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Java Script Code Help to work with Mozilla Browser

I need help in changing a code to make this menu work in Mozilla.
Right now this process only works in Internet Explorer and would Like to make sure this works in Mozilla as well.
function open_win_size(url,w,h) {
	agent = navigator.userAgent;
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		win =, windowName , params);
	if (!win.opener) {
		win.opener = window;

Open in new window

4695724610894function open_win_size(url,w,h) {
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	if (agent.indexOf("Mozilla/2") != -1 && agent.indexOf("Win") == -1) {
		win =, windowName , params);
	if (!win.opener) {
		win.opener = window;

Open in new window

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		"Here's the thing.  In every life crisis, there's that moment when you must choose whether to trade down to despair, or up to joy.  I will choose joy!"<br><br>Dorothy Wilhelm, from the poem, "For As Long As It Matters"<br>  <br><br>
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		deacons from local Reformed and Christian Reformed Churches. Today, CHCC - a 
		non-profit organization open to anyone regardless of race, sex, or religion - 
		provides a continuum of high-quality, family-centered elder-care and mental-health 
		services in a compassionate and loving environment consistent with the Christian 
		principles on which the institution was founded.</font></p>
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					<td valign="top">Breaded Fish Filet</td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Soup:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Manhattan ClamChowder</td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Side Dishes:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">French Fries<br>Salad Bar
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Dessert:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Cookies</td></tr>
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Avatar of b0lsc0tt
Please look for an error message in the Console and provide it to us.  Let us know what line of code it correspond to.

I dont see any issue here
tested on IE & FF, both working fine...
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In Firefox when I navigate to the plus sign to make the menu appear
as in the above in picture 2 Nothing works its like the page is completely static.
In IE when I navigate to plus sign this works and menu drops no issues. I was also reading around somewhere stating that I may have to change the div where the menu lies into a function as Firefox reads things a bit differently.  I am taking over this mess from some one else any help would be greatly appreciated.
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	<font color=#660066>PAM</font>

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	<font color=#33660>Pastoral Care</font>

			<li><a href="/depts/index.asp?pg_id=61" >
	<font color=#660066>Pathways</font>

			<li><a href="/depts/index.asp?pg_id=97" >
	<font color=#33660>Patient Accounting</font>


			<li><a href="/depts/index.asp?pg_id=132" >
	<font color=#660066>QRS</font>

			<li><a href="/depts/index.asp?pg_id=192" >
	<font color=#33660>Social Work Council</font>


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			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=71" >
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			<li><a href="\includes\pdf\acronyms.pdf" > 
	<font color=#660066>CHCC Acronyms</font>

			<li><a href="\docs\October Complete.pps" > 
	<font color=#33660>Coffee with the President</font>


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	<font color=#660066>Community Benefit Inventory</font>
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			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=69" >
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			<li><a href="\docs\Management Guide.pdf" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#660066>Management Guide</font>
			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=75" >

	<font color=#33660>Medical Formulary</font>


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	<font color=#660066>Medical Staff Bylaws</font>
		<div class="menu_column_2">


			<li><a href="/includes/pdf/MSList.pdf" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#33660>Medical Staff Listing</font>

			<li><a href="" > 
	<font color=#660066>New Jersey Zip Codes</font>

			<li><a href="\includes\pdf\Notification Templates.pdf" > 
	<font color=#33660>Notification Templates</font>

			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=79" >
	<font color=#660066>Organizational Charts</font>


			<li><a href="/includes/pdf/Overhead_Paging.pdf" > 
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			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=199" >

	<font color=#660066>Policy and Procedure</font>

			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=146" >
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			<li><a href="/includes/pdf/contractvendors.pdf" > 
	<font color=#660066>RRPH Contracted Vendors</font>


			<li><a href="/info/site_map.asp" > 
	<font color=#33660>Site Map</font>

			<li><a href="/includes/pdf/Spirit_Path.pdf" > 
	<font color=#660066>Spirit Path Map</font>
			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=121" >
	<font color=#33660>Standing Room Only</font>



			<li><a href="/info/Telephone Directory 2007.pdf" > 
	<font color=#660066>Telephone Directory</font>
			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=185" >
	<font color=#33660>Uniform Code Unity</font>

