer[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Transverse Mercator Projection</DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="obqmerc[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Oblique Mercator Projection</DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="polycon[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Polyconic Projection</DIV>
      <DIV CLASS="sr3"><xsl:apply-templates select="*"/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="arcsys">
      <xsl:for-each select="arczone[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>ARC System Zone Identifier: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="equirect[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Equirectangular Projection</DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="azimequi[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Azimuthal Equidistant Projection</DIV>
      <DIV CLASS="sr3"><xsl:apply-templates select="*"/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="othergrd[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="srh2">Other Grid System's Definition</DIV>
      <DIV CLASS="sr3"><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="localp">
    <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ * != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="srh1">Local Planar Coordinate System</DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="localpd[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Description: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="localpgi[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="srh2">Georeference Information</DIV>
      <DIV CLASS="sr3"><SPAN CLASS="lt"><xsl:value-of/></SPAN></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ (mapproj//* | gridsys//* | localp/*) != '') and 
      ($any$ planci//* != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="planci">
    <DIV CLASS="sr1"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Planar Coordinate Information</SPAN></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="plandu[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Planar Distance Units: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="plance[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Coordinate Encoding Method: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="coordrep">
      <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Coordinate Representation</DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="absres[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Abscissa Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="ordres[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Ordinate Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="distbrep">
      <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ * != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="srh2">Distance and Bearing Representation</DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="distres[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Distance Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="bearres[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Bearing Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="bearunit[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Bearing Units: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="bearrefd[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Bearing Reference Direction: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
      <xsl:for-each select="bearrefm[. != '']">
        <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Bearing Reference Meridian: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[not(end())]">
<!-- Local Coordinate System -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spref/horizsys/local[$any$ * != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="srh1">Local Coordinate System</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="localdes[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Description: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="localgeo[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="srh2">Georeference Information</DIV>
    <DIV CLASS="sr3"><SPAN CLASS="lt"><xsl:value-of/></SPAN></DIV>
<!-- Geodetic Model -->
<xsl:template match="/metadata/spref/horizsys/geodetic[$any$ * != '']">
  <DIV CLASS="srh1">Geodetic Model</DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="horizdn[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Horizontal Datum Name: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="ellips[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Ellipsoid Name: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="semiaxis[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Semi-major Axis: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:for-each select="denflat[. != '']">
    <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Denominator of Flattening Ratio: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
<!-- Map Projections -->
<!-- Projections explicitly supported in the FGDC standard -->
<xsl:template match="albers | azimequi | equicon | equirect | gnomonic | gvnsp | lamberta | 
    lambertc | mercator | miller | modsak | obqmerc | orthogr | polarst | polycon | robinson | 
    sinusoid | spaceobq | stereo | transmer | vdgrin">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<!-- Projections defined in the 8.0 ESRI Profile -->
<xsl:template match="behrmann | bonne | cassini | eckert1 | eckert2 | eckert3 | eckert4 | 
    eckert5 | eckert6 | gallster | loximuth | mollweid | quartic | winkel1 | winkel2">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<!-- For projections not explicitly supported, FGDC standard places parameters in mapprojp; used by Catalog at 8.1 -->
<xsl:template match="mapprojp">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<!-- Map Projection Parameters -->
<xsl:template match="stdparll[. != '']">
  <I>Standard Parallel: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="longcm[. != '']">
  <I>Longitude of Central Meridian: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="latprjo[. != '']">
  <I>Latitude of Projection Origin: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="feast[. != '']">
  <I>False Easting: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="fnorth[. != '']">
  <I>False Northing: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="sfequat[. != '']">
  <I>Scale Factor at Equator: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="heightpt[. != '']">
  <I>Height of Perspective Point Above Surface: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="longpc[. != '']">
  <I>Longitude of Projection Center: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="latprjc[. != '']">
  <I>Latitude of Projection Center: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="sfctrlin[. != '']">
  <I>Scale_Factor at Center Line: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="obqlazim[. != '']">
  <I>Oblique Line Azimuth: </I><BR/>
    <xsl:for-each select="azimangl[. != '']">
      <DD><I>Azimuthal Angle: </I><xsl:value-of/></DD><BR/>
    <xsl:for-each select="azimptl[. != '']">
      <DD><I>Azimuthal Measure Point Longitude: </I><xsl:value-of/></DD><BR/>
<xsl:template match="obqlpt[. != '']">
  <I>Oblique Line Point: </I><BR/>
    <xsl:for-each select="obqllat[. != '']">
      <DD><I>Oblique Line Latitude: </I><xsl:value-of/></DD><BR/>
    <xsl:for-each select="obqllong[. != '']">
      <DD><I>Oblique Line Longitude: </I><xsl:value-of/></DD><BR/>
<xsl:template match="svlong[. != '']">
  <I>Straight Vertical Longitude from Pole: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="sfprjorg[. != '']">
  <I>Scale Factor at Projection Origin: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="landsat[. != '']">
  <I>Landsat Number: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="pathnum[. != '']">
  <I>Path Number: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="sfctrmer[. != '']">
  <I>Scale Factor at Central Meridian: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<xsl:template match="otherprj[. != '']">
  <I>Other Projection's Definition: </I><xsl:value-of/><BR/>
<!-- Vertical Coordinate Systems -->
<xsl:template match="vertdef">
  <xsl:for-each select="altsys">
