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C# AStar (A*) algorithm perfomance improvments

Hi, I use an a* algorithm from someone else in my code, I use it alot but there is a big bottleneck in the method attached to it (single call of this method require about 15% CPU). I am looking for advices to improve it's performances.

private List<AStarNode> FindPathNoReduction(Point start, Point dest)
            List<AStarNode> ptd = new List<AStarNode>();

            start.Offset(-(this.Map.X), -(this.Map.Y));
            dest.Offset(-(this.Map.X), -(this.Map.Y));

            int destx = dest.X;
            int desty = dest.Y;

            int left = this.Map.Bounds.Left;
            int top = this.Map.Bounds.Top;
            int right = this.Map.Bounds.Right;
            int bottom = this.Map.Bounds.Bottom;

            int width = this.Map.Width;
            int height = this.Map.Height;

            UInt16[,] collisiondata = this.Map.CollisionData;

            float factor = 1;

            AStarNode[,] nodegrid = new AStarNode[this.Map.Width, this.Map.Height];

			AStarNode endnode = new AStarNode(dest.X, dest.Y, false, false, null, 0, 0);
            AStarNode startnode = new AStarNode(start.X, start.Y, false, true, null, 0, this.Heuristic.Calculate(destx, desty, start.X, start.Y) * factor);

            PriorityQueueB<AStarNode> openQueue = new PriorityQueueB<AStarNode>(new AStarNodeComparer());


            float newg = 0;
            int cx = 0;
            int cy = 0;
            AStarNode node;
            int vxvy;
            AStarNode cnode;

            while (true)
                if (openQueue.Count == 0)

                node = openQueue.Pop();

                //CHeck to see if we have reached the destination
                if (node.X == endnode.X && node.Y == endnode.Y)
                    //set score
                    this.Score = node.F;


                    node.X += this.Map.X;

                    node.Y += this.Map.Y;
                    if (node.Parent != null)
                            ptd.Add(node = node.Parent);
                            node.X += this.Map.X;
                            node.Y += this.Map.Y;
                            if (node.Parent == null)
                        } while (true);
                    //return the final path
                    //Put the offset back in and move to path
                    return ptd;
                    // look for adjacent blocks that we attach to and add them to open
                    for (int vy = -1; vy < 2; vy++)
                        for (int vx = -1; vx < 2; vx++)
                            if (vx == 0 && vy == 0) continue; //continue if we are on the current node
                            cx = node.X + vx; cy = node.Y + vy;

                            vxvy = vx * vy;
                            //check for map edge
                            if (cy < 0 || cy > height - 1 || cx < 0 || cx > width - 1) continue;

                            //check for walkability and small diagonal gaps that cant be passed
                            if ((collisiondata[cx, cy] & 1) > 0) continue;

                            if (vxvy != 0 && ((collisiondata[node.X, cy] & 1) > 0)
                                && ((collisiondata[cx, node.Y] & 1) > 0)) continue;

                            newg = node.G + SCORE[Math.Abs(vxvy)];

                            cnode = nodegrid[cx, cy];

                            if (cnode == null)
                                cnode = new AStarNode(cx, cy, false, false, node, newg, this.Heuristic.Calculate(destx, desty, cx, cy) * factor);
                                nodegrid[cx, cy] = cnode;
                                if (cnode.G > newg)
                                    cnode.IsClosed = false;
                                    cnode.G = newg;
                                    cnode.Parent = node;
                                else continue;

                            if (!cnode.IsOpen)
                                cnode.IsOpen = true;


                    node.IsOpen = false; node.IsClosed = true;

            return ptd;

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Avatar of magicdlf

First I would like to say, your code is very clear and easy reading. I read through the method and it seems to me they are all necessary operations except one thing: How big your priorqueue will be? Do you implement it yourself?
Avatar of MikeDotNet555


Hi, thanks for the answer. Code is not mine so I can't get any credits for clarity. Here is the implementation of PriorityQueue.
public class PriorityQueueB<T> : IPriorityQueue<T>
        #region Variables Declaration
        protected List<T> InnerList = new List<T>();
        protected IComparer<T> mComparer;