			<li><a href="/info/index.asp?pg_id=204" >

	<font color=#660066>HICS 2009</font>

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			<li><a href="http://server18/wfc/logon" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#33660>ADP Enterprise E-time</font>


			<li><a href="http://ampweb.chcc" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#660066>AMP</font>

			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#33660>ChemRx Facility Link </font>

			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=32" > 
	<font color=#660066>Computer Registration</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/contractor/" > 
	<font color=#33660>Contractor / Vendor Sign-In</font>

			<li><a href="http://server5/dwis3/cgi/" > 
	<font color=#660066>DocuWare</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=169" >
	<font color=#33660>Downloadable Forms</font>


			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=196" >
	<font color=#660066>Educational Opportunities</font>

			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=171" >
	<font color=#33660>Evaluation</font>


			<li><a href="" > 
	<font color=#660066>HCS</font>

			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=82" >
	<font color=#33660>Healthcare & Medical Library</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=34" > 
	<font color=#660066>Insurance Form</font>

			<li><a href="/depts/index.asp?pg_id=51" > 
	<font color=#33660>IT Work Orders</font>


			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#660066>Maintenance Work Order</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=145" >
	<font color=#33660>Medicare D - PDP</font>


			<li><a href="" > 
	<font color=#660066>Mobile Diagnostics</font>

		<div class="menu_column_2">

			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#33660>Mobilex</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=166" >

	<font color=#660066>MSDS</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/new_hire.asp" > 
	<font color=#33660>New Hire/Status Change</font>

			<li><a href="http://server3/rmweb3/riskweb3.dll/FrmLogin" > 
	<font color=#660066>Occurrence Reporting</font>

			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=189" >
	<font color=#33660>Orientation Checklists</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/rnc.asp" > 
	<font color=#660066>RNC Form</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=191" >
	<font color=#33660>SigmaCare</font>


			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=86" >
	<font color=#660066>Special Event Reservation</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=25" > 
	<font color=#33660>Storage Request</font>

			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=41" > 
	<font color=#660066>Thank-You Cards</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/tracking_referral.asp" > 
	<font color=#33660>Tracking Referrals</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=89" >
	<font color=#660066>Transportation Scheduling</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=33" > 
	<font color=#33660>Travel Requisition</font>


			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#660066></font>

			<li><a href="http://server21/winscribetext/portal/" > 
	<font color=#33660>Winscribe</font>


<div class="spacer" style="padding:1px 0px 0px 0px;"></div>

	<div class="menu">
	<div class="menu_header">Thought of the Week</div>
	<div class="menu_body_totw">
		<!-- Query from DB -->

		"Christmas gift suggstions:  To your enemy, forgiveness.  To an opponent, tolerance.  To a friend, your heart.  To a customer, service.  To all, charity.  To every child, a good example.  To yourself, respect."<br>         (Oren Arnold)<br>  <br><br>
	<div class="menu">

	<div class="menu_header">About CHCC</div>
	<div class="menu_body" style="background: url('/includes/images/menu-hands-background.gif') no-repeat center right;">
		<p style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px;"><font size="1">Christian Health Care Center was founded in 1911 by a group of 
		deacons from local Reformed and Christian Reformed Churches. Today, CHCC - a 
		non-profit organization open to anyone regardless of race, sex, or religion - 
		provides a continuum of high-quality, family-centered elder-care and mental-health 
		services in a compassionate and loving environment consistent with the Christian 
		principles on which the institution was founded.</font></p>
		<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="#" onclick="'/includes/asp/mission.asp', 'Mission', 'width=350,height=350,scrollbars=yes,resize=yes');">Mission Statement and Vision</a></font></p>

<!-- END MENUS -->

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<div class="body_menu_brown">
		<div class="spacer"></div>

			<div class="spacer"></div>
			<!-- END PILLARS -->
				<!-- BEGIN CHCC INFO MENU -->	
				<div class="body_menu_red">
					<div class="body_menu_red_title"><span>Lunch Menu</span></div>

					<div class="lunch_home">
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Main Course:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Turkey and Provolone</td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Soup:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Navy Bean</td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Side Dishes:</strong></td>