    <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ * != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="srh1">Altitude System Definition</DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="altdatum[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Datum Name: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="altres[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="altunits[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Distance Units: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="altenc[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Encoding Method: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <xsl:if test="context()[($any$ altsys/* != '') and ($any$ depthsys/* != '')]">
  <xsl:for-each select="depthsys">
    <xsl:if test="context()[$any$ * != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="srh1">Depth System Definition</DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="depthdn[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Datum Name: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="depthres[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Resolution: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="depthdu[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Distance Units: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
    <xsl:for-each select="depthem[. != '']">
      <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Encoding Method: </I><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
<xsl:template match="SearchResults">
  <xsl:for-each select="QueryName">
    <DIV CLASS="name"><xsl:value-of/></DIV>
  <DIV CLASS="sub">Search Results</DIV>
  <DIV CLASS="search">
      <xsl:for-each select="DatasetName">
        This search looks for data named "<xsl:value-of/>". 
        <xsl:when test="context()[DatasetType]">
          <xsl:for-each select="DatasetType">
            <xsl:if test="context()[0]">
              It retrieves the following types of data:
            <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in">
              <LI><xsl:value-of select="@Description"/></LI>
          It retrieves all types of data.
    <xsl:if test="context()[Envelope]">
      <DIV CLASS="head">Geographic criteria</DIV>
        <xsl:if test="EnvelopeOperator[. = '0']">located within</xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="EnvelopeOperator[. = '1']">that overlaps</xsl:if>
        the following area will be retrieved by this search: 
      <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in">
        <xsl:for-each select="Envelope/XMin"><DIV>Minimum X: <xsl:value-of/></DIV></xsl:for-each>
        <xsl:for-each select="Envelope/YMin"><DIV>Minimum Y: <xsl:value-of/></DIV></xsl:for-each>
        <xsl:for-each select="Envelope/XMax"><DIV>Maximum X: <xsl:value-of/></DIV></xsl:for-each>
        <xsl:for-each select="Envelope/YMax"><DIV>Maximum Y: <xsl:value-of/></DIV></xsl:for-each>
    <xsl:if test="context()[DateType]">
      <DIV CLASS="head">Temporal criteria</DIV>
        <xsl:if test="DateType[. = '1']">describing the time period </xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="DateType[. = '2']">published </xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="DateType[. = '3']">whose metadata was updated </xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="DateType[. = '4']">modified </xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. = '0']">during the previous <xsl:value-of select="Date1"/> days </xsl:if>
        <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. > '0']">
          <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. = '1']">before </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. = '2']">before or during </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. = '3']">during </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. = '4']">equal to </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. = '5']">after or during </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="DateOperator[. = '6']">after </xsl:if>
          <xsl:value-of select="Date1"/>
          <xsl:if test="context()[Date2]">through <xsl:value-of select="Date2"/> </xsl:if>
        will be retrieved by this search. 
    <xsl:for-each select="FieldQuery">
      <xsl:if test="context()[0]">
        <DIV CLASS="head">Keyword criteria</DIV>
          Data whose metadata satisfies the following criteria, 
          which are <xsl:if test="../IsCaseSensitive[. = '0']">not </xsl:if>case-sensitive,
          will be retrieved by this search:
        <LI STYLE="margin-left:0.3in">
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '0']">Full text </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '1']">Title </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '2']">Edition </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '3']">Originator </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '4']">Source agency </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '5']">Abstract </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '6']">Purpose </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '7']">Geospatial data presentation form </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '8']">Theme keyword </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '9']">Place keyword </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '10']">Stratum keyword </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '11']">Temporal keyword </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '12']">Entity type label </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '13']">Attribute label </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '14']">Lineage </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '15']">Source scale </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '16']">Cloud cover </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldType[. = '17']">Progress</xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldOperator[. = '0']">includes </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldOperator[. = '1']">equals </xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="FieldOperator[. = '2']">exists</xsl:if>
          <xsl:if test="context()[FieldValue != '']">"<xsl:value-of select="FieldValue"/>"</xsl:if>.
      <xsl:if test="context()[end()]">
    <xsl:if test="*[@Engine = 'File system']">
      <DIV CLASS="head">When searching the File system</DIV>
        Data located under "<xsl:value-of select="FileSystemLocation"/>" will be retrieved. 
        <xsl:for-each select="IncludeSubFolders[@Engine = 'File system']">
          Sub-folders will <xsl:if test="IncludeSubFolders[. = '0']">not </xsl:if>be searched.
    <xsl:if test="*[@Engine = 'Catalog']">
      <DIV CLASS="head">When searching the Catalog</DIV>
      <DIV>Data located under "<xsl:value-of select="CatalogLocation"/>" will be retrieved.</DIV>
And Here is the XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--<!DOCTYPE metadata SYSTEM "">-->
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="fgdc_esri.xsl"?>
<metadata xml:lang="en">
		<native Sync="TRUE">Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog</native>
			<abstract>U.S. Census Tract polygons. Census tract and block numbers can be linked to Population and Housing information collected by the U.S. Census each decade.  Population information available includes: sex, race, age, ethnic background, income, education, language spoken at home, employment, and more.  Housing information includes: number of units and rooms in structure, ownership, home value, rent, source of water, condominium,  year built, and more.</abstract>
			<supplinf>GIS Layer Number =  7Y/ Digital information was received from the U.S. Census Bureau which identified physical features, existing district boundaries and other source information in our county.  Original 1990 Census Tract lines were used  in areas which had not changed.  Physical features included such things as road centerlines, railroads and streams.</supplinf>
				<origin>U.S. Census Bureau</origin>
				<title>Census Tracts - 2000</title>
				<ftname Sync="TRUE">ctrct00p</ftname>
				<geoform Sync="TRUE">vector digital data</geoform>
				<onlink Sync="TRUE">\\Isdf0007\GIS\DATA\VECTOR\Census Tract 2000\ctrct00p.shp</onlink>
			<current>publication date</current>
				<westbc Sync="TRUE">-122.319581</westbc>
				<eastbc Sync="TRUE">-121.580938</eastbc>
				<northbc Sync="TRUE">37.292758</northbc>
				<southbc Sync="TRUE">36.815899</southbc>
				<leftbc Sync="TRUE">6032323.849042</leftbc>
				<rightbc Sync="TRUE">6245263.844749</rightbc>
				<bottombc Sync="TRUE">1760555.494886</bottombc>
				<topbc Sync="TRUE">1930906.621119</topbc>
				<themekey>Census; Census Tracts</themekey>
					<cntorg>County of Santa Cruz</cntorg>
				<cntpos>GIS Manager</cntpos>
				<cntvoice>(831) 454-3101</cntvoice>
				<hours>8:00 - 5:00 Monday - Friday</hours>