        #region Contructors
        public PriorityQueueB()
            mComparer = Comparer<T>.Default;

        public PriorityQueueB(IComparer<T> comparer)
            mComparer = comparer;

        public PriorityQueueB(IComparer<T> comparer, int capacity)
            mComparer = comparer;
            InnerList.Capacity = capacity;

        #region Methods
        protected void SwitchElements(int i, int j)
            T h = InnerList[i];
            InnerList[i] = InnerList[j];
            InnerList[j] = h;

        protected virtual int OnCompare(int i, int j)
            return mComparer.Compare(InnerList[i], InnerList[j]);

        /// <summary>
        /// Push an object onto the PQ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="O">The new object</param>
        /// <returns>The index in the list where the object is _now_. This will change when objects are taken from or put onto the PQ.</returns>
        public int Push(T item)
            int p = InnerList.Count, p2;
            InnerList.Add(item); // E[p] = O
                if (p == 0)
                p2 = (p - 1) / 2;
                if (OnCompare(p, p2) < 0)
                    SwitchElements(p, p2);
                    p = p2;
            } while (true);
            return p;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the smallest object and remove it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The smallest object</returns>
        public T Pop()
            T result = InnerList[0];
            int p = 0, p1, p2, pn;
            InnerList[0] = InnerList[InnerList.Count - 1];
            InnerList.RemoveAt(InnerList.Count - 1);
                pn = p;
                p1 = 2 * p + 1;
                p2 = 2 * p + 2;
                if (InnerList.Count > p1 && OnCompare(p, p1) > 0) // links kleiner
                    p = p1;
                if (InnerList.Count > p2 && OnCompare(p, p2) > 0) // rechts noch kleiner
                    p = p2;

                if (p == pn)
                SwitchElements(p, pn);
            } while (true);

            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Notify the PQ that the object at position i has changed
        /// and the PQ needs to restore order.
        /// Since you dont have access to any indexes (except by using the
        /// explicit IList.this) you should not call this function without knowing exactly
        /// what you do.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">The index of the changed object.</param>
        public void Update(int i)
            int p = i, pn;
            int p1, p2;
            do	// aufsteigen
                if (p == 0)
                p2 = (p - 1) / 2;
                if (OnCompare(p, p2) < 0)
                    SwitchElements(p, p2);
                    p = p2;
            } while (true);
            if (p < i)
            do	   // absteigen
                pn = p;
                p1 = 2 * p + 1;
                p2 = 2 * p + 2;
                if (InnerList.Count > p1 && OnCompare(p, p1) > 0) // links kleiner
                    p = p1;
                if (InnerList.Count > p2 && OnCompare(p, p2) > 0) // rechts noch kleiner
                    p = p2;

                if (p == pn)
                SwitchElements(p, pn);
            } while (true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the smallest object without removing it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The smallest object</returns>
        public T Peek()
            if (InnerList.Count > 0)
                return InnerList[0];
            return default(T);

        public void Clear()

        public int Count
            get { return InnerList.Count; }

        public void RemoveLocation(T item)
            int index = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < InnerList.Count; i++)

                if (mComparer.Compare(InnerList[i], item) == 0)
                    index = i;

            if (index != -1)

        public T this[int index]
            get { return InnerList[index]; }
                InnerList[index] = value;

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Well I finally noticed after doing some tests that the area I was searching a path for wasnt suited at all for a*. The area consisted of about 1000x1000 nodes that were all the same distance to eachother with some walkable/unwalkable nodes. After adding some logging to my a* method, I found it it would be visiting about 30 000 nodes! My solution have been to completly replace a* with my custom-made algorithm wich is alot faster. I dosen't always find a path but I need performances alot more than accuracy.

I will accept your answer because it could indeed help some others that are looking to improve a* performances, but my solution was to simply get rid of it.

Thank you.