					<td valign="top"> <br>Salad Bar
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Dessert:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Pudding</td></tr>
					<tr><td colspan="2" class="body"><a href="/depts/employee_menu.asp">Click here for this weeks menu</a></td></tr>

				<!-- END CHCC INFO -->
                				<!-- <div style="width:40px;float:left;margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px;border: 1px solid red;"></div> -->
				<!-- BEGIN WEATHER -->	
				<div class="body_menu_purple">
					<div class="body_menu_purple_title"><span>Weather</span></div>

					<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2" src="">
					<div class="fineprint">
					  <p>View weather for <a href="#" onclick="'includes/xml/weather_pop.asp?zip=07470', 'weather', 'width=330,height=250');">Wayne</a>

			  <!-- END WEATHER -->

				<!-- END CONTENT BODY -->

	<div class="spacer"></div>
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</div><!-- END CONTENT -->
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="footer" align="center">Copyright &copy; Christian Health Care Center. All rights reserved.</div>
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Code where menu is being called
<div class="menu">
	<div id="menu_Services" class="menu_header" style="cursor:hand;" onClick="javascript:showhide(menuoutline_Services,menusign_Services)">

		<img id="menusign_Services" src="/includes/images/icon_plus.gif" align="right" vspace="5" hspace="5">
	<div id="menuoutline_Services" class="menu_body" style="display:none">

		<div class="menu_column_1">

			<li><a href="http://server18/wfc/logon" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#33660>ADP Enterprise E-time</font>


			<li><a href="http://ampweb.chcc" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#660066>AMP</font>

			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#33660>ChemRx Facility Link </font>

			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=32" > 
	<font color=#660066>Computer Registration</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/contractor/" > 
	<font color=#33660>Contractor / Vendor Sign-In</font>

			<li><a href="http://server5/dwis3/cgi/" > 
	<font color=#660066>DocuWare</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=169" >
	<font color=#33660>Downloadable Forms</font>


			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=196" >
	<font color=#660066>Educational Opportunities</font>

			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=171" >
	<font color=#33660>Evaluation</font>


			<li><a href="" > 
	<font color=#660066>HCS</font>

			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=82" >
	<font color=#33660>Healthcare & Medical Library</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=34" > 
	<font color=#660066>Insurance Form</font>

			<li><a href="/depts/index.asp?pg_id=51" > 
	<font color=#33660>IT Work Orders</font>


			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#660066>Maintenance Work Order</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=145" >
	<font color=#33660>Medicare D - PDP</font>


			<li><a href="" > 
	<font color=#660066>Mobile Diagnostics</font>

		<div class="menu_column_2">

			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#33660>Mobilex</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=166" >

	<font color=#660066>MSDS</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/new_hire.asp" > 
	<font color=#33660>New Hire/Status Change</font>

			<li><a href="http://server3/rmweb3/riskweb3.dll/FrmLogin" > 
	<font color=#660066>Occurrence Reporting</font>

			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=189" >
	<font color=#33660>Orientation Checklists</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/rnc.asp" > 
	<font color=#660066>RNC Form</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=191" >
	<font color=#33660>SigmaCare</font>


			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=86" >
	<font color=#660066>Special Event Reservation</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=25" > 
	<font color=#33660>Storage Request</font>

			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=41" > 
	<font color=#660066>Thank-You Cards</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/tracking_referral.asp" > 
	<font color=#33660>Tracking Referrals</font>
			<li><a href="/services/index.asp?pg_id=89" >
	<font color=#660066>Transportation Scheduling</font>


			<li><a href="/forms/form.asp?fid=33" > 
	<font color=#33660>Travel Requisition</font>


			<li><a href="" target="_blank"> 
	<font color=#660066></font>

			<li><a href="http://server21/winscribetext/portal/" > 
	<font color=#33660>Winscribe</font>



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I do not get any error messages or console errors and I had made sure that java script is enabled on Firefox
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Here is my testing server link please let me know if you can see any issue thanks
According to firebug, when I click the first [+], I'm getting ...

menuoutline_Departments is not defined
function onclick(event) { javascript: showhide(menuoutline_Departments, menusign_Departments); }(click clientX=369, clientY=113)

In fact, each of the [+] generates a different error message.