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Avatar of Gertone (Geert Bormans)
Gertone (Geert Bormans)
Flag of Belgium image

Your stylesheet is not a real XSLT stylesheet,
but has a syntax that is from an old XSLT Working Draft (see the namespace)
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" TYPE="text/xsl">

This WD has only ever been supported by MicroSoft, and it is no surprise that only IE knows how to deal with it
You should rewrite it in order for it to be used outside microsoft XML,
I will now look at the impact for doing so
You are not using a valid XSLT namespace. Use the following line instead:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

The version you use is from a very early draft, somewhere back in 1997 I believe. It has never been and will never be an official XSLT namespace. For backwards compatibility, Microsoft still supports it, unfortunately, adding much to the confusion.
Now that's for a timing, Gertone, exactly the same minute and almost the same story ;-)

About the impact: the $any$ in an XPath is not allowed, the <xsl:value-of /> is illegal, add a select attribute. Thinkgs like on line 781, 821, 3350 etc where you have a couple of dashes or equal signs (text) between top level elements, is not allowed. I'll check for more such deprecated syntax errors.
the stylesheet is overloaded with the context() function,
that is the hardest to recover from
PS: don't try to make "--------" into "<!-- ---------- -->", as in XML and as such, in XSLT, it is forbidden to have "--" inside comments.

Then, the following functions have never reached the final specification: context(), end().

Contextually, I wouldn't be surprised if current node and node sets are treated differently in 1.0 and this early draft. But perhaps Gertone can say something on that subject. You use many rather complex XPath expressions that may yield different results when used on 1.0.

Finally, the parentheses you use use for having subexpressions in XPath only made it in XSLT 2.0, not 1.0. And 2.0 is not supported in any browser.

-- Abel --
> the stylesheet is overloaded with the context() function,
noticed that too, just counted them: 166 is the total.

Well, I'm off for bed, I'll see tomorrow what it has become. But this will be quite a long rewrite exercise I'm afraid, you may wish to have somebody do it for you, unless you are very acquainted with XSLT and the subtle differences between the browsers (and in this case draft-xsl and the XSLT standard).
Avatar of Gertone (Geert Bormans)
Gertone (Geert Bormans)
Flag of Belgium image

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fair enough, thanks for helping clarify