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JavaScript "Lightbox" video pop-up. Opacity issue in IE

This one is driving me crazy.

I am using a script generator from in order to create a jquery popup youtube Video.  The script works flawlessly in Firefox and Chrome.  However, in IE it seems something is broken.  The banner in which the developer puts their linkback in is broken and is appearing fully opaque.  The banner is very large and is covering up most of the video.  There is a lot of coding involved, but I will try to get all of it in here.  Please tell me if I am missing anything.

The CSS included with the script generator only pertains to the surrounding images that pad the video.  The linkback pane seems to be governed by the videogallery.js code.  Attached...


Header in HTML document

<!-- Start HEAD section -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="includes/media/engine/css/videolightbox.css" type="text/css" />
		<style type="text/css">#videogallery a#videolb{display:none}</style>
			<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/media/engine/css/overlay-minimal.css"/>
			<script src="includes/media/engine/js/" type="text/javascript"></script>
			<script src="includes/media/engine/js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
			<!-- make all links with the 'rel' attribute open overlays -->
			<script src="includes/media/engine/js/videogallery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<!-- End HEAD section -->

Body of document

<div id="Video">
		    <p><div id="videogallery">
	<a rel="#voverlay" href="YOUTUBE VIDEO" title="SalvinoCommercial Jan 04"><img src="includes/media/data/thumbnails/0.png" alt="SalvinoCommercial Jan 04"/>
	<!-- End BODY section --

---------JScript that I think governs this, videogallery.js

eval((function(x){var d="";var p=0;while(p<x.length){if(x.charAt(p)!="`")d+=x.charAt(p++);else{var l=x.charCodeAt(p+3)-28;if(l>4)d+=d.substr(d.length-x.charCodeAt(p+1)*96-x.charCodeAt(p+2)+3104-l,l);else d+="`";p+=4}}return d})("jQuery(function () {var $ = ` 6\";if (!document.getElementById(\"vcontainer\")) {$(\"body\").append($(\"<div id='voverlay'></div>\"));$(\"#` 0$` B0 = '` z&` N(}` V!ideogallery a[rel]\").` i#({api:true, onClose:`\"=)swfobject.removeSWF(\"` n!_`!J%;this.getBackgroundImage().hide();}, onBeforeLoad` u*var c = `#'6`! +`#j!c` S#d = `\"e#`\"Q%;d.attr({id:` O+}`#I#`$)'`#J$d);}var wmkText = \"VideoLightBox\";` 7#Link = \"http://` |!\";c =` ^%?`!N- : 0`\" !c) {c.css({position:\"absolute\", left:\"26px\", top:\"54` '!padding:\"0 0 0 0`!{8c);}`!(! &&`#Z&all`#:#f`#:#iframe src=\\\"javascript:false\\\"></` <\">\");f`!U<0`!j\"0, width:\"100%\", height` &%filter:\"alpha(opacity=0)\"});f`$]#scroll`\"I!no\", `!@!spacing:0, border:0` 3#B` )\"\"no\"});c`\"^$f`$v#d = c`$/!`\"b%create`&K#(\"A\")) : c`$=!d) {d`\"=,relative\", display:\"block\", 'b`'{%-color':\"#E4EFEB\", ` -!:\"#837F80\", 'font-family':\"Lucida Grande,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif` O%size':\"11`%P!` .\"w`#]!':\"normal` B&tyle` +(`%{%1px 5` ]!`#z#:0.7`$$470)\"`$l%auto`$j'` (#margin`&r&, outline:\"none\"}`)V&href:`(k#` 2!html(`(S#);d.bind(\"contextmenu\", `+3&eventO`,:!) {return `'+!;`%0(`*1$src = `,E$Trigger()`!F\"\"href`+V#typeof d != \"number\" && (!c || !c`!c! |` \"%())`!8%;}`-j&`&5\"SWF({data:src`'s;wmode:\"opaque\"}, {allowS`)G!Access:\"always\", ` 7!FullScreen`/D!}, `-a-}});});"))

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Avatar of nilaf_prince

ie doesnt support.Which lightbox version you are using
Avatar of gwarcher

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