I would recommend changing the show/hide code receive strings as the values of IDs and then look for the use document.getElementById(xxxx).style.yyyy



function showhide(menuListID, menuImgID) {
        var menuList = document.getElementById(menuListID);
        var menuImg = document.getElementById(menuImgID);
      if ( == 'none') {
      } else {
   = 'none';

sort of thing (UNTESTED!!!!!)
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The above works  with the code you provided but now in both browsers only one menu drops and works. please see link.

I have also provided the code that is being called for in the all_menu_asp

Thanks for your help so far this is very close.
I just need to know now what more to change thanks

' find out what path we're in and make that section expanded
url_a = request.ServerVariables("URL")
url_a = split(url_a, "/")
url = url_a(1) & "/"
'response.Write("url = " & url)

set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
set rsc = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
strsql = "select d.*, p.pg_id pg_id, p.title, p.redirect, p.new_window,, p.page_order " & _
		 "from cms_depts d, cms_pages p " & _
		 "where d.dept_id = p.dept_id " & _
		 "and p.sub_of = 0 "
if request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") = "" then
	strSql = strsql & "and ( = 1 or = 2) "
	strsql = strsql & "and = 1 "
end if
strSql = strsql & "order by d.dept_order, p.page_no"
'response.End() strsql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
rc = rs.recordcount
'half = 100 ' int(rc / 2) 'int((rc / 2) + 1)
old_category = "foo"
first_time = true
do until rs.eof = true
	'check for new category
	if old_category <> rs("name") then 
		' count the number of items in the category
		strsql = "select count(*) as count " & _
				 "from cms_depts d, cms_pages p " & _
				 "where	d.dept_id = p.dept_id " & _
				 "and p.sub_of = 0 " & _
				 "and = 1 " & _
				 "and = '" & rs("name") & "'" strsql, objconn
		rc = rsc("count")
		half = int((rc/2))
		if half <> rc/2 then
			half = half + 1
		end if
		'response.write(rs("name") & ":" & rc & ":" & half & "<br>")
		c = 1
		r = 1
		if first_time = false then %>
		</div><!-- end menu column -->
	</div><!-- end menu_body -->
</div><!-- end menu -->
<div class="spacer" style="padding:1px 0px 0px 0px;"></div>
	<% end if %>
<div class="menu">
	<div id="menu_<%=rs("name") %>" class="menu_header" style="cursor:hand;" onClick="javascript:showhide('menuoutline_Departments','menusign_Departments')">
		<% if rs("url") <> url then 
			dept_id = rs("dept_id") %>
		<img id="menusign_<%=rs("name") %>" src="/includes/images/icon_plus.gif" align="right" vspace="5" hspace="5">
		<% else %>
		<img id="menusign_<%=rs("name") %>" src="/includes/images/icon_minus.gif" align="right" vspace="5" hspace="5">
		<% end if %>
		<%= rs("name") %>
	<div id="menuoutline_<%=rs("name") %>" class="menu_body" <% if rs("url") <> url then %>style="display:none"<% end if %>>

		<div class="menu_column_<%= c %>">
	<% old_category = rs("name")
	first_time = false
	end if 
	if rs("redirect") <> "" then %>

			<li><a href="<%= rs("redirect") %>" <% if rs("new_window") = 1 then response.Write("target=""_blank""") end if %>> 
	<%if ( r mod 2 = 0) Then %>				
			<%= "<font color=#660066>" & rs("title")  & "</font>"%>
	<% else %>
            <%= "<font color=#33660>" & rs("title")  & "</font>"%>
	<% end if %>
	<% else %>
			<li><a href="/<%= rs("url") & "index.asp?pg_id=" & rs("pg_id") %>" <% if rs("new_window") = 1 then response.Write("target=""_blank""") end if %>>
	<%if ( r mod 2 = 0) Then %>				
			<%= "<font color=#660066>" & rs("title")  & "</font>"%>
	<% else %>
            <%= "<font color=#33660>" & rs("title")  & "</font>"%>
	<% end if %>

	<% end if
	if r = half then 
			c = c + 1 %>
		<div class="menu_column_<%= c %>">
	<% end if %>
<% rs.movenext
r = r + 1
loop %>

<div class="spacer" style="padding:1px 0px 0px 0px;"></div>

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Everything my index.asp calls Source Code
<!--#include virtual="/includes/asp/cms_header.asp"-->

<!-- MENUS -->
<!--#include virtual="/includes/asp/cms_right_menu.asp"-->
<!-- END MENUS -->

		<div id="content_body">
			<!-- BEGIN PILLARS -->
			<!--#include virtual="/includes/asp/homepage_pillars.asp"-->
			<div class="spacer"></div>
			<!-- END PILLARS -->
				<!-- BEGIN CHCC INFO MENU -->	
				<div class="body_menu_red">
					<div class="body_menu_red_title"><span>Lunch Menu</span></div>
						dayOne = "11/1/2004"
						dtToday = date()
						doy = cstr(DateDiff("d", dayOne, dtToday)+1)
						menuDay = doy MOD 21
						if menuDay = 0 then menuDay = 21 end if
						Set objRSmenu = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
						strSql = "SELECT week, main_course, soup, side_dish_one, side_dish_two, dessert FROM fs_Menu WHERE number = " & menuDay
						objRSmenu.Open strSql, objConn
					<div class="lunch_home">
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Main Course:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top"><%= objrsmenu("main_course") %></td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Soup:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top"><%= objrsmenu("soup") %></td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Side Dishes:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top"><%= objRSmenu("side_dish_one") %>
						<% if objrsmenu("side_dish_two") <> "" then
							response.Write("<br>" & objRSmenu("side_dish_two"))
						end if %>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Dessert:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top"><%= objRSmenu("dessert") %></td></tr>
					<tr><td colspan="2" class="body"><a href="/depts/employee_menu.asp">Click here for this weeks menu</a></td></tr>
					  <% objConn.Close %>
				<!-- END CHCC INFO -->
                				<!-- <div style="width:40px;float:left;margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px; padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px;border: 1px solid red;"></div> -->
				<!-- BEGIN WEATHER -->	
				<div class="body_menu_purple">
					<div class="body_menu_purple_title"><span>Weather</span></div>
					<!--#include file="includes/xml/weather.asp" -->
					<div class="fineprint">
					  <p>View weather for <a href="#" onclick="'includes/xml/weather_pop.asp?zip=07470', 'weather', 'width=330,height=250');">Wayne</a>
			  <!-- END WEATHER -->
				<!-- END CONTENT BODY -->

<!--#include virtual="/includes/asp/cms_footer.asp"-->

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You needed to amend all the onClicks to match the one I presented; that is putting the IDs in quotes.

You've put the same onClick for all the [+]s.

They need to have been along the lines of ...


where xxxxx is each of the options...

Departments, Information and Services

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My Index Page Calls for the following
which Contains the following code
<!--#include virtual="/includes/asp/cms_header.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/includes/connections/intranet.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/includes/asp/"-->

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>Welcome to the Christian Health Care Center Intranet</title>
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Open in new window

Avatar of CHCCIT


My Index Page Also Calls for the following
which Contains the following code
<!-- MENUS -->
<!--#include virtual="/includes/asp/cms_right_menu.asp"-->
<!-- END MENUS -->

Which only contains one Onclick location

' find out what path we're in and make that section expanded
url_a = request.ServerVariables("URL")
url_a = split(url_a, "/")
url = url_a(1) & "/"
'response.Write("url = " & url)

set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
set rsc = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
strsql = "select d.*, p.pg_id pg_id, p.title, p.redirect, p.new_window,, p.page_order " & _
		 "from cms_depts d, cms_pages p " & _
		 "where d.dept_id = p.dept_id " & _
		 "and p.sub_of = 0 "
if request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") = "" then
	strSql = strsql & "and ( = 1 or = 2) "
	strsql = strsql & "and = 1 "
end if
strSql = strsql & "order by d.dept_order, p.page_no"
'response.End() strsql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
rc = rs.recordcount
'half = 100 ' int(rc / 2) 'int((rc / 2) + 1)
old_category = "foo"
first_time = true
do until rs.eof = true
	'check for new category
	if old_category <> rs("name") then 
		' count the number of items in the category
		strsql = "select count(*) as count " & _
				 "from cms_depts d, cms_pages p " & _
				 "where	d.dept_id = p.dept_id " & _
				 "and p.sub_of = 0 " & _
				 "and = 1 " & _
				 "and = '" & rs("name") & "'" strsql, objconn
		rc = rsc("count")
		half = int((rc/2))
		if half <> rc/2 then
			half = half + 1
		end if
		'response.write(rs("name") & ":" & rc & ":" & half & "<br>")
		c = 1
		r = 1
		if first_time = false then %>
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	first_time = false
	end if 
	if rs("redirect") <> "" then %>

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	<%if ( r mod 2 = 0) Then %>				
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            <%= "<font color=#33660>" & rs("title")  & "</font>"%>
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			<li><a href="/<%= rs("url") & "index.asp?pg_id=" & rs("pg_id") %>" <% if rs("new_window") = 1 then response.Write("target=""_blank""") end if %>>
	<%if ( r mod 2 = 0) Then %>				
			<%= "<font color=#660066>" & rs("title")  & "</font>"%>
	<% else %>
            <%= "<font color=#33660>" & rs("title")  & "</font>"%>
	<% end if %>

	<% end if
	if r = half then 
			c = c + 1 %>
		<div class="menu_column_<%= c %>">
	<% end if %>
<% rs.movenext
r = r + 1
loop %>

<div class="spacer" style="padding:1px 0px 0px 0px;"></div>

Open in new window

Avatar of CHCCIT


The Source Code on the Page Shows me something a bit different. and also Shows several on click calls
that are the same as you mentioned. But digging into the sources I only see one onclick call.  Where should I go to physically modify and make these changes to correctly apply.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
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		<div>12/29/2009 5:53:59 PM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
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	<div class="menu_header">Thought of the Week</div>
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		<!-- Query from DB -->

		"Here's the thing.  In every life crisis, there's that moment when you must choose whether to trade down to despair, or up to joy.  I will choose joy!"<br><br>Dorothy Wilhelm, from the poem, "For As Long As It Matters"<br>  <br><br>
	<div class="menu">
	<div class="menu_header">About CHCC</div>

	<div class="menu_body" style="background: url('/includes/images/menu-hands-background.gif') no-repeat center right;">
		<p style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px;"><font size="1">Christian Health Care Center was founded in 1911 by a group of 
		deacons from local Reformed and Christian Reformed Churches. Today, CHCC - a 
		non-profit organization open to anyone regardless of race, sex, or religion - 
		provides a continuum of high-quality, family-centered elder-care and mental-health 
		services in a compassionate and loving environment consistent with the Christian 
		principles on which the institution was founded.</font></p>
		<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="#" onclick="'/includes/asp/mission.asp', 'Mission', 'width=350,height=350,scrollbars=yes,resize=yes');">Mission Statement and Vision</a></font></p>

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					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Main Course:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Cheeseburger</td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Soup:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Potato leek</td></tr>
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Side Dishes:</strong></td>

					<td valign="top">French Fries<br>Salad Bar
					<tr><td valign="top"><strong>Dessert:</strong></td>
					<td valign="top">Pudding</td></tr>
					<tr><td colspan="2" class="body"><a href="/depts/employee_menu.asp">Click here for this weeks menu</a></td></tr>

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So Again as I am looking over taking over someone else work I need to know if more functions need to be placed in the header or if the menu script needs to be changed I am confused as to where thanks.
Avatar of Richard Quadling
Richard Quadling
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Avatar of CHCCIT


I do not know how to thank you much but this truly worked and the code you provided really sealed the deal thanks for being very patient and helping in this matter this topic is now closed.
Avatar of CHCCIT


Truly great work here indeed. I have been thrown into a mess at work and was told that this needed to be corrected and unfortunately I am not an expert in this area. I appreciate all your support in this matter and again thank you.
No problem. Sorry it took so long. Sometimes, you can't see the wood for the trees.
Avatar of CHCCIT


Understood but at least you were able to see it thanks again